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방사능시대, 우리가 그린 내일(전국 방사능안전급식네트워크)
카페 게시글
- 심상치않은 일본소식 스크랩 후쿠시마 방사능은 지금은?
201408 추천 0 조회 305 13.03.23 23:48 댓글 2
게시글 본문내용







Moving The Sun To Shine In Dark Places님의 정보 · 2013.3.2310 hours ago

Nuclear expert: The containment vessel at Fukushima reactor 2 has a large crack in it.
핵전문가: 후쿠시마의 반응기 2의 봉쇄방재기는 지금 균열이 심한 상태입니다.
There is no containment at Fukushimam and large quantities of radiation are still leaking into the Pacific Ocean.

 후쿠시마를 봉쇄하는 방어팬스는 전혀없습니다. 과량의 방사능이 여전히 태평양으로 세어나오고 있습니다.

The operator of the Fukushima plants says it’s “impossible” to keep storing radioactive water in tanks, and Tepco will need to intentionally dump it into the ocean.

후쿠시마 핵원전 가동기술자는 탱크속의 방사능으로 오염되는 물을 저장해놓는것은" 불가능해요" 라고 말하고, TEPCO(도쿄전기)는 한꺼번에 고의로 태평양으로 쓸어부을것입니다.
The area around Fukushima has become so contaminated that even the trees are radioactive.

후쿠시마 주변지역은 점점더 오염되어 나무들은 이미 방사능을 심각하게 띠고 있어요.

And Tokyo is almost as irradiated as Fukushima.

그리고 도쿄도시조차도 거의 후쿠시마처럼 방사능도시가 되어가고 있어요.

Path to Recovery: TEPCO Exclusive Interview

Number 2 Reactor Explodes, Damaging Core Containment Structure


Floating tsunami trash to be a decades-long headache

Japan tsunami and earthquake - Saturday 12 March part one

? Explosion reported at nuclear plant
? Death toll said to be more than 1,300
? Tsunami engulfs northern port of Sendai and islands
? Around 50,000 rescuers have been deployed

See More





출처: http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/20070422222547data_trunc_sys.shtml

23 May 2007
Chernobyl Fungus Feeds On Radiation

체르노빌의 곰팡이(버섯)은 방사능을 먹습니다
by Kate Melville


Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AEC) have found evidence that certain fungi possess another talent beyond their ability to decompose matter: the capacity to use radioactivity as an energy source for making food and spurring their growth.

알버트아인슈타인 의과대학연구원들은 특정 버섯(곰팡이류)가 물질을 분해하는 특성을 가졌다는 증거를 발견해냈습니다: 이러한 능력을 방사능분해를 하는 곰팡이의 영양분감으로 성장의 원동력으로 제공할려고 합니다.

Detailing the research in Public Library of Science ONE, AEC's Arturo Casadeval‎!l said his interest was piqued five years ago when he read about how a robot sent into the still-highly-radioactive Chernobyl reactor had returned with samples of black, melanin-rich fungi that were growing on the ruined reactor's walls. "I found that very interesting and began discussing with colleagues whether these fungi might be using the radiation emissions as an energy source," explained Casadeval‎!l.

Casadeval‎!l and his co-researchers then set about performing a variety of tests using several different fungi. Two types - one that was induced to make melanin (Crytococcus neoformans) and another that naturally contains it (Wangiella dermatitidis) - were exposed to levels of ionizing radiation approximately 500 times higher than background levels.

  • 13.03.24 01:54

    첫댓글 무섭고 언제 어느때 위기가 될지 모르는 세상입니다.

  • 13.03.26 16:51

    바다의 확산이 무서움을 지나 공포스럽습니다.
    어떻게 이 지경에 속수무책으로 바라볼 수 밖에 없을까요
    바다의 미래가 두렵습니다.
