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깁스 등으로 근육을 움직이지 않으면
type 2b 빠른 연축섬유, 강한 힘을 내는 섬유의 숫자가 줄어든다.
유전적으로 어떻게 변하는가?
결국 나이들면 근육의 노화방지는 type 2섬유, 빠른 움직임 섬유 발달에 초점을 두어야
적절한 강도의 근력운동은 type2a 섬유를
13%까지는 지속적으로 증가시킬 수 있다.
panic bird...
아이구야.. 분자생물학까지 들어가는 어려운 논문!!
Old age is associated with a large spectrum of physical ailments, including muscle wasting. Skeletal muscle degeneration drastically increases the risk of poor balance, frequent falling and impaired mobility in the elderly.
노화는 근위축을 포함한 질환과 연관되어 있음. 골격근 퇴행은 좋지 않은 균형, 잦은 낙상, 움직임 손상 등을 심각하게 증가시킴.
In order to identify new therapeutic targets to halt or even reverse age-dependent muscle weakness and improve diagnostic methods to properly evaluate sarcopenia as a common geriatric syndrome, there is an urgent need to establish a reliable biomarker signature of muscle aging.
노화와 관련된 근위약을 막기 위한 치료적 목적을 증명하기 위해서, 근감소증을 정확히 진단하기 위한 방법의 증진을 위해서 근육노화의 믿을만한 생역학적 신호를 찾아야 함.
In this respect, mass spectrometry-based proteomics has been successfully applied for studying crude extracts and subcellular fractions from aged animal and human muscle tissues to identify novel aging marker proteins.
이러한 관점에서, mass spectrometry-based proteomics이 성공적으로 정착되고 있음. 근육조직의 subcellular fractions은 노화 표지 단백질로 확인됨.
This review focuses on key physiological and metabolic aspects of sarcopenia, i.e., age-related muscle fiber transitions and metabolic shifts in aging muscle as revealed by proteomics. Over the last decade, proteomic profiling studies have clearly confirmed the idea that sarcopenia is based on a multi-factorial pathophysiology and that a glycolytic-to-oxidative shift occurs in slower-twitching senescent muscles.
이 논문은 근감소증의 대사적, 생리학적 측면의 핵심에 초점을 맞추고 있음.
근감소증은 다양한 생리학적 요인에 기초를 두고 있고, type 2 근섬유 숫자가 줄어들면서 glycolytic-to-oxidative shift이 일어남.
Both, newly identified protein factors and confirmed alterations in crucial metabolic and contractile elements can now be employed to establish a sarcopenia-specific biomarker signature.
Proteomic profiling of fast-to-slow muscle transitions during aging