Proverbs잠언 |
Proverbs 7장 [NIV] | ||
* Chapter 6-7. Moments to Remember *
Work well done for Christ will receive a "well done" from Christ.
Artist Tom Greaves knows how to give compliments.
He designed a bright red-and-white-striped box for an art exhibit in Washington, DC, called "The Compliment Machine."
As people walk by, the machine dishes out compliments from an internal iPod.
It says things like, "Your eyes are beautiful,"
"You smell good," and "People are drawn to your positive energy."
Greaves won't say what his motive is for the box, other than that it's in response to a saccharine culture in which everyone is special and nobody is criticized, regardless of performance.
Everybody loves to hear a compliment now and then; that is, if it's genuine.
It makes us feel good about ourselves to have the approval or admiration of others - for a few minutes at least.
The apostle Paul, though, looked at what others thought of him or even what he thought of himself as "a very small thing".
He said, "He who judges me is the Lord".
He knew that one day our hearts will be revealed, and "then each one's praise will come from God"
Could there be any greater compliment than this from our heavenly Father when we meet Him :
"Well done, good and faithful servant"
* Chapter 6-7. Word Power *
I quaked when the monster appeared on the screen.
- 나는 그 괴물이 화면에 등장했을 때 (몸을) 떨었다.
quake v. 떨다, 전율하다.
monster n. 괴물.
appear v. 나타나다.
The earth quaked.
- 땅이 진동했다(흔들렸다).
quake v. 흔들리다, 진동하다.
Enemy agents use sabotage / to stop or slow down a nation's war efforts.
- 적 요원들은 파괴활동을 사용한다 / 한 나라의 전쟁 노력을 멈추거나 또는 늦추기 위해서.
enemy n. 적.
agent n. 요원.
sabotage n. 파괴활동, 생산 방해 공작.
effort n. 노력.
My mother doesn't enjoy / watching those sorts of saccharine movies.
- 내 어머니는 즐기지 않으신다 / 저런 종류의 달콤한 영화를 보는 것을.
enjoy v. 즐기다.
sort n. 종류.
saccharine a. 설탕 같은, 달콤한.
I sacrificed my free time / to help my brother with his homework.
- 나는 내 자유시간을 희생했다 / 자기 숙제를 가진(숙제를 하는) 형제를 돕기 위해서.
sacrifice v. 희생하다.
homework n. 숙제, 과제.
I heard an ugly rumor / that the top team in our league cheats.
- 나는 추악한 소문을 들었다 / 우리 리그에 있는 정상의 팀이 부정을 저질렀다는 (소문을 들었다).
ugly a. 추한, 추악한.
rumor n. 소문.
top n. 정상.
league n. (야구, 축구 등등의) 리그, 경기 연맹.
cheat v. 부정한 행위를 하다.
Adrienne's ultimate career goal is to become a doctor.
- 아드리엔의 최후의 직업 목표는 의사가 되는 것이다.
ultimate a. 최후의; 궁극의.
career n. 직업(평생 직업).
goal n. 목표.
The sun is the ultimate source of all our energy.
- 태양은 모든 우리 에너지의 근본적인 원천(근원)이다.
ultimate a. 근본적인.
source n. 근원, 원천; 자원.
energy n. 에너지.
Wad up the shirt and throw it in the laundry bag.
- 그 셔츠를 뭉쳐서 세탁물 자루에 그것을 던져라.
wad up : ~을 뭉치다.
shirt n. 셔츠.
throw-threw-thrown v. 던지다.
laundry n. 세탁물; 세탁소.
bag n. 자루, 백.
The geese waddled into the barnyard.
- 그 거위들은 안마당으로 비틀비틀 걸어들어갔다.
goose n. 거위.
geese n. goose 거위의 복수형태.
waddle v. 비틀비틀 걷다.
barnyard n. (농가의) 안마당.