● | ●사이트 이름 및 URL - 설명
| ●
| Religious Magazines wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Religious_magazines
| |
| Christian Magazines wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Christian_magazines
| |
| Psychologytoday.com-theology-artificial-intelligence https://www.psychologytoday.com
| |
| Feedspot https://www.feedspot.com/#folder/fo_1090381
| |
| network.bepress - Persian+Imperialism http://network.bepress.com
| |
| ias.edu https://www.ias.edu/ideas/2018/schmid-torah
| |
| aish.com https://www.aish.com/jl/h/cc/48938517.html
| |
| Ancient-origins https://www.ancient-origins.net/
| |
| Aentnci.eu/Yahweh/ https://www.ancient.eu/Yahweh/ | |
| ClergyProject (Links) http://clergyproject.org/
| |
| bulletin-archive.hds.harvard.edu
https://bulletin-archive.hds.harvard.edu | |
| Oxford Biblical Studies Online https://global.oup.com/obso/focus/focus_on_scholarship
| |
| Science https://science.sciencemag.org/
| |
| Patheos.com/blogs - https://www.patheos.com/blogs
| |
| asor : the American Schools of Oriental Research - UNEARTHING THE PAST SINCE 1900 http://www.asor.org/
| |
| Chabad - Judausm, Tora and Jewish Information https://www.chabad.org/
| |
| Mosaic Magazine https://mosaicmagazine.com/
| |
| The Torah http://thetorah.com
| |
| Christ's Words in Greek - wife http://christswords.com/node/331
| |
| TheDailyBeast - Judas betray Jesus https://www.thedailybeast.com
| |
| Open the Word - Elephantine Temple https://opentheword.org
| |
| Bible and Interpretation Links http://www.bibleinterp.com/ae2new2.shtml
| |
| ArchaeologyNewsReport - Jewish-Temples-Elephantine http://archaeologynewsreport.blogspot.com | |
| Elephantine Papyri https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephantine_papyri
| |
| Origin of Jewish in Elephantine *** https://thecompletepilgrim.com/elephantine-temple/
| |
| Biblical Archaeology - asherah-asherim https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures
| |
| Contradictionsinthebible http://contradictionsinthebible.com/aaron-levite-or-brother/
| |
| Comparativreligion - wives-for-christians
| |
| DebunkingSkeptics http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/DebunkingChristians/Contents.htm
| |
| Political Theology - politics-of-scripture https://politicaltheology.com/politics-of-scripture/
| |
| history Stories - why-judas-betrayed-jesus https://www.history.com/news/why-judas-betrayed-jesus
| |
| Biblicalanthropology http://biblicalanthropology.blogspot.com
| |
| 여호와의 증인 - 장례법 Being gathered to their fathers - Judges 2:10 https://www.jw.org/ko/publications/magazines/
| |
| Biblical Hermeneutics https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions
| |
| Bible.knowing-jesus.com https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Gathered-To-One~s-People
| |
| Biblestudytools https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/gather/
| |
| Biblehub https://biblehub.com/genesis/25-8.htm
| |
| Gotquestions https://www.gotquestions.org/city-gate.html
| |
| Biblical Criticism & History Forum http://earlywritings.com/forum/index.php | |
| Vridar - New Biblical Criticism & history Forum https://vridar.org/2013/10/06/new-biblical-criticism-history-forum/
| |
| Peter Kirby - Top 50 Discussion Groups for the Bible http://peterkirby.com/top-50-discussion-groups-bible.html
| |
| Text Greek and Latin Forum https://www.textkit.com/greek-latin-forum/index.php
| |
| Evangelicaltextualcriticism http://evangelicaltextualcriticism.blogspot.com/
| |
| Skeptics http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/forumindex.php | |
| ReligiousTolerance http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_hcri.htm
| |
| B-Greek: The Biblical Greek Forum http://www.ibiblio.org/bgreek/forum/
| |
| Catholic Answers Forums https://forums.catholic.com/
| |
| conflict-between-religion-and-evolution/ https://www.pewforum.org
| |
| r/Academic Biblical S https://www.reddit.com/r/AcademicBiblical/
| |
| Cambridge Forum for Jewish Studies https://jewishstudies.group.cam.ac.uk/
| |
| Westar https://www.westarinstitute.org/
| |
| The Bart Ehrman Blog https://ehrmanblog.org/tag/biblical-discrepancies/
| |
| Ancient Jewish Review https://www.ancientjewreview.com/articles
| |
| JSTOR - https://www.jstor.org/stable/30054183?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
| |
| BibleOdyssey https://www.bibleodyssey.org/
| |
| thelehrhaus - On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism https://www.thelehrhaus.com/
| |
| Hebrew 4 Christians Forum https://www.hebrew4christians.com/forum/
| |
| biblescienceforum https://biblescienceforum.com/
| |
| biblicalCatholic - mp3 http://www.biblicalcatholic.com/apologetics/ShatteringChristMyth
| |
| weforum - albert-einstein/ https://www.weforum.org/ | |
| willker.de - Links http://www.willker.de/wie/bibel.html
| |
| JSR - Forum http://jsrforum.lib.virginia.edu/teaching.html
| |
| The Torah http://thetorah.com/ask-a-bible-scholar/
| |
| 100 Editing and
Proofreading Tips for Writers https://experteditor.com.au/blog/100-editing-and-proofreading-tips-for-writers
| |
| WSJ - Wall Street Journal (€1 for 3 Months) https://www.wsj.com/articles artificial-intelligence
| |
| https://www.haaretz.com * israelites-in-biblical-dan-worshipped-idols real-ark-of-the-covenant-may-have-housed-pagan-gods
| |
| Yale U. Biblical Studies (Links) https://guides.library.yale.edu/c.php?g=295834&p=1972575
| |
| KiRF 종교자유정책연구원 http://www.kirf.or.kr/kirf/
| |
| 대한민국의연구소 (나라별 연구소) https://ko.wikipedia.org
| |
| | |
| Wordreference https://www.wordreference.com/engr/forumtitles/criticism
| |
| SBL - The Future of Biblical Studies https://www.sbl-site.org/publications/article.aspx?ArticleId=320 | |
| Theology after Death of God https://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/theology-after-the-death-of-god/
| |
| | |
| Biblical Studies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Biblical_studies
| |
| Biblical contradictions https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Biblical_contradictions
https://sciencebasedlife.wordpress.com/resources-2/ - Links
| |
| bibliography of literature treating the topic of criticism of Christianity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliography_of_books_critical_of_Christianity
| |
| Criticism of religion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_religion
| |
| Criticism of Christianity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Christianity
| |
| ●Bethinking - Bible truth/truth-faith https://www.bethinking.org/bible/paul-constantine-christianity | |
| ●Scimagojr - Journal Rank https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?category=1212
| |
| ●Open Access Peer
Reviewed Journals in Religion, Bible, & Christian Origins https://libguides.du.edu/c.php?g=373436&p=2748039
| |
| ●biblicalstudiesonline - open-access-journals https://biblicalstudiesonline.wordpress.com
| |
| ●https://academic.oup - Oxford Acedemic https://academic.oup.com/jts
| guides.library.duke.edu - jewishstudies https://guides.library.duke.edu/jewishstudies
| |
| gcd.edu -online-journals https://gcd.edu/library-online-journals/
| |
| ucalgary.ca - journals https://library.ucalgary.ca/religiousstudieswebguide/journals
| |
| oru.libguides - theologicaljournalssearch https://oru.libguides.com/theologicaljournalssearch
| |
| Patheos https://www.patheos.com/
| |
| Wordonfire https://www.wordonfire.org/resources | |
| |
| http://www.jewishdigitalcollections.com/ | |
| Biblical Archaeology
Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana.
in Popular Culture
Resources on the Internet - Anthropology Resources on the
Internet : a web directory with over 3000 links grouped in specialised
Archaeology magazine published
by the Archaeological Institute of America
Directory - Directory of archaeological topics on the web.
2003- Iraq War & Archaeology Information about looting in Iraq.
Biblical Pseudo-Archeologists Pillaging the West Bank
Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Christian
Archaeology" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert
Appleton Company. | |
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