Z: Oh, my God, we're not gonna make it! We need more ants.
* make it : 해내다.
WEAVER: You two better get up there.
☞ You two (had) better.
☞ get / up there : get up 아니라 get there.
AZTECA: Weaver, you can't hold it alone.
☞ hold it : 이 사다리를 지탱하다.
WEAVER: Get going!
☞ 출발해!
Z: Hang in there, buddy.
* hang in there : 버티다, 견디다.
Z: Got it!
☞ 됐어!
AZTECA: Hurry up! Go, go, go, go!
MANDIBLE: Our princess is secured, and our glorious future is at hand. We can all stand proud. It is time for a new beginning.
* at hand : 바로 가까이에.
* stand proud : 자랑스러워 하다. ☞ stand : ~한 상태에 있다.
MANDIBLE: What the hell is that?
☞ the hell : the heck, on earth 등과 같은 의미이지만, 현실적으로는 사용하지 않는 것이 좋음.
CUTTER: I think / that's the weak element, sir.
* weak element : 열등분자.
Z: Gimme.. Gimme a hand!
MANDIBLE: Z! You? Let go! Don't you understand? It's for the good of the colony.
* Let go : (우리를) 막지 마라.
* good : 이익.
Z: Wha.. What are you saying? We are the colony!
MANDIBLE: Cutter, what are you doing?
CUTTER: Something / I should've done / a long time ago. This is for the good of the colony, sir.
MANDIBLE: [to Z] You useless, ungrateful maggot! I'm the colony!
* ungrateful : 은혜를 모르는.
* maggot : 구더기.
Z: Look out! Aa-aa-aah!
MANDIBLE: Aa-aa-aah!
CUTTER: Men, let's move it! Get these ants up here.
AZTECA: Keep it moving.
☞ 멈추면 안돼.
Queen: Thank goodness, we made it.
BALA: [to queen] Wait here.
AZTECA: Weaver.
BALA: Where's Z?
BALA: Oh, no.
WEAVER: Back up, everybody, back up! Give him some air. Back up.
* back up : 후원하다; 후진하다.
BALA: Z, Oh, Z. Please wake up.
Z: Yowch!
AZTECA: You know, Weaver, you still owe me that dinner.
WEAVER: Babylove.
☞ “알았어, 자기.” 정도의 뜻. babylove는 주로 남자가 여자에게 하는 말.
AZTECA: We made it, Z!
WEAVER: You da ant!
☞ You're the ant!(네가 최고 개미다)의 축약형.
BALA: You did it!
Z: We did it!
Z: Fellas! Fellas, please! This is very embarrassing for me. I... On the other hand, I probably could get used to this.
* get used to : ~에 익숙해지다.
Z: [Narrates] There you have it. Your average "boy-meets-girl, boy-likes-girl, boy-changes-underlying-social-order" story. So, what else can I tell you? We rebuilt the colony. It's even better than before. You know.... 'cause now it has a very large indoor swimming pool. Bala and I, incidentally, are thinking of starting a family, you know, just a few kids.. maybe a million or two to begin with. And I'm workin' with a new therapist, you know, terrific, absolutely terrific. He's been putting me in touch with my inner maggot, which is helping me / a great deal. And, you know, I finally feel like I've found my place. And you know what? It's right back where I started. But the difference is, this time I chose it.
☞ There you have it. : “자, 이제 모두 보셨습니다[끝입니다].”
☞ Your average "boy-meets-girl, boy-likes-girl, boy-changes-underlying-social-order" story : 여러분들이 흔히 듣는 “남자가 여자를 만나고, 그녀를 좋아하게 되고, 기성 사회 질서를 변화시킨다”는 식의 이야기죠.
* incidently : 말나온 김에; 우연히.
* to begin with : 우선.
* therapist : 치료사. ☞ 이 영화 첫 장면이 치료사에게서 치료받는 내용이었음.
* a great deal : 상당히.
☞ you know what? 이거 아세요? ☞ 중요한 얘기를 꺼내기에 앞서 상대방의 주의를 환기시키는 표현.
☞ It's right back where I started : 그건[내 자리는] 바로 내가 원래 시작한 곳에 있더군요. ☞ 기본반 교재 독해 내용 참조.
[The END]
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