[보기] not do your new habit / are not lumped into the two categories / refuse to use the true outside world / consistently and over time / drop from sight |
(선택)4-5. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 강추
Values and their supporting beliefs are lenses through which we see the world. The views(선입견) that these lenses provide are often of what life ought to be like, not what it is. For example, Americans value individualism so highly that they tend to see almost everyone as free and equal in pursuing the goal of success. This value blinds them to the significance of the circumstances that keep people from achieving success.(para1,2) The dire consequences of family poverty, parents’ low education, and dead-end jobs tend to _________________ Instead, Americans see the unsuccessful as not taking advantage of opportunities, or as having some inherent laziness or dull minds. And they “know” they are right, because the mass media dangle before their eyes enticing stories of individuals who have succeeded despite the greatest of handicaps. *dire 심각한, 끔찍한 **dangle (상대방의 마음을 끌 수 있는 것을) 제시하다
(선택)4-6. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 추
I would guess that there are a few dancers who believe, as I once did, that injuries are caused primarily by accidents: slipping, tripping, running into someone or something, or forgetting to point your foot at the right instant and inadvertently twisting your ankle. But the longer I’ve danced, the more I’ve understood that accidents are quite rare as causes of dance injuries. The majority of injuries are caused — and prevented — by how you work at your dancing, _____________________.(가벼운 역논리) Working incorrectly just once usually won’t hurt you; your body is quite resilient and can bounce back from some amount of abuse. But if you work incorrectly again and again, class after class, performance after performance, day after day, and year after year, your body — or some part of it — will finally give out. It will simply refuse to function anymore.
*inadvertently 본의 아니게 **resilient 회복력이 있는
(선택)5-4. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?겹 강추
In certain malls, there is a fair amount of sunlight that comes in from a central skylight or a few strategically placed skylights. Most mall developers _________________ in any significant way, one fearing that this may encourage the shopper to want to leave the mall and go elsewhere — to another world. The notion of shopping as theater or “retail drama” kicks in at this point. “The idea,” according to Laura Byrne Paquet, “is to replicate the artificial feeling of a theater or a Hollywood sound stage, where shoppers can be the stars of their own show.” This concept is carried forth in a phenomenal way; if the shoppers and others are “part of the cast” there is the archway as a stage, and the ability to try on “costumes,” touch “props” and in general, engage in the dramatic ritual of shopping.
*replicate 복제하다 **props (연극의) 소품
(선택)5-6. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 추
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Developing conscious habits is a tool to achieve an integrated life. Developing good or productive habits and eliminating bad or destructive habits involves looking at what you need to implement in your life, as well as what you need to eliminate. Stephen Covey says, “Our character basically is a composite of our habits.” Take a look at your habits and ask yourself what is moving you closer to your goals and what is moving you away from them. Understand that it takes 21 days to begin a new habit (that’s 21 consecutive days, so yes, every time you do something new...or choose not to...it does make a difference), so this relatively painful process of change isn’t indefinite, it just takes a few weeks — and on the 22nd day, it will actually be harder for you to ______________________ than it will be to continue doing it.
(선택)9-5.(강강추) Very briefly, the complex individual is one who can see things from another person’s point of view and who is (A)flexible in his/her thought processes. For example, they are able to change their minds on an issue in the light of new information rather than rigidly “sticking to their guns.” (역논리) They also tend to (B)avoid what might be called “black and white” thinking. For example, the positions of others on an issue ________________________ of those for them and those against them but rather shades of differences or gradations of opinion are recognized and taken into account. Thus, they (C)realize that the truth of a matter often lies somewhere in between two extremes. Last but not least, the complex person seems better able to hold off on a decision allowing more information to be taken into consideration. *lump 일률적으로 다루다 **gradation 단계적 차이[변화]
8-5 (어법) 추 아래 밑줄친 어휘들 중에서 흐름상 어색한 것을 고르시오
Even after people learned the scientific method, many still pursued and believed in really weird things, and many old ideas died ①hard deaths. It’s hard to believe, but even simple things such as washing your hands to prevent infection were not fully ②resisted by the medical community until relatively recently on the human timeline. Even after it was discovered and documented that washing hands drastically ⓷reduced deadly fevers, the idea took a while to catch on. It was just too revolutionary, too weird. The idea of germs and microscopic organisms ④supported a variety of other ideas, including that the source of disease was probably linked to things that stank, which was sort of true when you thought about it. In a world that had already invented the telephone and the lightbulb, hand-washing to prevent sickness met enough ⑤resistance that doctors argued about it for decades.
*stink 고약한 냄새가 나다
(선택)11-2(빈칸)겹 추 아래 밑줄 친 부분들 중에서 어법상 어색한 것은?
Keep in mind that while ①coaching our children to future success, we can’t forget about the present. Understanding how what you are doing today ②benefiting you today and not just somewhere down the road ⓷is an essential part of personal motivation. Sometimes seeing the big picture isn’t enough; in fact, the big picture can sometimes be ⓸overwhelming.
역논리: big picture만 보지마라. 지금 당장의 상황을 생각해라.
(선택)11-4. 어법상 옳은 것은?
Even those decisions which, we believe, are shaped by rationality or logical principles about what is right or good [is / are] in fact more often triggered by a gut emotional response.
[11~13번] 보기: contained healthy distinct
(선택)11-9.겹 획일적 정체성 – 마이너스 / 다양 정체성 - 플러스 [역논리 / 이분화] 추
Research suggests that a person’s level of self-complexity can have important consequences, particularly when people are confronted with negative events or difficulties in a given life domain. Imagine learning that you did poorly on a midterm exam. If you’re someone who is high in self-complexity — that is, you define yourself in terms of many nonoverlapping domains (for example, student, avid skier, committed volunteer, enthusiastic fan of Glee) — the negativity that results from your poor exam grade is relatively _____________, affecting only how you feel about yourself as a student. (역논리)But if you’re low in self-complexity such that your identity as a student overlaps to a great extent with the few other identities you have — then the negativity associated with your poor exam grade is likely to lower your evaluations of yourself as a student as well as spill over and affect (N제빈칸)how you evaluate your other, overlapping identities. In short, putting all your “self eggs” in one basket can be risky in the face of threatening, self-relevant events.
(선택)12-1.(제거)추 (Para1,2) According to evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, cooperation is the only way toward sustainability. Mature ecosystems such as prairies and rainforests evolve when there is more cooperation than when there is hostile competition. The highly complex ecosystem of the rainforest is a particularly vivid example of a mature system that has survived through millions of years because species learned to cooperate with each other. In the rainforest, every species is fully employed, all work cooperatively while recycling all of their resources, and all products and services are distributed in such a way that every species remains ____________. That is sustainability. *prairie 대초원
(선택)12-5.(제거)추(역논리/이분화) If all our knowledge stopped at the level of the senses, we would be no better off than the subhuman members of the animal kingdom. Different animals have different levels of proficiency on the sense level. In many cases it’s much better than anything human beings can do. Eagles see much better, dogs can detect odors that completely escape our power of smell, and some animals fly through the air using radar. But we can do something that our pets can’t do, to wit, form concepts, and then put concepts together in reasoning processes. By reflecting upon this ability we come to realize that we must have a mind __________ from our body, and that, regardless of how much pseudo-science there is in the world, it’s a grave error to confuse the mind with the body. *subhuman 인간 이하의
(선택)12-2.(제거) 역논리/이분화 강추
The word “scientist” in its present meaning did not become a part of language until the modern era. In ancient and medieval times philosophy was everything, and the philosopher was the caretaker of human wisdom. He knew of the moral law, religion, government, natural history, alchemy, mathematics, healing, and all knowledge. Indeed, the diligent scholar at one time had been able to master the entire sum of academic learning. This is in striking contrast with the world of today, in which a man may devote a lifetime to a single type of germ or bacteria and still consider his subject (중요)[small and narrow / vast and complex] enough for a full generation of profound study. Having few details to bother about in his pursuit of knowledge, the ancient could think in broad and encompassing terms. *alchemy 연금술
(선택)14-1(문삽) 아래 (가)와 (나)에 들어갈 말은? 보기: is being used / useless
Play is often discounted as something for children, because it does not deal with important survival processes, because it is useless. But this is a profound misunderstanding. Play is important because it is (가)__________; because it allows us to act not because of necessity or convenience, but in order to freely express our being. The problem, however, starts again when play becomes a profession ㅡ with all the external rewards and responsibilities that this entails. Musicians playing for leading symphony orchestras, or athletes playing for multi-million contracts with elite teams, no longer feel that they play to express their being. Instead, they start feeling that their skill (나)______________ by others for their own ends. When that happens, instead of allowing for the free flow of consciousness, even play becomes part of the iron cage.
14-2 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분들 중 어법상 어색한 것은?
One facet of the nominal fallacy, the error of believing that the label carries explanatory information, is the danger of ⓵using common words and giving them a scientific meaning. This has the often disastrous effect of ②leading an unwary public down a path of misunderstanding. Words like "theory," "law," "force" do not mean in common discourse ③which they mean to a scientist. "Success" in Darwinian evolution is not the same "success" as taught by Dale Carnegie. "Force" to a physicist has a meaning quite ⓸different from that used in political discourse. The worst of these, though, may be "theory" and "law," which are almost polar opposites ㅡ theory ⓹being a strong idea in science while vague in common discourse, and law being a much more muscular social than scientific concept. These differences lead to sometimes serious misunderstandings between scientists and the public that supports their work.
(선택)15-4.강추추가 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 어휘들 중 흐름상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
Focus groups are commonly used in marketing but in some countries there are very real problems with them. Since it is difficult to recruit ⓵random people to be in focus groups, research agencies have developed large pools of consumers willing to take part in focus groups at ⓶short notice. However, the problem is that many of these consumers are too willing. Research has revealed that many consumers enjoy the pay, free food, and experience of being an expert and focus on pleasing the moderator in order to get ③invited back regularly. Unfortunately, the way to ④please the very human moderator seems to be to work out (어법)[what / that] they want to hear, rather than providing them with genuine insights about the brand. This makes much of the data gained from focus-group panels ⓹worthwhile. Agencies are aware of this problem and ensure a churn rate within groups to keep them fresh, but consumers get around this by using multiple names in order to remain in the pool.
(선택)16-[5-6] [생략] The burden to please or impress others can be (b)overwhelming. It can cause us to mortgage our lives to the limit and compromise our self-worth in the process. People-pleasing is the (c)opposite of the self-sabotaging behavior coming from the thought that others should make you happy.
20-2 흐름상 알맞은 어구들을 고르시오.
Repurposed clothing tells an even more [straigtforward / complex] tale than that of secondhand garments. Until recently, clothes that were extensively altered from their original form frequently [overlooked / observed] in museum collections, as it was believed that their alterations rendered them [genuine / inauthentic] Today, however, analyses of such objects by scholars like Alexandra Palmer, fashion curator at The Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, as well as the [embrace / refusal] of repurposing techniques by high-end fashion labels, [have / having] imbued altered objects with newfound [insignificance / significance] Such clothing is now used to provide insight on the high value placed on textiles in the past, as well as to how that value has diminished over time. Examining remade garments also [highlights / underestimates] a resourcefulness and skill that is all but lost in the contemporary fashion industry. In many ways, these garments acted as early models of sustainability.
*imbue ~ with ... ~에게 …을 불어넣다
(선택)20-4.(주제)(이분화)화 Within the arena of household consumption, research predominantly focuses on direct rebound effects among consumers particularly for energy appliances in the home and fuel efficiency in vehicles. For example, often large energy savings are [ignored / predicted] when consumers replace traditional incandescent light bulbs(백열전구) with more efficient compact fluorescent bulbs(형광등). However, these savings [commonly / rarely] reach their predicted targets as research indicates that many consumers, recognising that the light costs less to operate, appear less thorough about switching it off, resulting in more hours of use, i.e. higher energy consumption. Similarly, studies have indicated that energy savings from efficiency improvements, for example, a more efficient space heating unit or increased levels of insulation, are often then spent on [increased / decreased] heating standards. Here, the consumer may gain by operating a warmer home for the same or [lower / higher] cost than they had previously.
강추 수특영어 22-2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
The French government utilised skiing as a part of its strategies for regional development in the post-Second World War economic reconstruction. ⓵Purpose-built ski resorts, or ‘ski factories’ as some tourism and recreation researchers labelled them because of their emphasis on the mass accommodation of skiers and construction from glass, concrete and steel, ②built in the late 1950s to aid regional development. The combination of demand from a growing mass leisure class and regional development opportunities ③has driven similar transformations in many of the world’s mountain landscapes for the purpose of recreation and tourism. This development demonstrates how previously unused nature may become a resource ④offering economic opportunities. This process emphasises that nature only becomes a resource when a human value is placed upon it, typically through the market, thus ⑤acquiring an instrumental value that previously did not exist.
수특영어 22-3(강추추가) [Participating in sports is quite different from watching sports. Yet in sport studies, these two activities are often lumped together statistically and anecdotally.]
(A) Based on spectator interest, this is a reasonable conclusion. But if we look at participation, football is popular only through high school and only with boys.
(B) Combining them only adds to the confusion of the value of each, leads to suspect conclusions, and interferes with the assessment of the overall influence of sport. For example, many people would rate tackle football as the most popular sport in the United States.
(C) Beyond age 18, tackle football is not a reasonable option due to the number of players required, lack of equipment, and risk of injury. Thus it is more accurate to say that football is the most popular spectator sport in the United States but ___________________.
1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
2. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① has been steadily losing viewers ② is even more popular among males
③ rates far down the list in participation ④ does not have very many fans globally
⑤ is being played by more and more people
3. 역논리 관계를 설명하시오.
But if we look at participation, football is popular only through high school and only with boys. Beyond age 18, tackle football is not a reasonable option due to the number of players required, lack of equipment, and risk of injury.
4. Based on spectator interest 이 부분이 무슨 말인지 설명하고 같은 의미의 단어를 제시문에서 찾아 적으시오.
제시문: [Participating in sports is quite different from watching sports. Yet in sport studies, these two activities are often lumped together statistically and anecdotally.]
아래 보기들에서 알맞은 어구를 골라 빈칸에 넣으시오.
exhausted / exposure and familiarity / the means and circumstances / filled more likely to survive / no longer mine alone / no longer others’ / perishable / the mystery of human selfhood / only one explanation |
(선택)16-[3-4] 강추추가
Our tendency to overlook habit can be explained by one aspect of habit itself: the way in which familiarity and repetition dull our senses. Marcel Proust describes habit as a ‘heavy curtain’ which ‘conceals from us almost the whole universe, and prevents us from knowing ourselves.’ Not only this: habit ‘cuts off from things (어법)[what / which] we have witnessed a number of times the root of profound impression and of thought which gives them their real meaning.’ [생략] A few European philosophers have gone so far as to claim, like many teachers in the Buddhist tradition, that habit provides ‘an answer to the problem of the self’, that our continuing identity through time and change is produced by the tenacity of habit. (역논리) If this is true — and perhaps even if it is not quite true — then habit’s ambiguity and uncertainty belong to ___________________. The question of habit may be (B)inseparable from our hardest, deepest, most insistent question: who are we? who am I? *penetrate 뚫고 들어가다, 관통하다 **tenacity 완강함
수특영어 19-2.(순서) 추가 강추
Abduction is a process of reasoning used to decide which explanation of given phenomena we should select, and so, naturally, it is also called ‘argument to the best explanation’. Often we are presented with certain experiences and are called upon to offer some sort of explanation for them. But the problem we frequently face is that a given body of data may not determine or force us to accept _______________. (역논리)Unsettling as it seems, some philosophers have even argued that for any possible body of evidence there will always be a variety of explanations consistent with it. This is just the claim that Duhem and Quine have advanced. Whether or not their claim is true, however, in cases where we do face a set of alternative explanations, our task as good reasoners must be to decide which one of those explanations best fits the evidence. That’s where abduction comes in. *abduction 귀추법(최선의 설명을 찾아가는 추론)
아래 보기들에서 알맞은 어구를 골라 빈칸에 넣으시오.
exhausted / exposure and familiarity / the means and circumstances / filled more likely to survive / no longer mine alone / no longer others’ / perishable / the mystery of human selfhood |
25-1. Communication is not merely a matter of producing effects on other communicators; it is one of actually engaging with them. Communicating is a kind of sharing. When two people communicate (rather than “talk at each other”), they come to have something in common. They must start with something in common, too, even if this is only the language they share. Communication does not demand complete agreement or acceptance, but it does demand understanding. When put into language, my thoughts, ideas, notions, and beliefs are _________________ (assuming they ever were). They have been put into a form in which they can be shared. The primary aim of language use is understanding; all of the other effects my linguistic actions may have on other people (getting my listeners to agree with me, to obey my orders, to trust me, or whatever) only come about because what I have tried to communicate has been understood.
25-2. Human memory limits which cultural variants can be remembered and transmitted successfully. People are unlikely to retain information that is easily forgotten or misremembered, particularly in cultures relying on an oral tradition. David Rubin, a professor at Duke University, provided a brilliant account of how the cognitive structure of memory affects the content of oral traditions such as epic ballads or countingout rhymes. As one example of his approach, he used work on imagery in cognitive psychology to argue that epic ballads such as the Iliad or Odyssey tend to focus on concrete, easily visualized actions because people find it easier to remember events that are concrete and easy to visualize. Homer is filled with concrete action, not because the Greeks had trouble with abstraction but because the constraint of human memory makes concrete images __________________ generation after generation of oral transmission.
26-2. As cars are becoming less dependent on people, ______________________ in which the product is used by consumers are also likely to undergo significant changes, with higher rates of participation in car sharing and short-term leasing programs. In the not-too-distant future, a driverless car could come to you when you need it, and when you are done with it, it could then drive away without any need for a parking space. Increases in car sharing and short-term leasing are also likely to be associated with a corresponding decrease in the importance of exterior car design. Rather than serving as a medium for personalization and self-identity, car exteriors might increasingly come to represent a channel for advertising and other promotional activities, including brand ambassador programs, such as those offered by Free Car Media. As a result, the symbolic meanings derived from cars and their relationship to consumer self-identity and status are likely to change in turn.
29-3. Soldiers’ wartime exposure to commercially canned foods, though occasional, generated the beginnings of consumer trust. This trust flowed back up the chain of production, providing the first faint signs of wider demand that canners needed in order to innovate and expand. Tastes were often slow to change when ordinary consumers were given a choice between new products and their go-to standards. But because army men in the American Civil War had little choice when it came to their food supply, they gave new foods a chance and widened their palates to partially accommodate canned foods. After the war, they brought these new preferences home with them. The nature of trust that these battlefield encounters fostered was not yet rooted in scientific certainty, a better understanding of the risks, or knowledge of where the food had come from. Rather, it sprang from _____________________ that made a new kind of food seem worth sampling and its convenience and accessibility worth appreciating. *go-to 믿을 수 있는 **palate 미각
29-4. We need to find out why people are not naturally motivated to eat sensibly and take exercise, and why the motivation to consume alcohol or to smoke persists in spite of their harmful effects on the body. The probable reason is that good or bad effects are not felt immediately but only several years or even decades later. With regard to nutrition there is some feedback from research, but it takes a very long time for the results of research to spread through society. The explanation is that the mechanisms of biochemical adaptation oppose clinical manifestations of nutritional imbalances (deficits or excesses of nutrients) and pronounced disturbances or disease arise only after the adaptation reserves have become ____________________. A similar phenomenon is observed with chronic consumption of alcohol and heavy smoking over a long period.
수특영어 26-2 이분화 [순서 또는 문삽으로 출제될 가능성 높은 지문](이분화)
다음 주어진 글 다음에 와야할 올바른 순서는?
[As cars are becoming less dependent on people, the means and circumstances in which the product is used by consumers are also likely to undergo significant changes, with higher rates of participation in car sharing and short-term leasing programs.]
(A) Rather than serving as a medium for personalization and self-identity, car exteriors might increasingly come to represent a channel for advertising and other promotional activities, including brand ambassador programs, such as those offered by Free Car Media.
(B) Increases in car sharing and short-term leasing are also likely to be associated with a corresponding decrease in the importance of exterior car design.
(C) In the not-too-distant future, a driverless car could come to you when you need it, and when you are done with it, it could then drive away without any need for a parking space.
19-3(연결사) 추가 The links between food consumption and lifestyles defined in relation to social hierarchies developed in various ways in centuries later than the sixteenth-century. The motif of quality became clearer. Consumers now took for granted that the domain of social privilege expressed itself in the right — or duty — to obtain food products of ever higher quality. However, there were still [differences / correspondences] between typologies of foods and beverages and the typologies of the consumers themselves. (A)For example, in eighteenth-century Europe, coffee was considered the dominant bourgeois drink, whereas chocolate was aristocratic. What was defined here was a clearly ideological antithesis: the former awoke and stimulated the mind to work and to be productive; whereas the latter was a drink for the inactive and lazy. In the following century(19세기), (B)however, coffee had already become a popular beverage in France, as had tea in Holland and England.
*typology 유형 분류 체계 **aristocratic 귀족의 ***antithesis 대립
25-4(순서)(추가) 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The Arabic language doesn’t have a single word for compromise, which some have said is the reason that Arabs seem to be unable to reach a compromise. Yet, the Arabic language does provide several ways to articulate the concept of compromise, the most common being an expression that translates in English to “we reached a middle ground.” This example illustrates codability, which refers to the ease with which a language can express a thought. When a language has a convenient word for a concept, that concept is said to have high codability. Thus, the existence of the word compromise gives that idea high codability in English. When a concept requires more than a single word for its expression, it possesses lower codability. It is accurate, then, to say that the idea of compromise has lower codability in Arabic than in English. However, having a phrase rather than a single word to express an idea does not mean that the idea is nonexistent in a given culture, only that _______________.
* articulate 분명히 표현하다
① its codability is higher than expected
② it has been mistranslated into English
③ it is less easily put into the language code
④ people consider it to have more importance
⑤ there is more than one way of expressing it
4-4 EBS 4강 4번 (주제) 겹 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Corporations establish rewards to drive performance. Often these rewards focus on meeting budgets and avoiding risk. Rewards of this type cause managers to invest in ①safe products that pose little chance of a big loss but also little chance of a big profit. These rewards totally block any motivation to explore ②riskier paths. The companies reward the speed at which low-risk products are created and marketed, even if they are hoping for radical new ideas. The outcome is little appetite for risk and an overdose of ③innovative ideas. Interestingly, managers get frustrated with the outcome, ④blind to the behavior that the organization is explicitly or implicitly rewarding. A badly designed measurement or reward system ⑤mutes the rest of the rules, even if optimally designed.
5-7(제목)(추가) 봉 1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
[Globalization drives the culture of fast fashion. Currently, there is also a slightly different drive to promote the idea of transitioning to slow fashion.]
(A) Researchers have already begun the study of biodegradation, mineralization and biomass formation, which is nature’s way of creating zero waste. Discovery of the laws of zero waste in nature could then be __________ in the production of fast-compostable textile fibres.
(B) Therefore, a different approach to address the challenges facing sustainable fashion is absolutely necessary. We suggest the shift should be directed towards nature. We must try and discover the mechanisms that drive nature’s incessant creation of organisms without piling up mountains of waste.
(C) However, this gradual shift requires time, measured not in months or years but in decades or generations. Recycling and remanufacturing which do not equate with models in nature always lead to a question mark. *incessant 끊임없는 **compostable 퇴비로 만들 수 있는
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
(선택)T1-4.겹 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?mk1-34
Success obviously adds to our enjoyment of games and work. However, contrary to the rhetoric of coaches and inspirational leaders, this does not mean that we have to “win” all the time. [생략] Was basketball fun for him even though he missed those shots and his team lost those games? I have no doubt that it is more fun to win the game than to lose. However, I believe the biggest source of joy to Jordan and other athletes — as well as to people in the workplace — is the opportunity to use their abilities when it really counts. From the perspective of the individual working person, the key to a great workplace is feeling wanted and important.
(선택)T1-11.겹 (어법) 아래 box친 부분들이 모두 같은 의미들임. paraphrasing good
Integrators uncover opportunities by combining contrasting ideas. Merging opposites can yield breakthrough discoveries. Although no one formula exists, novelty through integration is a phenomenon studied by creativity researchers. Thomas Ward, a psychology professor at the University of Alabama, analyzed the processes that uncover new ideas and found that atypical combinations yield the greatest number of emergent(뜻밖의) properties. In 2002, Ward conducted research in which college students interpreted various types of adjective-noun combinations and were told to “think of a single meaning that best describes the pair.” His most notable finding was that unusual combinations, such as “undressed enemy” or “entertaining delay,” and pairs of words with opposing meanings, such as “healthy illness” or “painful joy” prompted the most creative responses. *atypical 이례적인
T1-12 6월 적중
T1-13.(지칭) 아래 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 수정하시오.
In the house was her aunt’s own two children, one of whom later became a prominent doctor.
T1-18.(선택)(무관) 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중에서 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
In developing countries, maintaining the actual food production capacity for the current generation is likely to be more ①of an issue. In such contexts, the experiences of older industrialized countries in trying to protect their agricultural land resource base are instructive. This experience tells us that ②reserving areas for agricultural production, however strict, ③providing no guarantee of continued agricultural production. This depends more on the continued possibility for farmers and their families ④to continue to (빈칸가능)earn a decent income and support a decent standard of living. This is why some programs are also associated with other measures such as tax reduction schemes, tools to help farmers market their produce more ⑤effectively, and the provision of sound advice on production practices near urban zones.
T1-19 겹 (T1-19) In the case of perfume and odours emitted from non-food sources, people believed they were (A)[hardly /intuitively] able to differentiate between ‘naturally-occurring’ and ‘synthetic’ odours by the nature of the source. ‘Synthetic’ is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘a substance made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product’. Perfumes, for example, were generally described as synthetic, whereas leather was considered to have its own natural odour. However, the distinction between aturally-occurring odours and those of synthetic origin is not as straightforward as it might seem; the odour of leather, for example, comes about as a result of tanning, which is itself a (B)[chemically-dependent / naturally-occurring] process. Also, synthetic odours of leather are frequently used in product manufacturing processes in order to provide an illusion of leather and an association with quality and newness, as is the case when these odours are sprayed into some new cars. Furthermore, some odours of perfume are produced by combinations or extractions of naturally occurring products. The line between natural and unnatural, genuine and synthetic is therefore highly (C)[blurred / differentiated] with respect to the perception of smell, with distinctions varying between people. * tanning 무두질
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(A) (B) (C)
① hardly chemically-dependent blurred
② hardly naturally-occurring blurred
③ intuitively chemically-dependent differentiated
④ intuitively chemically-dependent blurred
⑤ intuitively naturally-occurring differentiated
T1-21 6월 모평 적중
Test1-23 (요약문) 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
(여러모로 좋은 지문이다.)
It may seem odd to suggest that numbers are a human invention. After all, some might say, regardless of whether humans ever existed, there would still be ①predictable numbers in nature, be it eight (octopus legs), four (seasons), twenty-nine (days in a lunar cycle), and so on. Strictly speaking, however, these are simply regularly occurring quantities. Quantities and ②correspondences between quantities might be said to exist apart from the human mental experience. Octopus legs would occur in regular groups even if we were unable to perceive that regularity. Numbers, though, are the words and other symbolic representations we use to ③differentiate quantities. Much as color terms create clearer mental boundaries between colors along adjacent portions of the visible light spectrum, numbers create ④conceptual boundaries between quantities. Those boundaries may reflect a real division between quantities in the physical world, but these divisions are generally ⑤accessible to the human mind without numbers.
Test1-24~25 (장문)
The mind has a remarkable facility for categorizing new experiences into learned patterns largely shared within a culture. This process transforms the new into the familiar and allows us to make sense of the new sounds and images we encounter every day. So, no matter how musically open-minded we try to be, our experiences can lead us to expect music to exhibit certain common elements in certain contexts. For example, harmony, several notes occurring at the same time to form a chord, is found in virtually everything we hear on the radio and in music videos, film scores, classical music concerts, and church choirs. Thus, we may find music without harmony strangely thin and find ourselves ______________________________ ― to other dimensions of sound and to nuances of melodic variation and pitch, for instance. We also understand musical experiences through their place in our social lives, through their context. Much of the music making that we hear in Western culture comes from professionals who are paid to entertain. At a party, few nonprofessionals would feel comfortable singing a song for others. But in many areas of traditional Africa, where not singing is like not talking, everybody sings as a natural social function.
1. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① committing to some entirely new concepts of music
② going back to the fundamental basics of making music
③ missing what’s not there instead of listening to what is there
④ trying to listen to what’s familiar and comfortable in the piece
⑤ getting used to the inferior musical structures that take its place
강추 수특영어 Test2-24~25 (장문) 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Resident-bird habitat selection is seemingly a straightforward process in which a young dispersing individual, pushed away from its birthplace by its parents and their neighbors, moves until it finds a place where it can compete successfully to satisfy its needs. Initially, these needs include only food and shelter. However, eventually, the young must locate, identify, and settle in a habitat that satisfies not only survivorship but reproductive needs as well. In some cases, the habitat that provides the best opportunity for survival may not be the same habitat as the one that provides for highest reproductive capacity because of requirements specific to the reproductive period (e.g., availability of safe nesting sites). Thus, individuals of many resident species, confronted with the fitness benefits of control over a productive breeding site, may be forced to balance costs in the form of lower nonbreeding survivorship by remaining in the specific habitat where ___________.
* yearling 한 살배기 동물 ** optimal 최적의
① food and shelter is plentiful ② the bird population is largest
③ baby birds can survive safely ④ the fewest external threats exist
⑤ highest breeding success occurs
Test3-3 (주제) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
We are social beings, and connection to something greater than ourselves, even if we’re simply thinking about it, gives us resilience and makes us feel safe, protected, and at peace. Psychologist Dennis Proffitt at the University of Virginia and his colleagues conducted an experiment to see what effect social connection would have on perception. They had some participants stand alone and estimate the slant of a hill, while others stood next to a friend or visualized a friend next to them. What he found was that when people were accompanied by a friend (or even just visualized being with a friend), they perceived _______________. Inclining our minds in a prosocial direction creates connection and helps us to perceive our mountains as molehills ― or at least small mountains instead of big mountains.
* resilience 회복력 ** slant 경사
① the hill as being less steep ② themselves as standing out
③ themselves to be less social ④ other hills hidden in the distance
⑤ the hill to be as big as a mountain
Test3-14 (빈칸) *metaphorical과 phsycial 두 단어에 각각 같은 의미의 어휘는?(변경)
(paraphrasing관계 이해)
Money is frequently described as a symbol, but it is more accurate to say that money objects such as coins incorporate a specific type of symbol. The stamp on a coin typically consists of two parts that merge(의미) the ideas of power and number. The obverse or “heads” ― which often features, for example, a portrait of the head of state ― represents the mint’s authority, and the reverse or “tails” expresses the numerical value of the coin in chosen units. However, coins in Lydia were originally stamped on only one side, and for metaphorical convenience we can associate the stamp with heads and the physical matter with tails. Money functions as a link between these two things ― the heads and the tails, the abstract idea and the embodied reality ― which have very different properties.
* mint 조폐국 ** embodied 구현된, 체화된
Test3-17 (연결어) 어렵지는 않음
It’s instructive to compare and contrast two greeting rituals: the handshake, currently the predominant greeting ritual in Western countries, and the hand-kiss, which was popular among European aristocrats in the 18th and 19th centuries (but which has since fallen out of fashion). ① Both are gestures of trust and friendship, but they differ in their political implications. ② Shaking hands is symmetric and fundamentally represents equality; it’s a ritual between supposed equals. ③ Hand-kissing, however, is inherently asymmetric, setting the kisser apart from, and subordinate to, the recipient of the kiss. The kisser must press his lips on another person’s (potentially germ-ridden) hands, while simultaneously lowering his head and possibly kneeling. ④ Even when the ritual is somewhat forced, it can send a powerful political message. ⑤ Kings and popes, for example, would often “invite” their subjects to line up for (중요)public / private kiss-the-ring ceremonies, putting everyone’s loyalty and submission on conspicuous display and thereby ______________________.
* aristocrat 귀족 ** symmetric 대칭적인, 균형이 잡힌
1. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
This gesture is submissive, and when it’s performed freely, it’s an implicit promise of loyalty.
2. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① forming an unbreakable bond between two equals
② prompting humiliation from the submissive people
③ creating common knowledge of the leader’s dominance
④ showing cohesion and unity among people who were there
⑤ making it easier for people to shake hands with each other
Test3-18 (무관한 문장) 1다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?(추가)
One of the most effective ways to calm down from stress is intimate ①contact with people you trust and feel comfortable around. When you are in the presence of soft voices, smiles, and familiar faces, your heart rate and breathing slow down, and your sympathetic nervous system ②cools off. According to a neuroscientist who has measured these changes, what the body craves most when you are ③upset is a familiar, predictable, and safe environment, in which you are surrounded by those you care for. This has been supported by other studies that examined the adjustment of first-year students, finding that stress is significantly diminished for those who have developed social ④independence from friends. Interestingly, this does not apply to family during this critical year because one developmental task of beginning college students is to ⑤separate from older relatives.
Test3-20 (순서) Throughout the nineteenth century, many Americans grew a substantial portion of their own food on farms or in gardens. Small general stores catered to those who lived in small communities or who desired luxuries unavailable locally. ① Food was sold mainly as a generic product measured out from unmarked barrels, sacks, and jars. ②(문삽가능)This changed as food production was industrialized. ③ Following the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, food processors and manufacturers prospered as agricultural surpluses flooded the market and technology lowered the cost of production. ④ To accomplish this, food companies began advertising their products regionally and nationally through newspapers and magazines, and locally via circulars, billboards, and in-store promotions. ⑤ Food advertising became a major source of American opinion and action regarding what, when, and how to eat.
* generic 상표 없는 ** cater to ~의 요구를 채워 주다
1. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
The result was the rise of large food manufacturers, who needed to persuade consumers of the superiority of branded products over generic groceries.
Test3-21 (문장 삽입) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Language, being a strong tribal identity by nature, renders music also very tribal. One might argue that peoples’ language changes from culture to culture, and often, from one country to another.
(A) Thus, well-performed dancing from any culture is equally as pleasing to most audiences regardless of culture. However, people grow more keen on the sort of music they most naturally enjoy.
(B) As peoples’ languages change, invariably their music also changes with it. This is why both music and language become a much stronger tribal identity compared to dancing or other arts.
(C) Those who develop a more sophisticated understanding of music and enjoy a much wider variety of music might be an [common / exception] to this rule. Having said that, however, of all arts, most people are ____________________.
* keen on ~을 아주 좋아하는
① (A) – (C) – (B) ② (B) – (A) – (C) ③ (B) – (C) – (A)
④ (C) – (A) – (B) ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)
Test3-23 (요약문) 강추 지문
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분에서 문맥상 어색한 낱말은?
Our senses grasp an infinitesimally small portion of reality, we assume. Further, our brain organizes the available sensory information or environmental stimuli in order to make sense out of millions of bits and pieces of data. In other words, we perceive what we think we need to perceive and ①miss the rest of what is occurring. What we do observe becomes the material for our interpretation and judgment, both of which are affected by our ②emotional state. We ignore what we don’t want or enjoy, unless ignoring is ③impossible because of the strength of the stimulus. If a beggar’s pleading becomes so distracting and disturbing that we cannot ignore him, we may give him some money just to be ④free of him. Otherwise, if not seeing a beggar ⑤suppresses our desires, we ignore him, as though we didn’t see him. Later, we easily forget him, as though he never existed.
* infinitesimally 극미하게
강추 모음 정답
첫댓글 수특영어 총 48개 찍었고 20학년도 수능에서 수특영어 한문항[수영T2-24~25(장문) => 38번 문삽]나왔는데 정확히 맞춤. 그것도 강추했던 문제임. 철새와 텃새의 이분화 지문임