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산야초와 나무 스크랩 돌소리쟁이(2) (묵발소리쟁이 외 참조사이트)
無盡藏 추천 0 조회 127 12.12.20 04:48 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용


학명: Rumex obtusifolius L. 

분류: 마디풀과(Polygonaceae)

영명: Broad-leaved Dock

학명 풀이:     

Rumex: 소리쟁이

obtusifolius: 잎의 끝이 무딘(둔두인)

동속 식물: 검색표 http://blog.daum.net/daehyo/7808561  참조




근생엽은 심장저이다.






수영과 애기수영을 제외한 나머지 소리쟁이속은 모두 암수한그루이다. 노랗게 보이는 것이 수꽃이고 주로 붉게 보이는 것이 암꽃이다. 수꽃과 암꽃은  섞여 있다 (아래 영문 기재문 참조)







열매의 판에  거치가  있으며 판 중앙에 돌기(볼록하게 튀어나온 부분으로 씨임)가  있고 돌기는 붉은 색인 것이 특징이다. 열매를 여 러 개 흩어 놓고 찍은 위 사진에는 열매 중에 3면(소리쟁이속의 열매판은 3면) 중 돌기가 안보이는 면이 있거나 돌기가 주변의 돌기보다 작아 퇴화된 것으로 짐작되는 돌기가 있어 돌소리쟁이는 돌기가 1-2(-3)라는 검색표의 기재문에 부합된다


 묵밭소리쟁이(R. conglomeratus)와 돌소리쟁이(R. obtsifolius) 세밀화 비교  




세밀화 출처: http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=91923&flora_id=1


<돌소리쟁이에 대한 영문 기재문>


Description: This adventive perennial plant is 2-3½' tall. Initially, it consists of a rosette of basal leaves, from which one or more flowering stalks develop. The basal leaves are up to 1' long and 4" across. Their petioles are long and slender, while their blades are oblong-ovate or oblong-cordate, crisped and slightly undulate along the margins, and glabrous. The central vein of each basal leaf is often tinted red, and a reticulated network of fine secondary veins is observable across the upper surface. The leaf base is slightly cordate or well-rounded, rather than tapering or wedge-shaped. The cauline leaves alternate along the flowering stalks. They are similar in appearance to the basal leaves, although somewhat shorter in length and more narrow; their petioles are also shorter. The stalks are round, slightly ribbed, and glabrous; they often have prominent longitudinal veins that are tinted red. Each stalk terminates in a panicle of whorled racemes up to 1' in length. The whorls of greenish red flowers are somewhat interrupted along the length of the racemes. The flowers droop downward from pedicels about ½" in length when they are fully developed. Each flower is about ¼" long, consisting of 6 sepals (3 inner and 3 outer sepals) and no petals. Like other Rumex spp. (Docks), Bitter Dock is monoecious and has staminate (male) and pistillate (female) flowers on the same plant. Both types of flowers are intermingled together on the racemes. The male flowers have 6 stamens and inner sepals that are dull yellow, while the female flowers have a pistil and inner sepals that are often red. As the female flowers develop, their inner sepals become enlarged and surround a single tubercle (hard-coated seed). Each face of this tripartite fruit is oval-cordate or oval-deltoid in shape; its margins are membranous and there are 2-4 spiny teeth along each margin, particularly in the upper half. In bright sunlight, these fruits often turn bright red and are rather colorful. The blooming period usually occurs during the late spring and lasts about 2 weeks, after which the fruits mature slowly during the first half of the summer. The flowers are wind-pollinated and there is no floral scent. The hard-coated seeds are ovoid-oblongoid and rather large in size. Surrounded by the membranous inner sepals, they can float on water or blow about in the wind. The root system consists of a stout taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself.

기재문 출처: http://www.illinoiswildflowers.info/weeds/plants/bitter_dock.htm









좀소리쟁이 コギシギシ









돌소리쟁이와 묵밭소리쟁이



묵밭소리쟁이 Rumex conglomeratus Murray

Diagnostic features

Erect (biennial to) perennial to 60(100)cm.

Leaves ± oblong, broadly cuneate to subcordate.

Inflorescence very diffuse, with long branches spreading at more than 30°.

Tepals 2-3mm, oblong to narrowly ovate, entire, all 3 with oblong tubercle.

중요 특징 초역: 잎은 설저/화서는 느슨하고,  가지는 길며 30도 이상 벌어짐

회피(열매의 판)은 전연, 3면 모두 돌기 있음



Broad-leaved Dock

Scientific name: Rumex obtusifolius L.

Diagnostic features

Erect perennial to 1(1.2)m.

Leaves ovate-oblong, cordate.

Inflorescence rather open, with erecto-patent branches.

Tepals 3-6mm, triangular- to oblong-ovate, with variable teeth as in Rumex pulcher, 1(-3) with smooth tubercle.

 중요 특징 초역: 잎은 심장저, 가지는 직립, 화피(열매 판)은 거치 있고 돌기는 1(-3)



