The way how to arouse kundalini!
The below information is secret of secret that can transform human to new spiritual evolution.
One who arouse kundalini energy is not that different from normal human. Only difference he has is the potential to enter samadhi-super normal spiritual sphere.
Here I disclose how to arouse kundalini developed by myself. Dantian energy and kundalini shakti-the primodial energy combine to enter super normal spiritual sphere.
I aroused kundalini by using of the chi energy of dantian, which is sent to kundalini shakti, 8 years ago, that is possible by autogenic traning with which we can move our inner energy in our body.
Dan means a red color-energy, and tian means field to generate energy.
Sequence: Fast breathing-in by nose to pass it to dantian that creates chi-energy. Dantian is seated on lower abdomen, where is located around 9cm below navel. Breathing-in air should be fast and strongly pushed to Dantian and stop breathing as far as being able to endure breathing. Thereafter very slow breathing-out by nose and think energy go up along spine upto top of the head.
When breathed air is strongly collided, the spark of energy is created.
The hot sensation-chi energy spark begins to appear about one week after starting above vertical dantian breathing.
We think in mind that we send this energy to tailbone-muladhara chakra,
where kundalini lies dormant, by our control of the flow of inner energy by thinking or imaging through autogenic method.
How to send chi-dantian?
First, train the control of inner energy with autogenic training, whose effectivess is verified in western medical application for over 100 years. I attach the image of book introducing autogenic training.
Once kundalini is stimulated by chi of dantian, it is aroused and go upward through susumna at spine-upto Sahasrara chakra.
It is not that much difficult and not take long time. It takes 4 -5 months.
But once it is aroused, its operation and energy cannot be stopped. One who has aroused kundalini always wear the invisible spiritual headband over foregead until he die. Once, he-she enter the spiritual sphere, he-she cannot exit out of the spiritual sphere.
"For many are invited, but few are chosen." (Mattew 22-14)
Paul Koo 2023. 02.18