등 등 많은 토픽들이 준비되어 있습니다.
금주(20250224~20250301)의 토픽 예시
1. What are the characteristics of people who have smooth relationships?
2. Where do you want to travel abroad?
3. How will global issues affect my life living in Korea?
4. Why is it hard for a Korean humanities and social studies major to find a job?
5. How the Poor Get Rich
6. Meaning of Autumn. How does fall feel to you?
7. Meaning of travel. Why do you go on a trip?
1. Why should we worry about people in other countries who are suffering?
2. Good memories of the first snow
3. Confidence and Success
4. The pros and cons of Confucian culture in the workplace in Korea
5. How should college students in Korea prepare for employment? 6. What kind of talent is needed in Korean society today?
6. It's a destiny to work and study constantly, when and how should I rest?
7. I often wander because I don't know, who do you ask?
1. Why is having many opportunities to speak in English helpful for studying English speaking?
2. Many self-employed people close their doors without knowing why customers are not coming. What should I do to quickly learn how to succeed for self-employed people?
3. Tourist attractions that you want to visit in fall.
4. What should I do when I don't understand when I have a meeting with a foreigner in English?
5. How Busy Worker Study English Speech.
6. Why is having many opportunities to speak in English helpful for studying English speaking?
7. The balance between the pursuit of personal happiness and social contribution.
8. What kind of characteristics should the people have to make the country a rich country?
1. If your work doesn't work out, what causes it?
2. How should I set my life goal to be happy?
3. Housingl Quality and Birth Rate of Young Koreans
4. How will you spend the rest of your life after retirement?
5. How can I develop an eye for the world? How will it help me if I develop an eye
6. Opportunities and luck in life. If I desperately hope and try, will the opportunity come someday?
7. What should I do to have more decent leaders? How do important decision makers develop their judgment?
1. How should an office worker prepare to maintain a stable job in the face of rapid changes in external conditions?
2. Why is the U.S. Big Tech's overseas invasion scary?
3. Characteristics of the MZ Generation and the Kkondae Culture
4. Causes of mental illness: What is the rate of genetic factors?
5. How to live a happy and fruitful life with less stress.
6. Why is it necessary for citizens to know about the government's economic policies?
7. How should college students in Korea prepare for employment? What kind of talent is needed in Korean society today?
* AI 음성 토론 연습 사용법
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* 유용한 Tips)
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* 2인이 토론할 경우 AI가 리드하는 토론 시나리오 예시
Why is having many opportunities to speak in English helpful for studying English speaking?
아래 각 질문을 순서대로 A와 B에게 물어봅니다.
Today, we are going to discuss the importance of having many opportunities to speak in English when learning the language. The ability to communicate effectively in English is a skill highly sought after in today's increasingly connected world. Whether for academic, professional, or social purposes, being able to express oneself clearly and confidently in English navigates many spheres of international dealings. So, how does frequent speaking in English facilitate our study of the language?
Basic Questions:
In-depth Discussion Questions:
First, let's start with the first basic question, and I'll ask member A first.
After each participant’s answer, I will provide corrections and comments as needed, and summarize the responses once both A and B have contributed. We will then move on to the next question. Finally, after discussing all the questions, I will give a comprehensive evaluation and provide advice for improving English speaking skills in terms of grammar and the naturalness of English expression.