This video had to be made because there was so much material left after Artistry II and I didn't want to wait until Part III. These clips may have been left out perhaps due to some quality issues, one less triple pump here and there or because I used other camera angles but the main reason is basically that there simply wasn't enough room to fit everything into Part II. With an entire career that was a highlight reel, that problem is rather extremely large. So, without the constraints of actually doing a Part II (since it's already done), consider this more of a "B" side of sorts, or, for that matter, a relaxing second course after the Filet Mignon. And with that idea in mind, I had a little fun this time - with of course the theme of MJ's mastery of athleticism and finesse intact.
Some personal viewing notes: 0:54 Beating the triple with the righty roll 1:00 Beating the triple with the lefty roll 1:35 Quick direction change into the step-hop dunk. 1:47 Even in this small jump going up with the triple team at the same time, MJ comes down last. 3:07 Right lateral fade 3:11 Left lateral fade 4:30 Quick wrist flick improv at the last second to get over the long arm 4:54 Going against the quadruple team 5:01 Pumping over the triple team 6:06 Fakes using the screen against Childs 6:31 Challenging the quad again 8:43 Roll and bounce off defender fade left 8:46 Roll and bounce off defender fade right 8:56 Abusing the double trap twice 9:01 Gill with the massive hand check and massive push at 9:04 9:19 Wilkins with the forearm check with all his might 9:36 Wilkins with every hand, body, forearm check in the book 9:53 Gotta love that footwork 10:05 Age 40 MJ toying with KG in his prime 10:28 Love that rare angle of the famous shot
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정말 못본 장면들이 많군요,새삼 또 한번 감탄합니다. 정말 마이클 조던은..
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조던의 무브도무브지만,, 믹스만드신분의 능력이 대단하시네요. 못보던 장면도 많지만 보았던 장면이라도 다른각도에서 나오는 장면이 수두룩 하네요. 이분의 영상을 보다보면 음악선곡또한 탁월한것 같습니다.(죽동성있는) Gran5님 덕분에 좋은믹스 정말 잘봤습니다^^
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