Modern women must balance marriage, work, and home. This is not easy to do as we cannot exchange our health in return for achieving these things. In the past, physically capable of pushing myself so hard, but I refused to give up. I would push myself too much to take on whatever costs in order to gain the things I wanted. It is only now I understand the importance of one’s way of thinking about things…
现代女性要权衡婚姻, 工作和家庭的平衡, 非常不易, 但什么东西都不能用健康做交换。 我以前很好强, 很多时候就算力不从心也会不甘心放弃, 用超出自己承受范 围的成本来换取自己想要的东西。现在才明白心态的重要...
At the brink of death, I only now realize, any overtime work (frequently staying up through the whole night is equivalent to slow suicide), stressing myself out about buying a house or a car; all of these things are all done in vain. If people have time, they should spend time with their children. Take the money saved for buying a car and give it to your parents to buy shoes. Do not spend everything to buy a big house. It is better to spend time with the one’s you love. A humble home is also a warm one.
在生死临界点的时候, 我才发现, 任何的加班 (长期熬夜等于慢性自杀), 给自己太多的压力, 买房买车的需求, 这些都是浮云。如果有时间, 好好陪陪你的孩子, 把买车的钱给父母亲买双鞋子, 不要拼命去换什么大房子, 和相爱的人在一起, 蜗居也温暖。
그녀는 33회 생일(2010.4.6.)을 기념하며 블로그에 마지막 포스팅하였다.
젊고 꿈많은 유학시절 유럽의 나막신을 보면서 어떤 생각을 하였을까?
나는 블로그에서 이 사진을 보며 아련한 동병상련을 느꼈다.
삶과 죽음에 대한 생각... 그리고 그것들에 대한 아픔 때문이다.
* 블로그 사진들을 임의로 올림은 존경과 미련(未練)의 마음입니다.