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모글정보[월드컵] 스크랩 FIS 감독관 Clinic 회의록 (June 2008)
눈사랑 추천 0 조회 78 10.01.17 04:32 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용

FIS Proctors Clinic Minutes June 2008

FIS 감독관 Clinic 회의록 June 2008


III. Fall Line Deviation Scoring Guidelines

III. 폴라인 벗어남의 채점 지침


Various approaches were discussed about how to better eval‎!uate deviations from the fall line
and how this could be used to improve Turn score separation at the elite level. The following
consensus was reached and immediately provided to the Mogul Working Group for comment:


폴라인으로 부터 벗어난 것에 대하여 어떻게 더 잘 계산할 수 있는지 와 이것이 어떻게 정예 선수 수준에서 턴 점수 분리를 향상시키는데 사용될 수 있는지에 대하여 다양한 접근방법에 대한  논의가 이루어졌다. 다음과 같은 의견 일치에 도달하였으며 즉시 의견으로 모글 워킹 그룹에 제공키로 하였다. 


 - minimum 0.3 reduction for a line change (each line)

 - plus whatever caused the line change is added

 - plus reduction shooting (0.5 per section)

 - 폴라인 변경에 (각 라인) 대하여 최소 0.3 감점
 - 라인 변경을 일으킨 원인이 무엇이던 플러스하고 (더하고) 

 - 슈팅 감점을 더한다.

For example:
0.1 loss of balance (cause of the fall line change)
0.6 two line changes across the course (or one full change then returning to the original
0.3 (2/3rds of control gate on tails without turns)

1.0 total for the event



0.1 균형 잃음 (폴라인 변경의 원인)

0.6 코스를 가로질러 2 폴라인 변경 (혹은 1 라인 전체 변경후 원래 라인으로 돌아옴)

0.3 (턴없이 테일로 콘트롤 게이트의 2/3 슈팅)


1.0 위 위 이벤트의 전체 감점



- The reason for a fall line change can be a bigger factor in the total reduction scored
than the fall line change? it is essential that both be factored into the reduction.

- 폴라인 변경의 원인이 폴라인 변경의 감점보다 전체 감점에서 더 큰 요소로 채점 될 수 있다. 양쪽으로 감점이 분해되는 것이 필수적이다. 


- The amount of the reduction for fall line change is proportional with .3 being the amount
for one full line change? slightly more, would be .4, slightly less would be .2 or even .1.

- 폴라인 변경에 대한 감점의 양은 1 라인 전체 변경에 0.3을 가지고 비례로 한다; 약간 더 폴라인이 변경되면 0.4, 약간 덜 변경되면 0.2 혹은 조금 0.1  

Some background on the discussion: The conversation ranged from a 0.2 reduction and went to
as much as 0.5. The Proctor group eventually settled on the 0.3 reduction. Initial feedback from
the FIS Mogul Working group was generally positive to this approach? the Proctor group will
continue to seek their guidance on this issue.

논의에 대한 배경: 0.2에서부터 많게는 0.5까지 감점하자는 논의가 있었다. 결과적으로 감독관들은 0.3 감점으로 정했다. FIS 모글 워킹 그룹으로부터 처음 피드백은 이 접근 방법에 대하여 일반적으로 긍정적이었다; 감독관 그룹은 이 이슈에 대한 지침을 찾는 일을 계속할 것이다.


The fall line deduction scoring modification detailed here must be thoroughly presented at all
FIS judging clinics and it important that the coaching community is understand it as well.

여기서 자세히 제시한 폴라인 감점의 채점 변경은 모든 FIS 심판 클리닉에서 완전히 제시되어야 하고 뿐만아니라 코칭 커뮤니티는 그것을 잘 이해하는 것이 중요하다.  

IV. Examples of Turn Score Reductions

IV. 턴점수 감점의 예제

The following is a list of events that can result in reductions of Turns scores:
· Loss of Balance
· Straight Running
· Interruption of Turning Rhythm
· Speed Check
· Leg Separation
· Double Pole Plants
· UpperBody Balance Corrections
· Hard Absorptions and Extensions


다음은 턴 점수에서 감점을 줄 수 있는 이벤트의 리스트이다.

- 균형 잃음

- 직진으로 달리기

- 턴 리듬의 중단 (방해?)

- 스피드 체크

- 다리 벌어짐

- 양폴 플린팅

- 상체 균형 정정

- 심한 흡수 및 뻗기

It is important to note that these errors often accumulate (one leading to another), increasing the
total amount a Turns score is reduced due to the incident. 

실수 때문에 턴 점수의 전체 감점을 증가 시키는 이들 실수들은 종종 축적되어 진다는 것에 주목하는 것이 중요하다,

V. Variations in Scores from Event to Event

Athletes expect their performances to be consistently eval‎!uated week to week? the Proctors
acknowledge that fair and accurate scores throughout the entire competition season must be
provided. It was agreed that consistency can be improved through improved judges training,
materials, incentives to promote expanded practice sessions, and more detailed mogul course
inspection prior to the start of each event.

VI. Mogul Air Grab Categorization & Back Tuck Clarification:

Questions were raised about distinguishing between “G” and “g” grabs and the term “tweaked”
as it relates to this. “Tweaked” in this context relates only to difficulty categorization, not the
quality of execution. It is important remember that it is up to the judge to determine which
difficulty category that a particular jump falls into. For example, a safety grab can be pulled
(tweaked) but is still a “g” jump. A mute can be done without pulling on the ski, but is still a “G”
jump. Risk/reward is accounted for in the execution score awarded by the judge. For example,
a “g” jump that is performed with a “tweak” is rewarded with a higher execution score? a “G”
jump that is not “tweaked” will not receive as high an execution score.

Clarification is being sought from the Mogul Working Group on this issue? these clarifications,
when received, will be forwarded to the Proctors for inclusion in all FIS judges clinics.

All non-twisting back flips will be eval‎!uated as attempted layouts, pikes, or tucks. Mogul jumps
performed in the freeposition will be judged as poorly performed layouts, pikes, or tucks. Also,
noted by the Proctors is the recent change in the definition of Tuck? the 90 degree position is no
longer included in the definition of Tuck.

FIS Note: It is important that proposed new jump definitions must be presented to the FIS for

VII. Moguls ? Turns

To improve scoring consistency and accuracy, judges will be encouraged to record base scores
(as notes) on their score cards as well as all reductions, deductions as they occur. Doing this
takes practice and requires judges to have memorized the appropriate reduction and deduction
values. The Proctors agree that at all FIS Judges clinics, participating judges must use score
cards and record these values as they are happening. With practice, this can be done without
significantly removing eyes from the skier.

The video Judges Clinic 2008, Turn timing in moguls provided by the Mogul Working Group was
viewed and discussed at length. It was agreed that at the elite level, carving action of the ski is a
defining factor that must be technically recognized by judges. The terms used in the video and
the concepts presented will help proctors build this capability at the Judges clinics. It was further
noted that steep courses are more technically challenging and that poor Carving technique will
be more apparent at these venues. Conversely, flat courses will require that judges be capable
of recognizing turns performed with inferior carving techniques.

VIII. Inverted Aerials

It is the consensus of the Proctors that the timing and separation scoring rule changes adopted
last season were successfully implemented by judges. For the coming season, the teaching
focus for Aerials will be to continue to build experience with the new system and further improve
scoring accuracy and consistency. The change to the definition of Tuck was discussed? the
Proctors asked the Working Group to consider restricting the new definition of Tuck to Moguls
only, leaving the 90 degree definition in place for inverted Aerials.



FIS Proctors Clinic Minutes June 2008:  http://freestyleski.com/html/en/technical/officiating/documents/2008ProctorMinutesFIS.pdf

  • 10.01.18 13:15

    첫댓글 이감점의 기준은 하나의 게이트상에서 일어나는것이죠?
    또한1.0의전체감점이란 상기 예제에서의 0.1,0.6,0.3 감점외에 1.0를 더하는 것입니까 ?
    아니면 한게이트상에서 1.0 이 최대감점이란 말입니까?
    만약 2폴라인을 벗어나면 0.1,1.2,0.3으로 1.6의 감점이 나오는데요?

  • 작성자 10.01.18 14:23

    0.1+0.6+0.3=1.0 즉 2폴 라인 변경 (한 라인 변경후 되돌아 오는 것) 의 전체 감점이 1,0이란 소리입니다. 슈팅의 감점은 한 게이트 내에 있어야 되는 문제가 아니라 두 게이트에 걸쳐 있다 할지라도 한 게이트 구간 길이의 2/3을 슈팅하였다는 의미입니다. 몇개의 폴라인을 변경하였는지 계산하는 것은 아래 64번 게시물 참조.

  • 10.01.18 15:26


  • 작성자 10.07.04 20:28

    원문보기 하시면 나중에 갱신된 전체 해석된 내용을 볼 수 있습니다.
