Thank you for purchasing The Package Premium DVD.
We will gift the customers who purchased this product with one more bonus disc.
The production will be completed between the end of June and early July.
Upon completion, we will send the disc sequentially to the customers who apply using the bottom format.
The application method and addresses are as follows:
※ Deadline for All Applications: Aug. 19, 2018
※ Please make sure to include all the information, as the bonus disc may not be sent if there is anything missing.
1. For OVERSEAS purchases
-Apply to:
-Subject: include [DISC] The Package
Your Order Number, Name, Contact (phone number), and Address to receive the bonus disc (Capture of purchase page not necessary)
● Innolife
-Apply to:
-Subject: include 恋するパッケージツアー disc
Your Order Number, Name, Contact (phone number), and Address to receive the bonus disc
(Capture of purchase page not necessary)
● Global Yes24: Check below
2. AND Global
-Apply to:
-Subject: include [DISC] The Package
1) Name, contact, address to receive the disc
2) Attached file with a capture of product purchase page
(if the name on the capture are different from the name in #1, please write it in #1 next to the name, inside parentheses)
3) If more than 1 DVD set are purchased, please include the numbers of purchased sets and the captures of each set purchase pages.
- Subject: [DISC] Application for The Package
- Content:
Name: John Doe (Jane Doe) *in case the names are different
Contact: 010-XXXX-XXXX
Address: XX apartments, Seoul
- Attachment: purchase page capture (Jane Doe is the name on capture)
Thank you.
EnE Media
첫댓글 Hello. I followed your instructions and sent an email (global yes24.) I never got a reply to say they received my request. Is that normal? How do i make sure my request was received and that i will get the extra disc? Thank you.
We asked about this, they said they won’t reply/post a list. The DVD will be sent out in the second wk of July, so if you don’t receive anything, let them know and they will send you the disc.