호주 정부가 강도가 아니라는 것을 보여주기를 바랍니다
호주는 아시아와 공존해야!
서호주는 동아시아를 무시하지 말아야 한다!
서호주 the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley와 the banking supervision bureaus는 약속파기와 이중청구에 약자인 정동희가 2단계로 응할 수 있게 '최소한의 도덕성'을 보여야!
어제 제가 받은 '서호주 바로옆 남호주(서호주와 뉴사우스웨일즈 사이 위치) 법무장관의 공식확인 메일'을 첨부합니다.
제가 서호주 the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley이 자신이 문서로 발행한 정부약속을 몇 일 뒤에 파기할 것이라고 당시 상상도 못했습니다. 그리고 그는 이후 20번에 육박하는 저의 애절한 호소에 대해 무반응입니다. 그래서 인근 법무장관에게 2번 호소하니, Hon Kyam Maher MLC, Minister for Aorney-General은 제 말에 공감이 가서, 자기 관할이 아닌데도 공식메일을 보냈습니다.
호주의 금융감독기관들도 '정부기관과 금융 플랫폼들만 상대하는 the banking supervision bureau'라는 사각지대에서 '시차를 두고 한 입으로 두 이야기를 하는 공권력 폭력'에 대해 놀라와합니다.
호주 연방 각료와 절대 다수의 호주 상하원 의원들은 저의 20번에 육박하는 저의 애절한 호소에 대해 안타까운 사정을 '강 건너 불 구경하듯이'이 침묵 속에 있지만, 가뭄에 콩 나듯이 반응을 하는 호주 상하원 의원 수 만큼이나 영연방의 영국 하원의원은 단 한번의 제 이메일에 반응을 보입니다.
제가 서호주 the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley가 문서 약속을 파기한 25년1월23일부터 보름간은 언론에 하소연할 생각을 못했습니다. 너무 이들이 자신의 반성은 전혀 없고 저를 죽이는 원칙만 고집하여, 어제부터 언론 기자와 상담을 하니 영국 기자도 놀라와하고 특히 싱가포르 기자는 더 놀라와합니다.
호주 정부가 강도가 아니라는 것을 보여주기를 바랍니다
[Let's show the Australian government is not a robber. (I ask for a "two-step exit plan")]My 84-year-old mother, who taught at a university for many years, describes Western Australia's Attorney-General Minister Quigley's recent breach of a promise made in a government document and the re-charging of remittance fees by the banking supervision in one word: 'It's robbery.'
The Australian government, which commits such an inhumane atrocity that ruins the winner of the trial, is barbaric and a fraud for a government agency to arbitrarily seize all the rights and property of a good-intentioned individual (without even 0.1% self-reflection).
Now, my parents and I cannot even imagine that the Australian government would not keep the minimum level of common sense and trust, so we sent all our assets to the Australian government and have become beggars, suffering miserably from debt collection by creditors in Korea.
I have been so aggrieved that I have continued to tell the Western Australian Ombudsman about the abuse of power by the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision, but the Western Australian Ombudsman only briefly replied twice, saying (without saying a word about this) 'we cannot investigate complaints about private individuals or organisations. Accordingly, your complaint is now closed and we will not respond to you any further about this matter'.
Please do not let the winner of the trial be defeated in this inhumane way, and please also (acknowledge at least a little of your own wrongdoing) so that I and my parents, who have trusted the Australian government and sent all their assets to the Australian government, will at least not be laughed at ('Look, don't trust the Australian government regarding Australia either' to Koreans and other Asians inwardly) and so that the following realistic win-win exit strategy can be dramatically concluded today.
Even if I do not receive all of the court winnings, I beg the Australian government to help me and my parents escape this long suffering by 'please do not be harassed by debtors in Korea'.
Trusting Minister Quigley's promise in a government document that "Absolutely this is final fees," and considering the extreme situation of "me and my parents, who have once again raised risky debt and sent it to the Australian government and become completely penniless," I ask for a "two-step exit plan of paying the next fee by depositing a trial victory fee equivalent to the cost within the remaining $50,000 of the deposit related to the withdrawal in February of last year (which is separate from this trial) from a temporary account to pay the next fee."
(I completely believed in the promises made in the previous the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley's document and the answer from the banking supervision bureau in November of last year, so please don’t die as a result of believing that.)
A heartbreaking letter from my 84-year-old mother to Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, And I request a solution based on a minimum of conscience and international common sense.
(Key Summary and My Demands: Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau, please stop killing me with a minimum of conscience and international common sense!
I was already insolvent at the end of last year while responding to the continuous request for remittance of expenses after the Australian court victory. In particular, I was shocked by the fact that the expenses on December 30th last year were an anti-international act of the Australian government that violates international law prohibiting Double Jeopardy.
With these concerns, I asked the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, 'Is this really the final fee?'. The Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley responded in writing on January 6th, 2025, by government document, 'This is absolutely final fees.'
So I borrowed a dangerous private loan that I could never borrow, using my life as collateral, and paid the money to the banking supervision bureau in Australia.
However, a few days after receiving this money, which was like my life, the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley broke his promise in writing.
And the banking supervision bureau asked for my expenses in November last year. The Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley is threatening that if I do not pay by this Friday, a daily late fee of USD 9,870 will be charged and that on February 20th, I will be considered as giving up and lose all my assets in an instant. I earnestly request that the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureau resolve this by using the USD 50,000 paid in relation to the withdrawal in February last year, which is completely separate from this trial, to pay part of the costs that the banking supervision bureau is now charging me in double, and receiving the corresponding litigation money into a temporary account managed by the Australian government to pay the remaining costs. This claim is because the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley broke his document promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' by government document dated 6 January 25 and the banking supervision bureau did not answer correctly when they asked about my costs in November last year, which is not entirely my fault.)
#호주정부가강도가아니라는것을보여주기를바랍니다, #정동희올림
분쟁중인 서호주 법무장관(위)
서호주 바로옆 남호주(서호주와 뉴사우스웨일즈 사이 위치) 법무장관의 공식확인 메일