Airspeed Terminology and symbols
Meteorological Terminology
Engine Power Terminology
Aircraft Terminology
Flight Load Factors
Airspeed indicator Markings
Instrument Panel
Weighing Procedure
Center of Gravity Calculation
Center of Gravity Limits
Starting Engine Cruise Flight
Ground Operations Landing Approach
Test Flight Normal Landing
First Flight Short/Soft Field Landing
beforeTakeoff Cross-wind Landing
Normal Takeoff Balked Landing
Short/Soft Field Takeoff After Landing
Climb Post Flight
Roll Trim Airspeeds
Yaw Trim Engine Failures/Forced Landings
Pitch Trim Fires
Spin Recovery
Deployment Check List
스카이기어는 Federal aviation regulation pare 23 의 기준에 따라 설계 제작된 aircraft이다.
이 비행기를 조립 제작한 빌더는 반드시 모든 공정 절차를 매뉴얼에 따라 시공하고 관련 FAA의 regulation을 준수하여 airworthness inspection을 받고 aircraft registration을 필하여야 한다.
비행기에 비치하여야 할 서류인 aircraft registration, airworthiness certificate,weight and balance, operation limitation등을 FAA 규정에 따라 신청하고 검사를 받아 기체 내부에 항상 구비하여야 한다.
본 매뉴얼은 perpormance specification, flight procedure, weight and balance deta, and maintenance schedule등의 자료에 실린 essential opreating data와 airworthiness limitations 를 참조하고 반드시 항상 비행기에 비치 하여야 한다.
매뉴얼의 amendment에 따른 replacement가 배달된 경우에는 수신자인 비행기 owner 혹은 사용자가
개정페이지를 본 매뉴얼에 끼워 넣고 그 내용을 숙지하며, 반드시 revised pages list와 revised page 아래에 사인 한뒤 지난 페이지를 폐기한다.
주의: 본 매뉴얼은 스카이기어 비행기의 flight manual이지 조종교본이 아니다.
또한 비록 Skygear의 일반적 조종 manual로서 빌더에게 제공된 이 매뉴얼이 비행이나 비행기의 관리상모든 상황을 망라하지는 못한다.
스카이기어의 owner 또는 operater는 비행기에 누적되었거나 돌발적으로 발생한 과도한 충격 등을 감안하여 가능한 상세한 안전검사와 수리와 부품의 교체를 비록 이 매뉴얼에 지시된 내용과 다를지라도 필요시 마다 반드시 해야 한다.
이 비행기의 owner or operater는 이미 조종사 자격증을 소지했거나, 아니면 반드시 법규정에 따른 적법한 조종훈련을 통한 조종 자격증을 획득한 뒤라야 skygear를 조종할 수 있다.
조종면호가 없이는 어떤 상황 하에라도 절대로 비행기를 운전하여서는 안된다.
비행기의 조종에 있어서는 기상 조건과, air traffic 또는 지상의 다양한 장애물들에 의한 위험과 엔진 고장이나 위험지역의 비행에 의한 위험등을 조종사의 판단에 의하여 안전비행을 결정 하여야 한다.
조종에 관련한 부주의나 매뉴얼의 지시를 어긴 부적절한 operation에 따른 PILOT ERROR 를 늘 경계하여야 한다.
The SKYGEAR is NOT an aerobatic aircraft.
Abrupt maneuvers should ALWAYS be avoided.
Pitch attitudes may not exceed 30 degrees.
Bank angles may not exceed 60 degrees.
Aileron : 20 up 20 down
Elevator : 30 up 17 Down
Elevator trim tap : 25 up 25 Down
Rudder : 25 right 25 left
IAS Indicated Airspeed as displayed by the airspeed indicator
CAS Calibrated Airspeed = IAS corrected for position and instrument error. CAS is equal to TAS in standards atmosphere at sea level.
TAS True Airspeed = Calibrated airspeed corrected for altitude and temperature. This term is
used to define the actual speed to the aircraft relative to undisturbed air.
CAS Calibrated Airspeed is Indicated Airspeed corrected for instrument and position error
and expressed in miles per hour. Calibrated airspeed is equal to TAS in standard
atmosphere at sea level.
IAS Indicated Airspeed is the speed shown on the airspeed indicator and expressed
in miles per hour.
Landing Landing Safety Speed is the minimum safe flying speed Safety at which adequate
flying control is available in the Speed event of sudden or complete powerplant
failure during landing.
Take off Takeoff Safety Speed is the minimum safe flying speed Safety speed at which
adequate flying control is available in Speed the event of sudden or complete engine
failure during the climb following takeoff.
TAS True Airspeed is the CAS corrected for altitude and temperature and is expressed in
miles per hour relative to undisturbed air.
V Velocity/Speed
VNE Never Exceed Speed is the speed limit that may not be exceeded at any time.
VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed is the speed that should not be exceeded except in smooth air, then only with caution. Do not exceed this speed in turbulent air.
VA Maximum Maneuvering Speed is the maximum speed at which you may use full of abrupt control travel. NOTE: Use of full or abrupt control travel at or below this speed may result in a stall. Use of abrupt of full control travel at or above this speed may result in structural failure.
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed is the speed that must not be exceeded with flaps extended.
VS Stalling Speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the aircraft is controllable while in the cruise configuration.
VSO Stalling Speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the aircraft is controllable in the landing configuration. In the case of the Skygear, this means the stalling speed with the flaps fully extended and power reduced from cruise.
VX Best Angle Of Climb Speed is the speed which results in the greatest gain of altitude over the shortest horizontal distance.
VY Best Rate Of Climb Speed is the speed that results in the greatest gain of altitude in the shortest period of time.
Meteorological Terminology
C Celsius. formerly Centigrade, degree(s) of temperature.
F Fahrenheit degree(s) of temperature.
OAT Outside Air Temperature is the free air static temperature. It is expressed
in either degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.
Pressure Pressure Altitude is the altitude read from an
Altitude altimeter when the altimeter's barometric scale has been set to 29.92 inches
of mercury (1013 mb). This setting is considered to be the Standard
Atmosphere (pressure) at sea level.
Standard Standard Temperature is 15 degrees C (59 degrees F)
Temperature at sea level pressure altitude and decreases an
average of 2 degrees C (3.5 degrees F) for each 1000 feet of altitude gain
Powerplant and Paver Terminologe
BHP Brake Horsepower is the power developed by the powerplant
Reduction Drive System
is the part of the drive system that links the powerplant to the propeller
through pulleys and belts or a gearbox. It allows the propeller to turn at a much lover
RPM than the powerplant which significantly reduces prop noise levels and increases
the systems efficiency.
RPM Revolutions Per Minute is the powerplant speed.
Aircraft Performance and Flight Planning Terminology
Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity
is the velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control
of the airplane during takeoff and landing was actually demonstrated
during flight tests. The value shown is limiting.
g is acceleration due to gravity. 1g is normal gravity, therefore, 2 g's is
normal gravity doubled.
Gallons Per Hour is the amount of fuel (in gallons) consumed per hour.
Liter or Litre is a metric unit of capacity. One litre is equivalent to .26 gallons (U.S.).
Miles Per Gallon is the distance in statute miles) which can be expected per gallon of fuel
consumed at a specific power setting and/or flight configuration.
Unusable Fuel is the quantity of fuel that can not be safely used in flight.
Usable Fuel is the fuel available for flight planning.
Weight and Balance Terminology
Ara is the horizontal distance from the reference datum to the center of gravity (CG) of an item.
Basic Empty Weight
Basic Empty Weight is the standard empty weight plus the weight of optional equipment.
CG Center of Gravity is the point at which an airplane, or equipment,
would balance if suspended. Its distance from the reference datum is
found by dividing the total moment by the total weight of the airplane.
CS Arm
Center of Gravity Arm is the arm obtained by adding the airplanes individual
moments and dividing the sum by the total weight.
CG Limits Center of Gravity Limits are the extreme center of gravity locations within
which the airplane must be operated at a given weight.
Disposable Load is he useful load capability of the the aircraft.
The difference between empty weight and the maximum gross weight.
Grose Weight is the loaded weight of the aircraft which is the basic empty weight of the
aircraft plus the useful load.
Maximum Landing Weight: is the maximum weight approved for the landing touchdown.
Maximum Takeoff Weight: is the maximum weight approved for the start of the takeoff run.
Moment : is the product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm. (Moment divided
by the constant 1000 is used in this manual to simplify balance calculations
by reducing the number of digits).
Reference Reference Datum is an imaginary vertical plane Datum from which
all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes.
Standard Empty Weight is the weight of a standard Empty aircraft, including unusable
fuel Weight
Station is a location longitudinally along the airplane given in terms of the distance from the reference datum.
Tare is the weight of chocks, blocks, stands, etc. used when weighing an aircraft, and is included in the scale readings. Tare is deducted from the scale reading to obtain the actual NET aircraft weight.
Useful Load
Useful Load is the difference between takeoff weight and the basic empty weight.
Aileron is a control surface located on the outboard trailing edge of a wing which produces a rolling moment around the longitudinal axis of an aircraft.
Airframe is the structural components of an aircraft including the tubes, spars, landing gear, engine mounts, etc.
Airplane is defined by the FAA (FAR, Part 1), "means an engine-driven fixed-wing
aircraft heavier than air, that is supported in flight by dynamic reaction of the
air against its wings."
Airworthy Airworthy is the condition of being safe for flight.
Angle of Incidence
Angle of Incidence is the angle of an airplane's wing or horizontal stabilizer
as compared to the airplane's longitudinal axis.
Best Angle of Climb is the airspeed that provides the greatest gain in altitude in a given distance.
Controllability is •the capability of an airplane to respond to the pilot's control, especially with regard to flight path and attitude. It is the quality of the airplane's response to the pilot's control application when maneuvering the airplane, regardless of its stability characteristics."
Elevator is the control surface attached to the horizontal stabilizer used to cause a pitch change around the lateral axis of an airplane.
Flay is a control surface that is used to increase the camber of the inboard portion of the wing. This surface increases lift which reduces the stall speed, but also increases drag.
Flare is a maneuver executed by increasing angle of attack just before the point of touchdown.
Lateral Axis
Lateral Axis is an imaginary line from one wingtip tip of an airplane to the other, passing through the airplane's center of gravity.
Longitudinal Axis :Longitudinal Axis is an imaginary line from the nose of an aircraft to the tail, passing through the the aircraft's center of gravity.
Pitch is the movement of an aircraft around it's lateral axis (nose up, nose down). It also is the blade angle of a propeller.
Roll Roll is the movement of an aircraft around it's longitudinal axis.
Rudder is the moveable control surface attached to the vertical stabilizer and functions to cause the aircraft to yaw around the vertical axis.
Spar is the principal structural member of the wing or stabilizing surface. Each wing has a leading edge and trailing edge spar.
Spar Channel
Spar Channel is the U-shaped attachment that joins the spars to the root tube.
Strut is a brace that rune from one structural member to another. In a wing, they run from the leading edge spar to the trailing edge spar. Under the wing, they run from the landing gear attachment points.
Swage means to crimp a cable compression sleeve to a cable.
Vertical Axis is an imaginary line passing Axis vertically through an aircraft's center of gravity perpendicular to the longitudinal and lateral axis.
Wing Tip Wing Tin is the end of the wing farthest from the center of the airplane.
Yaw Yam is the movement of an aircraft about its vertical axis
Contained throughtout this manual you will find references made to various made to various abbreviations and symbols. The following is a list of these terms and their definitions, as applied to the Skygear.
Meteorological Terminology
Standard Temperature is 59 degress F (15 degrees C) at sea level pressure altitude.
Standard pressure altitude is 29.92 inches of mercury at sea level.
Density Altitude is pressure altitude adjusted for temperatures. As air warms, its density decreases thereby
simulating the air density at higher altitudes. As density altitude increases, aircraft takeoff and climb
performance will decrease.
Engine Power Terminology
RPM Revolutions Per Minute is engine speed
Static RPM Static RPM is the maximum engine speed achieved during a full power run up while the aircraft is on the ground and stationary.
Aircraft Terminology
C.G. Center of Gravity is the location of the mass balance point of the aircraft from the Datum point.
Datum A reference point of line, used herein as a starting place to calculate the C.G. location
Angle of Attack The Angle of the wings chord line to the relative wind.
Balked Landing Any Landing requiring a go around as in the case of a missed approach or poor landing execution.
Corpse A pilot or kit aircraft builder who does not use his or her own common sense and who does not obtain all the information possible concerning the activity of building and flying ones own Experimental Aircraft.
Crow Hop Short low altitude flights performed directly over the runway.
Flare Out When Landing, to arrest your rate of descent for a smooth touchdown to the runway by increasing angle of attack. Also called the “Round-out”.
Main Gear Main undercarriage of landing gear.
Relative Wind The oncoming airflow equal in speed and opposite the travel direction of the aircraft.
This section contains operating limitations, instrument markings and a list of necessary placards that must
be installed in the aircraft to ensure its safe operation.
Airspeed Limitations.
Please refer to the appropriate specification sheet for information regarding the airspeed limitation of your particular model.
Your Skygear should not be operated with installed doors in an open position. You may operate your Skygear with both of the doors removed from the aircraft. Flight performance will suffer with the doors removed.
VNE Do not exceed this speed in any operation.
VNO Do not exceed this speed except in smooth air, and then only with extreme caution.
VA Do not make full or abrupt control movements above this speed.
VFE Do not exceed this speed with the flaps extended.
Weight Limitations.
Consult the specification sheet for your particular model of Skygear to determine the maximum allowable
gross flying weight.
Never load and operate your Skygear in excess of your models published gross weight; Serious decreases
in structural integrity and loss of performance and controllability will result.
The Skygear design has been engineered to meet certain minimum structural criteria, as defined by the U.S. Federal Aviation Regulation part 23 airworthiness certification standards. The Skygear has not received any form of airworthiness certification for standard aircraft.
Flight Load Factors
Refer to the appropriate specification sheet for information concerning the load limits of your aircraft model.
Never operate your Skygear in a manner that may exceed these load limits. Never operate your Skygear in excess of the prescribed gross weight. Operating your Skygear in excess of the defined gross weight will decrease these load limits, decrease aircraft performance, and will jeopardize your safety.
Your Skygear is supplied with a standard capacity fuel tank.
Never install more fuel capacity than is provided for by the manufacturer of your aircraft kit. Improper location of fuel will cause serious structural degradation and may critically effect the C.G. location, thereby hindering the controllability of your aircraft.
Takeoffs have not been demonstrated with less than 2 gallons of fuel in each tank.
Switching off one fuel tank for equalization purposes may only be conducted in straight and level flight in smooth air conditions.
Takeoffs and landing must be conducted with both fuel control valves in the on position.
No extended slips with one fuel tank control valve in the off position may be conducted. Un-porting of the fuel pick up line on the remaining tank and engine failure may result.
A fuel gauge of some type should be installed that will show empty with at lease 2 gallons of fuel remaining in the standard tank.
Always ensure that no condensation of water has accumulated in the fuel system.
Refer to the manual supplied with your engine for information concerning proper fuel requirements.
The following placards should be displayed on the aircraft to inform any operators or occupants of safety
And operating information.
Airspeed Indicator
Mark your airspeed indicator with color coded arcs that define the various operating limits of your model Of Skygear. The following describes the colored arc and its airspeed range.
White Arc VSO-VFE Full Flap Operating Range.
Green Arc VS-VNO Normal Operating Range. Lower limit
is maximum weight VS at most forward C.G.
with flaps retracted. Upper limit is maximum
structural cruising speed.
Yellow Arc VNO-VNE Operations in this range must only be conducted in smooth air with extreme caution.
Red Line VNE Never Exceed This Speed
Instrument Panel
1. Near airspeed indicator = “NO ABRUPT MANEUVERING ABOVE [V A]”
2. On the instrument panel = “NO AEROBATICS APPROVED “
4. On the instrument panel = “DO NOT SPIN”
5. Near airspeed indicator = “POWER OFF GLIDE SPEED = [ ]”
6. Near fuel control valves = “Takeoffs and landing must be conducted with both fuel control valves
In the on position.” “Switching off one fuel tank for equalization purposes may only be conducted in straight and level flight in smooth air conditions.” “ No extended slips with one fuel tank control valve in the off position may be conducted.) NOTE: Un-porting of the fuel pick up line on the remaining tank and engine failure may result.
1. In view of all entrants to the Aircraft = “ EXPERIMENTAL” ( U.S. FAA Requirement)
3. On upper side of lower end of wing lift strut = “ NO STEP”
Weight and Balance Procedure
(General Guidelines and Information).....................
Determination of Empty Weight CG Location................
Weight and Balance Configuration..........................
Empty Weight and Total Moment Calculations (Sample/Worksheet)............
Determination of Loaded Weight CG Location...............
Seat Position and CG Limits...............................
Maximum Gross Weight.......................................
Sample Loading Problem/Loading Chart.....................
Loading Graph...............................................
Center of Gravity Moment Envelope.........................
BEFORE the FIRST test flight of your Skygear aircraft, you MUST first determine if your aircraft is correctly balanced. Complete the Weight and Balance procedure in this section after assembly of the aircraft has been completed.
Any one or more of the following changes will affect the Center of Gravity (CG) of the aircraft;
a) Adding weight - such as an optional Aircraft Recovery System (ARS).
b) Subtracting weight - such as removing optional equipment.
c) Modifying the weight of any existing part (such as updating to a revised part).
d) Repositioning any component an the aircraft.
Pilots and/or passengers of different weight.
It is ESSENTIAL that the aircraft CG be within the design limits BEFORE the aircraft is flown.
(General Guidelines and Information)
1. The weighing points are the main wheels and the tail skid.
2. The root tube must be level during the weighing process.
3. The aircraft should be weighed inside a closed building to avoid errors caused by wind.
4. The floor must be level.
5. The accuracy of the three weighing scales must be established.
6. Empty weight calulations include all instruments and accessories, such as the installation of an Aircraft Recovery System (ARS).
(/) Airspeed Indicator
(2) Tachometer
(3) Water (Coolant) Temperature Gauge
(4) Hour Meter
NOTE: Empty weight calculations DO NOT include: fuel, pilot(s) and/or equipment that is not listed.
During the following procedure, refer to the Weight and Balance Configuration, Figure 6-1 on page 6-5 and the 'Sample Chart" (EMPTY WEIGHT and TOTAL MOMENT CALCULATIONS) on page 6-6. An example has been provided to assist you in arriving at your calcuations.
1. Inflate the tires to the recommended operating pressures.
2. Place all control surfaces in a neutral position.
3. The aircraft must be weighed with the root tube in a level position. Arrange two scales so that their top surfaces are high enough to allow the tail skid to be placed on the third scale, leveling the root tube. Refer to Figure 6-1 on page 6-5.
4. Refer to Figure 6-1 on volunteer from the studio that its main wheels are tail skid is centered on tool to measure the angle ZERO (0) degrees, plus or shim as necessary until it
page 6-5. With the help of "a audience', lift the aircraft so centered on the scales and the its scale. Use an angle finder of the root tube. It must read minus .5 degree. It it does not, does. -
NOTE: If it is necessary to wedge the wheels to prevent the aircraft from rolling off the scales, be sure to subtract the additional weight ("Tare") from your total.
5. Locate the "Sample" and the 'Worksheet' for your aircraft
on page 6-6. On the worksheet for your aircraft record the
individual weight at each scale in the column labled "Net
Weight' at the appropriate location. Rememb
any "Tare Weight", if any. Add the weights in the "Net Weight" column and record the total under "Empty Weight'.
6. Record the result in the right-hand column under "Moment".
Multiply the 'Net Weight' of the left wheel by the "Arm".
7. skid.
Repeat Step (6) above for the right wheel and the tail
8. Add the "Moments" above and record the result under "Total mom
Datum: Nose Wheel Centerline
#3 rib:
NOTE: Includes all instruments and accessories, no fuel.
ARM (inches from Datum)
MOMENT (in/lbs)
Left Wheel
Right Wheel
Tail Skid
NOTE: Record the following calculations onto the Loading Chart.
1. Record the results of the previous 'Empty Weight" and "Moment" calculations at the appropriate locations.
2. Record the weight of the fuel. Multiply by the "Arm" (59.4 inches) or use the LOADING GRAPH and record the resulting "Moment".
3. Weigh the pilot (and passenger), including his/her complete flying equipment, helmet, parachute, etc., which he/she will use in flight. Record the weight onto the Loading Chart. Record the Arm (depending on position of the seat, refer to page 6-5, Figure 6-1) multiply the arm by the weight and record the the resulting "Moment".
4. Add any •Other' normally carried weight (radios, etc.) and enter it on the Loading Chart. Their "Arms" must be measured from the datum to their center of mass and the resulting "Moments" recorded.
5. Total the "Weight" column and record the resulting "Total (Gross) Weight".
6. Total the 'Moment' column and record the "Total Moment".
7. Verify that your loaded aircraft CG is within the acceptable limits by plotting the value on the CENTER OF GRAVITY MOMENT ENVELOPE on page 6-13 to determine whether the point falls within the envelope and if the loading is acceptable.
Maximum Gross Weight.................... 1100 lbs.
Maximum Forward CG.... Refer to CG Moment Envelope,
Maximum Rearward CG... Refer to CG Moment Envelope,
Your Skygear must be weighed and balanced with all equipment installed in the aircraft prior to flight.
You should compile a list of all installed equipment and accessories and attach a copy to the weight and balance information in the plane and in this manual.
Operating your Skygear outside the center of gravity limits listed below will result in uncontrollable conditions.
Perform a new weight and balance every time you install or remove equipment from the aircraft. The removal or installation of the doors will not detrimentally effect the center of gravity limits.
It is the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that the aircraft is loaded properly.
Inflate tires to the recommended operating pressure. Move flaps to the fully retracted position and neutralize all control surfaces.
Ensure that the fuel tanks are empty and that any lubricating systems are full. If your engine is liquid cooled, be sure the cooling system is full.
Weighing Procedure
Place a scale under each of the three landing gear and level the aircraft longitudinally with the wings lower surface.
Record the weight as follows:
Right Main = _________# Left Main = _________# Tail Wheel or Nose Wheel = _________#
Weight of right + left = M, M = _________#
Weight of tail wheel = T, T = ________ #
Weight of nose wheel = N, N = ________ #
Of course, you should not have values for both T and N on the same aircraft.
Variations of up to ten pounds in weight from the right to the left main wheels are not uncommon. If you experience extreme variations in weight from the left to the right main wheels, check the lateral level of the aircraft.
You must take some measurements of your Skygear to use in the weight and balance formula.
Start at station 0.0, the leading edge, and measure the distance in inches along the longitudinal centerline of the fuselage to the vertical centerline of the wheels. Use a line stretched between the wheel centers to a plumb bob at the center of station 0.0.
Measure the distance from the vertical center of the main gear to the vertical center of the tail wheel or nose wheel.
Record your measurements as follows:
Distance from Station 0.0 to main wheels in inches = A, A = ________”
Distance from main wheel to tail wheel or nose wheel = B, B = _________”
Center of Gravity Calculation
With the above values obtained, the center of gravity can be calculated.
Insert the above values into the appropriate formula below to compute the center of gravity location for your model of Skygear.
X = Distance from leading edge to C.G. in inches
A = Distance from leading edge to main gear in inches
B = Distance from main gear to tail wheel (or nose wheel) in inches
M = Weight of both left and right main gear in pounds
T = Weight of tail wheel in pounds
N = Weight of nose wheel in pounds
W = Basic empty weight of aircraft ( M + T ) or ( M + N)
Formula for taildragger : X = A + ((B x T)/W), Solve for X
Formula for tricycle : X = A – ((B x N)/W), Solve for X
Center of Gravity Limits
The center of gravity, X, should be between 33 and 36 inches from station 0.0. Do not operate your Skygear if your calculated value for X is not greater than 33” and not less than 36”.
Lesser values than indicated above for X indicate a “nose heavy” condition. Greater values than indicated above for X indicate a “tail heavy” condition.
Nose heavy conditions can result in ; loss of elevator control, unrecoverable deep stall or spin, uncontrollable pitch oscillations, and many other unstable conditions.
If necessary, relocate installed equipment ( battery) or add ballast to bring the C.G. within the indicated limits.
As the builder of your Skygear, you should compile your own preflight and flight checklists.
A nice thins about a Skygear is that you can see every moving part of the aircraft. INSPECT ALL OF THESE SYSTEMS BEFORE EVERY FLIGHT.
Figure 4-1: Preflight Inspection Sequence.
(1) Ensure the ignition is 'OFF°1
(2) Inspect the pilot seat and attachment hardware for integrity and security.
(3) Place the helmet bag (if applicable) on the pilots seat.
(4) Adjust the pilot seat for position.
(5) Inspect the seat tracks. Ensure the seat track locking pins are locked.
(6) Check both seat belts for security. The rear seat belt must be secured even if not occupied.
(7) Flap Selector - Full Down.
(8) Remove the wing gap cover. Inspect the wing spar channels and attachment hardware.
(9) Inspect the forward section of the root tube, including the forward downtubes and attachment hardware.
(10) Inspect the control wheel, control wheel support tube, aileron push/pull control cable and attachment hardware.
(11) Check BOTH control wheels (yokes) for proper movement (forward, aft, right, left) for free travel in all directions. Ensure all flight control surfaces move in the correct corresponding directions.
(12) Inspect the elevator push/pull tubes and pivot bolts.
(13) Inspect the forward fuselage tube.
(14) Inspect the rudder pedals, cables, bellcranks, pushrods, brake pedal, or brake lever and attachment hardware.
(15) Move the rudder pedals and ensure that the rudder moves in the corresponding direction.
(16) Inspect the nose gear assembly: nose struts, axle, wheel, tire, steering springs, brake plate (if applicable), and attachment hardware.
(17) Inspect the pilot fairing for security. Inspect the pitot tube. Ensure it is clear and correctly aligned.
(18) Run your hand along the right leading edge wing spar checking for dente, bends, and kinks in the spar. Inspect exterior wing leading edge attachment points.
(19) Inspect the right wing tip. Sight down the leading edge wing spar to ensure it is straight.
(20) Move under the right wing. Unzip the wing inspection ports. At each port, thoroughly inspect the interior of the wing. Inspect each compression strut and diagonal strut for security and integrity. Visually and physically inspect the junction of each strut at the leading and trailing edge spar. Inspect the aileron bellcrank, pushrods, cables, clevis pins, cotter pins, and all related hardware. Inspect the struts attached to the leading edge wing spar for security.
(21) Close the right wing inspection ports and stow the zipper handles.
(22) Inspect the wing cover tension buckles at the right wing root. Ensure they are properly tensioned and locked.
(23) Inspect the root tube bellcrank, aileron push/pull control cable integrity, aileron cables, clevis pins, cotter pins, and all related hardware.
(24) Inspect the center section of the root tube.
(25) Inspect the right main landing gear assembly including the landing gear carry-thru, lift struts, landing gear leg, wheel, tire, and attachment hardware.
(26) Return to the right wing tip and sight down the trailing edge to ensure that the trailing edge spar is straight.
(27) Run your hand along the right trailing edge wing spar and check its integrity. Inspect the exterior wing trailing edge attachment points, cotter pin security and related hardware.
(28) Inspect the right aileron, hinges, horn, pushrod and related hardware for integrity.
(29) Inspect the right flap, hinges, tension rods, related hardware and safety devices.
(30) Inspect the trailing edge wing spar channels and attachment hardware for integrity and security.
(31) Inspect the aft downtubes for integrity.
(32) Inspect the aft section of the root tube.
(33) Inspect the engine, mounts, gear reduction drive, propeller, exhaust system, fuel lines and connections, Electrical system, throttle and choke cables, pull starter rope and pulleys, all attachment hardware and safety devices.
(34) Inspect the tail boom for integrity.
(35) Inspect the horizontal stabilizer angle of incidence setting and attachment hardware.
(36) Inspect the forward portion of the rudder and its hinges.
(37) Inspect the right horizontal stabilizer, support struts, and attachment hardware.
(38) Inspect the elevator, hinges, stops, balance springs, and attachment hardware.
(39) Inspect the elevator bellcrank, push/pull tube and attachment hardware inside the tail boom tube.
(40) Inspect the rudder cables, rudder horn, hinges and attachment hardware. Inspect the elevator trim system pushrods and bellcranks top and bottom (unzip the zipper on the lower left aide of the vertical stabilizer cover).
(41) Inspect the LEFT side of the aircraft using the same checklist in mirror image.
(42) Inspect the fuel tank, restraint strap assembly, filter, and all fuel lines and related hardware. Check for contamination and correct fuel quantity.
(43) Inspect the AFT end of the forward fuselage tube.
(44) Inspect the elevator push/pull tubes and roller guides.
(45) Inspect the rudder cable guides, pulleys, and attachment hardware.
146) Inspect the root tube, all downtubes, side struts, flap tension rods, and attachment hardware.
(47) Close all zippers at inspection ports.
(48) Close and secure the wing gap cover.
(1) Preflight Inspection - COMPLETE
(2) Seat, Pilot Restaint System - ADJUST and LOCK
(3) Check Throttle Cable - CLEAR of Seat Belt
(4) Aircraft Recovery System - SECURED and OPERATIONAL
(1) Propeller Area - CLEAR
(2) Fuel System - ON
(3) Throttle - CLOSED
(4) Choke - ON
(5) Ignition - ON
(6) Brake - APPLY
(7) Starter Handle - PULL
Hot Start:
(1) Propeller Area - CLEAR
(2) Throttle - OPEN 1/4" (6.3 mm) to 1/2" (12.7 mm)
(3) Choke - OFF
(4) Ignition - ON
(5) Brake - APPLY
(6) Starter Handle - PULL
NOTE: When the engine starts, retard the throttle to IDLE. BEFORE TAKEOFF
(1) Flight Controls - FREE and PROPER ACTIVATION
(2) Choke - OFF
(3) Engine Coolant Temperature - 140 DEGREES F (60 C)(Min.)
(4) Propeller Area - CLEAR
(5) Brake - APPLY
(6) Throttle - FULL OPEN (briefly), then CLOSED
(Observe correct operation of TACH) Check Right and Left Ignition system at 3000 RPM If more than 300 rpm drop per side DO NOT FLY!
(7) Flaps - CHECK (each setting), then SET (as required)
(8) Taxi - SLOWLY with control wheel BACK
(9) Set trim for takeoff - (middle position for center of gravity approximately in middle of aircraft). During climb, cruise, and descent adjust trim to desired speed.
DOC/ 907-01 REV. A DATE 07/01/92
Normal Takeoff
(1) Flight Controls - FREE and PROPER ACTIVATION
(2) Flaps - 0 - 20 Degrees
(3) Throttle - FULL
(4) Elevator Control - LIFT NOSE WHEEL at 35 MPH (30 kts)
(5) Initial Climb Speed - 51 MPH (44 kts)
(Flaps - 20 degrees)
- 51 MPH (44 kts) (Flaps UP)
Short Field Takeoff
(1) Flight Controls - FREE and PROPER ACTIVATION
(2) Flaps - 20 Degrees
(3) Brake - APPLY
(4) Throttle - FULL
(5) Brake - RELEASE
(7) Climb Speed - 44 MPH (38 kts)
until all obstacles are cleared
(8) Flaps - RETRACT slowly after reaching 51 MPH (44 kts) and 100 feet AGL
Soft Field Takeoff
(1) Flight Controls - FREE and PROPER ACTIVATION
(2) Flaps - 20 DEGREES
(3) Brake - APPLY
(4) Throttle - FULL
(5) Brake - RELEASE
(6) Elevator Control - FULL AFT (BACK)
Upon breaking ground, immediately lower the nose to pick up speed as required to obtain proper airspeed.
Crosswind Takeoff
(1) Flight Controls - FREE and PROPER ACTIVATION
(2) Flaps - MINIMUM required for field length.
(3) Aileron Control - Apply in direction of the crosswind as required.
(4) Throttle - FULL
(5) Elevator Control - AFT (BACK). Pull off more abruptly than normal to prevent possible settling back on the runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, turn into wind as necessary to correct for drift.
(1) Airspeed - 51-55 MPH (44-47) kts
(2) Throttle - 6000 RPM
(3) Flaps - 0-10 Degrees
Maximum Performance Climb
(1) Airspeed - 51 MPH (44 kts) (Follow placard recommendations for minimum initial climb speeds)
(2) Throttle - FULL 6500 RPM
(3) Flaps - 10 Degrees
(4) Coolant Temperature - 180 Degrees F (82 C) maximum
(1) Throttle - 6000 RPM (Maximum continuous setting)
(2) Flaps - UP (0 degrees)
(3) Coolant Temperature - 180 Degrees F (82 C) maximum
(1) Throttle - AS DESIRED (2500-3000 RPM min.)*
(2) Flaps - AS REQUIRED
(3) Airspeed - 51-80 MPH (44-69 kts) (flaps UP)
40-55 MPH (35-48 kts) (flaps 10-30 Degrees)
• NOTE: On long descents or prolonged periods at idle, clear the engine with a brief increase in RPM approximately every 15 seconds.
(1) Landing Gear - VISUALLY INSPECT
Normal Landing
(1) Airspeed (on approach) - 46-50 MPH (40-43 kts) (flaps UP)
(2) Flaps (on final) - AS REQUIRED (Below 55 MPH) (48 kts)
(3) Airspeed (on final) - 46-50 MPH (40-43 kts)
(4) Touchdown - MAIN WHEELS FIRST (min. flight speed)
LANDING (cont'd.) Short Field Landing
(1) Airspeed (approach) - 40-50 MPH (35-43 kts) (flaps UP)
(2) Flaps (on final) - as required/below 55 MPH (48 kts)
(3) Airspeed (on final) - 48 MPH (42 kts)(flaps FULL)
(4) Power - REDUCE to idle as obstacle is cleared
(5) Touchdown - MAIN WHEELS FIRST
(6) Control Wheel - Push Forward (immediately lower nose)
(7) Brake - APPLY as required.
Soft Field Landing
(1) Flaps - 0 degrees (unless required for field length)
(2) Airspeed - Flat approach with power, 50 MPH (43 kts)
(3) Touchdown - MAIN WHEELS FIRST
(4) Control Wheel - BACH (hold nose off ground)
(5) Power - APPLY partial power until a herd surface is reached.
Crosswind Landing
(1) Flaps - 0 degress (unless required for field length).
(2) Airspeed - Not less than 51 MPH (43 kts)
(3) Aileron Control - Lover wing into the wind as required on approach. On touchdown maintain wing low method as required.
(4) Rudder Control - Maintain directional control during flight and alter touchdown with the rudder pedals (steerable nose wheel).
Balked Landing (Go-Around or Missed Approach)
(2) Wing Flaps - RETRACT to 20 DEGREES, Slowly (If set at 30 degrees)
(3) Climb Speed - 44 MPH (38 kts) (minimum)
(4) Flaps - RETRACT slowly after reaching 51 MPH (44 kts) and 100 feet AGL (Min.)
(1) Wing Flaps - UP
(1) Throttle - IDLE
(2) Ignition - OFF
(3) Exit Aircraft - SLOWLY setting aircraft on tail skid
(4) Control Wheel - SECURED
DOC, 907-01 REV. A DATE 07/01/92
The importance of a thorough preflight cannot be over-emphasized. Follow the recommended preflight procedure and develop a systematic, habitual approach. The use of good, sound, reasonable judgement in tandem with the preflight checklist is essential. Ensure "yourself", all parts and components, and the entire aircraft are in an airworthy
condition before attempting flight. If you have any reservations DO NOT FLY! Consult your Skygear dealer for any required assistance. Once established, never vary from your method and of course, ALWAYS do your own preflight.
Refer to Figure 4-1. Starting at the nose, work around the Quicksilver GT 500 aircraft in a clockwise manner as illustrated. If any questions arise, consult the maintenance section (SECTION 8) of the Quicksilver GT 500 Assembly Instructions (DOC# 902-01) or your Skygear dealer.
NOTE: This suggested outline for a preflight inspection generally covers the critcal areas that MUST be checked prior to each flight. In addition, EVERY component must be examined, properly maintanined, correctly stored or transported, and inspected before each light to ensure structural integrity and proper flying characteristics.
Beginning at the nose of the aircraft, work your way around the leading edge, back along the trailing edge, around the tail, and back up the other side. Figure 4-1 illustrates the direction to follow for the preflight inspection. Each structural tube should be examined for nicks, bends, kinks, scratches, abrasions, or dents which reduce strength. All fasteners (i.e. bolts, nuts, clevis pins, etc.), including those that are not normally disassembled, are checked for security and the presence of additional safety fasteners (pins, lock rings, safety vire, etc.) where applicable. It is necessary to run your hand down the length of the leading and trailing edges of the wing and tail to check for dents in the tubing that are concealed by the fabric covering. Unzip all wing inspection stations and inspect the interior of each wing including compression struts and connecting hardware. Also
check bolt holes drilled through tubing and attachment
fittings have not become worn, oversized, or elongated, and
that the apropriate washer and/or "saddles" are present
between tubes and fittings where required.
IMPORTANT: When inspecting the wing, thoroughly inspect all compression strut junction points at both the leading and trailing edge spars. Look for any signs of fatigue or undue stress to the struts, spars, and attachment hardware. In the event of a hard landing or ground loop in which a wing contacts the ground, the wing covering MUST BE REMOVED and a complete wing inspection performed.
The landing gear assemblies including wheels and tires, should be checked for proper inflation and condition, as well as evidence of damage from possible hard landings or rough field taxiing.
All cables must be inspected for proper installation and condition. Pay particular attention to the ends of the cables where they are wrapped around thimbles and swaged into place. The thimbles should be correctly oriented, and not twisted or kinked in their fittings. Kinks not only reduce the effective length of each cable (which can cause significant changes in the flying qualities of the aircraft), but also can cause immediate twisting and weakening of the cable itself.
The swages, copper or steel sleeves crimped onto the cable to secure the end fittings, should also be inspected at this time. Refer to the Quicksilver GT 500 Assembly Instructions (DOC* 902-01) for use of the Rico Sleeve Gauge supplied. Usually, each end fitting has two swages separated by half an inch to an inch of doubled cable. If either of these two strands of cable between the swages shows significantly more slack than the other, it is a sign that the fitting has slipped and is NOT SAFE for further flight. Many pilots have formed the excellent habit of marking the cable ends at the swaged fittings with a dab of paint or nail polish for an immediate warning of any slippage. The cable as a whole, should also be inspected for any frayed strands. The easiest way to do this is to run a rag along the cable. It will snag on any frayed cables. DO NOT do it bare-handed!
NOTE: Just because a cable is plastic covered, that does not mean it cannot fray. Any evidence of sharp bends or kinks, or abrasions is reason for replacement, even if the plastic covering appears intact.
Attention should also be paid to proper assembly and rigging procedures. On the Quicksilver 500 aircraft for example, the negative angle of incidence of the horizontal tail is critical to proper flying qualities. The procedure for setting the horizontal stabilitzer angle of incidence is described in the later in this section. Even if you know that the aircraft has not been disassembled recently, the angle of incidence should be checked.
Include in your inspection check list, all control surface hinges and retainers, pushrod end attachments, control cable attachments, landing gear serviceability, wing and strut attachments, control cable guides, turnbuckle safeties, tail bracing wire condition, and propeller attachment and condition.
If you have installed the Ballistic Parachute Recovery System, you should ensure that the firing safety pin is in place before and after each flight. DO NOT REMOVE THIS FIRING SAFETY PIN UNTIL TAKEOFF HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. REPLACE FIRING SAFETY PIN AS SOON AS PRACTICAL AFTER LANDING.
You should inspect under the cowling for any wear or damage, especially the exhaust system.
Include in your inspection, all engine fluid levels as described in the engine operators manual and the Skygear Maintemenace manual.
Never begin a flight without full fuel tanks.
Compile a flight checklist from the information below and data obtained from your test flights.
Starting Engine
Prior to starting your engine for the first time, refer to the engine operating manual supplied with your engine, the Skygear engine installation manual, and the Skygear maintenance manual and review the recommended service and starting procedures.
Be sure to “ CLEAR” the close proximity of the aircraft before starting your engine.
NOTE: The Rotax 912 series of engine must obtain oil pressure within the first ten seconds of cranking an running. If this does not occur, turn off the engine and trouble shoot the problem.
Once started, do not allow the engine to idle at minimum RPM settings for extended periods of time until the engine has warmed sufficiently. When the engine is cold, low idle speeds may cause excessive vibration and possible damage to the airframe and engine exhaust system components. If the engine does vibration and possible damage to the airframe and engine exhaust system components. If the engine does not run smoothly once started, turn it off immediately and check for fuel flooding, excessively rich fuel mixture, or fouled spark plugs. The carburetor choke is usually only necessary to achieve initial firing of the engine and in most cases may be released immediately after start up. Excessive use of the carburetor choke can cause spark plug fouling or loading of fuel. Clean and dry the spark plugs if this occurs.
Starting procedure for a Skygear not equipped with electric starter or an electrical system:
1 Turn any and all power switches to the “ off” position
2 Set fuel selector(s) to on. NOTE: Duel tank systems must have both selectors set to on for takeoff and landing.
3 Engage the choke
4 Set throttle to the idle position (see note below)
5 Turn magneto switch(s) to the “on” or “both” position
6 Start engine
7 Disengage choke when engine idle has stabilized
8 Turn on any installed accessory power switches as required
Starting procedure for a Skygear with electric starter and an electrical system:
1 Turn any and all power switches to the “off “ position
2 Set fuel selector(s) to on. NOTE: Duel tank systems must have both selectors set to on for takeoff and landing.
3 Engage the choke
4 Set throttle to the idle position(see note below)
5 Turn master battery switch to the “ on “ position
6 Turn magneto switch(s) to the “ on “ or “ both “ position
7 Turn ignition switch to the momentary “ start” position to engage starter, release and position switch to the “ on “ or “ both “ position when the engine runs
8 Disengage choke when engine idle has stabilized
9 Turn alternator switch to the “ on “ position
10 Turn on any installed accessory power switches as required
NOTE: In some cases it may be necessary to advance the throttle slightly above the idle position to achieve smooth start up. Be advised however that the choke becomes less effective as the throttle is advanced from the idle position.
Ground Operations
The Skygear series of aircraft are available in both conventional and tricycle landing gear configurations.
As most pilots know an aircraft equipped with conventional landing gear requires more attention from the pilot to maneuver it successfully on the ground than an aircraft equipped with tricycle landing gear. The conventional landing gear equipped Skygear is no different although it is rumored to be docile as “ taildraggers “ go.
The Taildragger Skygear uses a fully steerable tail wheel with an over steer feature that allows full castering when maneuvering in tight areas. The tail wheel steering arm will disengage for tight turns, as when a brake is applied, and will reengage when the aircraft is straightened out.
The tricycle Skygear uses a full castering nose wheel with spring dampening. The Skygear TR will generally track straight. Differential brake application is used for steering. This configuration allows for the same tight turning ability as a taildragger since the nose wheel deflection is not limited. Do not attempt to taxi a tricycle gear Skygear unless the brakes are fully operable.
Follow normal flight control deflection procedures when Taxiing in windy conditions.
Test Flight
In the United States, you must hold at lease a private pilots certificate in order to act as a test pilot. Only competent personnel should perform test flight operations.
First Flight
It is recommended that before conducting your first takeoff, you first perform a series of low and then high speed taxi maneuvers without actually flying. This procedure will help to familiarize yourself with the ground handling characteristics of the aircraft before actually committing to flight.
Once you have become familiar with the controls, begin short “ Crow Hop “ flights down the runway at low altitude.
Gently cycle the controls during these hops to confirm control response and monitor engine instruments for any overheating or RPM drop.
When you are confident that everything checks out OK, perform another preflight and under cowling inspection.
Your first takeoffs should be performed as described below under “ Normal Takeoff “
Your first climbs should be performed at lease 10 MPH above normal VY speeds until you become comfortable with the aircraft.
Your first landing approaches should be performed at speeds equal to VFE and with flaps extended.
Your first landings should be performed as described below under “ Normal Landing “ except that you should land long and allow yourself plenty of runway. Simply approach and fly down the runway at low levels until you are comfortable and stable.
Before Takeoff
Perform a static ground engine run up to confirm the engine reliability. If your engine is equipped with a dual ignition system, cycle each system independently and check for any significant drop in RPM. Do not attempt flight if your engine is running rough.
Allow the engine to warm sufficiently enough to show an indication on the cylinder head temperature gauge before attempting takeoff.
Normal Takeoff
Set fuel selector(s) to on. NOTE: Duel tank systems must have both selectors set to on for takeoff and landing.
Line up on the runway and center all controls.
Set the flaps one “ click “ down for takeoff.
Release the brakes and advance the throttle with firm steady pressure until full power is achieved.
In the case of a taildragger, place the control stick slightly aft of neutral during the initial phase of the takeoff run until control speed is achieved. Once you have accelerated and gained directional control with the rudder instead of the tail wheel, slowly raise the tail until a level attitude is achieved. Accelerate to VS and gently apply aft stick pressure until the aircraft leaves the ground. You will notice a slight pressure reversal on the elevator control when the aircraft is ready to leave the ground. Once the aircraft leaves the ground, level off and continue acceleration until VY is achieved.
In the case of tricycle gear Skygear, begin the takeoff run with slight aft stick pressure in order to raise the nose wheel off of the runway as soon as possible. Do not over rotate but continue acceleration with the nose wheel slightly off of the runway for takeoff. The aircraft will depart the runway when flying speed is achieved. Once the aircraft leaves the ground, level off and continue acceleration until VY is achieved
Establish a positive rate of climb with full throttle at VY. Set the flaps to neutral and continue climbing as desired.
Short/Soft Field Takeoff
Set flaps to the second down position. Accelerate to VX while controlling the aircraft in a slightly nose high attitude.
When the aircraft leaves the ground, reduce the nose high attitude and allow the aircraft to accelerate to VX.
Upon reaching VX, reduce flap setting to the first down position and continue climbing at VX.
Reduce nose high attitude as soon as possible and accelerate to VY, to allow sufficient airflow cooling to the engine. Upon Reaching VY, retract flap to neutral and continue normal climb.
It is not good practice to operate the Skygear engine at full power during extended climbs.
When convenient, lower the nose to increase airspeed and then slightly reduce power settings while still maintaining an acceptable rate of climb. This will provide better cooling to the engine, extending its time between overhauls.
Cruise Flight
Cruise flight should be performed at 65%-75% power settings. For a Skygear equipped with a Rotax 447/503/582 engine and no in-flight adjustable propeller, cruise power is achieved between 5600-6300RPM.
If dual wing fuel tanks are installed, switching off one fuel tank for equalization purposes may only be conducted in straight and level flight in smooth air conditions.
Takeoffs and landing must be conducted with both fuel control valves in the on position.
No extended slips with one fuel tank control valve in the off position may be conducted. Un-porting of the fuel pick up line on the remaining tank and engine failure may result.
Landing Approach
Set fuel selector(s) to on. NOTE: Duel tank systems must have both selectors set to on for takeoff and landing.
Reduce power and allow the airspeed to drop to or slightly below VFE while maintaining altitude on the downwind leg of the airport traffic pattern. You may deploy the flaps to the first down position at speeds above VFE to aid in slowing the aircraft.
Once VFE is established, set flaps to the second down position during the downwind leg of the pattern.
Set flaps to the third down position on the base leg of the pattern.
Set full flaps on the final approach leg to landing.
Adjust power as necessary to achieve a comfortable decent rate. Your first approaches to landing should be at speeds equal to VFE and with flaps extended.
Normal Landing
Set fuel selector(s) to on. NOTE: Duel tank systems must have both selectors set to on for takeoff and landing
Upon a proper approach to the runway, level the aircraft as low to the runway as possible.
Reduce power and allow the aircraft to settle while continuing to raise the nose.
Taildragger aircraft should continue flare out on landing until the tail wheel makes contact with the runway. A proper taildragger landing will allow the tail wheel to touchdown at the same time as the main gear. As soon as the tail wheel has made contact with the runway, apply and maintain full aft stick to prevent oscillations. Apply brakes as necessary.
Tricycle gear aircraft should touchdown on the main wheels first, with the aircraft in a slightly nose high attitude. Upon contact with the runway by the main wheels reduce power to idle and continue roll out, holding the nose off and allowing the nose to settle on its own as speed deteriorates. Do not force the nose wheel down by applying forward stick. It should be your goal to hold the nose wheel off as long as possible. Apply brakes as necessary.
Short/Soft Field Landing
Approach at the minimum speed required to maintain controllability and a safe descent rate for the wind conditions using full flap deflection.
Carry enough power to permit a gentle touchdown at minimum speed.
Taildraggers should touchdown on all three wheels at once. Once the tail wheel has made contact, apply and hold full aft stick deflection apply brakes as necessary.
For an extremely soft field situation, brakes should not be used.
Tricycle gear pilots should not allow the nose wheel to touchdown until the last possible moment when speed has decayed to a minimum and then apply brakes as necessary.
For an extremely soft field situation, you may drag the tail skid on the ground to aid in slowing. Brakes should not be used.
Cross-wind Landing
Use “upwind wing low” cross-wind landing technique.
In high wind situations, use the minimum amount of flap setting required for the field length.
In the case of taildragger Skygear, the upwind main wheel and tail wheel should touch down at nearly the same time. In extreme wind conditions it may be necessary to allow the upwind main wheel to touchdown first, followed as soon as possible by the tail wheel and then the downwind main wheel.
In the case of tricycle Skygear, the upwind main wheel should touch down first, followed by the downwind main wheel, and then the nose wheel. The nose wheel should be lowered quickly to decrease the angle of attack but should not be lowered prior to both main gear making contact with the runway.
Balked Landing
Apply full power.
Upon establishing a positive rate of climb, slowly reduce flap setting to one “ click “ down.
Accelerate to VY and continue normal climb.
After Landing
Retract Flaps to their neutral position.
If installed, replace ballistic parachute recovery system firing safely pin.
Taxi to point of parking.
Allow the engine to idle a while, prior to shutdown, after extended or hard operation.
Post Flight
Upon reaching a full stop at your destination, shut down the engine and systems in the following order:
1 Adjust throttle for smooth idle
2 Turn off any accessory power switches
3 Turn off alternator switch if installed.
4 Turn off master battery switch if installed.
5 Turn off engine magneto(s) and wait for engine to stop
6 Tie down aircraft
7 Fill fuel tanks (to prevent water condensation)
Your Skygear will likely need some adjustments to achieve “ hands off” trim for straight and level flight at cruise speed.
Roll Trim
The most unstable axis in any aircraft is the longitudinal or “roll” axis, the axis controlled by the ailerons.
Considerable variation to the longitudinal stability and controllability can be made by adjustment of the trailing edge radius and trailing edge reflex of the ailerons.
The upper and lower surfaces of the ailerons should be in a flat plane, and should follow a straight line, without variation, to a trailing edge radius of approximately 3/32”.
Flight testing of the Skygear has shown that smaller aileron trailing edge radii result in heavier aileron control pressures. Larger aileron trailing edge radii result in lighter control pressures. Any difference between the right and left ailerons trailing edge radii will cause a tendency for the control stick to wander to one side or the other accompanied by a roll in the same direction.
Your may trim the aircraft in roll by adjusting the trailing edge radius or reflex of one or both of the ailerons. A larger radius will cause the aileron to lift, just as if you had installed a tab that deflected downward, causing the related wing to drop.
Use caution when adjusting the ailerons trailing edge. If the trailing edge radius of the aileron is too large, or a bulge above and/or below the plane of the upper and lower surface exists, the aileron will tent to “ snatch “ the stick when deflected from the neutral position by a control input or a gust load, due to the acceleration of air flow over this enlarged area generating a lift force aft of the surfaces hinge line. This problem may not be readily apparent during level flight in calm air because the air flow is relatively equal over both sides of the surface when neutral.
You may tighten the radius of the trailing edge by squeezing it between two boards with “C” clamps.
You may adjust the reflex of the trailing edge with flanging pliers.
Because the pressure of air on the upper surface of the wing is lower than that on the lower surface, the ailerons will tend to trail high in flight. Adjust the aileron push pull cable so that the lower surface of the ailerons are parallel to the lower surface of the wings while in flight.
NOTE: A differential between the right and left flap angles, the right and left horizontal stabilizer incidence, or an improper vertical fin angle will also induce a rolling tendency.
Yaw Trim
Install and adjust rudder trailing edge trim tap
Additional rudder pedal force may be relieved by adjusting the tension of the pedal return springs.
Pitch Trim
In most cases, adjustments in pitch trim are not necessary since small changes n cruise speed will raise or lower the nose.
The Center of Gravity is perhaps the most important single factor in achieving proper pitch trim. Ensure that the CG is within the prescribed limits. If the CG is more toward the forward limit, the level flight trim speed will be relatively high and aft elevator pressure will be higher at landing speeds. Relocation of the battery ( if installed ) or the addition of ballast are possible methods of adjusting the CG.
Fine pitch trim adjustment can be made by changing the incidence of the horizontal stabilizer. Lowering the horizontal stabilizers leading edge via adjustment of the leading bracing wires will induce a nose up tendency and vice a versa.
Ensure that both sides are adjusted equally or a roll force may be induced.
During the early flying stages of your Skygear, determine the bet glide speed by reducing power to idle at a safe altitude.
Make note of this speed on your check list and install a placard describing this speed near the airspeed indicator, as described above under “ PLACARDS “.
Engine Failures
In most cases, an engine failure is not rectifiable during flight.
Engine failures are generally caused by fuel starvation as result of an empty fuel tank, fuel line blockage, or fuel contamination by water or sediment. Leaving the fuel selector valve in the off position is the most common cause for engine failure during takeoff.
If you experience an engine failure during flight; do not waste time trying to restart the engine, rater lower the nose and establish best glide speed. Make your approach to the most suitable landing site at your disposal. Apply flaps, at the last moment, as necessary. Application of flaps will reduce your gliding distance.
If time permits, you may wish to attempt a restart. Ensure that the fuel valve and magneto switches are on.
If a restart is not possible and forced landing is eminent, shut off the fuel to the engine and turn off the magneto and any other installed master power switches.
If necessary, you may force doors free for egress.
During the takeoff run; continue straight ahead and abort the takeoff. Apply brakes and coast clear of the runway if possible.
During initial departure ; lower the nose and establish best glide speed. Continue ahead and land.
Never attempt to turn back to the runway since such a turn will cause detrimental loss in altitude and airspeed. Apply flaps if necessary. Use your best judgment!
A fire may be caused by fuel leaking and igniting from engine heat or an electrical spark. Fire may also be caused by an electrical short circuit. In any case, the installation of HALON type fire extinguisher, within reach of the pilot, is highly recommended for deployment in any emergency situation involving a fire.
Electrical fire : Turn off master battery and alternator switches and extinguish if possible. Make landing and evacuate the aircraft as soon as practicle.
Engine fire : Turn off fuel supply to engine, turn magneto switch to off, turn off master battery and alternator switches. If in flight, execute a forced landing as quickly as possible, but do not exceed VNE-Evacuate the aircraft as soon as practicle, and extinguish if possible.
Inadvertent Spin Recovery
You should never intentionally spin your Skygear.
If you inadvertently encounter a spin, reduce power to idle and neutralize the ailerons. Apply rudder control in the opposite direction of the spin rotation and briskly apply forward elevator control to brake the stall. Hold these control inputs until rotation has stopped.
When rotation has stopped, neutralize the rudder and recover from the resulting dive with GENTLE application of up elevator control. Add power when necessary to resume normal flight. Take care not to exceed VNE.
The Ballistic Recovery System, of BRS , is a safety device designed to recover the aircraft from a catastrophic in flight emergency with a parachute. This system should only be used as a last resort.
When deployed in an emergency, the BRS fires a rocket from the aircraft that pulls a parachute out with it. The parachute is bridled to the aircraft and is designed to return the aircraft to the ground as slowly as possible.
Never treat this system as security from your own lack of piloting skills or from airframe abuse. This system should not be considered the first option in the case of an engine failure.
The BRS has been deployed with several test aircraft by the systems manufacturer to within 200 feet above the ground with favorable results.
A BRS deployment has never been tested with a Skygear, or by Skygear USA Corporation. The BRS system has been test fitted to all Skygear models.
In an emergency, you must quickly determine if the use of this option is justified.
Some people in flight emergencies that may require the use of this system are ; midair collision, forced landing into forest or water, catastrophic airframe or control failure during flight, or pilot impairment.
Skygear USA Corporation does not mean to suggest that you should use this option in any particular emergency. You as the pilot in command of the situation must make this decision.
When deploying this system, it is always best to be moving as slowly as possible to reduce the parachutes opening shock. If possible, pull the nose of the aircraft up and deploy the system just prior to stalling.
The pilot should remain in the aircraft during recovery and prepare himself and any passenger for a potentially severe impact.
It may be possible to control the drift direction and attitude with the aircraft flight controls.
Deployment Check List
Turn off engine.
Ensure that the firing safety pin is removed.
Shield yourself from possible blast and vigorously pull the deployment handle as far out as possible.
Once deployed, check for possible airframe fire and extinguish.
Turn off all fuel valves and electrical systems.
Unlatch doors and remove if possible.
Prepare for impact.