수능완성 유형편과 실전편
이 프린트 하나면 된다.
Hwang Ji Tek
수능완성 유형편과 실전편 연계 변형문제들
2-1(빈칸가능) Each person’s brain is unique, because each person’s life is also unique. The brain is not a computer; it’s a living thing. It becomes suited to our purpose. Biologically speaking, its purpose is to ensure our survival. So the brain modifies its structure in response to the different tasks it is required to do. It establishes the neural connections needed to meet particular challenges. The more we use certain parts of our brain, the more developed and efficient those parts of the brain become. The well-trodden pathways are the ones that become strongest. In an actor, the parts of the brain responsible for language and speech may be larger than average. In a taxi driver, it’s the area dealing with directions and spatial memory that is likely to be more highly developed. And so it goes on. Practice makes perfect — because ________________.
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① practice changes the brain
② the brain has strict limits
③ perfection requires patience
④ repetition weakens connections
⑤ experience is the best way to learn
2-2(이분화) 아래 글 다음에 와야할 올바른 순서는?
[As true professionals, scientists should feel accountable to their clients, the public.]
(A) If politicians, business people and the media become more familiar with a scientist’s work, they are more likely to receive good research funding for projects and improve their chances of things like promotion in their careers.
(B) In turn, the public as responsible citizens should pressure the scientists to keep them informed as this acts as an important control against any unethical practice that might discredit the profession.
(C) By promoting good communication and transparency between both parties, the integrity and image of science as a profession of upright, trustworthy scholars will be promoted. Keeping the public well informed is not only a moral issue; it is also a selfish issue
2-3 McKinsey reports that between 30 per cent and 40 per cent of the typical company’s revenues are generated by customers who would be unprofitable if their true cost-to-serve were applied. It is therefore important to conduct regular reviews of the customer base to identify potential candidates for __________. If this is not done, sales, marketing and service resources will continue to be suboptimally deployed(최적이 아니게 사용되다). Nypro, a plastic injection moulder, had 800 customers and sales of $50 million when it decided to move out of low valueadded manufacturing. Many of these customers served no useful strategic purpose. Ten years later the company had only 65 customers, all of whom were large, and required value-added solutions rather than cheap moulded products. However, sales revenue had reached $450 million.
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① promotion ② loyalty ③ discounts ④ advertising ⑤ dismissal
2-4 As far as differentiating for readiness is concerned, I have always heard that teachers should teach to the top of the class; however, word choice, pacing, and expectations must fairly challenge, but not ⓵over-challenge each student. Teachers should match instruction and assessment as ②differently as possible to students’ readiness and abilities. Differentiating ⓷products after you have delivered the same instruction to the whole class may be the only way to differentiate for readiness in some cases. Teachers should be prepared to ⓸reteach concepts and skills to students who simply did not “get it” through the whole class instruction or the practice. They may be able to ⑤add scaffolding during a guided practice or individual practice segment of the class.
✽scaffolding 스캐폴딩(학습자에게 적절한 인지적 도움과 안내를 제공하여 학습을 촉진시키는 전략)
아래 문장들은 해석 공부하는 것이니 영어가 약한 사람은 지금 당장은 하지말고 나중에 해석해보세요.
3-예제(주제) (구문공부) The realization of education for sustainable development requires the positive engagement of young people with cultural diversity and complexity of social values and ways of life.
지속가능한 발전을 위한 교육을 실현시키는 것은 필요로한다 / 청년들을 문화적 다양성과 사회적 가치관과 삶의 방식의 복잡성에 관여시키는 것을.
[19’0934번]For example, the perception of a moving object as a car is based on an interpretation of incoming data within the framework of our knowledge of the world.
예를 들면, 움직이는 물체를 자동차로 인식하는 것은 기초되어있다 / 들어오는 데이터를 우리의 지식의 틀내에서 해석하는 것에
[19’수능22번] With the industrial society evolving into an information-based society, the concept of information as a product, a commodity with its own value, has emerged.
산업 사회가 정보에 기반을 둔 사회로 진화해가면서, 하나의 상품, 그 나름의 가치를 가 진 하나의 제품으로서의 정보
의 개념이 등장했다.
[19년도 수특영어 24-20] This presents a bit of a paradox as the concept of schools as the traditional factory model of education is (빈칸)incompatible with the evolving demands of the information age.
이것은 모순을 제공하게된다 / 학교들을 전통적인 교육공장모델로 인식하는 것이 정보시대의 진화하는 요구에 맞지 않기 때문이다.
[16’수능 33번] In the 1990s the extension of patent laws as the only intellectual property rights tool into the area of seed varieties started to create a growing market for private seed companies.
1990년대에 유일한 지적재산권도구로서의 특허법을 씨앗품종분야로 확장시키는 것은 개인씨앗회사들을 위한 시장 확장을 초래하기 시작했다.
[20학년도 6월 34번]
The purposeful displacement of concern away from the ego nonetheless remains partly self-referential.
관심을 자아로부터 멀어지게하는 것에도 불구하고 여전히 (우리는) 자아관심적이다.
20학년도 수능완성 실전 3회
Comparison of presentation drawings to finished products, as in Taddeo Gaddi’s Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple and Lorenzo Vecchietta’s full-scale drawing for the building committee of the Ospedale della Scala in Siena of the bronze tabernacle which he proposed to make for the altar of the hospital chapel, shows that the designs of presentation drawings were expected to be adhered to rather closely.
Taddeo Gaddi의 ‘Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple’과 Lorenzo Vecchietta가 Siena의 Ospedale della
Scala 건축 위원회를 위해 그린, 그 병원 예배당의 제단을 위해 만들려고 계획한 청동 성합의 실물 크기의 그림에
서와 같이, 시연용 그림과 완성된 작품의 비교는 시연용 그림의 도안이 상당히 엄밀하게 준수될 것이 기대되었다는
것을 보여 준다.
20학년도 수능완성 실전 5-33 of가 항상 목적격이 아니라 주격인 경우도 있다.
When considered in this light, the visual preoccupation of early humans with the nonhuman creatures inhabiting their world becomes profoundly meaningful.
이런 점에서 고려될 때, 초기인간들이 자신들의 세계에 거주하는 비인간피조물들에 시각적으로 몰두하는 것은 매우 의미있는 일이다.
3-1(강추) [Instead, nutrition scientists have primarily evaluated highly processed foods on the basis of the relative quantities of the so-called good or bad nutrients they contain, such as their vitamin content or lack of fiber.]
The major changes in eating patterns since the early twentieth century have been toward an increase in the consumption of heavily processed foods containing highly refined, extracted, chemically transformed, and reconstituted ingredients. ⓵It is only during the past decade that some of these processed ingredients and foods have begun to be studied in a more systematic manner. ②It was not until the early 1990s, for example, that researchers began to pay serious attention to chemically reconstituted trans-fats. (역논리)③Until recently, the study of the precise metabolic consequences of high sugar consumption — beyond its caloric value — has similarly been neglected. ⓸There are also few studies that examine specific highly processed food products. ⑤But this ignores the way processing techniques may also substantially transform and damage the original “food matrix” — that is, the unique combination of food components and the way they are all held together in a whole food.
✽metabolic 신진대사의
3-2 아래 문장 다음에 와야할 올바른 순서는? 그리고 (가)(나)(다)에 알맞은 어휘는?
[Reading books aloud to children is a powerful and motivating source for vocabulary development. We now have a large corpus of research showing that children learn words through listening to and interacting with storybooks.]
(A) Further, these effects were reduced to negligible levels when children were 4 to 5 years old or when they were at risk for language and literacy impairments.
(B) Several meta-analyses, for example, have reported only small to moderate effects of book reading on vocabulary development. Suzanne E, Mol and her colleagues examined the added benefits of dialogic reading, an interactive reading strategy, on children’s vocabulary growth and reported only modest gains for 2- to 3-year old children.
(C) Nevertheless, recent studies have begun to question whether incidental(부수적인) instruction through book reading may be substantial enough to significantly boost children’s oral vocabulary development.
✽corpus (문서 등의) 집성, 총체, 전부 ✽✽dialogic 대화의, 문답의 ✽✽✽impairment 장애
3-2 (A)(B)(C)에 알맞은 어휘는?
Reading books aloud to children is a powerful and motivating source for vocabulary development. We now have a large corpus of research showing that children learn words through listening to and interacting with storybooks. Nevertheless, recent studies have begun to question whether incidental(부수적인) instruction through book reading may be substantial enough to significantly (A)boost / decrease children’s oral vocabulary development. Several meta-analyses, for example, have reported only small to (B)sufficient / moderate effects of book reading on vocabulary development. Suzanne E, Mol and her colleagues examined the added benefits of dialogic reading, an interactive reading strategy, on children’s vocabulary growth and reported only modest gains for 2- to 3-year old children. Further, these effects were reduced to (C)significant / negligible levels when children were 4 to 5 years old or when they were at risk for language and literacy impairments.
✽corpus (문서 등의) 집성, 총체, 전부 ✽✽dialogic 대화의, 문답의 ✽✽✽impairment 장애
3-3 In the broad sweep of human social life, writing is a fairly ⓵old invention: people must have been singing songs and telling tales for many thousands of years before anyone ever devised a means to record their words. We are used today to thinking of literature as something an author ②writes, but the earliest written works were usually versions of songs or stories that had been ⓷orally composed and transmitted. [생략]
✽stylus 철필(등사판으로 박을 글씨를 원지에 쓰는 필기도구) ✽✽holdover 잔존물
여기는 해석 공부
S2-28.(어법)(문어/구어 이분화) Writing goes beyond the mere transcription of spoken language. : 글은 단순히 말을 필사하는 것을 넘어선다.(글과 말은 다르다)
3-4(순서변형도 괜찮음) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글들의 순서는?
[Why should a plant need to manufacture a large, nutritious fruit?. The cost of producing a huge sapote(속씨식물) fruit or a crop of fat figs must be considerable. (역논리)It would clearly be much simpler and cheaper for the tree to drop its seeds rather than making a nutritious, fleshy envelope for them.]
(A) Parent trees also provide a resource base for herbivores and pathogens. Any seedling that tries to grow in the shadow of its parent might have to face high risks of predation and disease. By dispersing, a juvenile tree has a chance to get beyond the cluster of predators and pathogens that may attend its parent.
(B) However, an infant tree attempting to grow near its parent is subject to severe competition for light and soil, both from its parent and from its siblings, and the parent tree must minimize this wasteful competition. Many seedlings do not do well in deep shade.
(C) These plants may require the abundance of light provided by a tree fall or forest edge to survive. Only by dispersing will they find such light gaps(빛이있는틈).
✽sapote 진달래목(目)에 속하는 속씨식물과(科)의 한 종류 ✽✽herbivore 초식 동물 ✽✽✽pathogen 병원균
(강추지문) 4강(예제)(제목) 아랫 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
If one wishes to be admitted to the presence of a work of art, one must, first of all, _____________________. What is it that comes across? What is the mood of the colors, the dynamics of the shapes? Before we identify any one element, the total composition makes a statement that we must not lose. We look for a theme, a key to which everything relates. If there is a subject matter, we learn as much about it as we can, for nothing an artist puts in his or her work can be neglected(강추) by the viewer with impunity. Safely guided by the structure of the whole, we then try to recognize the principal features and explore their dominion over dependent details. Gradually, the entire wealth(전체적인 풍성함) of the work reveals itself and falls into place, and as we perceive it correctly, it begins to engage all the powers of the mind with its message. ✽with impunity 잃는 것 없이
① focus on its colors and shapes ② match the whole to its details
③ identify every element ④ recall similar works
⑤ face it as a whole
[구문연구] engage A with B 3강 예제와 연관
The realization of education for sustainable development requires the positive engagement of young people with cultural diversity and complexity of social values and ways of life.
4-1(강추) 아랫 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The world is quite eager to give you a set of standards, for which you can be imaginative, if you let it. The world will tell you what is unrealistic, far-fetched, impracticable, not very sensible, and impossible. Unfortunately, many of us allow these restrictions to be placed upon our imagination. When we accept limiting beliefs, they become our boundaries; we will not imagine beyond what we perceive is a limit. While you are an imaginative being, when you imagine your potential, consider ideas, or contemplate changes that you wish to make, __________________________ are what receive your attention. (역논리) Ideas that seem unbelievable, you ignore. Consequently, your imagination is bound to some degree by your beliefs, although you occasionally permit preposterous thoughts, such as daydreaming of an ideal life or fantasizing about the perfect spouse, for entertainment value.
✽far-fetched 억지스러운 ✽✽preposterous 터무니없는
① standards encouraging creativity
② thoughts that fit within your beliefs
③ the beliefs with the fewest limitations
④ ideas that seem novel and imaginative
⑤ thoughts that are beyond our boundaries
4-3 아래 글이 들어갈 알맞은 곳은?
[ But as a tourist, you stand apart and can observe such characteristics. ]
Typically, as you travel around, your guide will focus on the physical characteristics or history of the city. He or she will point out buildings, monuments, sculptures, shopping centers, and parks. ①But what about the character or culture of the city, reflected in the day-to-day life of the people, their values and outlook on life?. ②These aren’t the sort of topics city guides talk about. ⓷Often they can be subtle and hard to define, especially for someone who is a part of that culture. ⓸You only need to look closely, and begin to contrast and compare your observations with your own cultural background and other cities you have visited. ⓹Think of yourself as a visiting anthropologist or a traveler from another planet who has come to see what life in this new and unique place is really like, and you will see any city in a new, more in-depth, unforgettable way.
[19학년도 6월 31번] [20학년도 6월 34번] 출제 방식이 유사함.
Although prices in most retail outlets are set by the retailer, this does not mean that these prices _______________. On any particular day we find that all products have a specific price ticket on them. However, this price may be different from day to day or week to week. [생략] [3점]
① reflect the principle of demand and supply
② may not change from hour to hour
③ go up due to bad weather
④ do not adjust to market forces over time
⑤ can be changed by the farmer’s active role
[20학년도 6월 34번]
Yet while these Golden Rules encourage an agent to care for an other, they _________________________. The purposeful displacement of concern away from the ego nonetheless remains partly self-referential. Both the negative and the positive versions invoke the ego as the fundamental measure against which behaviors are to be evaluated. * an other: 타자(他者)
① do not lead the self to act on concerns for others
② reveal inner contradiction between the two versions
③ fail to serve as a guide when faced with a moral dilemma
④ do not require abandoning self-concern altogether
⑤ hardly consider the benefits of social interactions
(추가) 3-1 아래 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 어구를 고르시오.
The major changes in eating patterns since the early twentieth century have been toward an increase in the consumption of heavily processed foods containing highly refined, extracted, chemically transformed, and reconstituted ingredients. It is only during the past decade that some of these processed ingredients and foods have begun to be studied in a more systematic manner. It was not until the early 1990s, for example, that researchers began to pay serious attention to chemically reconstituted trans-fats. Until recently, the study of the precise metabolic consequences of high sugar consumption — beyond its caloric value — has similarly been ________. There are also few studies that examine specific highly processed food products. [Instead, nutrition scientists have primarily evaluated highly processed foods on the basis of the relative quantities of the so-called good or bad nutrients they contain, such as their vitamin content or lack of fiber.]But this ignores the way processing techniques may also substantially transform and damage the original “food matrix” — that is, the unique combination of food components and the way they are all held together in a whole food. ✽metabolic 신진대사의
⓵ realized ② achieved ③ neglected ⓸ abused ⑤ imitated
8-[예제](어법) 아랫 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말은?
In 1976, the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, in his classic The Selfish Gene, proposed the notion of memes. A meme is any bit of information that can spread from one human mind to another. Memes, Dawkins pointed out, share many of the traits of __________. They can reproduce by copying themselves from one mind to another. As you read this writing, memes that have entered my brain are being copied into your brain. They undergo a form of natural selection, with some memes dying out and some flourishing. If I tell you a thoroughly entertaining story, for example, or use a brilliant analogy to describe something, it will stick longer in your memory than if I give you some dry recitation of facts. If it’s interesting enough, you may even pass it on to someone else. (Please do!)
⓵ diversity ② abstraction ③ gene ⓸ spirit ⓹ convergence
8-1.(어법) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A dramatic form of blindness occurs in a pathological condition called blindsight(맹시), which involves damage to the brain’s visual cortex. Patients with this damage show the striking behavior of accurately reaching for and grasping an object placed in front of them, even while having no conscious visual experience of the object. If you place a hammer before the patient and ask, “Do you see something in front of you?” the patient will answer, “No, I don’t.” But ask the patient to reach for and grasp the hammer and the patient who just said it was invisible will do so successfully! This seemingly bizarre phenomenon happens because the condition of blindsight leaves intact subcortical retina-to-brain pathways that can _____________, even in the absence of consciously seeing the hammer.
✽visual cortex 시각 피질 ✽✽subcortical 피질 하부의 ✽✽✽retina 망막
① guide visual behavior ② access visual memories
③ envision the wrong object ④ lead to a visual experience
⑤ disrupt hand-eye coordination
8-2.(어법) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget frequently analyzed children’s conception of time via their ability to compare or estimate the time taken by pairs of events. In a typical experiment, two toy cars were shown running synchronously on parallel tracks, one running faster and stopping further down the track. The children were then asked to judge whether the cars had run for the same time and to justify their judgement. Preschoolers and young school-age children confuse temporal and spatial dimensions: Starting times are judged by starting points, stopping times by stopping points and durations by distance, though each of these errors does not necessitate the others. Hence, a child may claim that the cars started and stopped running together (correct) and that the car which stopped further ahead, ______________ (incorrect).
✽synchronously 동시에
① ran faster ② was bigger ③ started earlier ④ changed tracks ⑤ ran for more time
8-3.(어법) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The symbolism of the mountain in world mythology was of such crucial importance to __________________ that the ancient Mesopotamians tried to replicate the mountain by building pyramidal mud brick towers called ziggurats. Those towers were constructed in most major cities between 2200 and 550 BCE and most likely served as the observatories from which the Babylonians calculated the movements of the celestial bodies and developed astronomical methods unrivaled even by scientists of the Victorian Age. To a large extent, the vision of the earth and the sky determined early perceptions of the universe. The Mesopotamians felt the need to build ziggurats high enough to afford them a panoramic view of the world, and the Maya tried to achieve something similar with their pyramids and temple towers. Those early peoples replicated the world mountain and thus, they believed, simulated the power of the peaks. ✽replicate 복제하다 ✽✽celestial 천체의
① the architectures of the city ② the power of the God
③ the concept of cosmic order ④ the politics of the country
⑤ the governance of the king
8-4.(어법) 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
[Nevertheless, since we can isolate their DNA, we can still estimate how many of the “unknowns” exist.]
Bacteria are not only plentiful but also belong to many different types. ( ① ) Bacterial species outnumber any other biological life form in diversity, especially if we take the unknowns into account: it is estimated that we have characterized only one percent of all bacterial species that exist. ( ② ) Obviously, organisms invisible to the eye receive less attention than living things that we see around us, and doing research is hard if you can neither see nor grow the bugs. ( ③ ) Most bacteria are not able to multiply under conditions which we can provide in a laboratory. ( ④ ) It is possible to determine whether DNA is of bacterial origin (as opposed to DNA from eukaryotes), and if so, whether it belongs to a species, or group of species, that has already been cultured and described. ( ⑤ ) From such explorative DNA studies, we know that 99% of all bacterial species living in the oceans, in soils, or in sediments have never been cultured. ✽eukaryote 진핵생물 ✽✽sediment 퇴적물
(추가) CHAPTER 08 어법 예제 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In 1976, the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, in his classic The Selfish Gene, proposed the notion of memes. A meme is any bit of information that can spread from one human mind to another. Memes, Dawkins pointed out, share many of the traits of genes. They can reproduce by copying themselves from one mind to another. As you read this writing, memes that have entered my brain are being copied into your brain. They undergo a form of _____________, with some memes dying out and some flourishing. If I tell you a thoroughly entertaining story, for example, or use a brilliant analogy to describe something, it will stick longer in your memory than if I give you some dry recitation of facts. If it’s interesting enough, you may even pass it on to someone else. (Please do!)
① copying themselves ② sudden mutation ③ natural selection
④ Internet memes ⑤ eternal evolution
(추가)8-3.(어법) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The symbolism of the mountain in world mythology was of such crucial importance to the concept of cosmic order that the ancient Mesopotamians tried to replicate the mountain by building pyramidal mud brick towers called ziggurats. Those towers were constructed in most major cities between 2200 and 550 BCE and most likely served as the observatories from which the Babylonians calculated the movements of the celestial bodies and developed astronomical methods unrivaled even by scientists of the Victorian Age. To a large extent, the vision of the earth and the sky determined early perceptions of the universe. The Mesopotamians felt the need to build ziggurats high enough to afford them a panoramic view of the world, and the Maya tried to achieve something similar with their pyramids and temple towers. Those early peoples replicated the world mountain and thus, they believed, ________________. *replicate 복제하다 **celestial 천체의
① were closer to the God ② brought the stars closer
③ built a new cosmic order ④ impressed neighboring cultures
⑤ simulated the power of the peaks
9-2.(괜찮은지문) 아래 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Whatever the origin of the term, in practice rights have become a politically enforceable contract with demands and expectations. Sometimes the contract seems to be rather one-sided. It is assumed that the basis of civilisation is that physiological existence as a human being by itself imposes on others the duty to do something about it. As a battle cry (as in women’s liberation movements) this is fine but once the obvious tyrannies have been removed the battle cry is inadequate as an operating philosophy because rights without obligations are merely power-play. Just as freedom may need to be earned so rights need to be balanced by the second leg of the contract, that is by obligations. Obligations are, of course, ______________________ the rights demanded by others. The two should be so inseparable that a demand for one is always accompanied by a statement(표명) of the other.
⓵ no more than the opposition to ② in the conflict with
⓷ no more than the receiving end of ④ the same as
⑤ likely to be removed by
11-2. 아래 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
David Dunning, a psychologist at Cornell University, uses anosognosia(질병 인식 불능증) as a metaphor to explain the research he’s done on ignorance. In a series of studies, he and his colleague Justin Kruger tested a group of undergraduates in such skills as logical reasoning, grammar, and humor. They then showed each participant his results and asked him to estimate how he fared compared to others. The people who did well on the exams estimated their rank accurately. No great surprise there. // What is surprising is that those who didn’t do well on the exams were convinced they did. They weren’t dissembling(가장하다). They simply were unable to assess their competence, or as Dunning, in an interview with the filmmaker Errol Morris, put it, “We’re not very good at ____________________.”
✽anosognosia 질병 인식 불능증 ✽✽dissemble 가장하다, 속이다
① assessing what others do
② asking for honest criticism
③ knowing what we don’t know
④ admitting our failures to others
⑤ estimating our comparative advantages
11-3.(강추) (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Cultural differences in worldviews may reflect the (A) [adaptations / explanations] that different cultural groups develop to handle the specific problems they face. The social psychologist Richard E. Nisbett and his colleagues argued that contemporary differences in cultural worldviews (B) [differ / stem] from the original differences in thought expressed by the ancient Greek and Chinese cultures. Ancient Chinese civilization was based on agriculture, which would promote visual emphasis on the greater context of nature and natural relationships (e.g., the entire field of crops, the climate, and predators). On the other hand, research on Greek ecology suggests the Greek economy might have been largely based on hunting, fishing, and trading, which would have promoted greater visual emphasis on the objects being hunted or traded. The need to visually attune to particular aspects of the (C) [population / environment] , based on their distinct mode of production, may have influenced each culture’s social organization of the world. *attune to ~에 적응하다
(추가) 11-3. (좋은지문) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Cultural differences in worldviews may reflect the adaptations ①that different cultural groups develop to handle the specific problems they face. The social psychologist Richard E. Nisbett and his colleagues argued that contemporary differences in cultural worldviews stem from the original differences in thought expressed by the ancient Greek and Chinese cultures. Ancient Chinese civilization was based on agriculture, ②which would promote visual emphasis on the greater context of nature and natural relationships (e.g., the entire field of crops, the climate, and predators). On the other hand, research on Greek ecology ③suggesting the Greek economy might have been largely based on hunting, fishing, and trading, which would have promoted greater visual emphasis on the objects being hunted or traded. The need ④to visually attune to particular aspects of the environment, based on their distinct mode of production, ⑤may have influenced each culture’s social organization of the world.
12-3. In the 1970s, some anthropologists began to accept that oral traditions are not repeated verbatim, like the performances of a literate culture. These researchers began to study the (A)[improvisational / inherent] creativity of the performer, and began to emphasize the ways that folklore was a living, practiced tradition. These new perspectives have changed the way we look at early European theater. They’ve driven home the importance of a previously neglected fact: until at least the late medieval period, many European actors remained illiterate. Some scholars, for example, believe that Shakespeare didn’t (B)[write / memorize] scripts, but rather taught his actors their parts orally. Scholars argue that the scripts we have today are transcriptions of actual performances, done from (C)[training / memory] by someone in Shakespeare’s group. ✽verbatim 글자 그대로 ✽✽improvisational 즉흥의
12-4.(괜찮은지문) Interactions between people and environmental features have spatial dimensions that are often ⓵overestimated. Our impact on resource supplies, such as forests, fish stocks, and the various minerals and metals used to make the things that we consume, happens in particular places. Often the environmental impacts of our consumption and waste generation are ②distanced from us, and we do not experience them ⓷directly. The demand for diamonds as a symbol of love in North America, Europe, and Japan is ④linked to negative and violent impacts in diamond-producing, former European colonies of West Africa. Similarly, although we may fault China for its unabated greenhouse gas emissions, the industrial productivity there, enabled in part by low environmental standards, provides inexpensive goods to consumers around the world. Consumption in richer parts of the world is often both spatially and cognitively ⓹distant from its negative impacts, whether it is the mining of materials for batteries in hybrid cars or the dumping of toxic electronic waste in poor countries desperate for a source of income. If we can’t see it, we don’t think about it. ✽unabated 조금도 수그러들지 않는
CHAPTER 13 문장제거[예제] 아래 문제는 나오더라도 너무 쉬울 것 같다. box친 부분만 확인하고 지나가도 될것같다.
예제 (원)As much as possible, punishment should be immediate rather than delayed. Unfortunately, in the real world, delayed punishment is often the rule rather than the exception. A child’s misbehavior is frequently discovered only several minutes or hours after its occurrence, and the delivery of a reprimand(질책) following such a long delay may have little effect. This is particularly the case with very young children and animals who, because they are unable to understand explanations, are unlikely to associate the punishment with the unwanted behavior. For example, yelling at a dog for making a mess on the carpet several hours after the incident has occurred will probably only upset the animal and do little to prevent future mishaps.
✽mishap 사고
13-1.(제거) (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
그리고 box친 부분도 잘 봐둘 것. box두 종류가 있는데 각각 모두 같은 의미
Some research suggests that people’s (A) [emotional / preconceived] attitudes can affect how they view an altered photograph. In one study, when subjects saw doctored photographs of political events that never happened, half the time they reported that they remembered the event. Furthermore, they were more likely to say that they remembered the event when it was congruent with their prior attitudes. For example, if an altered photograph reflected (B) [positively / poorly] on a Republican politician, Democrats were more likely to say that they remembered the event, and vice versa. This finding is supported by research that suggests that events are more likely to be remembered if they are easy to imagine or in line with a person’s (C) [capabilities / expectations]. ✽congruent 일치하는
13-3.(이분) 아래 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Processing speed deficits in one or more areas often lead to deficits in general areas of ① functioning. It can mean that a child needs more time to complete many — if not most — tasks. A child may often look confused or appear absentminded because he is unable to process information at the ② rate it’s being delivered. Some children may actually avoid engaging in difficult tasks altogether or not get started on new tasks because they are aware they cannot get the job done in the amount of time allotted, and therefore feel ③ defeated before they even begin. Conversely some kids cope with these deficits by rushing through their work; they may finish a test quickly and turn it in even though they haven’t answered each question ④ thoroughly. The work might not be completed correctly, but the student feels a sense of ⑤ humiliation because he wasn’t the last one done.
13-4.(중요) Psychologists have talked a lot about the “black box,” that being a metaphor for any internal part of an organism that you cannot see into or that seems forbiddingly complex to look into. ① Or that stops living whenever you cut it open to see what makes it live. ② Some psychologists, perhaps chiefly the sensory and the physiological psychologists, have wanted to look into the tiny parts of the human body that might carry the internal events that ultimately cause a muscle to contract and act upon the outside world. ③ Other psychologists have disdainfully(경멸적으로) called that strategy “reductionism” and have claimed that action cannot be understood by looking at ___________________. (역논리) They say that we can understand action only by observing whole actions, and we should not only leave the black box unopened, but we should not even speculate about what goes on in there.
✽disdainfully 경멸적으로
① a figurative form ② psychological aspects
③ its small components ④ their current situations
⑤ the different outcomes
CHAPTER 14 글의 순서 파악 [예제]
다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
[ Conversely, individuals working in coactive conditions work in the presence of others, but each individual’s work remains separate from that of others at all times.]
Although a number of definitions of social loafing are available, the one proposed by Steven Karau and Kipling Williams is arguably the most complete. ⓵These authors define social loafing as the reduction in motivation and effort that occurs when individuals work on a collective task as opposed to coactive or individual tasks. ② Collective tasks are those that most people would intuitively call a group task. ③In collective conditions, individuals work with other group members toward a single goal. ⓸Thus, individual performance is pooled to produce the group’s total performance. ⓹People working individually do not work in the presence of others, and their work remains separate from that of others.
14-1.(강추) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
[It is also known that the development of various primary abilities, which make up the intelligence, is largely uneven.]
Let us now consider the behaviour of normal people with low intelligence. ①We tend to call such people stupid — unless, of course, they occupy a higher position than we do! ⓶They deserve our attention because of the influence they sometimes exert on the course of vital events, and also because one can only fully recognize and appreciate the most valuable qualities of the mind against a background of its deficiencies. ③Besides, even a man with a high level of general intelligence will sometimes behave in an unintelligent way under the influence of such factors as fatigue or violent emotion. ⓸Thus a person rated as intelligent on account of his eloquence and ingeniousness may not prove to be so clever in dealing with numerical, or perceptual, material, and vice versa. ⑤That is why an understanding of typical “unintelligent” behaviour may be of real importance in education and self-education. ✽ingeniousness 재치가 있음, 독창성
14-1.(원) Let us now consider the behaviour of normal people with low intelligence. We tend to call such people stupid — unless, of course, they occupy a higher position than we do! (B) They deserve our attention because of the influence they sometimes exert on the course of vital events, and also because one can only fully recognize and appreciate the most valuable qualities of the mind against a background of its deficiencies. (C) Besides, even a man with a high level of general intelligence will sometimes behave in an unintelligent way under the influence of such factors as fatigue or violent emotion. It is also known that the development of various primary abilities, which make up the intelligence, is ____________________. (A) Thus a person rated as intelligent on account of his eloquence and ingeniousness may not prove to be so clever in dealing with numerical, or perceptual, material, and vice versa. That is why an understanding of typical “unintelligent” behaviour may be of real importance in education and self-education. ✽ingeniousness 재치가 있음, 독창성
① very normal ② always equal
③ largely rapid ④ largely uneven
⑤ slightly retarded
14-3.(순서) 아래 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Just as conditioning processes sometimes make foods aversive, such processes can also make foods more ① appetitive. For example, a powerful way to increase our preference for a disliked food is to mix it with some food item or sweetener that we strongly prefer. This may be how some people grow to like black coffee: They first drink it with cream and sugar and then gradually eliminate the extra ingredients as the taste of the coffee itself becomes ② pleasurable. Similarly, in one study, college students developed ③ increased preference for broccoli or cauliflower after eating it a few times with sugar. Unfortunately, few parents use such a method to improve their children’s eating habits, possibly because they perceive sugar to be unhealthy and do not realize that the sugar can later be ④ added. Instead, parents often try to entice their children to eat a disliked food by offering dessert as a reward — a strategy that easily ⑤ backfires in that the contrast between the disliked food and the subsequent dessert might result in the former becoming even more disliked.
CHAPTER 15 문장 삽입 [예제]
아래 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Suppose a child is hungry and eats a good-carb snack, such as an apple. The first stop for the good carb is the taste buds. Because the good carb is partnered with friends, the sweetness is not as intense or ①artificial tasting, so the child’s developing taste buds get used to the natural sweetness of fruit or a bit of honey mixed with plain yogurt. Even the sweet taste of sugar (such as a teaspoon of sugar or honey added to a cup of oatmeal) is ②sharpened a bit by its three friends — fiber, fat, and protein. With a bad carb, such as a corn syrup-sweetened beverage, the child’s taste buds for sweetness are ③ overwhelmed. If a child habitually drinks this bad carb, this is what he will associate with the ④ normal taste and level of sweetness. Children whose tastes were shaped toward the sweetness that’s found in nature, on the other hand, often find artificial sweeteners ⑤ distasteful
15-1. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
We don’t yet know if your level of exercise will affect your gut microbes, whether or not you are pregnant. But the mouse studies have turned up one interesting fact. Forced exercise, as opposed to voluntary exercise, affects the mouse microbiomes (A)[differently / consistently], particularly with regard to levels of gut inflammation. While we don’t yet understand how this all works, it’s possible that forced exercise could lead to anxiety, which could lead to an (B)[elimination / elevation] of bacteria that induce or fail to prevent gut inflammation. While this is supposition, it does suggest that you should only do as much exercise as you feel (C)[compelled / comfortable] with, while following the advice of your doctor or midwife for exercise during your pregnancy. But on the whole a little exercise may help change your microbiome and (D)[induce / reduce] inflammation, which is all to the good. And if you can get outside, you will likely feel better for it.
*inflammation 염증 **microbiome 미생물 군집
15-2.(문삽) 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
With regular practice and patience, over time you’ll make (A)[substantial / invisible] progress in yoga. While improving posture takes work, the results - pain relief, improved health, and enhanced appearance - can be far-reaching. One unexpected bonus is the “instant weight loss” effect of good posture. Slumping can cause the belly to protrude, which means that when you learn how to stand properly, it can look as if you’ve suddenly lost five pounds. In addition, good posture can give you a(n) (B)[physical / emotional] lift, since the way you hold your body affects the way you feel, and vice versa. People who carry themselves with good alignment seem confident and graceful, while those whose posture reflects a physical slump often appear to be in a mental slump as well. This relationship between our physical posture and our emotional state reinforces the yogic wisdom that everything is (C)[interconnected / independent].
✽slump 구부정한 자세를 취하다 ✽✽protrude 불쑥 나오다
15-3(문삽) 올바른 순서는?
[The cognitive view of motivation suggests that individuals are motivated to understand the world, to have control over their lives, and to be self-directed. Cognitive theorists stress that individuals are motivated when they experience a cognitive disequilibrium in which they try to find a solution to a problem.]
(A) People are also motivated by curiosity, an urge to explore, or simply an impulse to try something that is fun. Therefore, the cognitive view highlights intrinsic motivation, whereby students value learning for its own sake. Students try to achieve the intended benefit from every school task.
(B) Cognitive disequilibrium is created when the students realize that they do not know how to prepare such tables. The students are motivated to find a solution to the problem—to learn how to compose such tables.
(C) Cognitive disequilibrium occurs when students realize that they need to know more about a particular subject. For example, when using a computer to prepare a class report, students may have to prepare a table that includes columns of information.
*cognitive disequilibrium 인지적 비평형
15-4. The remainder of your trash that cannot be recycled or repurposed in some way will need to go in the regular garbage and will likely end up in a landfill. This garbage should normally be all dry and fit in a small bag, or if possible in your area, directly in a trash bin with no bag at all. ( ① ) You may think that a compostable garbage bag would be the best way to dispose of this rubbish, but the best is really not to use a bag at all if possible. [The reason is that landfills are not meant to encourage decomposition.] They are dry and anaerobic spaces that essentially “mummify” anything contained in them, including plastic. ( ③ ) Until it is full and closed, any decomposition that does occur in a landfill creates undesirable methane, a heat-trapping greenhouse gas that is roughly thirty times stronger than carbon dioxide. ( ④ ) The release of methane from open landfills contributes to global warming, and thus climate change. ( ⑤ ) Of course, the best is to minimize your waste so you are not sending anything to landfills.
✽decomposition 분해 ✽✽compostable 퇴비로 바뀔 수 있는
✽✽✽anaerobic (생물) 무산소성[혐기성]의
CHAPTER 16 요약 예제
(이분화)Although individual incentives may increase the effort of the individual group members, and thus enhance group performance, they also have some potential disadvantages for group process. One potential problem is that the group members will compare their own rewards with [that / those] of others.
(A) On the other hand, if group members believe that others are being rewarded more than they are for what they perceive as the same work (downward comparison), they may change their behavior to attempt to restore equity. Perhaps they will attempt to work harder in order to receive greater rewards for themselves.
(B) It might be hoped that individuals would use their coworkers as models (upward comparison), which would inspire them to work harder. For instance, when corporations set up “employee of the week” programs, they are attempting to develop this type of positive comparison.
(C) But they may instead decide to reduce their effort to match what they perceive as a low level of current pay. It has been found, for instance, that job absenteeism is increased when employees make unfavorable comparisons between their own rewards and those of others.
✽absenteeism 잦은 결근
16-1. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The motivations of aggressive drivers were considered in an Australian study reported by Lennon and Watson, who interviewed 30 drivers, aged 18 – 49 years, about their experiences with aggressive driving. Analysis revealed that a key theme underpinning aggressive driving was the intention to __________________________________ Within this overall intention there were two subthemes: the first was where the interviewee said that their aggressive driving was to display their disapproval of the other driver’s actions; the second was to teach the other driver a retaliatory lesson so that they (the other driver) could become a better driver. Needless to say, such actions can have a far from didactic effect and may escalate the exchanges as the other driver responds to the aggressive driver.
✽underpin (주장 등을) 뒷받침하다 ✽✽retaliatory 보복적인 ✽✽✽didactic 교훈적인
① show off their functional driving ability
② manage or to change the other driver’s behaviour
③ avoid any contact or conflict with the other driver
④ communicate to the other driver how impressed they were
⑤ make amends for previous displays of their own poor driving
[어휘] aggressive 공격적인 / analysis 분석 / subtheme 하위 주제 / disapproval 불만 / escalate 악화시키다, 확대시키다
16-3.(요약) 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Confirmed scientific theories are often referred to as ‘laws of nature’ or ‘laws of physics’, but it is important to recognize exactly what is meant by ‘law’ in this case. This is not the sort of law that has to be obeyed. A scientific law cannot dictate how things should be; it simply describes them. The law of gravity does not require that, having tripped up, I should adopt a prone position on the pavement — it simply describes the phenomenon that, having tripped, I fall. Hence, if I trip and float upwards, I am not disobeying a law, it simply means that I am in an environment (e.g. in orbit) in which the phenomenon described by ‘the law of gravity’ does not apply, or that the effect of gravity is countered by other forces that enable me to float upwards. The ‘law’ cannot be ‘broken’ in these circumstances, and can only be found to ________________________.
① have been misunderstood by the person it has affected
② be universal and require that all obey it in any circumstance
③ have no exceptions to which we cannot apply the effect of gravity
④ require additional time to reach the conclusion that was predicted
⑤ be inadequate to give a complete description of what is happening
16-4. 위 글의 괄호 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
What controls the number of times cells divide? The answer may lie with our telomeres, the protective tips on the ends of our chromosomes (a bit like the protective tips on the ends of shoestrings). These tips become shorter each time cells divide. Eventually, when the telomeres have nearly disappeared, the cells (A)[stop / continue] dividing, causing the cells to age and deteriorate. You might be inclined to think this means that the body has a built-in clock that controls the length of life by limiting cell reproduction. However, scientists view this process not as a clock, but rather as a mechanism that may have developed through evolution to (B)[prevent / promote] the growth of tumors early in life. This mechanism would have been beneficial when human life expectancy was short, but it has become (C)[costly / harmless] as life expectancy has increased, because cells that cannot be replenished will age and become defective over time.
✽chromosome 염색체 ✽✽tumor 종양
CHAPTER 17 장문의 이해 (1): 1지문 2문항 [예제]
아래 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Kawamura, a graduate student in Showa Women’s University, documented communications exchanged by a group of thirty who were organizing a party at a bar. “As the date grew nearer, the frequency of messages increased. But only four people showed up on time at the agreed place,” Kawamura said. However, dozens of others stayed in touch through voice and text messages while they trickled in. “Kids have become ___________________________. If you have a phone, you can be late,” added Kawamura. Kamide, another graduate student, agreed that it is no longer taboo to show up late: “Today’s taboo,” Kamide presumed, is “to forget your mobile phone or let your battery die.” Later it was discovered that this “softening of time” was noted for the same age group in Norway. “The opportunity to make decisions on the spot has made young people reluctant to divide their lives into time slots, as older generations are used to doing,” agreed another Norwegian researcher.(여기까지는 TIME에 대한 이야기)
(여기서부터는 Placed 대한 이야기) Has the definition of “presence” become disconnected from physical places and reassigned to a social network that extends beyond any single location? According to the anthropologist Mizuko Ito, “As long as people participated in the shared communications of the group, they seemed to be considered by others to be present.” In Norway, Rich Ling and Birgette Yttri observed that mobile telephone users in the same age group “were still available to their social network even when participating in another social event.” ✽trickle in (사람이) 드문드문 오다
① been tightly controlled by family and school
② regulated the relationships with their peers
③ their phones equipped with latest apps
④ become loose about time and place
⑤ averted networked alternative space
[1~2] (읽어볼만) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
[Over the past few years, a burgeoning interest in using technology as an educational tool has resulted in the development of several excellent distance education programs and online courses for advanced students.]
(A) If you have ever sat through a yearlong course that easily could have taken you 3 months to complete, this option may be very appealing to you. Academically talented students tend to be very active and involved in school and out-of-school activities that are time-consuming; thus, distance education courses may prove to be an ideal option for those who require a flexible time schedule.
(B) These resources may be especially useful for students who live in remote areas of the U.S. where the closest resources literally may be too far away to access; however, students have reported other valid reasons for utilizing this curricular option. Some of these courses are designed to allow students to move through the material at their own pace.
(C) These programs are also invaluable for students who are homeschooled and the parents who are responsible for homeschooling them. Parents who do not feel adequately prepared to teach their children advanced concepts in certain subject areas no longer have to carry the burden of teaching the material. In this respect, the homeschooling parent’s role has shifted to that of educational manager/advisor.
✽burgeoning 싹트기 시작하는 ✽✽attest 증명하다
[3~4](연결사) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중에서 문맥상 어색한 것은?
Dr. Mechanic proposed that medical school exposes students to continuing stress resulting from the rapid pace, examinations, anxieties in dealing with new clinical experiences and the like. Students, thus, are emotionally ① aroused with some frequency, and like others in the population, they experience a high prevalence of transient symptoms. The exposure to specific knowledge about disease provides the student with a new framework for identifying and giving meaning to previously ② neglected bodily feelings. Diffuse and ambiguous symptoms regarded as normal in the past may be re-conceptualised within the context of newly acquired knowledge of disease. Existing social stress may heighten bodily sensations through autonomic activation, making the student more aware of his bodily state and ③ motivating him to account for what he is experiencing. The new information that the student may have about possible disease and the similarity between the symptoms of a particular condition and his own symptoms establishes a link that he would have more difficulty making if he were ④ more informed. Furthermore, the student, in the process of acquiring new medical information, may begin to pay greater attention to his own bodily experiences and may also attempt to imagine how certain symptoms feel. This tendency to give attention to bodily feelings may assist the development of health ⑤ anxiety
수능완성 실전편 연게 적중
S1-20. [생략] Business strategist Jennifer Sertl has observed, “Our role as conduit(전달자) is more vital than our role as source in this knowledge economy.” Much like I found with my research for the book Multipliers, the critical skill of this century is not what you hold in your head, but your ability to _________________________. The best leaders and the fastest learners know how to harness collective intelligence.
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① take on collective responsibility and reduce risk
② gather and effectively allocate human resources
③ isolate and explain the root causes of problems
④ retain relationships after a project has ended
⑤ tap into and access what other people know
✽flash mob 번개 모임(에 모인 사람들) ✽✽ramp up ~을 증가시키다 ✽✽✽conduit 전달자
S1-21. Our ability to process and store information dictates whether our experiences parlay(전환된다) into background knowledge. [생략] In effect, the student with the enhanced information-processing capacity has translated the museum experience into academic background knowledge; the other has not. As Sternberg explains: “What seems to be critical is not the sheer amount of experience but rather ________________________________________________.” ✽parlay 전환되다
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① how frequently knowledge is shared and put into practical use
② how quickly the obtained information is processed and stored
③ what one has been able to learn from and do with experience
④ why one chose that experience over other available possibilities
⑤ whether one has academic interest in what he or she experiences
S1-22. 9월 적중
S1-28.(어법) [생략] His attitude toward emotions can be inferred from his notion that a pleasant life presupposes ____________________ and a satisfaction with one’s own achievements. (역논리) This suggests that he viewed both too positive and too negative emotions as unsettling and therefore bad. [생략]
윗 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① a balance between reason and emotion ② a wide variety of life experiences
③ not “keeping emotions in check” ④ little “movement of the soul”
⑤ few concerns about intellect
S1-32(빈칸) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
[Instead, they figured out ways to stay cool by creating thermally comfortable microclimates.]
Humans are remarkably resourceful and our ancestors were able to develop ways to survive quite nicely in every environment on earth. Want to live in the desert, the tundra, or the jungle? No problem. ⓵People found ways to work within the limits and constraints of their environments. ②If it was really hot for part of the year, they didn’t have the option to install central air(중앙냉방장치). ③However, after the discovery of fossil fuels, the need to fit a building into the local climatic environment became less important. ⓸Buildings could be constructed with a central heating and air-conditioning system that allowed the interior to be climate controlled and thus thermally comfortable at all times. ⑤As a result, many of the traditional ways of staying comfortable have been lost or forgotten.
✽thermally 온도 면에서 ✽✽microclimate 미기후(微氣候, 주변 다른 지역과는 다른, 특정 좁은 지역의 기후)
S1-33.(빈칸) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
[If possible, change your activity in addition to changing your thoughts.]
Life can be precarious and scary at times. If you start dwelling on all the things that could happen to you or to the country/world such as another war, terrorist attacks, super volcanoes, etc., you may become extremely stressed, or at the least you will most likely experience an array of anxiety symptoms(불안증상). ①When your mind begins to wander and your thoughts are becoming too negative, work towards thought stopping(사고중지). ②Say “Stop” to yourself and immediately change your mindset. ③Begin thinking about something that makes you feel serene and positive such as lying on a sunny beach or being with those you love. ⓸After some practice this will work almost automatically. ⓹For example, if you are reading, stop and go for a walk. Exercise almost always helps. Distracting yourself from unsettling(불안한) thoughts is crucial. ✽precarious 불안정한 ✽✽serene 평화로운, 고요한
S1-34(빈칸) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Political leaders pursue their own interests as well as their nations’ interests. To the extent that leaders of strong states in negotiations become convinced that a negotiated settlement of a dispute is important for their country, for their political future, or for their place in history, such increased commitment serves to (A)[reinforce / undermine] the power of the weaker side. For instance, when Canada walked out of the Free Trade Agreement negotiations and thereby placed US–Canada relations in a state of crisis, the U.S. Secretary of State James Baker became (B)[actively / passively] concerned about placing those relations on a better foundation by reaching a settlement. The French president’s commitment to reach an agreement over Andorra also strengthened the principality’s position. The extent of commitment of the stronger side to a negotiated solution can be a factor that strengthens the weaker side. As a result, it is important for the weaker party in a negotiation to determine how committed the leadership of the other side is to reaching an agreement and to find ways to (C)[heighten / soften] the intensity of that commitment.
*Andorra 안도라(프랑스·스페인 접경의 피레네산맥 가운데 있는 공국)
**principality (대공(prince)이 다스리는) 공국
1. 위 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(A) (B) (C)
① reinforce actively heighten
② reinforce passively soften
③ reinforce actively soften
④ undermine passively soften
⑤ undermine actively heighten
S1-36(순서) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은
[But, in fact, the line between commercial success and artistic expression is hazier than simply arguing that the business side is driven by commercialism and the artistic side is free of commercial concerns.]
For many in the recording industry, the relationship between music’s business and artistic elements is an uneasy one. ( ① ) The lyrics of hiphop or alternative rock, for example, often question the commercial value of popular music. ( ② ) Both genres are built on the assumption that musical integrity requires a complete separation between business and art. ( ③ ) The truth, in most cases, is that the business needs artists who are provocative, original, and appealing to the public; and the artists need the expertise of the industry’s marketers, promoters, and producers to hone their sound and reach the public. ( ④ ) And both sides stand to make a lot of money from the relationship. ( ⑤ ) But such factors as the enormity of the major labels, and the complexities of making, selling, and profiting from music in an industry still adapting to the digital turn, affect the economies of sound recording.
* hone (감각·기술 등을) 연마하다
S1-37(순서) The stars, at first glance, appear to be constant lights in the sky. While many stars do vary in brightness, comparatively (역논리) _________________ that the unaided eye can detect the change. A notable exception is Algol, in the constellation Perseus. [생략]
✽constellation 별자리
✽✽binary star 쌍성(雙星,서로 끌어당기는 힘의 작용으로 공동의 무게중심 주위를 일정한 주기로 공전하는 두 개의 항성)
① a few vary so much ② some change so much ③ few vary so much
S1-38(문삽) (순서문제로 변형가능) (이분화)
One aspect of diversity in psychology lies in the wide range of people that psychologists study and serve. This change is significant because most psychologists once assumed that all people were very much alike and that whatever principles emerged from research or treatment efforts with one group would apply to everyone, everywhere.
(A) The principles of nerve cell activity or reactions to heat or a sour taste are the same in men and women everywhere, as is their recognition of a smile. However, not all people’s moral values, achievement motivation or communication styles are the same.
(B) These and many other aspects of behaviour and mental processes are affected by sociocultural factors, including people’s gender, ethnicity, social class and the culture in which they grow up. These variables create many significant differences in behaviour and mental processes, especially from one culture to another.
(C) They were partly right, because people around the world are alike in many ways. They tend to live in groups, have religious beliefs and create rules, music, dances and games.
S1-39.(문삽) 순서로 변형
Evolution is much like a big highway that species travel down. Changes in direction are fairly gradual, since too sharp a turn will cause the quickly traveling vehicles (or evolving species) to fly off the road into extinction.
(A) DNA analysis suggests that at the molecular and genetic levels, humans and chimpanzees are at least 98 percent identical. [This degree of similarity is so close that some scientists have proposed it might be possible to perform crossbreeding and make a hybrid species.]
(B) Of course, presumably moral and ethical considerations would forbid such a genetic experiment, but this possibility does illustrate how similar human beings are to other primates. ( ⑤ ) Even an animal as apparently distant from humans as our pet dog is still quite similar to us. ✽crossbreeding 이종 교배 ✽✽primate 영장류
(C) At the biological level, this idea of a highway shows up in the form of continuous slow change, with a lot of similarity between various animal species, especially at the genetic level. It might be surprising, or even disturbing, for some people to learn that recent findings in modern biochemistry suggest that humans are not so genetically unique as we might have thought.
S1-40. 아래 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오,
The aims of the electric power system can be summarized as “to transport electrical energy from the generator units to the terminals of electrical equipment” and “to maintain the voltage at the equipment terminals within certain limits.” For decades research and education have been concentrated on the first aim. Reliability and quality of supply ________________, the argument being that the reliability was sooner too high than too low. A change in attitude came about probably sometime in the early 1980s. Starting in industrial and commercial power systems and spreading to the public supply, the power quality virus appeared. It became clear that equipment regularly experienced spurious trips due to voltage disturbances, but also that equipment was responsible for many voltage and current disturbances. A more customer-friendly definition of reliability was that the power supply turned out to be much less reliable than always thought. Although the hectic years of power quality pioneering appear to be over, the subject continues to attract lots of attention. This is certain to continue into the future, as customers’ demands have become an important issue in the deregulation of the electricity industry.
✽spurious trip 의사 트립(계획되지 않은 차단기의 개방) ✽✽deregulation 규제 완화
✽spurious trip 의사 트립(계획되지 않은 차단기의 개방) ✽✽deregulation 규제 완화
① were rarely an issue ② were considered significant
[41~42] 아래 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
A nutritionist was involved in a very large community food demonstration project. She had organized volunteers and instructed them to have their meals back at the venue for the training (not in the village where they were doing the food demonstration). The nutritionist had only ① budgeted enough funding to feed the people of the village who would be attending the food demonstration. Just before the food was prepared, the nutritionist went around to remind the volunteers not to eat and to feed only the natives of the villages. Once the time came to serve the food, the nutritionist noticed the people there were not too ② suspicious about eating the food provided. She questioned herself: What had she not understood about food and culture? Finally, one of the Ghanaian volunteers came up to her and told her that in their culture, “if you prepare food with or for someone but you yourself do not ③ take the food, it is believed that you have put a curse on the food.” So the locals were thinking that she and the volunteers had cursed the food and were ④ afraid to try it. Now having this cultural understanding, the nutritionist instructed four volunteers to represent their group and partake in the food. With this shift, the village participants ⑤ happily brought up their plates and completed the food demonstration project.
* partake in ~에 참여하다
S2-22.(제목) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
①Interactive digital media experiences provide a unique interface(접점) between the realm of the biologically based processes of psychology and the silicon-based processes of today’s computing machines. Computers create experiences that ②engage a user’s psychology and motivate a response. With today’s latest virtual reality technologies, it is now possible for designers to create real-world situations in a digital environment and trigger behavioral responses that ③contradicts their real-world responses. In fact, the application of virtual reality exposure therapies has been shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety and specific phobias. These therapies work because the virtual reality presentation(제시) provides perceptual cues(지각적단서) similar to the real-world experiences that trigger the physiological stress response. (생략)
S2-23(주제) (A)(B)(C)에 들어갈 알맞은 어휘는? 강추 추가
In their seminal 2002 review of cross-cultural sleep practices, anthropologists Carol Worthman and Melissa Melby found that, in general, sleepers in Westernized, postindustrial countries have routine times for bed and waking to accommodate work or school, while traditional, non-Westernized sleepers have more (A)fluid /solid sleep schedules, moving in and out of sleep in the course of a day. They also discovered that in most cultures around the world (in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Southern Europe, and parts of Scandinavia), children sleep within arm’s reach of other family members, what anthropologists term co-sleeping, despite colonial efforts to encourage indigenous peoples to develop (B) solitary / accompanied sleep arrangements. They do not necessarily sleep in the same bed, but they are near enough to each other to observe movements and hear sounds, even muffled ones. (도치)Only in the societies of Northern mainland Europe and America, and to some extent the places colonized by those powers, has sleep been both reliably compressed into a single stretch of time and become a (C)private /social affair necessitating bedtime rituals. ✽indigenous 토착의 ✽✽muffled 소리를 낮춘
S2-28.(어법) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Writing goes beyond the mere transcription of spoken language. Although writing is a medium whose content is spoken language, its uses differ from those of speech. It organizes and stores information quite differently than speech; in effect, it is a different form of language. Written language has evolved in ways quite different from speech. The rules for the construction of speech and prose are quite different. Prose is not recorded speech but a much more formal organization of information. The closest form of writing to speech is poetry, which is meant to be heard. Prose is not meant to be heard and, in fact, the most efficient form of accessing the information contained in prose writing is ____________________________________________.
① to transcribe it while thinking about its meaning
② to compare the oral and the written forms of language
③ to apply the skills of analysis
④ to write its objective history
⑤ to read it silently
S2-29.(어휘)(역논리) Pastures used for hay or animal grazing are generally inhospitable to bees, but there are ways to manage them in a manner consistent with a bee conservation programme. One way to do this is to ________________________________. The older the pasture, the more likely it is to have suitable bee nest sites and numerous plant species.(역논리) Temporary pastures, such as those grown in crop rotation(윤작), have very low plant diversity even though the cover crop may be a rich resource for one season. [생략]
✽herbaceous 초본의, 풀 같은 ✽✽herbicide 제초제 ✽✽✽forage plant 사료 작물
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① introduce plants with many flowers
② cover the crops during bad weather
③ make pastures more or less permanent
④ eliminate unwanted vegetation with herbicides
⑤ diversify the plant species according to the season
S2-31.(역논리) In studying the attachment between babies and their parents, John Bowlby took an evolutionary perspective. In his classic treatise of the field, Bowlby coined the term environment of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA). This concept pertains(관련이있다) to the environmental conditions that typified the ancestors of a species, with the idea that organisms didn’t evolve the features that they have ___________________________. (역논리) All organisms are the products of thousands of generations of selection prior to their existence. Yet evolution has no crystal ball. [생략] ✽treatise 저서, 서적 ✽✽typify ~의 특징을 나타내다
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① over an extended period of time
② without expecting future changes
③ to match their current environments
④ based on the needs of their ancestors
⑤ in a variety of different environments
S2-34.(빈칸)(내용괜찮) 올바른 순서는? (가)에서 어법상 옳은 것은?
[A general and seemingly applicable assumption is that consumers and producers maximize the benefit related to the opportunity accessible in their particular circumstance.]
(A) The focus of observable and marketed consumption is immediate gratification. However, as consumer awareness of both the impact of consumption and the power of consumption to modify and catalyze economic outcomes (가)[increasing / increases] there is growing evidence of a shifting cultural paradigm to one of sustainability.
(B) The desire to reach an optimal outcome for a given point in time is subjective and specific to how these economic agents view the concept of maximization, which in turn is likely to be highly correlated with cultural values.
(C) For example, in indigenous societies there is evidence that a balance between present and future periods along with that of the environmental system, as a whole, was included in decision-making and optimization. In present consumerism fostered economies, the cultural values are less likely or unlikely to incorporate environmental and social justice parameters proactively.
✽parameter 매개 변수 ✽✽catalyze 촉진시키다
S2-35(제거)(내용괜찮) Research in ethnomedicine(민속의학연구) has certainly established that each ethnicity, each tribe, and each culture has its own complete medical science, just as each has its own language and unique connection(연결고리) to the spiritual dimension of existence. Each indigenous medical system has grown out of the local natural environment and uses the plants and other healing methods that are available in the region. Everyone grapples with disease and infirmity(질환), which are connected to the local climate, the seasons, the lifestyle, and the nutrition of the people who live in the region. ③ As such, diseases have always been just as much a ________________________ as (가) [does / is] the medicine that fights them. Consequently, each people and its culture has a tradition that develops within its own context and contains many generations of experiences that go back to the time of the forebears. ✽grapple with ~을 극복하려고 노력하다 ✽✽infirmity 질환, 병
1. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① a valuable historical record
② a benefit to the whole society
③ a commodity to be traded
④ a social and cultural product
⑤ a result of modern technology
2. (가)에서 어법상 올바른 것은?
S2-37(순서) Priority given to human health raises an ethical dilemma if “health for all” conflicts with protecting the environment. Two extreme positions may be envisaged. The first stresses individual rights, societal good being seen as the aggregate of everyone’s personal preferences and any controls over the individual’s use of resources as an (A)[support / violation] of the individual’s freedom. The other extreme — a response to increasing environmental degradation — gives priority to the environment and to the maintenance of the ecosystem. All species are seen as having rights as people (가)[are / do], environmental welfare thus coming (B)[after / before] human welfare. A middle ground between these extremes can be found by distinguishing between first-order and second-order ethical principles. Priority to ensuring human survival is taken as a first-order principle. Respect for nature and control of environmental degradation is a second-order principle, which must be observed unless it (C)[coincides / conflicts] with the first-order principle of meeting survival needs. ✽envisage 예상하다 ✽✽aggregate 총합
(A) (B)(C)에서 들어갈 올바른 어구들은?
(가)에서 어법상 올바른 것은?
S2-38.(문삽)(순서 변형) [There are a number of ways in which technology can be used to protect social network users from disclosure or privacy threats or violations. More drastic technical solutions involve disabling or banning social media/social networking.]
(A) The problem with this solution is that the benefits of using these sites are also lost. Additionally, while this may prevent use of these sites during school or work hours, it has no impact on what is done after hours(수업또는근무시간).
(B) For example, some schools and workplaces place explicit restrictions or in some cases a complete ban on social networking sites and they are disabled at the IT level so that students or employees cannot access these sites.
(C) The context collapse that occurs in an online environment blurs the line between people’s professional and personal lives such that online information exchanges that occur outside of school or work hours impact people’s lives at school or work. Therefore, employing these strategies is not necessarily effective in minimizing the potential risks overall. ✽drastic 철저한, 격렬한
S2-[41~42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
(내용중요) 2-31 EEA가 떠오름(environment of evolutionary adaptedness)
Language seems especially __________ to communication about social matters, as Robin Dunbar has persuasively argued. Among other things, he has shown that most conversation today is about face-to-face social issues — gossip, in short. The need for such complex social fine-tuning would have increased with group size, brain size, and the need to forage widely for high-quality foods. It is sometimes alleged, by linguists, that language must have been “invented” at some recent point in the past. This is clearly not the case. The human lips, tongue, vocal cords, and throat are massively altered (compared to other hominids) to allow complex linguistic production, and the human brain has specific centers for language processing (though they are also useful for some other purposes and evidently arose from simpler and less tightly entailed structures). These are all enormously different from anything a chimpanzee has and indicate a very long period of very active evolution. Human communication took a long time to reach its present level of complexity, and the change was gradual.
위 빈칸에 들어갈 말은?
① hindrance ② irrelavant ③ adjusted ⓸ harmful ⑤ proportioned
(추가) S2-23(주제) 다음 글들의 순서는?
[In their seminal 2002 review of cross-cultural sleep practices, anthropologists Carol Worthman and Melissa Melby found that, in general, sleepers in Westernized, postindustrial countries have routine times for bed and waking to accommodate work or school, while traditional, non-Westernized sleepers have more fluid sleep schedules, moving in and out of sleep in the course of a day.]
(A) They do not necessarily sleep in the same bed, but they are near enough to each other to observe movements and hear sounds, even muffled ones.
(B) Only in the societies of Northern mainland Europe and America, and to some extent the places colonized by those powers, has sleep been both reliably compressed into a single stretch of time and become a private affair necessitating bedtime rituals.
(C) They also discovered that in most cultures around the world (in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Southern Europe, and parts of Scandinavia), children sleep within arm’s reach of other family members, what anthropologists term co-sleeping, despite colonial efforts to encourage indigenous peoples to develop solitary sleep arrangements. ✽indigenous 토착의 ✽✽muffled 소리를 낮춘
S3-20. Every child I meet feels comfortable drawing. When children are very young they scribble for the sheer delight of creating. As they get older, their mark making can be harnessed into (가)consistent / irregular patterns. Many children draw a tree, for example, as an oval resting on a long rectangular trunk, or a car as a box resting on several circles. With the command of a few simple line directions — vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and arcs — they learn to write. These marks become letters of the alphabet, then words, and finally full sentences. Using these marks, they can leave a note on a table, and a person who comes in later will understand exactly what they mean. The magic of communication is born.
S3-21(주제)(역논리적용)not good If a student protests that plagiarism is good for him — he has adopted that as his goal, because he finds it much easier and more enjoyable than doing his own work — we should not immediately concede his point. The code of academic honesty exists to serve the good of all students, his good no less than any other’s; it is good for him, as it is for any student, to develop the skills that can be acquired only by honest academic work. At any rate, we should look for a theory of well-being that accords with the common belief that a student who plagiarizes __________________. He may be satisfying his desires, enjoying himself, achieving his goals; but he fails to develop his mind, and that is bad for him to some degree, whether he realizes it or not. ✽concede 인정하다
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① must recognize the harm he is doing to others
② doesn’t know that what he is doing is wrong
③ has the right to do what is best for himself
④ will eventually realize the error of his ways
⑤ is cheating himself no less than others
S3-28(어법)(좋은내용) (A)(B)(C)에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?
Many genetic and biological mechanisms control hunger and satiety, ensuring that people will eat enough to meet their energy needs. Throughout most of human history, getting enough food was the primary challenge. The human body developed to function in an environment where food was scarce and (A)high / low levels of physical activity were mandatory for survival. This situation resulted in the development of various physiological mechanisms that encourage the body to deposit energy (i.e., fat) and defend against energy loss. Today’s environment, however, is one in which food is widely available, inexpensive, and often high in energy density, while (B)minimal / maximum physical activity is required for daily living. Researchers have proposed that the “modern environment has taken body weight control from an instinctual (unconscious) process to one that requires substantial cognitive effort. In the current environment, people who are not devoting substantial conscious effort to managing body weight are probably (C)losing / gaining weight.” This means that nutrition education has an important role. ✽satiety 포만감
S3-29(밑줄의미) As a professor of medieval history at the University of Strasbourg in the 1920s and the 1930s, before moving to the Sorbonne in Paris in 1936, Marc Bloch encouraged his students to consider the landscape as a historical document. If written texts provided a view into conscious historical processes, topography, he suggested, provided valuable insight into phenomena that were unconscious and invisible, such as social, economic, and political structure. Bloch described rural history as a “vibrant human interaction with the soil.” Studying the form of agricultural fields as seen from an airplane, he contended, provided insight into ______________________. Bloch demonstrated these connections as he took his students on field trips into the countryside near Strasbourg to see the elongated fields of Alsace, which he considered to be characteristic of all of northern Europe. According to Bloch, students of history could best understand historical processes by looking at historical processes that were still very much (가) invisible / alive.
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① the structures built there in the past
② the society that had produced them
③ the geological process that create soil
④ the driving force behind modern transportation
⑤ the advancements most likely to happen in the future
(가)에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?
S3-32.(강추) 아래 글 다음에 와야할 올바른 순서는?
[We often think that our ethical missteps are just small ones that don’t really affect anyone else.]
(A) However, if everyone believes his or her misrepresentation on a mortgage application is singular and isolated, we end up with a great many mortgages in default, a glut of foreclosures, and a collapsed housing market.
(B) We lived through these systemic effects, beginning in 2007, as the mortgage market collapsed. In analyzing ethical issues, we turn to Kant and other schools of thought and ask, “What if everyone behaved this way? What would the world be like?” Good ethical analysis requires a look at the impact of collective individual behaviors on the system.
(C) We are not thinking through the consequences of our actions when we rationalize rather than analyze ethical issues in this manner. For example, it is probably true that one person who misrepresents his or her income on a mortgage application is not going to undermine the real estate market.
✽in default 채무 불이행 상태의 ✽✽glut 과잉 ✽✽✽foreclosure 담보권 행사
S3-33. 아래 글에서 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
Contractual arrangements often required the artist to submit a drawing (in the case of painting and sculpture) or a model (in the case of sculpture and architecture) to give the patron a clear idea of ①what he or she could expect for the finished product. Presentation drawings, as they are called, are significantly different from the sketches ②that an artist might make preliminary to a finished compositional scheme. They had the weight of a legal document, as ③did models. Sculptural and architectural models were often subcontracted to a professional craftsman, so that their detailing would be accurate. Comparison of presentation drawings to finished products, as in Taddeo Gaddi’s Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple and Lorenzo Vecchietta’s full-scale drawing for the building committee of the Ospedale della Scala in Siena of the bronze tabernacle which he proposed to make for the altar of the hospital chapel, ④showing that the designs of presentation drawings were expected to be ⑤adhered to rather closely. ✽tabernacle 성합(성체를 담는 전례 용구) ✽✽altar 제단
S3-34. (A)(B)(C)에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?
Even though science believes it is predicated on physical laws that describe objective processes, the historian of science Thomas Kuhn pointed out that scientific facts are instead embedded in cultural practices or paradigms. Science operates within the context of the culture it exists in; it does not exist in a vacuum where pure absolute (A)[subjectivity / objectivity] prevails. In biomedicine, for example, physicians always base their diagnosis on assumptions within the context of their culture. In the United States, a reasonably healthy person with an enlarged spleen would be suspected of mononucleosis. In South America, this same person would be suspected of having Chagas’ disease; in Ethiopia, Ewing’s tumor. All these diagnoses would be (B)[correct / incoreect]. If an American physician were put in subSahara Africa, or a Saudi physician in Nebraska, each would have trouble making proper diagnoses of their patients. Because biomedicine operates (C)[beyond / within] the context of the culture of which it is part, these physicians would be like fish out of water and not fully cognizant of the cultural mores of their host land.
✽predicate 근거를 두다 ✽✽spleen 비장 ✽✽✽mores 관습
S3-38. Our economy is centered around control and efficiency. Because modern agriculture is a profit-based venture, the existence of failures, inherent to biodiversity, runs counter to our sense of efficient, flawless mass production. With continuing corporate consolidation and rising industrialization, the evolution of agriculture has been characterized by ____________________________________. The earliest farmers selected the types of plants to grow. After a while, people discovered vegetative propagation — a process in which, for example, a piece of a bulb can be broken off and replanted to produce a duplicate to the parent plant. Using this technique, people could control the genetic composition of the next generation. Later, during the scientific and industrial revolutions, farmers used their practical knowledge of genetics to breed plants with preferred characteristics by selective saving of seeds. Until recently, selective seed saving was the basis for all of our food production.
✽vegetative propagation 영양 번식 ✽✽bulb 구근[알뿌리] 식물
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① changing attitudes toward the preservation of seeds
② dwindling enthusiasm for increasing Earth’s biodiversity
③ the encouragement of increased food-crop diversification
④ increasing manipulation and control over crop gene pools
⑤ a series of failed techniques that are no longer widely used
S3-40(요약) 아래 보기들 중에서 흐름상 어색한 것은?
Moscovici and Nemeth argue that a minority of one may be more influential than a minority of two or more, because one person can be more consistent over time and will not ①attract the majority’s attention. In contrast, more recent research has found that a minority of one is ②less effective than a minority of two. This suggests that the one-person minority’s advantage in terms of consistency is ⓷overshadowed by the majority’s tendency to dismiss that person’s point of view on the grounds of ‘person variables’ (such as being a bit weird). A minority of two is ⓸less easy to dismiss as simply being the eccentric views of one person, particularly when the arguments of the two ‘deviants’ are complementary. This gives more credibility to the arguments presented by the minority, and hence creates more conflict within the majority and ultimately ⑤more likelihood of a move towards the minority position.
S3-[41~42] A schema (singular form of schemata) is like a mental map of concepts that hangs together by association. For example, your schema for “school” contains associations between “teacher” and “books” and “subjects.” Each of those has additional associations; “subjects” is linked to “math” and “literature,” for example. Cognitive science suggests that as schemata develop, the parameters for what information can be included tighten. The reason for this is very practical: We make judgments based on the linkages in our schemata. If the information didn’t hang together in a structured way, and if certain pieces of information were not excluded from the map, we’d find making even basic judgments extremely difficult.
Imagine that you’ve been in the workforce for about ten years and are interviewing for a job. The interviewer tells you about the job’s duties, the work schedule, the location, the wage, and other pertinent details. All this is important, but what’s equally as important is what you brought into the room with you. Your schema for, let’s call it “career,” includes a host of linkages that have developed with time that you draw upon to make judgments. Is the company you are interviewing with compatible with your career? Does the schedule fit, does the wage fit, does the size of the company fit, does the commute time fit? You may reasonably change your mind about any of these things, of course, but the point is that you did not enter the room as an empty bucket ready to be filled. You entered with a preestablished schema for “career” that serves as the platform for your judgments.
✽parameter 제한 ✽✽pertinent 관련 있는
윗글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은
A schema consists of (A) information about a specific topic and is used in judgement-making to ascertain whether new information (B) to our current beliefs.
(A) (B)
① organized ······ surrenders ② detailed ······ conforms
③ updated ······ responds ④ organized ······ conforms
⑤ detailed ······ responds
S4-20.(주제) 아래 글이 들어가야할 곳은?
[Over time, and with experience, goals may change, but the personal value system that guides your actions is not so changeable.]
People are endowed with the capacity to conceptualize a future. For example, wanting to become a firefighter or a doctor provides inspiration and motivation to take actions to realize such long-term goals. ⓵These goals are in service(이바지하다) to the larger value related to career direction. ②Goals are things you can obtain, like owning a Corvette, for example, or getting a graduate degree. ⓷They are concrete events, situations, or objects, and they can be completed, possessed, or finished — not so values. ⓸ Values help you define what your life is about. They point you in a direction, but they are not a destination. ⓹Values are about having a particular code or philosophy that you live by — like honesty, reliability, integrity, treating others respectfully, and so forth. They are like a compass that guides your life actions. Most important, values are chosen.
S4-21(제목) 아랫 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Feelings change like the wind and cannot be relied upon. What we need to look at is ‘the evidence’ to support what we feel. For example, if I think, ‘I am not important to my friend. If I were important then they would be here with me and would not be somewhere else’, I can answer this belief with another statement. The statement might say something like this: ‘Where is the evidence for this thinking?’ ‘Why did you feel important to your friend in the past?’ ‘Are you only important in their company, or could it be that you are important just because you are?’ You see, our feelings are very strong and at times they can capture our thinking and dominate it. This can be a useful thing, but it can also be misleading. Learning to challenge our thinking and not be ruled by our feelings can take a bit of work; but if we manage it, then we are less likely to be __________________________.
① be considered important by our friends
② be able to express our emotions properly
③ closely examine the evidence that we crave
④ change our feelings by changing our thoughts
⑤ be slaves to our feelings and thought processes
S4-23.(요지) Managing visitors requires an ecological perspective. Tourists may impact directly on wildlife and vegetation and may also change aspects of the physical environment, for example by straying off designated trails and trampling(짓밟다) vegetation. Educating visitors about ecological sensitivity can help them appreciate ecological conditions and enhance their understanding of the specifics of managing natural area tourism. This is achieved, for instance, by providing information on the biology of an organism, a story of how it survives and interesting facts on how it interacts with other organisms and the physical environment. The how and why of tourism management can also be explained to visitors, with the aim of gaining support in managing a site sustainably. ______________ is therefore used as a means of protecting the natural environment, especially when visitors are made aware of the fragility of some natural ecosystems. ✽trample 짓밟다
⓵ Interpretation ② Enforcement ⓷ Persuasion ⓸ Support ⓹ Management
S4-29.(어휘) The role of science can sometimes be (A)[overstated], its exponents slipping into scientism. Scientism is the view that the scientific description of reality is the only truth there is. With the advance of science, there has been a tendency to slip into scientism, and assume that any factual claim can be (B)[authenticated] if and only if the term ‘scientific’ can correctly be ascribed to it. (역논리)The consequence is that non-scientific approaches to reality — and that can include all the arts, religion, and personal, emotional and value-laden ways of encountering the world — may become labelled as merely ___________, and therefore of little account in terms of describing the way the world is. The philosophy of science seeks to (C)[avoid] crude scientism and get a balanced view on what the scientific method can and cannot achieve.
authenticate: 사실이라고 믿다 ✽exponent 지지자
⓵ objective ② relavant ⓷ logic ⓸ subjective ⓹ descriptive
S4-32(빈칸) Even the modern symphony orchestra can be understood as a logical extension of human expressive capacities. It has been suggested, for example, that the entire range of musical instruments have their precursors in the natural ways in which human beings produce sound: string instruments correspond to voice production by the vocal cords; wind instruments, to vocalization and whistling; and percussion, to clapping and foot stamping and tapping. If this supposition is valid, then the vast number of instruments that have been devised in various cultures since prehistory have merely been means of imitating and extending the musical qualities of the innate modes of human expression. While the development of the modern orchestra has greatly diversified the sound palette (the variety of tone “colors,” or timbres) available to the composer, the overall range of tonal frequency has remained essentially within that of the human voice, although the full human auditory range is much broader. Moreover, the string instruments, which are most closely analogous to the voice, form the core of the orchestra.
✽precursor 전신(前身), 선도자 격인 사람이나 사물 ✽✽percussion 타악기 ✽✽✽analogous 유사한
윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Similarities between Vocal and Instrumental Sounds
② The Musical Superiority of String Instruments
③ Why Don’t Orchestras Include Any Vocalists?
④ Increasing Vocal Range by Copying Orchestras
⑤ Instrumental Sound: Rooted in the Human Body
S4-33.(빈칸) Young people disclose information about themselves online to build trust with others and as an extension of their lives offline. When someone sends an invitation to connect on Facebook or Instagram, a sixteen-year-old might look to see how many friends and followers they have in common. If they have several friends and followers in common, she may be more likely to accept the “friend” (on Facebook) or “follow” (on Twitter and Instagram) request. In visibly connecting with someone online, a young person is often vouching for that person by associating that person with her profile. This dance tends to lead to cooperative behavior online. The friends become linked to one another, their social identities coupled through a public display on social media, and a young person knows that her reputation, and the reputation of her friends, is at risk if she doesn’t play nicely. The disclosure of one particular type of information — public communication about friendships — represents a technique of _____________________________. The structural design of online platforms both constrains and builds upon these means of building networks of identity and trust. ✽vouch for ~을 보증하다
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① professional networking and entrepreneurship
② impression management and self-presentation
③ reputation exaggeration and self-protection
④ anti-social behavior and misrepresentation
⑤ group-centered attitude and social exclusion
S4-34.(빈칸) 올바른 순서는?
[Change by alternatives is supposed to be the method that works in any democracy. The opposition party puts forward an alternative policy to the governing party and if the electorate prefer the alternative they vote in the opposition at the next electoral opportunity.]
(A) Furthermore in a complex world the same experts make the economic analyses and so the proposed policies end up by being quite similar. In most democratic countries today it is quite hard to see the real differences in the policies offered by the opposing parties.
(B) But, for a variety of reasons, it does not quite work that way. Any party in opposition knows that to get back into power it must not only hold its own supporters but also capture some of the floating voters or other party voters. So the alternatives get less and less different and in the end no true alternative is offered.
(C) The similarity will probably get greater as it becomes less possible to undo policies set in motion by previous governments. It is only in countries like the UK where the parties have a historical class base that differences of policy can exist.
✽electorate (전체) 유권자
S4-35. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말은?
Infrastructure such as roads, drainage and sewerage, electricity, telecommunication networks and so on are substantial in supporting urban development. These infrastructural services, however, are very costly to provide and maintain; and in many cases, a (A) [maximum / minimum] utilization threshold is required in order to operate these systems cost effectively. High people density, by concentrating a population in a smaller area, can make greater use of these infrastructural services and help the systems to run more (B) [extensively / economically]. However, if the population exceeds the system capacity, high people density can contrarily lead to overload of the systems and (C) [expand / deteriorate] services. Again, in order to achieve the former outcome, it is important that the planning of high density and the provision of infrastructure go hand in hand.
S4-37.(순서) Natural selection does not plan ① ahead. Our current adaptations are “designed” to work well in past environments: Those who had more offspring in past environments tended to pass their traits on to current generations. If the environment stays relatively ② constant, then those traits will function well in the current environment. However, if the environment has changed recently, then traits which were once adaptive may no longer be adaptive. In other words, the “old” adaptations might not yet have been selected out of a population if the selection pressures have recently changed. This idea is known as “evolutionary lag” or “mismatch,” because the changes in ③ genes lag slightly behind the changes in environments. The classic example of evolutionary lag is our preferences for sweets, salts, and fats: it was ④ maladaptive to crave these when they were rare, because they were valuable sources of energy and nutrients. People still crave them even though they are ⑤ overabundant in modern environments and lead to obesity and other health problems.
윗 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Past Genes in Present Circumstances
② Natural Selection Prevents Excessive Obesity
③ The Effects of Evolution on the Environment
④ Environmental Change Triggers Genetic Change
⑤ How Human Evolution Has Adapted So Quickly
S4-38.(문삽) There is a growing interest in promoting social, economic, and environmental sustainability at the local level. This concept is taken from the environmental literature but has much broader meaning in the context of community development. Efforts to promote community sustainability focus on local policies that contribute to the longterm survival of the social, economic, and environmental base of the locality. Sustainability is often considered an outcome of community development, but we view it as __________________(좋은문제아님) the process of community development practice. This approach forces us to examine the interconnections between local economic, social, and environmental goals. This interaction is often referred to as the triple bottom line. Practices that promote economic development, for example, need to ensure the sustainability of the environment and provide opportunities for marginalized residents in the community.
윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① a historical forerunner to ② an unintended consequence of
③ a guiding principle throughout ④ a reasonable argument against
⑤ an insurmountable obstacle within
S4-39 올바른 순서는?
[Climate is the total sum of the weather experienced over a long enough time period for the pattern to be established.]
(A) Differences between such climate states of the same kind over monthly, seasonal or annual time scales are referred to as climatic variations, including changes of the average or of the variability. Climate change, however, is a shift of the normal climate according to some factor, which may be known, lasting for many years.
(B) According to the above, a season-to-season or year-to-year effect, such as extremely wet or extremely dry conditions, can be described as a climatic variation if it is within the expected variations of the normal climate. The gradually melting of sea ice, however, as a result of warming may finally be interpreted as a climate change.
(C) Traditionally, the period for determining the ‘normal climate’ is 30 years. Thus, the climate is an ensemble average of climate states, together with some measure of its variability over a specific period of time.
S4-[41~42] A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말은?
The power of art comes from its capacity to evoke a response. Art does not come to life until a spectator, a listener, or an audience breathes life into it by experiencing it. Art provokes in us a reaction that causes us to consider, judge, emote, or perceive meaning in some way. This reaction may be spiritual, intellectual, or emotional. Yet each person views a work of art through the lenses of his or her own experiences, education, preconceptions, assumptions, and interests. And because each of us is (A) [unique / imitative], what constitutes art for one person may not be art for another. This is at the root of the difficulty in finding a definition of art on which most can agree. But it also means that arts (B) [evaluation / education] is critical. The spectator must know how to respond to other people and other ideas, different from his own, rather than react against them. Spectators must learn to accept difference as natural rather than as a threat to their whole style of life. In essence, art depends on the open minds of those who experience it. We need not approve of any given piece of art, yet we must attempt to (C) [understand / question] the perspective of the artist who created it before we can dismiss it or judge it.
S5-23.(제목) 아래 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?
[That understanding helps move them away from denying their colleague’s feelings and from focusing only on “what really happened” (which is what they think happened).]
Often, when I meet with teammates who are having difficulties working as colleagues, I begin by asking each of them to write down three things that they enjoy about working with the other person and three things that drive them crazy. Before they share their lists, I ask them to also write what they speculate the other person has written. ( ① ) Doing this forces them to step back and try to see how they are perceived. ( ② ) I emphasize the word perception and remind them that perceptions are reality; we react to what we see and feel, whether or not it is the truth. ( ③ ) Instead, as we share what they wrote, we work on seeing how we come across to others and what we can do to change impressions and perceptions. ( ④ ) These meetings are never easy; it is difficult to see ourselves through the lenses of others. ( ⑤ ) But such honest interactions are almost always productive.
S5-31(빈칸) 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Adaptation is a process whereby members of a species fit into their environments in such a way that they can survive and flourish. Too often, though, we look upon adaptation as something that involves the optimization of particular features. We see it as a business of maximally improving the organism’s fit with its environment in every characteristic. Yet a moment’s thought should be enough to show that this cannot be the case. The process that governs adaptation within populations is natural selection, which operates by promoting or suppressing the reproductive success of individuals. Whole individuals, not their separate features. And every individual is an enormously complicated bundle of characteristics, most of which are controlled by many genes and are in turn ____________________________. There is, in short, no way in which the evolutionary fate of a particular characteristic can be determined without affecting the destinies of many other attributes as well.
① optimally adapted for survival
② formed in their own unique way
③ linked genetically to other characters
④ singled out for promotion or elimination
⑤ unlikely to be passed down to offspring
S5-33(빈칸) 아래 요약 box의 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Speculations about the meaning and purpose of prehistoric art rely heavily on analogies drawn with modern-day hunter-gatherer societies. Such primitive societies, as Steven Mithen emphasizes in The Prehistory of the Modern Mind, tend to view man and beast, animal and plant, organic and inorganic realms, as participants in an integrated, animated totality. The dual manifestations of this tendency are anthropomorphism (the practice of regarding animals as humans) and totemism (the practice of regarding humans as animals), both of which pervade the visual art and the mythology of primitive cultures. Thus the natural world is conceptualized in terms of human social relations. When considered in this light, the visual preoccupation of early humans with the nonhuman creatures inhabiting their world becomes profoundly meaningful. Among hunter-gatherers, animals are not only good to eat, they are also good to think about, as anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss has observed. In the practice of totemism, he has suggested, an unlettered humanity “broods upon itself and its place in nature.” Through their observation of other species, primitive peoples find ways of conceptualizing human relationships.✽analogy유사점 ✽brood 곰곰생각하다
Ancient people had a keen and widespread interest in (A) nonhuman species because they were a means of (B) . |
(A) (B) (A) (B)
① depicting ······ merging cultures ② avoiding ······ detecting edible plants
③ hunting ······ establishing territory ④ depicting ······ understanding themselves
⑤ avoiding ······ disguising human faults
S5-34(빈칸) One consequence of the separation of music from words is to render the meaning of music [explicit / equivocal]. Because words define its content, we know what we are intended to feel when we hear a song in a language with which we are familiar; but we cannot be as sure when we hear a symphony. Disputes about the meaning of music, which are still heated, are [centered / disappered] around ‘absolute’ music: that is, they concern instrumental music which does not refer to anything outside itself. When music [ignores /accompanies] words, or is closely associated with public events such as triumphs or funerals, questions of its meaning hardly arise. We know what we are expected to feel, and we usually feel it. Music adds significance to ceremonies and to words because it induces arousal and structures that arousal in a way that [resist / ensures] collective participation. ✽equivocal 애매한 ✽✽arousal 각성, 흥분
S5-36.(순서)(강추) 아랫 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Suppose we know that Paula suffers from an acute phobia. If we reason that Paula is afraid either of snakes or spiders, and then establish that she is not afraid of snakes, we will conclude that Paula is afraid of spiders. However, our conclusion is reasonable only if Paula’s fear really does concern either snakes or spiders. If we know only that Paula has a phobia, then the fact that she’s not afraid of snakes is entirely consistent with her being afraid of heights, water, dogs or the number thirteen. More generally, when we are presented with a list of alternative explanations for some phenomenon, and are then persuaded that all but one of those explanations are unsatisfactory, we should pause to reflect. Before conceding that the remaining explanation is the correct one, consider whether other plausible options are being ignored or overlooked. The fallacy of false choice misleads when we’re insufficiently attentive to an important hidden assumption, that the choices which have been made explicit _________________.(강추)
✽acute 극심한 ✽✽concede 인정하다 ✽✽✽fallacy 오류
⓵ are ignored or overlooked
② are consistent with other fears
⓷ exhaust the sensible alternatives.
④ are concerned with remaining explanations
⑤ creates the reasonable options
S5-37(추가) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
[Therefore, if the geographical reference is confined to built-up land, then the population density will be about 25,900 individuals per square kilometre, which is four times the overall density of the territory.]
Physical density is a numerical measure of the concentration of individuals or physical structures within a given geographical unit. It is an objective, quantitative and neutral spatial indicator. ( ① ) However, in practice, physical density takes on a real meaning only if it is related to a specified scale of reference. ( ② ) For instance, density expressed as ratio of population to land area can vary significantly with reference to different scales of geographical unit. ( ③ ) Take Hong Kong as an example: if the land area of the whole territory is taken into account, the overall population density in Hong Kong is about 6,300 persons per square kilometre. ( ④ ) However, only about 24 per cent of the total area in Hong Kong is built up. ( ⑤ ) Hence, it is important that the scales of geographical references be explicitly defined in density calculation, otherwise comparison of density measures will be difficult.
S5-40(요약) 아랫 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Humans can choose many of their social partners and leave uncooperative partners if there are better options available. The presence of partner choice creates a market for social partners. In such markets, people choose the best partners they can obtain, given their own value in this market. This perspective has implications for the evolution and development of prosocial behavior because it creates a selection pressure for fairness and cooperation. If you are not receiving a “fair” deal, then you can simply find someone else who will offer that deal. In a biological market, the best way to get a good partner is to __________________. As long as there are enough opportunities for reputation building or there are costs for being abandoned, then this will cause an escalation of prosocial behavior, in a process known as “runaway social selection” or “competitive altruism.” ✽altruism 이타주의
① be a good partner
② be true to yourself
③ accept negative traits
④ narrow down your choices
⑤ be humble to everybody
첫댓글 수능완성(유형과실전)에서 98개 찍어서 4문항 모두 적중[S5-33 (빈칸) => 29번 어법/S5-36.(순서) => 30번 어휘 /S4-29 (어휘) => 31번 빈칸
유형8-2 (어법) => 32번 빈칸]