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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 12. 8. 금 rendition 번연 연출 연주 공연 beneficiary 수익자..
상당구 추천 0 조회 26 09.08.10 11:05 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

12. 8. 금 rendition 번연 연출 연주 공연 beneficiary 수익자..

12. 8. 금 rendition 번연 연출 연주 공연 beneficiary 수익자..

12. 8. 금 rendition 번연 연출 연주 공연 beneficiary 수익자..

1. Korea-U.S. FTA talks hit new snag, in three of the most sensitive areas such as trade laws, autos and drugs

한.미 FTA 자유무역협정 협상이, 무역구제, 자동차, 의약 등 민감한 세 개 분야에서 합의를 이루지 못하며, 중단됐습니다.

snag 그루터기 암초에걸리게하다 장애가되다 얽히다

2. Prosecutors declare the 2003 sale of KEB to Lone Star as illegal, accusing bank and government officials of colluding to lower the sale price.

검찰은 2003년 당시, 외환은행을 론스타에 매각하는 전과정은 불법이었으며, 은행과 정부 관료들이 헐값매각에 공모했다고 밝혔습니다.

collude 공모,담합,결탁하다

3. A bus overspeeding through the fog on a mountain road in the Andes, Peru, falls into a ravine, killing 45 people.

페루 안데스의 안개 낀 산악도로에서, 과속으로 달리던 버스가 계곡 아래로 추락해, 승객 45명이 숨졌습니다.

ravine/-vi:n/ 산골짜기 계곡 = valley

4. Korean horsemen Kim Hyung-chil die after falling from his horse during the equestrian cross country competition in the Asian Games.

도하 아시안게임 승마 종합마술에 출전한 우리나라의 김형칠 선수가, 경기도중 말에서 떨어져 숨졌습니다.

equestrian 기수(의)

5. Doctors turn their back on obstetrics amid Korea’s slow birthrate.

저조한 출산율로 인해, 의사들이 산부인과 전공을 기피하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.

turn one's back on ~ 등을 돌리다 무시하다

obs-te-trics 산파술..

Fears of Humanitarian Crisis As War Talk Escalates

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has expressed concern over reports of imminent war in Somalia, as increased insecurity could worsen the humanitarian crisis in the war-scarred country. The prime minister of Somalia's Federal Government said the war with the Union of Islamic Courts, which controls the capital, Mogadishu, and much of Somalia, was imminent and inevitable.

Already, an estimated 444,000 people are affected by flooding, with the "worst-case scenario" putting as many as 900,000 Somalis in danger of displacement if the flooding continues in December. The deputy head of a coalition of civil-society groups said "War is not inevitable and should not be; both sides need to pull back from the brink and go back to the negotiating table.

court 법원 궁정 정원 경기장

brink 낭떠러지 가장자리

Morocco film mecca for Hollywood productions

At this time of year, Morocco resembles Los Angeles with its pleasant days and cool nights. But when it comes to filming, the country is hotter than ever. MGM's upcoming "Home of the Brave" has shot there in the past year. Universal Pictures just finished shooting there, while New Line's "Rendition" is lining up shoots in the near future.

The main reasons are subject matter and safety. In the post-September 11 world, most U.S. movies that deal with or are set in the Arab world have found their options for location shooting limited because of safety concerns. And Morocco has been the beneficiary.

rendition 번연 연출 연주 공연

line up 한줄로 늘어서다  모으다  증거확보하다 준비완료하고 대기하다... 

beneficiary 수익자..

