TempleLife with Sunmudo - Let’s get the road not taken
Life, our complicated life is always means troubles of life. However we can’t free from or not release our daily life even just for a few hours since it’s a basement for us.
TempleLife is another way to deal with the problems of our everyday life. Throughout TempleLife you may find out exit for this kind of desire while you maintain your routine life. It would be zen-martial arts as like strong kicking to break anger in your life, zen-yoga to relax muscles in your stiff body with stress or zen-meditation to get an insight in your true mind.
You may experience change of your body & mind while you breathe in and breathe out for practice. To practice Sunmudo is not a try to understand the whole universe but just a try to understand true myself. You may contact with regional practice center for TempleLife with Sumnudo.