What a pity you are not a Christian!
Gordon Forlong
Gordon Forlong was named after his grandfarther, General Gordon of Parkhill, Aberdeenshire. He studied law in Edinburgh, practiced as an advocate in Aberdeen, and was then, as he put it, “ a very prejudiced young deist.” Notwithstanding his deistical opinions, nourished by the reading of the principal deistical works of his day, he actually started what he termed “ the Bank of Good Character and Skill” the object of which was to help young men of good character to obtain reliable situations.
The young advocate went up to London in 1851, hoping to collect funds for his project. His conversion through this visit is related as follows by Alex. Marshall, who spent some time with him in Wanganui in 1901: “ Whilst in London he had occasion to call on Mr. Hitchcock, of Hitchcock, Williams & Co., St. Paul’s Churchyard. On leaving Mr. Hirchcock said to him, “ Mr. Forlong, what a pity you are not a Christian!” Unwilling to be drawn into a discussion on religion, he parried Mr. Hitchcock’s thrust by saying. “ We Scotch people are well up in the Bible” “ What a pity you are not a Christian! “ was repeated by Mr. Htchcock. The Scotchman hummed and hawed for a moment, and then said that he didn’t understand Mr. Hitchcock. If you think you are a Christian,” said the earnest soul winner, “ Sit down on that chair and talk to me about Christ.” “ I cannot do that” replied Mr. Forlong. “ No: I knew you could not., “ said the Christian merchant. “ Now I would be very pleased if you would be kind enough to read a small book that I have.” Mr. Forlong remarked that he read a good deal, and would gladly look over the book that he purposed giving him. The book he received was a copy of a treatise entitled “ The Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation.” As he studied it carefully, he was arrested by the words of Leviticus 17:11 “ It is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.” Whilst reading these words he was saved.”
Like Saul of Tarsus when it pleased God to reveal His Son to him, “ immediately he conferred not with flesh and blood, “ but straightway preached Christ. His first public testimony was given in 1852. During the Revival years, from 1858 to 1862, he gave himself heart and soul to evangelistic work in Scotland, often in active association with Brownlow North and his cousin, John Gordon, of Parkhill.
He was “a man of one Book,” Referring to the earlier days of his converted life, he tells us: “ I sat down to my Bible at 10 a.m, and, except for meals, I never rose till 10 at night. This plan I purposed for years. I had not a single commentary in the house.”
On one occasion he remarked that he never felt so much at home as whyen he was surrounded with difficulties so that he could see his way out in any direction. This was an opportunity for God; and the position just suited his nature.
Though a scholar, he had no sympathy whatever with so-called Higher Criticism, now known as “ Modernism”
He lived long in Wanganui, then at Rongota, from which he departed to be with Christ on 31st August 1908, in his 90th year.
( Extracts from "Chiefmen among the Brethren" published by Pickering & Inglis)