합기도를 창시한 한국의 최란 인물은 아이키도 아니면 대동류를 배웠단 이야기는 사실입니까?
[어떤 무술인지 잘 모르겠기만 홋카이도의 아사히카와에서 다케도 소카쿠선생의 강습회에 17,8세의 한국의 청년이 있었다고 합니다. 그 사람이 아버지와 '선배, 선배' 라 하며 같이 운동했다고 들었습니다.]
그럼 대동류이지요?
[그 대동류 사람이 그 후도 약간 아버지와 교류가 있었다 합니다. 그리고 한국에 가서도 대동류를 계속하고 있고 그 무술이 점점 커지고 한국의 사람들이 많이 수련하여 「합기도 (合氣道)」라고 이름을 지었는데
이후 많은 유파로 분열하고 말았다고 합니다. 그 이야기는 내가 아버지한테 직접 들었습니다. 아버지가 돌아가신 후 그 사람에서 편지가 온 적도 있습니다.]
(Abstract of and Intervie Presented in - Aiki News Magazine No. 77)
Stanley Pranin, then of Aiki News and now editor of the Aikidojournal.com, at the behest of Multiple Hapkido and Aikido Practitioners asked Ueshiba Kisshomaru about Choi Yong Sool and hapkido:
AikiNews: It is true that a Korean named “Choi” who founded ‘hapkido” studied Aikido or Daito-ryu?
Doshu: I don’t know what art it was but I understand that there was a young Korean of about 17 or 18 who participated in a seminar of Sokaku Takeda-sensei held in Ashikawa City in Hokkaido. It seems that he studied the art together with my father and would refer to him as his “senior”.
AikiNews: If that’s the case the art must have been Daito-ryu.
Doshu: I’ve heard that this man who studied daito-ryu had some contact with my father after that. Then he returned to Korea and began teaching Daito-ryu on a modest scale. The art gradually became popular and many Koreans trained with him. Since aikido became popular in Japan he called his art ‘Hapkido’ (Written with the same Chinese characters as Aikido). Then the art split into many schools before anyone realized it. This is what my father told me. I once received a letter from this teacher after my father’s death.”