지난 3월 29일 발표된 2023년 미국 로스쿨 랭킹 특이점은 대부분 학교 입학생 LSAT성적 평균이 지난해 대비 2~3 점 올랐음을 확인할 수 있었다. 뿐만 아니라, 거의 대부분 로스쿨 입학허가률은 대체로 낮아졌기 때문에 입학이 상대적으로 어려워졌고, 졸업생의 졸업 후 10개월 이내 취업하는 ‘졸업생 취업률’ 또한 지난 해 대비 대부분 하락했다
상위권 로스쿨 경우, 하버드 로스쿨이 시카고 및 컬럼비아에 3위 자리 바꿈을 한 것과 뉴욕대의 순위가 7위로 내려온 점을 제외하고 지난 해 대비 랭킹의 커다란 변화는 없었고, 중상위권에서 보스턴 로스쿨이 남가주대학과 순위 바꿈을 한 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
본 랭킹을 보시는 분의 편의를 위해 각 학교 LL.M. 프로그램 웹 페이지로 링크를 걸어 새로 열림 되도록 해 놓았고, 지난 해 대비 학비가 동결된 학교의 학비는 형광색으로 학비가 인하된 학교는 초록색으로 하이라이트 하였습니다.
【2023 미국 Law School Rankings - US News & World Report지 2022년 3월 29일 발표】
작성자: 에듀브릿지 유학컨설팅 (www.edubridge.kr)
순위 | 학교 | 학비 | 등록 학생수 | LSAT (중간25~ 75%내) | 입학 허가률 | 졸업 후 10개월내 취업률 |
1 | Yale | $69,433 | 636 | 171~177 | 4.1% | 89.2% |
2 | Stanford | $66,396 | 577 | 170~175 | 6.3% | 89% |
3 | U of Chicago | $72,081 | 626 | 169~175 | 11.9% | 95.1% |
4 | Columbia | $76,088 | 1,293 | 172~176 | 11.4% | 95.6% |
4 | Harvard | $68,692 | 1,747 | 170~176 | 6.9% | 91.8% |
6 | U of Pennsylvania | $70,042 | 824 | 167~173 | 9.4% | 95.3% |
7 | NYU | $73,414 | 1,413 | 170~174 | 14.5% | 89.5% |
8 | U of Virginia | $69,500 | 922 | 166~173 | 9.7% | 94.3% |
9 | UC Berkeley | $62,143 | 1,088 | 165~171 | 13.7% | 90% |
10 | U of Michigan | $67,098 | 964 | 166~172 | 10.6% | 93.4% |
11 | Duke | $68,400 | 742 | 167~172 | 14.4% | 92.5% |
12 | Cornell | $71,608 | 580 | 169~173 | 15.6% | 92.8% |
13 | Northwestern | $69,650 | 769 | 167~172 | 13.9% | 89.5% |
14 | Georgetown | $69,280 | 1,798 | 167~173 | 12.9% | 86.8% |
15 | UCLA | $60,739 | 1,038 | 166~171 | 15.4% | 87.2% |
16 | Washington U - St. Louis | $63,364 | 744 | 163~171 | 15.9% | 91.6% |
17 | Boston U | $60,718 | 796 | 165~171 | 18.3% | 85.5% |
17 | Texas-Austin | $54,096 | 998 | 167~170 | 15.2% | 87.3% |
17 | Vanderbilt | $64,284 | 544 | 165~170 | 14.3% | 86.1% |
20 | USC | $70,998 | 613 | 165~169 | 13% | 83.6% |
21 | U of Florida | $38,039 | 703 | 161~169 | 17.4% | 90.4% |
21 | U of Minnesota | $55,617 | 677 | 161~167 | 27.6% | 84.9% |
23 | Brigham Young U | $28,416 | 383 | 163~169 | 39.9% | 85.9% |
23 | U of North Carolina Doesn’t offer LLM | $41,734 | 589 | 162~166 | 15.5% | 91.5% |
25 | George Washington U | $65,420 | 1,563 | 162~168 | 21.6% | 85.9% |
25 | U of Alabama | $43,370 | 412 | 160~166 | 31% | 93.7% |
25 | U of Notre Dame | $64,340 | 565 | 162~170 | 17.5% | 84% |
28 | U of Iowa | $48,747 | 500 | 160~164 | 42.8% | 93.2% |
29 | U of Georgia | $38,652 | 571 | 160~167 | 18.6% | 91.2% |
30 | Arizona State U | $47,302 | 850 | 158~167 | 20.6% | 87.4% |
30 | Emory U | $62,434 | 811 | 160~169 | 27.3% | 79.8% |
30 | George Mason U | $41,261 | 495 | 158~166 | 27.1% | 90.2% |
30 | Ohio State U | $47,937 | 552 | 160~165 | 32.1% | 89.4% |
30 | William and Mary | $51,620 | 622 | 161~165 | 30.1% | 88.5% |
35 | U of Illinois-U/C | $48,248 | 492 | 162~166 | 29.8% | 89.9% |
35 | Washington and Lee U Doesn’t offer LLM | $53,400 | 379 | 159~166 | 31.4% | 83.8% |
37 | Boston College | $61,128 | 854 | 161~167 | 23.5% | 83.3% |
37 | Fordham U | $66,750 | 1,150 | 164~168 | 17.7% | 85.1% |
37 | UC Davis | $62,593 | 668 | 160~167 | 28.3% | 84.1% |
37 | UC Irvine | $60,211 | 443 | 163~168 | 16.8% | 72.7% |
37 | U of Utah(Quinney) | $39,800 | 288 | 159~165 | 25.5% | 90.2% |
37 | Wake Forest U | $49,276 | 461 | 160~164 | 31.3% | 92.1% |
43 | Indiana U | $58,920 | 558 | 161~166 | 36.6% | 81% |
43 | U of Wisconsin-Madison | $48,978 | 729 | 158~165 | 36.2% | 87.4% |
45 | U of Arizona | $30,354 | 395 | 158~164 | 24.7% | 87.2% |
46 | Texas A&M University | $47,304 | 503 | 156~165 | 18.4% | 92.1% |
47 | Florida State U | $40,705 | 595 | 158~164 | 22.5% | 84.4% |
47 | U of Maryland | $49,395 | 552 | 156~163 | 32.8% | 84.5% |
49 | U of Colorado | $38,593 | 511 | 160~166 | 27.7% | 78.5% |
49 | U of Washington | $51,534 | 492 | 160~167 | 25.6% | 79.2% |
51 | UC Hastings (San Francisco) | $55,930 | 1,087 | 157~162 | 28% | 72.8% |
52 | Pepperdine University | $61,270 | 543 | 159~166 | 25% | 66.7% |
52 | U of Richmond | $50,500 | 421 | 157~162 | 36.4% | 80.2% |
52 | Yeshiva U - New York, NY | $65,817 | 888 | 160~166 | 30.8% | 74.6% |
55 | Tulane U | $62,738 | 612 | 157~164 | 40.1% | 78.3% |
56 | U of Tennessee-Knoxville | $38,842 | 368 | 157~162 | 28.9% | 86.4% |
56 | Villanova U | $50,535 | 580 | 157~164 | 17.8% | 86.4% |
58 | Baylor U | $61,877 | 462 | 158~163 | 34.3% | 82.5% |
58 | Pennsylvania St U – Carlisle (Dickinson) | $53,558 | 256 | 157~163 | 39.6% | 87.7% |
58 | Southern Methodist U | $59,286 | 719 | 158~164 | 33.4% | 82.3% |
58 | U of Houston | $49,748 | 617 | 159~163 | 30.8% | 81.9% |
58 | Wayne State University | $38,124 | 344 | 157~164 | 32.9% | 85.9% |
63 | Temple U | $43,521 | 577 | 160~166 | 32.8% | 76.6% |
64 | Pennsylvania St U – U Park | $51,648 | 394 | 155~163 | 35.6% | 77% |
64 | U of Connecticut | $62,338 | 398 | 156~161 | 29.3% | 72.9% |
64 | U of San Diego | $58,821 | 701 | 157~163 | 31% | 76.3% |
67 | Loyola Marymount U | $60,860 | 878 | 158~163 | 29.4% | 78.2% |
67 | U of Kansas | $28,804 | 315 | 154~162 | 53.9% | 83.3% |
67 | U of Kentucky | $51,374 | 369 | 155~160 | 45.7% | 92.8% |
67 | U of Missouri | $41,817 | 346 | 154~161 | 53% | 83.3% |
67 | U of Nevada Las Vegas | $40,658 | 380 | 156~163 | 31.7% | 83.9% |
67 | U of Oregon | $52,284 | 474 | 156~161 | 48.8% | 81.5% |
73 | American University | $58,970 | 910 | 157~163 | 27.9% | 73.2% |
73 | Loyola U of Chicago | $51,636 | 759 | 157~161 | 40% | 78.1% |
73 | Northeastern U | $56,940 | 617 | 158~164 | 24.4% | 80% |
73 | Seton Hall U | $60,152 | 673 | 157~162 | 45.7% | 87.4% |
73 | U of Miami | $57,078 | 1,177 | 157~163 | 30.1% | 78.7% |
78 | Case Western Reserve U | $56,884 | 397 | 156~162 | 46.6% | 73.9% |
78 | Drexel University | $48,900 | 452 | 152~160 | 32% | 90.1% |
78 | Georgia State U | $37,618 | 546 | 157~162 | 27% | 79.5% |
78 | U of Denver | $55,292 | 676 | 157~162 | 37.7% | 80.5% |
78 | U of Nebraska-Lincoln | $39,504 | 430 | 155~161 | 62.6% | 88.5% |
78 | U of Pittsburgh | $47,305 | 388 | 158~162 | 36.6% | 81% |
84 | St. John’s U | $66,672 | 748 | 155~164 | 35.6% | 83.2% |
84 | U of South Carolina | $55,480 | 635 | 156~160 | 38.3% | 86.1% |
86 | Rutgers | $43,339 | 1,071 | 155~160 | 41.6% | 82% |
86 | U of Arkansas | $38,160 | 365 | 152~159 | 47.8% | 86.6% |
88 | Lewis & Clark College | $58,936 | 443 | 159~164 | 45.2% | 75.9% |
88 | U of Cincinnati | $29,010 | 392 | 156~161 | 46.6% | 75.5% |
88 | U of Oklahoma | $34,718 | 546 | 156~160 | 50.1% | 74.5% |
91 | Michigan St U | $45,600 | 665 | 153~158 | 48.1% | 82.1% |
91 | U of Hawaii at Manoa (Richardson) | $46,558 | 255 | 153~159 | 32.7% | 70.2% |
91 | U of New Mexico | $40,306 | 294 | 152~159 | 41.2% | 77.7% |
94 | Illinois Inst. of Tech. | $51,120 | 638 | 152~162 | 53.1% | 71.8% |
94 | The Catholic University of America | $56,040 | 283 | 155~160 | 39.7% | 82.5% |
94 | U of Buffalo - SUNY | $32,328 | 461 | 153~159 | 38.8% | 83.6% |
94 | U of Louisville | $28,898 | 344 | 153~159 | 51.5% | 85.6% |
98 | Brooklyn Law School | $65,099 | 1,070 | 157~161 | 39.6% | 68% |
98 | Florida International University | $34,900 | 434 | 158~162 | 20.6% | 77.2% |
98 | Howard University, Washington DC | 37,160 | 467 | 152~158 | 24.5% | 77.8% |
98 | Indiana U - Indianapolis | $51,049 | 563 | 152~159 | 58.6% | 79.2% |
98 | St. Louis U | $45,334 | 534 | 153~160 | 60.4% | 84.8% |
103 | Syracuse U | $57,308 | 676 | 154~160 | 32.7% | 73.6% |
105 | Louisiana St U | $39,109 | 618 | 154~159 | 45.7% | 82% |
105 | Marquette University | $49,710 | 565 | 152~157 | 42.7% | 81.4% |
105 | U of New Hampshire | $46,310 | 341 | 153~160 | 49.7% | 70% |
111 | Stetson University | $47,216 | 765 | 154~159 | 41.8% | 79.6% |