WuJin님 홈피에서 퍼 왔습니다.
How to grow Light of Buddha
Considering that a lot of friends are quite new to the cultivar Light of Buddha (LOB), here I have some tips on how to grow LOB better.
Like other types of variegated clivias, LOB does not like too much sunlight, especially the white or creamy yellow portion of the leaves. However, if you put the plant in a poor lighted place, the color will be less attractive. So, give the plant moderate sunlight. Like most clivia plants, LOB also like moist environment. You can cover the plant with a translucent plastic bag or put the plant in a greenhouse to provide such environment and at the same time, control the amount of sunlight.
LOB plant is most attractive during winter and early spring. So, better put the plant in a heated greenhouse or a room with heating device. The best temperature during winter is 20 degrees Celsius during the day and 12-15 degrees Celsius during the night.
When growing LOB from seeds, you must be patient. The first few leaves may show little sings of LOB variegation, but after the 5-6 leaf stage, the akebono variegation will be more and more obvious. Some top quality mature plant LOB was nothing special when in its 2-4 leaf stage, but become better and better later in its growth.
빛을 너무 쬐지않게하고, 또 빛이넘 적으면 무늬가 덜 이쁘게 되니까 적당하게 빛을 쬐여주고, LOB 역시 촉촉한걸 좋아한다.
LOB는 겨울과 초봄에 가장 이쁘기에 따뜻한 곳에 두고 키운다. 낮 온도는 20도 정도, 밤은 12~15도 정도 되는 곳이 적당하다.
씨앗으로 키울때 처음에는 LOB색이 별로 발현되지않다가 잎이 5,6장 정도되면 서서히 무늬가 뚜렷해진다.