Francesco Martini Photography/Andrea Bocelli,Las Hojas Muertas.
First Green
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
A White House....
Francesco Martini Photography
Two Trees..and..Half.!!!
Francesco Martini Photography
Green Carpet...
Francesco Martini Photography
The Colour of Spring...
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
The Sign....
Francesco Martini Photography
Close to the Edge...
Francesco Martini Photography
Yellow & Blue....
Francesco Martini Photography
...50 Euro...!!!
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
A Tree in the Green.....
Francesco Martini Photography
Rolling Hill....
Francesco Martini Photography
Half Tree.....
Francesco Martini Photography
The Last Light....
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Green Wawe....
Francesco Martini Photography
A Tree in the Green...
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Nicely composed image
Francesco Martini Photography
The Storm...
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Minimal Landscape...
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Good play of textures
Francesco Martini Photography
Ottima composizione e belle tonalita'
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Obscured by Clouds....
Francesco Martini Photography
The Hill....
Francesco Martini Photography
Lady Spring....
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
..Li Pecuri.....
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Red Field
Francesco Martini Photography
The Keeper
Francesco Martini Photography
Little Tree
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Minimal Landscape
Francesco Martini Photography
Blue, White & little green....
Francesco Martini Photography
Blak & Green
Francesco Martini Photography
Black & White
Francesco Martini Photography
Francesco Martini Photography
Photographer Biography
I was born in 1951,work in a bank, and made photos from about 20 years.
Dont have any favourite kind of image..but i like to photographe all..all the beauty!!!
I like the digital, but also the traditional, slide e B&W,
and print...myself in my dark-room.
Andrea Bocelli /LAS HOJAS MUERTAS.
행복 에너지
첫댓글 정말 못집니다...정말 아름답습니다...저도 언젠가 이런 사진을 찍으로 세계여행을 떠나고 싶네요...ㅎㅎ
자연이 아니라 그래픽 같습니다. 모두 다 한결같이 션한 그림이군요. 좋은 감상하고 갑니다. 형님!!
사진이지만 웅장함에 숙연해 집니다~~
이 신비스러움을 어느 누가 창조 했을까요. 감동 그 자체입니다^^
한번만이라도 이런 데에 가보고 싶어~~~요~~~~!
이 사진픙경은 어딥니까? 그림에 그린듯한곳이 있다니요~~~ green이 정말로 아름답습니다.
City: Alberese - Grosseto Country: Italy 입니다.
시간의공간 정말 신비한 작품들입니다.~! 당신으로 인해 누군가 행복해 할 수 있다면, 당신은 축복 받는 사람입니다. 늘 가정에 건강과 평화가 가득하시기를 기원 드립니다.