☆ 어서오세요. 우리들의 이야기 세상, 카페채팅입니다 ☆ |
☆ 운영자를 사칭하거나 불건전 대화 내용 적발시 신고해 주세요 ☆ |
☆ 방장님은 방을 나가실 때 갈무리 하실 수 있습니다 ☆ |
☆ 즐겁고 유익한 시간 되시길 바랍니다 ↖(^ㅅ^)↗☆ |
주한미국대사관 |
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Good morning! As announced, we will have |
주한미국대사관 |
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today`s web chat in English. |
주한미국대사관 |
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We will invite Ms. Maric soon for a nice chat on women`s issues. |
마릭 부영사 |
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I want to start this morning with a discussion about women and education. Any questions to start? |
역사학도 |
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Good Morning! Vice Consul Natalia Maric! |
마릭 부영사 |
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Before I start, let me introduce myself for those who don`t know me, I am a Vice Consul in the |
마릭 부영사 |
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US Embassy here in Seoul. My name is Natalia Maric |
오렌지드링크 |
▶ |
My name is orange drink ^^* |
마릭 부영사 |
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I agreed to participate today because I completed a Ph.D. dissertation on the role of women and |
오렌지드링크 |
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읔 My ID orange drink |
역사학도 |
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How long have been in Korea? |
마릭 부영사 |
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economic growth. I focused specifically on the role that female education plays in developing |
마릭 부영사 |
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I have been in Korea for 5 months |
역사학도 |
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Sound very interesting topic. |
마릭 부영사 |
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I have particularly interested in following female participation in the economy during current |
마릭 부영사 |
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global turndown in the economy. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
I was particularly surprised that in Korea 82 percent of layoffs are women`s jobs |
역사학도 |
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That`s really a fresh idea! |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
I was wondering why you think more women are being laid off than men |
역사학도 |
▶ |
82 percent? I didn`t know that!!! |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
This statistic comes from the National Statistical Office in Korea |
마릭 부영사 |
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The most impacted age groups are women 20-39. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Oh! That`s the reality we have not been awared of. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
If that`s true, that`s really a challenging issue. |
마릭 부영사 |
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Korea has made a lot of progress in bringing women into the workplace over the last few decades. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
I know we Korean socieity had prejudice against woman`s role fifty years ago. |
로즈 |
▶ |
저는 영어를 못하니 .....힘드네요.ㅋ ㅋ AIG 근무하는데요..하고싶은말이 많았느데 다음에 한국어로 할회가 있으면 다시오겠습니다..재미있게 하시고 퇴청합니다. 죄송합니다^^: |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Yes, but female participation in the economy has significantly increased over the last fifty years. |
역사학도 |
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We do not feel that such prejudice still exists, but the statatics says it. |
주한미국대사관 |
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로즈님처럼 한국어로 하고 싶은 말이 있으신 분들은 의견을 한국어로 게재하셔도 됩니다. |
마릭 부영사 |
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As a consular officer, I am always encouraging people to come to the US to study. |
마릭 부영사 |
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In particular, women`s education is very important and the US welcomes Korean |
마릭 부영사 |
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students both male and female. However, I was noting that Korea statistics indicate |
안미노 |
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Do many American femles participate in the ecnomy compare to Korea? |
마릭 부영사 |
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that the more education a woman has, the more likely she is to remain in the work force. |
마릭 부영사 |
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Female participation in the US is over 75 percent and women are an active part of our economic |
마릭 부영사 |
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I was wondering what your thoughts were on the obstacles that women face in Korea? |
빠리꼬우 |
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I think for some women it`s marriage? |
오렌지드링크 |
▶ |
직장에서 여자는 시집 가면 끝이다 뭐 그런 생각이 있는거 같은되요 ^^;;;; |
안미노 |
▶ |
comes from the sexual discrimination which still exists in Korea |
역사학도 |
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Well, most Koreans are now ready to welcome women as their leader more than ever before. |
빠리꼬우 |
▶ |
I also think that the Korean working environment has changed a lot |
마릭 부영사 |
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As I mentioned, a lot of progress has been made in Korea and the US. However, women face many |
마릭 부영사 |
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challenges in balance work and family. In my research as a doctoral student, I found that whether |
마릭 부영사 |
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educated women work or stay at home, they have a positive outcome on economic growth. The key |
마릭 부영사 |
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problem is that women exit the workplace sometimes for up to 10 years to raise children and it is |
마릭 부영사 |
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very difficult to re-enter the workforce while at the same time getting the most out of a woman’s |
마릭 부영사 |
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training and education. It is a challenge in Korea and the US as well. |
마릭 부영사 |
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How has the working environment changed? |
빠리꼬우 |
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Do women in America also face obstacles? |
역사학도 |
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Yes, and it is actually much more serious challenge in Korea. |
마릭 부영사 |
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American women face many obstacles -- long work hours, family unfriendly workplaces, and finding |
마릭 부영사 |
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good child care. |
마릭 부영사 |
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Why do you think it is more challenging in Korea? |
역사학도 |
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The challenge is that many Koreans appreciate women`s role for beauty and physical appearance rather |
역사학도 |
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than their ability. |
안미노 |
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When women work, the most important thing is the child care. But Korea just started |
마릭 부영사 |
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If true that is unfortunate. Every day as a consular officer I see extremely intelligent and |
안미노 |
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the child care system, and it is not yet stablized. |
마릭 부영사 |
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capable Korea women coming for student visas. Korea has a wealth of untapped human capital in the |
마릭 부영사 |
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female population. |
안미노 |
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That is why women face many obstacles (I think) |
역사학도 |
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Companies would prefer unmarried young women to married women. That is the challenge. |
마릭 부영사 |
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To discriminate against women because of her marriage or parental status is illegal in the US. |
안미노 |
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It is also illegal in Korea, too. |
마릭 부영사 |
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The US government as an employer is absolutely outstanding at providing solutions for a family |
안미노 |
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But people`s perspective does not change so much. |
마릭 부영사 |
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friendly work environment. |
마릭 부영사 |
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I have followed the work of the Ministry of Gender Inequality and the problem perhaps is not that |
마릭 부영사 |
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the laws don`t exist, but rather enforcement. |
오렌지드링크 |
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한국에서는 정직원으로 여성을 조금 뽑는거 같아요 거히 임시직으로 하는거 같아요 |
마릭 부영사 |
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Changing social perspectives on women`s participation in the workplace is evolutionary. Frankly, |
마릭 부영사 |
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Korea has moved forward very rapidly. |
역사학도 |
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I hate to see women are discrimanated by their appearance. |
마릭 부영사 |
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By enforcement I mean, company commitment to widespread acceptance of women in the |
마릭 부영사 |
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workplace is evolving. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
The problem is that beauty has been idolozied. |
역사학도 |
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The laws don`t exist, but rather enforcement? Enforcement by the Feminist policy? |
신지연 |
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(Hi! I finally got in! :D) |
마릭 부영사 |
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Feminist policy? What does that mean? |
빠리꼬우 |
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Specifically, what kind of educations are there to develop women leaders? |
역사학도 |
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Well, Kim Dae Jung`s government is known for the Feminist policy. |
마릭 부영사 |
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I think educational institutions, especially women`s colleges have been an |
마릭 부영사 |
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outstanding forum for developing female leadership in Korea. |
안미노 |
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However, we still have long way to go for changing some customs in work place. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
I was wondering what you think about the role women`s colleges play in expanding the role |
빠리꼬우 |
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ah, like Ewha university! |
마릭 부영사 |
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of women in leadership? |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Yes, you are suggesting a healthy way to improve women`s position. |
빠리꼬우 |
▶ |
i think first, it kind of plays a big role in making a `womenized?` network? |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
In the US, women`s universities like Smith, Wellesley, Vassar, and Bryn Mawr have played a vital |
마릭 부영사 |
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role in nation wide acceptance of women in the workplace and in leadership roles. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
We have seen extreme feminist policy is not healthy to improve the environment. |
마릭 부영사 |
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Secreatary Clinton is a graduate of Wellesly College and has been a strong advocate her |
마릭 부영사 |
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entire career for increasing womens` leadership roles. |
역사학도 |
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I see. That`s why Wellesly College has been mentioned. |
마릭 부영사 |
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As for feminist policy, a strong democracy should have room for all approaches to the topic. |
오렌지드링크 |
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한국도 여자 대통령이 한번 나와야 여권신장이 될거 같네요 ^^ ... 여자 대통령이 나올 가능성이 아주 높거든요 ^^ |
신지연 |
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Does the US have any government policies regarding women`s political participation? |
신지연 |
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from my understanding, some countries have certain quotas for women representatives in congress |
역사학도 |
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Well, I hope we soon have a woman president. But I distinguish it from Feminism. |
마릭 부영사 |
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We have strong laws governing equal rights in the US. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act ensures |
마릭 부영사 |
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legal protection for women against discrimination. |
마릭 부영사 |
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The US government has many women in positions of power. In fact, Secretary Clinton ran an extremely |
마릭 부영사 |
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competitive campaign to become President of the United States. She was also a US Senator and |
마릭 부영사 |
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accomplished attorney. |
마릭 부영사 |
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The US is seeing signs that the future of Korean foreign policy will be positively impacted by more |
마릭 부영사 |
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female involvement. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Secretary Clinton`s intellectual capacity is very impressive. I see her as a woman of discernment. |
마릭 부영사 |
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65.7 percent of the applicants passing the Korean diplomatic exam are women. |
마릭 부영사 |
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32 percent of bar exam applicants who pass through the system in Korea are women and their are an |
역사학도 |
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65.7 percent! That`s an interesting statistics. |
마릭 부영사 |
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increasing number of women judges and prosecutors. |
마릭 부영사 |
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It all bodes well for the future of Korean women as leaders. |
신지연 |
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I think the glass ceiling will eventually disappear : ) |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Yes, on one side there is a group of women very successful. But on the other side |
마릭 부영사 |
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I think that these exam statistics support the notion that the glass ceiling in Korea will |
역사학도 |
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there is still a group of women with less opportunity. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
What is glass ceiling? |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
A glass ceiling is a metaphor for a barrier to entry into upper management and executive |
안미노 |
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However, you mentioned earlier about the high percentage of women`s layoffs in Korea. Wouldn`t this |
안미노 |
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be the barriers for women to be the future leader? |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
It is true that the higher level of education women attain in Korea, the more likely they are to |
마릭 부영사 |
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remain employed. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Yes, the glass ceiling will be removed. But bi-polarization is becoming the new reality. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
The glass exists in the US as well. Although the US has made progress, we are still evolving |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Bi-polarization? |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Yes, many under previledged women still suffer from less oportunities. |
오렌지드링크 |
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하드 한거는 전부 기계가 하고 소프트 한게 많아야 여성의 사회 진출이 잘될거에요 |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Bi-polarization of very successful women and under-previledged women. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Under-educated women in the US and Korea are often under-represented in the debate on gender |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Korean women themselve also need to challenge their attitude. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
I think the focus should be in Korea and the US as well on developing women as human capital |
빠리꼬우 |
▶ |
what are the qualities of women leaders? |
마릭 부영사 |
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through education. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Women leaders, like all leaders, have charisma, intelligence, education, drive and passion for their |
마릭 부영사 |
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What do you think are leadership qualities in Korean women? |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Many women went to colleges for improving marriage condition. They may need to change that attitude |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
I think the connection between marriage and education is a thing of the past. They are not mutually |
역사학도 |
▶ |
I will highly value women`s leadership as a mentor. |
오렌지드링크 |
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움 여성의 교육으로 사회 진출 은 일단 그 직종이 소프트 한쪽으로 편중 된다고 생각 하거든요 그레서 사회가 조금 더 발전을 해서 하드 한쪽 보단 소프트 한쪽이 많아 지는게 중요하다 |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Speaking of mentoring, I think that in the US and Korea as well, mentoring of younger women by |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Yes, the connection betwen marriage and education is becoming a thing of the past in Korea. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
successful older women is crucial. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
Do you have an example of women`s mentoring? |
신지연 |
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Yes i agree. There is not much chance for younger women to meet successful older women. |
마릭 부영사 |
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The US supports women`s participation in the broadest range of the economic spectrum, in all |
마릭 부영사 |
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industries and professions. |
마릭 부영사 |
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In the US, there are organizations that bring successful women together with younger women in their |
마릭 부영사 |
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profession. I am thinking of the American Bar Association, for example. |
마릭 부영사 |
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Do these organizations exist in Korea? |
안미노 |
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Ewha Alumni association? |
역사학도 |
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I have never heard such organizations in Korea. |
빠리꼬우 |
▶ |
no, i haven`t heard of any. but our school has a mentoring program for female students. |
마릭 부영사 |
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The US applauds all those effort and organization as they are vital vehicle for developing |
역사학도 |
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여성부 is not that kind of organization. |
마릭 부영사 |
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women`s economic role. |
신지연 |
▶ |
my school also runs a mentoring program, but most speakers and `mentor`s are men. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Having male mentors is a sign of advancement. It means that learning from those |
역사학도 |
▶ |
The American Bar Assocation sounds an example of health way to improve women`s role. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
who have come before you is not a factor of gender, but rather competency. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
Female-female mentoring is more about shared experiences and shared obstacles. It is useful, but |
마릭 부영사 |
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not all encompassing. |
역사학도 |
▶ |
I was thinking about Female-male mentoring also. |
신지연 |
▶ |
i guess as the role of women in society in general increases, we will have more chance of meeting |
마릭 부영사 |
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It is a sign of gender equality when mentors engage based on their desire to share |
역사학도 |
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In my memory, I have women I respect as mentors. |
마릭 부영사 |
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knowledge and not necessarily gender per se. |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
The US has a very active community engaged on the topic of women`s studies, women`s education and |
마릭 부영사 |
▶ |
women`s labor participation. How do you perceive the robustness of the debate in Korea? |
재밌었겠어요... 저도 하고 싶어지네요^^