제 2회 스리랑카 해동검도 세미나 후기
The Feedback of 2nd Haedong Kumdo Seminar
■ Subject : 2010 Haedong Kumdo Seminar
■ Place : Kandy Library Gym etc. in Sri Lanka
■ Period : June 20 to 27 , 2010
장소 : 스리랑카 캔디 시 도서관 체육관
기간 : 2010년 6월 20일 부터 27일까지
Organized by M.H.D Iqubal, HK Rep and
Gen. Sec Wasantha Senarathne of Sri Lanka HK Association,
Instructed by Chong Jae Nim, Kim- Jeong Seong
of United World Haedong Kumdo Federation
A. Preface
두 번째로 열게된 스리랑카 해동검도 세미나에선 예상했던 것보다 많은 사람들이 몰려와 문전성시를 이루고, 많은 시간을 소요하면서 접수를 하기 위해 체육관 문 입구 부터 밖에까지 줄지어서 해동검도를 수련하겠다는 많은 사람들과, 체육관 공간이 적어 꽉 찬 상태에서 수련을 하였고, 오히려 인원정렬과 사진 찍는데 많은 시간이 할애 되었는데도 불구하고 많은 참가자들은 아주 흐뭇해 하였고, 아주 보람찬 하루였던 것 같았다.
특히 이번 행사에는 비치와 정글에서 해동검도 특별 수련을 하고, 방갈로에서 일박을 하면서 자기 생각을 바꾸고 자기 의식을 바꾸는 정신 교육에서도 남달리 많은 관심을 가지고 잘 따라 와 주었고, 적극적으로 임하는 많은 사람들을 보고는 시간 가는 줄 모르고 사람들과 더불어 즐거웠던 날 들이 연속되었던 것 같다.
At the HK seminar which was held at the Gym of Library in Kandy on 20th June,2010. Much more participants than last year have joined and trained with being fully occupied, had definitely a great time with all together in the 2010 Haedong Kumdo seminar of Sri Lanka.
There was some instructors and many black belts, many students with the age of 7 to 50'.
The main point in that HK seminar was to learn how to know and realize the foundantal things of martial arts as well as how to do and what to do etc. for both skillful Haedong Kumdo and our better life through Haedong Kumdo in the martial arts.
There was two kinds of important points being taught through that seminar as follows ;
how to keep energy and how it will work and looks like, which is the basic one to have to be learned in the training of Martial arts.
The training in the martial art with weapon and without weapon is eventually just same.
Wherever I go in the world, whenever or whatever I do into the teaching of HK, If they are my real students without regard to any association in the martial arts, they should know what I am trying to emphersize or what I am doing for letting them understand and realize through Haedong Kumdo for our human life .
I would really like all trainees to come to know something good or special for their better life through Haedong Kumdo Training in the martial arts.
Should remember 3 kinds of code of The Nature as follows;
-. Belief( Love, repect etc.)
-. Sacrfice(serve,help etc for others)
-. Do one's best
B. contents
해동검도 수련 비디오 동영상 및 많은 사진들
1. Haedong Kumdo Seminar on 20th June 2010 해동검도 세미나
◆ All seminar image with photos and video clips including music
2. Haedong Kumdo Jungle Special Training 해동검도 정글 특별 수련
(place : Udawattakele Jungle)
◆ All training image including music
◆ Video clip of double swords sparring
◆ at the facebook
3. Haedong Kumdo Training into the water at the Beach of Nilawehi
해동검도 비치 특별 수련
◆ All training image including music
◆ Video clip of Sparring with double swords at the facebook
◆ All training image to the music at the facebook
4. Akurana Dojang Training 아구라나 해동검도 도장 방문
◆ photos with students
5. Six areas in which Haedong Kumdo is being learned so far in Sri Lanka. 스리랑카에서 해동검도 지도하는 6군데 도장
-. Rochdale Dojang
-. YMCA Club
-. Akurana Dojang
-. Keppetipolo Dojang
-. Trinity College
-. University of Peradeniya
C : Conclusion
At the Sri Lankan Haedong Kumdo Events, as I can have an experience in other countries, I also have a good another opportunity to have a great time through Haedong Kumdo in the martial arts with many good people and good hospitality, very fresh food at the very good environments with good natural views etc.
I can expect for sure that much more people will be had a good chance to be trained HK and enjoy with it as well as they will have much more confidence for their better daily life through HK training. Next year it will be in Sri Lanka again with many people.
See you next year again!!
D. Feedback of Iqubal,HK Rep of Sri Lanka
Dear Grand Master kim,
Happy to hear you.I am sending the feed back of srilankan HK event.
About Training;
We are so glade to englighten that this year what we gained was very valuable, and could be remembered in the history of srilanka, of which we are happy to mention and ever all our dearest students would have realised the value of it.
We all learnt that our students getting themselves trained without weapons were more intrested to get involved when they learnt to defend with weapon's which helpfull all of us a long way, and was very useful.
And it is further respectfully submitted that the training given at the trincomalee Nilaweli beach was observed to be so intresting and than doing of training any where else outside.This training cannot be forgotten for ever, which was done under water and more harder that normal training.
For the 2nd Hk seminar we at this stage wish to thank our Grand Master Kim Jeong Seong for all the difficulties and keen interest taken to enable us to hold this successfully.
Master Iqbal.
Srilanka HK association.
E. A journal
On 19th June
At last. I have arrived at the airport of Colombo via Hong Kong and Singafore.
Iqubal master and his students 6persons have welcomed me with great hospitality and warm at the entrance of gate. After about 3 hours driving together over having some tea on our way to Kandy city, I could arrive at my hotel after almost 24hours have taken since I left from my home in Korea.
After a few hours taking a rest, I had to move forward to the Gym of Livary in Kandy. Many participants was already making a registeration with lining up just in front of the door of Gym as be seen on photos.
Those group was composed of Black belt group and color belt group, Kids group and adult one, so crowaded fully at the gym.
After some words at the beginning, I could started to do it for 2nd Sri Lankan Haedong Kumdo Seminar on 20th June 2010.
I was trying to give them as follows for a short time;
We have done Sparring with one and two sword through this seminar all together. It was one more another chance in Sri Lanka to have a great time in HK training with many students I could do it as much as I can as I used to in the world.
One segment of HK seminar today was closed with fully emphasizing very strongly that learnng Skills in the martial arts is important, but most important thing is to do for our better life through martial arts, so we have to know how the fundamental, basic things is working into the both body and mind in the martial arts.
It was a great time with many students and parents anyway.
Tomorrow the HK special training for black belts in HK and other martial arts will be opened at the gym of YMCA in Kandy.
I do hope again that many students will have a great enjoy it and come to know many things through Haedong Kumdo training.
On June 21
The Training at the Akurana Dojang.
We could have one more chance to train HK and have a great time with many students and black belts of Iqubal master.
First time, we have started to train together without weapon and paper cutting and projetors throwing cutting etc.
At the end part of this class, we have also trained to feel the energy by asking of one student.
At this HK class, I have also introduced 2010 Scandivian HK Champ in Finland and 2011 EU HK Championship in Greece, many students have much interest with the participation of that Haedong Kumdo International Events.
On June 22
Early morning, we have started to head on to Tricomalle City where Circuit Bangalo located in. After about 7 or 8 hours driving, we could nearly arrive there. We could have a good time with a great view of seaside at the Bangalo over having some good special food and so on.
Just before we come to Circuit Bangalo, we stopped by Marble Beach to have a fun with some photos.
On June 23
We went to train at the very famous Beach named Nilaweli where it is located in Tricomalle city , Sri Lanka. At the beginning stage, we have trained HK basic stance with one sword and Sparring with double swords out of water and into the water over having a new experience in the Haedong Kumdo Training.
Years ago, this area had suffered seriously too much due to Sunami, thousands of people had died. Even 7 or 8 monthes ago, this area was a hard-fought field where Goverment army and Terror was fighting so seriously and so many people died. Now Fortunately, training Haedong Kumdo into the water at the this beach at the period of very peaceful and quite is very ironical in the such kinds of miserable memory in a certain sense.
On our way to Kandy city, we stopped over Koneshwaram Hindu Temple and we have washed our face together over having a good time at the famous Hot Spring Water Wells in Kinniya city.
On June 24
We went to train at the YMCA Gym with instructors and black belts for 2 hours. Kumbups and Sparring with double swords etc was learning at that time.
On June 25
We went to the Jungle for special training at this time, where it named Udawatta kele is located around Kandy City. At the beginning stage, we have trained basic stances together and Kumbups, Sparring with double swords etc,. After about 2 or 3 hours the special training, finally it was ended after some meditation.
At that night, after we visited to a very famous temple around Kandy where the teeth of Butta having been kept so far from 6c. Many people crowded so much. And then we all together was invited at the wedding ceremony of one HK students named Imsha. After having a special supper together and taking some photos, we came back to Hotel.
On 26th June
Visited at the Keppetipola Dojang and I could see some new HK beginners, so helped to practice for them at that class.
On 27th June
Visited at the Rochdale Dojang. There was many trainees who participed at the HK seminar of June 20, so gladed to meet them again and had a good time with some special training and made a promise to meet and train Haedong Kumdo again next year. That was last one in HK trainning in Si Lanka. After that, I packed and left from Kandy city.
On our way to Colombo airport, we stopped by Nigombo Beach and made a big toast again with Iqubal, Wasantha,Fahid, Musidic,Vali,Hera,Vialusa and Sammanta.
On 28th June
Almost midnight I arrived at Colombo airport and my Dragon air line has taken off on 2 : 10 am on 28th June. So came back to Busan via Bankok and Hongkong.
- Adieu to Sri Lanka -