호주 고위공무원들의 뇌물과 부패 규모는 놀라울 정도로 크다. 이 사실을 은폐하는 호주 정부는 오늘도 상상을 초월하는 공권력 횡포를 하고 있고 이는 새로운 부패 먹이사슬의 시작점이 될 뿐. 국민을 속이는 호주 고위공무원들
나의 고통이 시작된 시점은 '호주 정부가 출자한 은행장의 뇌물 요구'였고 돈이 당시 없었던 나는 이 사실을 호주 금융당국에 신고했다.
이후 밝혀진 비리 규모는 너무 놀랄 정도로 큰 규모였다. 그런데 이 부끄러운 현실을 호주 정부는 비공개하여 호주 일반국민은 모른다.
그런데 이와 관련한 민사소송 원고인 내가 재판승소 이후 재판종결 절차에서 호주 정부는 국제법을 연속 어기며 ⓐ double jeopardy 강행 ⓑ Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley의 문서로 약속한 'This is absolutely final fees' 약속 파기 ⓓ The banking supervision bureau의 작년 11월 물어서 납부한 비용을 거액으로 다시 재청구 등의 아주 기본적인 상식을 초월하는 공권력 횡포를 내가 당하고 있다.
이는 새로운 부패 먹이사슬의 시작점이 될 뿐이다. 국민을 철저하게 속이는 호주 고위공무원들의 실상을 관련 사건 민사소송 원고인 내가 정확하게 이야기한다.
과거 나의 직장 동료였고 한국에서 자산운용사 사장을 하고 있는 사람에게 내가 도움을 요청하며 호주 이야기를 꺼내자 마자, 그는 다음 말을 내게 말했다. '(당신 외에도) 왜 이렇게 호주 관련하여 분쟁이 많은가요?'
그리고 당초 만나기로 한 약속 일정도 다음 날 취소했다.
그만큼 돈이 오고가는 바로 그 돈 줄을 호주에서 통제하는 The banking supervision bureau의 국제상식을 초월하는 공권력 만행이 광범위하다는 또 다른 사례일 뿐이다.
엄청난 규모로 호주 정부에 의해 밝혀진 '호주 정부가 출자한 은행장의 뇌물 요구' 사건 재판을 총괄하는 Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley에 전화를 걸어 일반인이 처음 문의하면, '그런 사실 없다'고 뻔뻔하게 거짓말을 그들은 한다. 이런 식으로 비공개된 사건으로 거짓말로 떼우는 것은 국익 보호 차원이라면 이해하겠는데, 문제는 그 엄청난 규모의 '호주 정부가 출자한 은행장의 뇌물 요구' 을 잉태하는 부패 먹이사슬이 오늘도 이들과 The banking supervision bureau에 의해 현재 진행형으로 적어도 나에게 진행되고 있다는 점이 문제이다.
사건의 당사자인 내가 그들에게 말하면 (첨부된 문서 문구처럼) 이 사실을 인정하며 이야기를 하게 되지만, 일반 국민들에게는 호주 고위공무원들의 엄청난 뇌물 및 부패 규모를 비공개라는 이유로 감추며 호주 및 국제사회를 속이는 호주 고위공무원들 구조이다.
특히 모든 게 가장 중요한 게 돈의 흐름인데, 호주 내 돈의 흐름을 통제하는 최고의 상층 조직인 The banking supervision bureau의 나에 대한 만행은 여러분의 상상 이상이다. 그 이야기를 시작한다.
(오늘 10번째로 호주 사회에 보내는 이메일 서문이었습니다)
The scale of bribery and corruption among high-ranking public officials in Australia is surprisingly large. The Australian government, which conceals this fact, is tyrannizing public power beyond imagination even today, and this is only the starting point of a new food chain of corruption. Australian high-ranking officials deceiving the public
My suffering began when there was a demand for a bribe from the head of a bank invested by the Australian government, and as I had no money at the time, I reported this to the Australian financial authorities.
The scale of corruption that was revealed later was so shockingly large. However, the Australian government has kept this shameful reality secret, so the general Australian public does not know about it.
However, as a plaintiff in a civil suit related to this, I am being subjected to a tyranny of public power that goes beyond the very basic common sense, such as ⓐ forcing double jeopardy by the Australian government in the process of closing the trial after winning the trial ⓐ breaking the promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' promised in a document by Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley ⓓ recharging a large amount of fees paid after being asked by The Banking Supervision Bureau in November of last year.
This is just the starting point of a new corruption food chain. As the plaintiff in a civil suit in a related case, I accurately describe the reality of high-ranking Australian public officials who thoroughly deceive the public.
As soon as I asked for help from a former co-worker of mine who is the president of an asset management company in Korea and brought up the topic of Australia, he said the following to me. '(Besides you) why are there so many disputes related to Australia?'
And the appointment originally scheduled to meet was canceled the next day.
This is just another example of the widespread brutality of public power that goes beyond international common sense by the banking supervision bureau, which controls the very line of money coming and going in Australia.
When a member of the public first calls and inquires with Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, who is overseeing the trial of the 'demanding bribe from a bank manager invested by the Australian government' case, which was revealed by the Australian government on a huge scale, they shamelessly lie and say, 'There is no such fact.'
I can understand this kind of lying about an undisclosed case if it is to protect national interests, but the problem is that the food chain of corruption that creates the enormous scale of 'demanding bribes from bank presidents invested by the Australian government' is still ongoing today, at least to me, by these people and The Banking Supervision Bureau.
If I, the person involved in the incident, tell them (as in the text of the attached document), they will acknowledge this fact and talk about it, but it is a structure of high-ranking Australian government officials deceiving Australia and the international community by hiding the enormous scale of bribery and corruption of high-ranking Australian government officials from the general public on the grounds of non-disclosure.
In particular, the most important thing of all is the flow of money, and the atrocities committed against me by the banking supervision bureau, the highest-level organization that controls the flow of money in Australia, are beyond your imagination. The story begins.
Why has corruption among high-ranking Australian officials recently increased rapidly in the financial sector? The reason is (unknown to the Australian public) public atrocities such as drunk driving by the banking supervision bureau and high-ranking government officials (like the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley) who help them.
As I will discuss immediately below, my story begins in February 2024 with a request for a bribe from the head of a bank funded by the Australian government.
After my report, the scale of corruption by the head of a bank invested by the Australian government has become significant. However, the Australian government did not disclose this incident, which exposes the Australian government's shame, so the Australian public does not know about it.
Why was the president of a bank invested by the Australian government able to pocket so much kickback?
It has not been long since the Banking Supervision Bureau implemented a rule requiring a deposit of 1/10th of the funds when money exceeding $1 million is taken out of Australia, and of course, people who do not know this fact find out about it too late at the time of withdrawal and prepare the money in a hurry. In particular, by creating a late fee if payment is not made on time, there is a lot of room to extort money from innocent victims.
Moreover, the banking supervision bureau, which is unique in that it only deals with the government and financial institutions and does not deal with the general public, is the product of an 'error in the design of the Australian national system' in which there is virtually no control body for abuse of administrative power. (There is no homepage that can be accessed through Internet inquiry, and some federal lawmakers are even unaware of its existence if their standing committees are not in this field. What shows the extent to which they can hide and abuse their enormous power is that even Inform, the Internet equivalent of the APRA website, is unaware of its existence. According to the attached official response from the relevant minister, the minister is aware of its existence and is talking about it.)
Since the banking supervision bureau arbitrarily imposes fines on financial institutions, the reality of Australia's top-level financial administration is that financial institutions only approach the banking supervision bureau from a strictly 'B' perspective.
As a result, in November of last year, I asked the Banking Supervision Bureau through a financial institution about the various costs in my civil trial settlement process, got a clear answer, and paid it. However, the financial institution in the middle was unable to properly protest to the Banking Supervision Bureau, which later made completely different statements and double-charged a large amount of remittance fees, and I was the only one who complained, suffering enormous damage.
In particular, the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, who makes it difficult for the plaintiff, who is the winner of the civil lawsuit, to take fees from the trial conclusion process, is using his enormous power to create innocent victims like the banking supervision bureau and rob them of their assets.
In this way, the scale of corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials has recently occurred on a large scale, and (unlike Korea) Australia can avoid disclosing these secrets, so the 'abuse of public power and corruption by high-ranking Australian government officials' can last forever.
In order to achieve healthy long-term development in Australia, we must take this opportunity to stop the criminal-level brutality of the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the Banking Supervision Bureau, who are wielding public violence by double-billing and breaking written promises.
Otherwise, what crazy person would invest in Australia when atrocities by Australian public authorities worse than these scammers are taking place in broad daylight without reflection?
Yesterday, I sent an email to members of the Australian Senate and House of Representatives and Western Australian lawmakers, and received the following response from Federal Assembly member Dear Christine Tonkin.
Contact the government in your country and DO NOT contact me again
Here's my reply to an Australian politician I respect:
Contact the banking supervision bureau in your country, stop the unrepentant drunk driving violence by public authorities now.
From beginning to end, corruption among Australia's highest officials. What they have in common is the plunder of the property of the weak.
My story showing corruption and tyranny of public power at the highest levels of government in Auz; It all started with corruption at the highest level in Australia.
The end result was organizational corruption among Australia’s highest-ranking civil servants.