출처 : 여성시대 찴디킨스
“Road conflicts with drivers using weapons, bats and knives have become more frequent,” Viktor Kovalenko said, adding that car salons have started selling baseball bats.
According to a TASS report from last September that surfaced on Reddit on Thursday, baseball bat sales have skyrocketed in Russia. But according to police chief Viktor Kovalenko, Russians purchased only one baseball total and one set of gloves in 2014. His conclusion, then, is that Russians are buying up baseball bats to help settle road disputes.
러시아에선 1년에 야구방망이 50만개가 팔린다고 함
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러시아 경찰서장 말로는 러시아인들은 '도로위의 분쟁'을 해결하기 위해 야구방망이를 구입한다고...
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