중환자실 간호사들이 알아야 할 내용을 정리하였습니다.
A: d/t due to (~로 인한)
r/o rule out ( 배제 (의심))
s/p status post (~후 상태)
h/o history of (~의 과거력)
중환자실에서 흔히 사용하는 약어를 알파벳 순으로 정리해보았습니다.
AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm (복부대동맥동맥류)
ABGA Artarial blood gas analysis (동맥혈가스분석)
ACMV Assisted controlled mandatory ventilation (보조/조절환기)
ACS Acute coronary syndrome (급성관상동맥증후군)
AML Acute myelogenous leukemia (급성골수구성백혈병)
ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome (급성호흡곤란증후군)
ARF Acute renal failure (급성신부전)
ASD Atrial septal defect (심방중격결손)
ASI Aortic steno insufficiency (대동맥판협착폐쇄부전증)
ASO Arteriosclerosis obliterans (폐쇄동맥경화증)
AVM Arteriovenous malformation (숨은동정맥기형)
BT Brain tumor (뇌종양)
CBD Common bile duct (총담관)
CBF Cerebral blood flow (뇌혈류)
CI Cardiac index (심박출계수)
CMC Congenital megacolon (선천성거대결장증)
CPS Congenital pyloric stenosis (선천성유문협착증)
CVP Central venous pressure (중심정맥압)
CPCR Cardio pulmonary cerebral resuscitation (심폐소생술)
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure (지속적기도양압)
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (만성폐쇄성폐질환)
CPP Cerebral perfusion pressure (뇌혈류압)
CVA Cerebrovascular accident (뇌졸중)
CRF Chronic renal failure (만성신부전)
CRRT Continuous renal replacement therapy (지속적신대체요법)
CAPD Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis(지속적외래복막투석)
CAVH Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration(지속적동정맥혈액여과)
CVVH Continuous venovenous hemofiltration(지속적정정맥혈앨여과)
CABG Coronary artery bypass graft (관상동맥우회술)
CMV Controlled mandatory ventilation (조절환기)
COA Coarctation of aorta (대동맥협착)
DI Drug intoxication or diabetic insipidus (약물중독/요붕증)
DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation (파종성혈관내응고증)
DILD Diffuse interstitial lung disease (간질성폐질환)
DA Dissection aneurysm (동맥박리)
DCRV Double chambers of right ventricle (우심실양분증)
DM Diabetes mellitus (당뇨병)
DKA Diabetic ketoacidosis (당뇨병케톤산증)
DORV Double outlets of right ventricle (양대혈관우심실기시증)
DVT Deep vein thrombosis (폐동맥색전)
ESLD End stage of liver disease (말기간질환)
ESRD End stage of renal disease (말기신질환)
ECD Endocardial cushion defect (심내막상결손)
EDH Epidural hemorrhage (경막외출혈)
EEG Electroencephalogram (뇌파)
EF Ejection fraction (박출계수)
EtCO₂ End tidal carbon dioxide (호기말 이산화탄소)
EVD External ventricular drainage (체외뇌실배액)
FiO₂ Fraction of inspired oxygen (흡입산소분율)
FUO Fever unknown origin (불명열)
G.B syd Guillain-barre syndrome (길랑-바레 증후군)
GCS Glasgow coma scale (글라스고코마스케일)
GTC Generalized tonic clonic seizure (전신성 강직간대경련)
HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma (간세포암)
HIVD Herniated intervertebral disc (추간판탈출증)
HMD Hyaline membrane disease (폐초자양막질환)
I.A. Imperforated anus (밀폐항문)
IABP Intra aortic balloon pump (대동맥내풍선펌프)
ICH Intra cerebral hemorrhage (뇌출혈)
ICP Intracranial pressure (두개뇌압)
IDDM Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus (인슐린의존성당뇨병)
IHSS Idiopathic hypertropic subaortic stenosis (특발성비후성대동막하협착)
IVH Intraventricular hemorrhage (뇌실내출혈)
JP Jackson-pratt(drain)
LC Liver cirrhosis (간경화)
LIH Left inguinal hernia (왼쪽서혜부탈장)
LOC Loss of consciouseness (의식상실)
MCA Middle cerebral artery (중대뇌동맥)
MI Myocardial infarction (심근경색)
MG Myasthenia gravis (근무력증)
MOF Multiple organ failure (복합장기부전)
MSI Mitral stenosis and insufficiency (승모판협착)
MR Mitral regurgitation (승모판폐쇄부전)
MVP Mitral valve prolapse (승모판탈출증)
NSIAD Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug(비스테로이드성소염제)
NPH Normal pressure hydrocephalus (정상뇌압수두증)
PA Pulmonary atresia (폐동맥판폐쇄)
PAWP Pulmonary artery wedge pressure (폐동맥쐐기압)
PDA Patent ductus arteriosus (동맥관개존증)
PCV Pressure control ventilation (압력조절환기)
P-ECD Partial endocardial cushion defect (부분심내막상결손)
PFD Patent foramen ovale (난원공개존)
PS Pulmonic stenosis (폐동맥협착)
PSV Pressure support ventilation (압력보조환기)
PTCA Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (경피적경혈관관상동맥확장술)
PEEP Positive end expiratory pressure (호기말양압)
PPH Primary pulmonary hypertension (원발성폐고혈압)
PVR Pulmonary vascular resistance (폐혈관저항)
RDS Respiratory distress syndrome (호흡곤란증후군)
RFP Retrolental fibroplasia (섬유증식증)
SAH Subarachnoid hemorrhage (지주막하출혈)
SBE Subacute bacterial endocarditis (아급성세균성심내막염)
SDH Subdural hematoma (경막하혈종)
SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone(향이뇨호르몬부적절분비증후군)
S.S.S. Sick sinus syndrome (동기능부전증후군)
SIMV Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (간헐적동조강제환기)
SVR Systemic vascular resistance (체성혈관저항)
TA Tricuspid atresia or truncus arterious (삼첨판폐쇄/총동맥간증)
TAPVR Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (전폐정맥환류이상)
TGA Transposition of great arteries (대혈관전위)
TFCA Transfemoral carotid angioplasty (경대퇴동맥경동맥조영술)
THRA Total hip replacement arthroplasty (고관절인공관절치환술)
TOF Tetralogy of fallot (팔로증후군)
TSI Tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency (삼천판막폐쇄/부전)
TPN Total parentral nutrition (총정맥영양)
TEF Tracheoesophageal fistula (기관식도누공)
UTI Urinary tract infection (요로감염증)
VCV Volume control ventilation (용적조절환기)
VRE Vancomycin resistant enterococci (반코마이신내성장내구균)
VSD Ventricular septal defect (심실중격결손)
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