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What are the different names of God, and what do they mean?
하나님의 다른 이름은 무엇이며 그 의미는 무엇인가요?
Each of the many names of God describes a different aspect of His many-faceted character. Here are some of the better-known names of God in the Bible:
하나님의 많은 이름은 각각 그분의 다면적인 성품의 다른 측면을 묘사합니다. 다음은 성경에서 더 잘 알려진 하나님의 이름 중 일부입니다:
EL, ELOAH [el, el-oh-ah]: God "mighty, strong, prominent" (Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 139:19) – etymologically, El appears to mean “power” and “might” (Genesis 31:29). El is associated with other qualities, such as integrity (Numbers 23:19), jealousy (Deuteronomy 5:9), and compassion (Nehemiah 9:31), but the root idea of “might” remains.
엘, 엘로아 [엘, 엘-오-아]: "강력하고, 강하고, 눈에 띄는"(느헤미야 9:17, 시편 139:19) 하나님 - 어원적으로 엘은 "힘"과 "능력"을 의미하는 것으로 보입니다(창세기 31:29). 엘은 성실(민수기 23:19), 질투(신명기 5:9), 동정(느헤미야 9:31)과 같은 다른 자질과도 연관되어 있지만 '힘'이라는 근본 개념은 그대로 남아 있습니다.
ELOHIM [el-oh-heem]: God “Creator, Mighty and Strong” (Genesis 17:7; Jeremiah 31:33) – the plural form of Eloah. Being plural, Elohim which accommodates the doctrine of the Trinity. From the Bible’s first sentence, the superlative nature of God’s power is evident as God (Elohim) speaks the world into existence (Genesis 1:1).
엘로힘 [엘-오힘]: "창조주, 전능하고 강한"(창세기 17:7, 예레미야 31:33) 하나님 - 엘로아의 복수형. 복수형인 엘로힘은 삼위일체 교리를 수용합니다. 성경의 첫 문장부터 하나님(엘로힘)이 세상을 존재하도록 말씀하신다는 점에서 하나님의 능력의 최상급 본질이 분명하게 드러납니다(창세기 1:1).
EL SHADDAI [el-shah-dahy]: “God Almighty,” “The Mighty One of Jacob” (Genesis 49:24; Psalm 132:2,5) – speaks to God’s ultimate power over all.
엘 샤다이 [엘 샤다히]: "전능하신 하나님", "야곱의 전능자"(창세기 49:24, 시편 132:2,5)는 모든 것에 대한 하나님의 궁극적인 능력을 말합니다.
ADONAI [ˌædɒˈnaɪ; ah-daw-nahy]: “Lord” (Genesis 15:2; Judges 6:15) – used in place of YHWH, which was thought by the Jews to be too sacred to be uttered by sinful men. In the Old Testament, YHWH is more often used in God’s dealings with His people, while Adonai is used more when He deals with the Gentiles.
아도나이 [ˌædɒˈnaɪ; 애(아)-도-나히]: "주님"(창세기 15:2; 사사기 6:15) - 유대인들은 죄 많은 사람이 말하기에는 너무 신성하다고 생각했던 여호와 대신에 사용되었습니다. 구약성경에서는 하나님께서 자기 백성을 대하실 때 YHWH가 더 자주 사용되었고, 이방인을 대하실 때는 아도나이라는 이름이 더 많이 사용되었습니다.
YHWH / YAHWEH / JEHOVAH [yah-way / ji-hoh-veh]: “LORD” (Deuteronomy 6:4; Daniel 9:14) – strictly speaking, the only proper name for God. Translated in English Bibles “LORD” (all capitals) to distinguish it from Adonai, “Lord.” The revelation of the name is given to Moses “I Am who I Am” (Exodus 3:14). This name specifies an immediacy, a presence. Yahweh is present, accessible, near to those who call on Him for deliverance (Psalm 107:13), forgiveness (Psalm 25:11) and guidance (Psalm 31:3).
야훼 / 야웨 / 여호와 [야-웨이 / 지-호-베]: "여호와"(신명기 6:4, 다니엘 9:14) - 엄밀히 말하면 하나님의 유일한 고유명사. 영어 성경에서는 아도나이, "주님"과 구별하기 위해 "LORD"(모두 대문자)로 번역되었습니다. 이 이름의 계시는 모세에게 "나는 나다"(출애굽기 3:14)라는 말로 주어졌습니다. 이 이름은 즉각성, 존재감을 나타냅니다. 야훼는 구원과(시편 107:13), 용서(시편 25:11), 인도(시편 31:3)를 위해 그를 부르는 사람들에게 가까이 계시고, 접근 가능하며, 현존하십니다.
*** Significance of "I am" in the Bible
성경에서 " I am "의 의미
The phrase “I am” holds profound significance in the Bible. It is directly linked to the divine name of God and is a declaration of His eternal, self-existent nature. In Exodus 3:14, when Moses asked God whom he should say sent him to the Israelites, God replied with “I am who I am.” This statement emphasizes that God’s existence is not dependent on anything else; He is the ultimate source of all being12.
" I am "이라는 문구는 성경에서 깊은 의미를 담고 있습니다. 그것은 하나님의 신성한 이름과 직접적으로 연결되어 있으며 하나님의 영원하고 스스로 존재하는 본성에 대한 선언입니다. 출애굽기 3장 14절에서 모세가 이스라엘 백성에게 자신을 누구라고 말해야 하는지 하나님께 물었을 때, 하나님은 "나는 나다"라고 대답하셨습니다. 이 말씀은 하나님의 존재가 다른 어떤 것에 의존하는 것이 아니라 모든 존재의 궁극적인 근원임을 강조합니다12.
In the New Testament, Jesus uses the phrase “I am” in a way that echoes this divine self-identification. For instance, in John 8:58, Jesus says, “Before Abraham was born, I am!” This statement led to a very strong reaction from the Pharisees, as it was seen as Jesus equating Himself with God, which in Jewish tradition is indicated by the name “I AM” given to God in the Old Testament1.
신약성경에서 예수님은 이 신성한 자기 식별을 반영하는 방식으로 " I am 나는"이라는 문구를 사용하셨습니다. 예를 들어, 요한복음 8장 58절에서 예수님은 "아브라함이 태어나기 전부터 나는 있다!"라고 말씀하십니다. 이 말씀은 예수님이 자신을 하나님과 동일시하는 것으로 여겨져 바리새인들의 매우 강한 반발을 불러일으켰는데, 이는 유대 전통에서 구약성경에서 하나님에게 주어진 이름인 "I AM"1으로 표시되었기 때문입니다.
Furthermore, Jesus uses “I am” in several metaphorical statements to express His saving relationship with the world, such as “I am the bread of life,” “I am the light of the world,” “I am the door of the sheep,” “I am the good shepherd,” “I am the resurrection and the life,” “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” and “I am the true vine.” Each of these declarations found in the Gospel of John reveals a different aspect of Jesus’ divine role and mission12.
또한 예수님은 "나는 생명의 떡이다", "나는 세상의 빛이다", "나는 양의 문이다", "나는 선한 목자이다", "나는 부활이요 생명이다", "나는 길이요 진리요 생명이다", "나는 참 포도나무이다" 등 세상과의 구원 관계를 표현하기 위해 여러 은유적인 진술에서 " I am 나는"을 사용하십니다. 요한복음에 나오는 이러한 선언은 각각 예수님의 신성한 역할과 사명의 다른 측면을 드러냅니다12.
Learn more
1 gotquestions.org
2 christianity.com
3 bing.com
4 theholyscript.com
5 gracethrufaith.com
YAHWEH-JIREH [yah-way-ji-reh]: "The Lord Will Provide" (Genesis 22:14) – the name memorialized by Abraham when God provided the ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac.
야웨-지레 [야웨이-지레]: "주께서 공급하시리라"(창세기 22:14) - 아브라함이 이삭을 대신하여 제물로 바칠 숫양을 하나님께서 공급하셨을 때 기념한 이름입니다.
YAHWEH-RAPHA [yah-way-raw-faw]: "The Lord Who Heals" (Exodus 15:26) – “I am Jehovah who heals you” both in body and soul. In body, by preserving from and curing diseases, and in soul, by pardoning iniquities.
야웨-라파 [야-웨이-로-포]: "치료하시는 주"(출애굽기 15:26) - "나는 몸과 영혼을 치료하는 여호와"입니다. 몸은 질병으로부터 보호하고 치료함으로써, 영혼은 죄악을 용서함으로써 치유합니다.
YAHWEH-NISSI [yah-way-nee-see]: "The Lord Our Banner" (Exodus 17:15), where banner is understood to be a rallying place. This name commemorates the desert victory over the Amalekites in Exodus 17.
야웨-니시 [야-웨이-니-시]: "주 우리의 깃발"(출애굽기 17:15)로, 여기서 깃발은 집결하는 장소로 이해됩니다. 이 이름은 출애굽기 17장에서 아말렉에 대한 사막에서의 승리를 기념하는 이름입니다.
YAHWEH-M'KADDESH [yah-way-meh-kad-esh]: "The Lord Who Sanctifies, Makes Holy" (Leviticus 20:8; Ezekiel 37:28) – God makes it clear that He alone, not the law, can cleanse His people and make them holy.
야웨-메흐-카드데쉬 [야-웨이-메흐-카드데쉬]: "거룩하게 하시고 거룩하게 하시는 주님"(레위기 20:8, 에스겔 37:28) - 하나님은 율법이 아닌 그분만이 당신의 백성을 정결하게 하고 거룩하게 하실 수 있음을 분명히 밝히십니다.
YAHWEH-SHALOM [yah-way-shah-lohm]: "The Lord Our Peace" (Judges 6:24) – the name given by Gideon to the altar he built after the Angel of the Lord assured him he would not die as he thought he would after seeing Him.
야웨 샬롬 [야-웨이-샤-로움]: "주 우리의 평강"(사사기 6:24) - 기드온이 주님의 천사가 그를 본 후 그가 생각했던 것처럼 죽지 않을 것이라고 확신한 후 그가 지은 제단에 붙인 이름입니다.
YAHWEH-ELOHIM [yah-way-el-oh-him]: "LORD God" (Genesis 2:4; Psalm 59:5) – a combination of God’s unique name YHWH and the generic word for “God” signifying that He is the Lord who is God.
야웨-엘로힘 [야-웨이-엘-오-힘]: "여호와 하나님"(창세기 2:4, 시편 59:5) - 하나님의 고유 이름인 야훼와 '하나님'이라는 일반적인 단어의 조합으로, 하나님이신 주님이라는 뜻입니다.
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU [yah-way-tzid-kay-noo]: "The Lord Our Righteousness” (Jeremiah 33:16) – As with YHWH-M’Kaddesh, it is God alone who provides righteousness (from the Hebrew word tsidkenu) to man, ultimately in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who became sin for us “that we might become the Righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
야웨-츠드케누 [야-웨이-치드-케이-누]: "주 우리의 의"(예레미야 33:16) - YHWH-M'Kaddesh와 마찬가지로, 인간에게 의(히브리어 tsidkenu에서 유래)를 제공하는 분은 궁극적으로 "우리로 하여금 그 안에서 하나님의 의가 되게 하기 위해"(고후 5:21) 우리를 위해 죄가 되신 그의 아들 예수 그리스도의 인격 안에서만 하나님뿐입니다.
YAHWEH-ROHI [yah-way-roh-hee]: "The Lord Our Shepherd" (Psalm 23:1) – After David pondered his relationship as a shepherd to his sheep, he realized that was exactly the relationship God had with him, and so he declares, “The Lord is my shepherd [Yahweh-Rohi]; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1, ESV).
야웨-로히 [야-웨이-로히]: "주 우리 목자"(시편 23:1) - 다윗은 목자와 양과의 관계를 깊이 생각한 후, 그것이 바로 하나님이 자신과 맺은 관계임을 깨닫고 "여호와는 나의 목자[야웨-로히]이시니 내게 부족함이 없으리로다"(시편 23:1, ESV)라고 선언합니다.
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH [yah-way-sham-mahw]: "The Lord Is There” (Ezekiel 48:35) – the name ascribed to Jerusalem and the Temple there, indicating that the once-departed glory of the Lord (Ezekiel 8—11) had returned (Ezekiel 44:1-4).
야웨-샴마 [야-웨이-샴마흐]: "주께서 거기 계시다"(에스겔 48:35) - 한때 떠났던 주님의 영광(에스겔 8-11)이 돌아왔음을 나타내는 예루살렘과 그곳의 성전에 붙여진 이름입니다(에스겔 44:1-4).
YAHWEH-SABAOTH [yah-way-sah-bah-ohth]: "The Lord of Hosts" (Isaiah 1:24; Psalm 46:7) – Hosts means “hordes,” both of angels and of men. He is Lord of the host of heaven and of the inhabitants of the earth, of Jews and Gentiles, of rich and poor, master and slave. The name is expressive of the majesty, power, and authority of God and shows that He is able to accomplish what He determines to do.
야웨-사바오스 [야-웨이-사-바-오스]: "만군의 주"(이사야 1:24, 시편 46:7) - 만군은 천사와 사람 모두의 "무리"를 의미합니다. 그는 하늘의 무리와 땅의 주민, 유대인과 이방인, 부자와 가난한 자, 주인과 노예의 주님이십니다. 이 이름은 하나님의 위엄과 능력, 권위를 표현하고 있으며, 그분은 자신이 결심하신 일을 성취하실 수 있음을 보여줍니다.
EL ELYON [el-el-yohn]: “Most High" (Deuteronomy 26:19) – derived from the Hebrew root for “go up” or “ascend,” so the implication is of that which is the very highest. El Elyon denotes exaltation and speaks of absolute right to lordship.
엘 엘리온 [엘-엘-요온]: "지극히 높으신"(신명기 26:19) - "올라가다" 또는 "상승하다"라는 히브리어 어근에서 파생되었으므로 가장 높은 존재라는 의미가 내포되어 있습니다. 엘 엘리온은 높임을 의미하며 절대적인 주권에 대한 권리를 말합니다.
EL ROI [el-roh-ee]: "God of Seeing" (Genesis 16:13) – the name ascribed to God by Hagar, alone and desperate in the wilderness after being driven out by Sarah (Genesis 16:1-14). When Hagar met the Angel of the Lord, she realized she had seen God Himself in a ***theophany. She also realized that El Roi saw her in her distress and testified that He is a God who lives and sees all.
엘 로이 [엘-로-이]: "보는 하나님"(창세기 16:13) - 사라에게 쫓겨난 후 광야에서 홀로 절망에 빠진 하갈이 하나님께 붙인 이름입니다(창세기 16:1-14). 하갈은 주님의 천사를 만났을 때 자신이 신현현상으로 하나님 자신을 봤다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 또한 그녀는 엘로이가 자신의 고통 속에서 자신을 보았고 그분이 살아 계시고 모든 것을 보시는 하나님이라는 것을 간증했습니다.
*** theophany [θiάfəni] 신의 출현, 현신(신이 눈에 보이는 모습으로 개인에게 출현하는 것); 출현한 신
EL-OLAM [el-oh-lahm]: "Everlasting God" (Psalm 90:1-3) – God’s nature is without beginning or end, free from all constraints of time, and He contains within Himself the very cause of time itself. “From everlasting to everlasting, You are God” (Psalm 90:2).
엘-올람 [엘-오-람]: "영원하신 하나님"(시편 90:1-3) - 하나님의 본성은 시작도 끝도 없고, 시간의 모든 제약으로부터 자유로우며, 시간 자체의 원인을 그분 안에 담고 계십니다. "영원부터 영원까지, 당신은 하나님이십니다"(시편 90:2).
EL-GIBHOR [el-ghee-bohr]: “Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6) – the name describing the Messiah, Christ Jesus, in this prophetic portion of Isaiah. As a powerful and mighty warrior, the Messiah, the Mighty God, will accomplish the destruction of God’s enemies and rule with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15).
엘-기보르 [엘-기-보르]: "전능하신 하나님"(이사야 9:6) - 이사야의 이 예언 부분에서 메시아, 그리스도 예수를 묘사하는 이름입니다. 강력하고 강력한 전사로서 메시아, 곧 전능하신 하나님은 하나님의 적들을 멸망시키고 철장으로 통치하실 것입니다(요한계시록 19:15).
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RELATED ARTICLES What is the name of God? What is the meaning of I AM WHO I AM in Exodus 3:14? What is the meaning of Adonai? What is the meaning of the word Elohim? What does it mean that God is Jehovah-Jireh?
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Questions about God
What are the different names of God, and what do they mean?
32 Names of God and Their Meaning
What are the names of God in the Old Testament of the Bible and what do they mean? God Almighty is supreme and beyond comprehension, some of His qualities are Mighty, Creator, Lord, Provider, and Healer.
God, the All-Powerful and Mighty One has many names for good reason. While we are blessed with great minds, wisdom and knowledge come from God. It is only when we get closer to Him that we get a glimpse of His awesomeness.
We can begin by looking at the names on the list to give us an idea of some of the attributes the Bible describes God to be. Knowing the names of Our Father draws us closer to Him.
Sometimes we get caught up in our own little world without actually realizing how fearful and respectful we should be of the Righteous One.
Modern translations of the Bible have removed the true meaning of the names of God, so we take a look at the Hebrew Bible to give us further understanding. Be blessed and grow in your faith by studying the names below.
Names of God & MeaningEL
Translated God. (mighty, strong, prominent) used 250 times in the Old Testament;
Genesis 7.1 The Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, for I consider you godly among this generation.
Gen. 28:3, 35:11; Nu. 23:22; Josh. 3:10; 2 Sam. 22:31, 32; Neh. 1:5, 9:32; Isa. 9:6; Ezek. 10:5.
Translated God (a plural noun, more than two, used with singular verbs, the dual form Eloah is used in Job); Elohim occurs 2,570 times in the OT, 32 times in Gen. 1.
God as Creator, Preserver, Transcendent, Mighty and Strong. Eccl., Dan. Jonah uses Elohim almost exclusively.
Genesis 17:7 I will confirm my covenant as a perpetual covenant between me and you. It will extend to your descendants after you throughout their generations. I will be your God and the God of your descendants after you.
Gen 6:18, 9:15, 50:24; I Kings 8:23; Jer. 31:33; Isa. 40:1.
Translated God Almighty or “God All Sufficient.” 48 times in the OT, 31 times in Job. The Septuagint uses Greek “ikanos” meaning “all-sufficient” or “self-sufficient.” The idols of the heathen are called “sheddim.”
Genesis 17:1-2 1 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am the Sovereign God. Walk before me and be blameless. 2 Then I will confirm my covenant between me and you, and I will give you a multitude of descendants.”
Gen. 31:29, 49:24, 25; Prov. 3:27; Micah 2:1; Isa. 60:15, 16, 66:10-13; Ruth 1:20, 21) In Rev. 16:7, “Lord God the Almighty.”
Translated Lord in our English Bibles (Capitol letter ‘L ‘, lower case, ‘ord’) (Adonai is plural, the sing. is “adon”). “Master” or “Lord” 300 times in the OT always plural when referring to God, when sing. the reference is to a human lord. Used 215 times to refer to men.
Genesis 15:2 But Abram said, “O Sovereign Lord, what will you give me since I continue to be childless, and my heir is Eliezer of Damascus?”
Ex. 4:10; Judges 6:15; 2 Sam. 7:18-20; Ps. 8, 114:7, 135:5, 141:8, 109:21-28). Heavy use in Isaiah (Adonai Yahweh). 200 times by Ezekiel. Ten times in Dan. 9.
YAHWEH or Jehovah
Translated LORD in our English Bibles (all capitals). Yahweh is the covenant name of God. Occurs 6823 times in the OT (Yahweh Elohim). From the verb “to be”, havah, similar to chavah (to live), “The Self-Existent One,” “I AM WHO I AM” or ‘I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE” as revealed to Moses at the burning bush, Ex.3.
The name of God, too sacred to be uttered, abbreviated ( . . . . ) or written “YHWH” without vowel points. The tetragrammaton. Josh., Judges, Sam., and Kings use Yahweh almost exclusively. The love of God is conditioned upon His moral and spiritual attributes.
Genesis 2:4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created—when the Lord God made the earth and heavens.
Dan. 9:14, Ps. 11:7; Lev. 19:2; Hab. 1:12). Note Deut. 6:4, 5 known to Jews as the Sh’ma uses both Yahweh and Elohim to indicate one God with a plurality of persons.
Translated “The Lord will Provide.” From “jireh” (“to see” or “to provide,” or to “foresee” as a prophet.) God always provides, adequate when the times come.
Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place “The Lord provides.” It is said to this day, “In the mountain of the Lord provision will be made.”
Translated “The Lord Who Heals“. From “rophe” (“to heal”); implies spiritual, emotional as well as physical healing. God heals body, soul and spirit; all levels of man’s being.
Exodus 15:22-26 Then Moses led Israel to journey away from the Red Sea. They went out to the wilderness of Shur, walked for three days into the wilderness, and found no water. 23 Then they came to Marah, but they were not able to drink the waters of Marah, because they were bitter. (That is why its name was Marah.)
24 So the people murmured against Moses, saying, “What can we drink?” 25 He cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When Moses threw it into the water, the water became safe to drink. There the Lord made for them a binding ordinance, and there he tested them. 26 He said, “If you will diligently obey the Lord your God, and do what is right in his sight, and pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, then all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians I will not bring on you, for I, the Lord, am your healer.”
Jer. 30:17, 3:22; Isa. 61:1
Translated “The Lord Our Banner.” God on the battlefield, from word which means “to glisten,” “to lift up,”
Exodus 1:15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah,
Psa. 4:6
Translated “The Lord Who Sanctifies“. “To make whole, set apart for holiness.”
Leviticus 20:8 You must be sure to obey my statutes. I am the Lord who sanctifies you.
Translated “The Lord Our Peace”. “Shalom” translated “peace” 170 times means “whole,” “finished,” “fulfilled,” “perfected.” Related to “well,” welfare.”
Judges 6:24 Gideon built an altar for the Lord there, and named it “The Lord is on friendly terms with me.” To this day it is still there in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
Deut. 27:6; Dan. 5:26; I Kings 9:25 8:61; Gen. 15:16; Ex. 21:34, 22:5, 6; Lev. 7:11-21. Shalom means that kind of peace that results from being a whole person in right relationship to God and to one’s fellow man.
Translated “LORD God”
Genesis 2:4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created—when the Lord God made the earth and heavens.
Judges 5:3; Isa. 17:6; Zeph. 2:9; Psa. 59:5, etc.
Translated “The Lord Our Righteousness“. From “tsidek” (straight, stiff, balanced – as on scales – full weight, justice, right, righteous, declared innocent.) The God Who is our righteousness.
Jeremiah 23:5-6 “I, the Lord, promise that a new time will certainly come
when I will raise up for them a righteous branch, a descendant of David.
He will rule over them with wisdom and understanding
and will do what is just and right in the land.
6 Under his rule Judah will enjoy safety
and Israel will live in security.
This is the name he will go by:
‘The Lord has provided us with justice.’
Jer. 33:16
Translated “The Lord Our Shepherd” from “ro’eh” (to pasture).
Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing.
2 He takes me to lush pastures,
he leads me to refreshing water.
3 He restores my strength.
He leads me down the right paths
for the sake of his reputation.
4 Even when I must walk through the darkest valley,
I fear no danger,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff reassure me.
5 You prepare a feast before me
in plain sight of my enemies.
You refresh my head with oil;
my cup is completely full.
6 Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days,
and I will live in the Lord’s house for the rest of my life.
Translated “The Lord is There”
Ezekiel 48:35 The circumference of the city will be 6 miles. The name of the city from that day forward will be: ‘The Lord Is There.’”
Translated “The Lord of Hosts” The commander of the angelic host and the armies of God.
Isaiah 1:24 Therefore, the Sovereign Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
the Powerful One of Israel, says this:
“Ah, I will seek vengeance against my adversaries,
I will take revenge against my enemies.
Psa. 46:7, 11; 2 Kings 3:9-12; Jer. 11:20 (NT: Rom. 9:29; James 5:24, Rev. 19: 11-16
Translated ‘Most High” (from “to go up”)
Deuteronomy 26:19 Then he will elevate you above all the nations he has made and you will receive praise, fame, and honor. You will be a people holy to the Lord your God, as he has said.
Deut. 32:8; Psa. 18:13; Gen. 14:18; Nu. 24:16; Psa. 78:35, 7:17, 18:13, 97:9, 56:2, 78:56, 18:13; Dan. 7:25, 27; Isa. 14:14.
Mighty One’, (“to be strong”)
Genesis 49:24 But his bow will remain steady,
and his hands will be skillful;
because of the hands of the Powerful One of Jacob,
because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
Deut. 10:17; Psa. 132:2, 5; Isa. 1:24, 49:26, 60:1.
“Holy One”
Psalm 71:22 I will express my thanks to you with a stringed instrument,
praising your faithfulness, O my God.
I will sing praises to you accompanied by a harp,
O Holy One of Israel.
Isa. 40:25, 43:3, 48:17. Isaiah uses the expression “the Holy One of Israel” 29 times.
Genesis 18:25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the godly with the wicked, treating the godly and the wicked alike! Far be it from you! Will not the judge of the whole earth do what is right?”
“God of Seeing” Hagar. The God Who opens our eyes.
Genesis 16:13 So Hagar named the Lord who spoke to her, “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “Here I have seen one who sees me!”
“Jealous” (zealous).
Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, responding to the transgression of fathers by dealing with children to the third and fourth generations of those who reject me,
Ex. 34:14; Deut. 5:9; Isa. 9:7; Zech. 1:14, 8:2.
Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my high ridge, my stronghold, my deliverer.
My God is my rocky summit where I take shelter,
my shield, the horn that saves me, and my refuge.
(Y’shua) “Savior” Jesus is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew “Joshua.” The latter is a contraction of Je-Hoshua. (“Christ”, the anointed one is equivalent to the Hebrew Maschiah, or Messiah).
Isaiah 43:3 For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your deliverer.
I have handed over Egypt as a ransom price,
Ethiopia and Seba in place of you.
“Redeemer” (to buy back by paying a price); For example, the antitype corresponding to Boaz the Kinsman-Redeemer in the Book of Ruth.
Job 19:25 As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,
and that as the last
he will stand upon the earth.
Psalm 3:3 But you, Lord, are a shield that protects me;
you are my glory and the one who restores me.
Psa. 18:30.
Psalm 22:19 But you, O Lord, do not remain far away.
You are my source of strength. Hurry and help me!
“Righteous One”
Psalm 7:9 May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end.
But make the innocent secure,
O righteous God,
you who examine inner thoughts and motives.
“Everlasting God” (God of everlasting time) Psa. 90:1-3, 93:2; Isa. 26:4.
Genesis 21:33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beer Sheba. There he worshiped the Lord, the eternal God.
“God of the Covenant”
Judges 9:46 When all the leaders of the Tower of Shechem heard the news, they went to the stronghold of the temple of El Berith.
Mighty God
Isaiah 9:6 For a child has been born to us,
a son has been given to us.
He shoulders responsibility
and is called
Wonderful Adviser,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
“God our Rock”
Deuteronomy 32:18 You forgot the Rock who fathered you,
and put out of mind the God who gave you birth.
Isa. 30:29.
Psalm 5:2 Pay attention to my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for I am praying to you!
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther
Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Songs
Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
Gospels and Acts
Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude
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