4월 말일자로 전 한의대(중의대)로 CTCMA에서 띄운 공지 전문입니다.
올 해 있을 침술실기 시험(11월 22,23일)부터 시험방식이 바뀐다고 하네요.
그동안의 침술실기 시험은 아시다시피 침점 20개를 주어, 처음 5개 경혈점은 침 자입 깊이와 방향을 시험지에 쓰고,
이것을 포함한 경혈점 20개를 스티커로 모델의 몸에 붙이는 방식이었습니다.
이번부터 바뀌는 시험방식은 보다 실질적인 치료행동과 구두시험으로 나뉘어져 평가받게 됩니다.(사실은 어찌보면 보다 더 주관적인 평가를 받게 된다는 얘기도 되죠.)
올해부턴 사람을 안쓰고 사람모형으로 실제로 침으로 놓는 식으로 시험을 치루게 됩니다. 필요한 침과 도구들은 본인이 구비하고 와야 한답니다. 자세한 것은 각 학교에 문의하시고 아래 전문을 참고하세요.(타이핑이 완성되는대로 해석도 달아 놓도록 하겠습니다.)
음, 갈수록 까다로와 지는 군요. 영어소통에 문제가 있는 분들은 더욱 어려울듯... CTCMA 시험을 준비하는 분들께 행운을 빕니다.
- 아래 전문 -
From: Mary Watterson, Registrar
This memorandum is in follow-up to the March 12th information regarding the Acupuncture Practical Examination 2008. As you know, the College conducted a survey including all TCM schools, CTCMA examiners and three hundred randomized registrant.
In February a large workshop was held to review the survey findings and to begin to develop an examination accordingly. In March an examination development team begin to work to finalize the examination.
Today development is now at the testing stage and we are now confident that the examination will increase the ability to more fully measure entry-level competency on the clinical level.
The clinical examination will consist of verbal and demonstration components. Demonstration will include setting up a clean field; needle insertion; insertion depth and angle of needle; anatomy and safe needling; cleaning skin; and disposal of needles and clinical waste. There will not be a live model used in the examination. Candidates will be required to demonstrate needling procedure on an inanimate object. The demonstration component will comprise approximately twenty-percent of the examination.
Verbal description will include point location; insertion depth/angle; and the identification of certain acupuncture points that require precautions, and identifying the reasons for those precautions. The verbal description will comprise approximately eighty-percent of the examination.
Candidates are required to bring with them all the equipment necessary for insertion and withdrawal of needles. Actual hand washing will not be required but verbal knowledge of hygienic procedures will be required. Candidates are required to maintain appropriate hygienic and safety procedures throughout the entire demonstration.