‘Complexity [Duality] will be the Science of the XXI Century’ S. Hawking
‘Religion and philosophy is dead’ S. Hawking
‘Physicists are only interested in the canvas and the paint. We, [philosophers] are interested in the painter and the painting. ‘ F. Nietzsche
‘ The why is what physicists should never ask’ Feynman
‘God is the seer of Times’ Saint Augustine
‘And God=the seer of times said, do not eat of the bad fruits=weapons of the Tree of Technology, because the day you do you will die=become extinct’ Genesis, on the 1st arrow of Time
‘All is yin=information and yang=energy, that combine to reproduce the infinite beings’ Lao, on the 3 first arrows of Time.
‘And the word [of love], God became man and inhabited among us’ ; ‘Those who believe in me will not die forever’; ‘Love each other as I have Loved You” The 4th arrow of Time
In this post we answer that simple vision of XX C. physicists about God Man and the Universe from the perspective of the ‘science of XXI century’, complexity of which this writer is one of its leading researchers, having chaired the Science of ‘Time Duality’ that studies the Universe with two arrows, energy and information, in many International Congresses (1). To those who never heard of Complexity, this science also called Duality and Systems Sciences, was founded at the death of Einstein in the Macy’s congress, where the most advanced scientists of the age met to find new avenues to the ‘dead end’ in which quantum theorists have placed the evolution of science, with their obsession for the single arrow of energy. In that congress it was understood that information played also a fundamental role in the creation of reality and so the Universe was defined as dual, created by two arrows, energy or motion and information or form. The most well-known science span out of that congress was cybernetics in which computer science was born, because of the practical uses it has today. Yet the most important sciences for pure knowledge were two little known branches, Duality, which studies the Universe with the 2 ‘simplex’ arrows of time, energy and form, and Systems theory, which studies the 2 ‘complex’ arrows of time, derived from the combinations of energy and form, ‘reproduction’ and ‘social evolution’, as those 2 simplex arrows combine creating all kind of ‘entities of energy and information’ that latter evolve through the arrow of social evolution into complex systems and organisms.
Abstract: how and why the ‘Gods’ of Time creates the Universe.
First we must understand what Time or rather Times is. Times are the perception of changes in the Universe, which men perceive through the 4 languages of the mind, visual thought, logic thought, mathematical thought and words. Since there are infinite changes in the Universe, there is not a single time, a brute deformation caused by physicists when Galileo invented the clock and thought the clock was the seer of time. Yet clocks can only perceive a very limited range of changes. Specifically physicists used clocks to measure the ‘change in the motion or energy’ of beings. So Galileo defined time with a simple equation: Speed=space/time; hence Time=space/speed became dependent of space and energy/motion. This was called Galilean Relativity and due to the power of Physicists, as the creators of all the weapons of mass destruction of history, Time became reduced to a parameter of space. Einstein merely added some new maths discovered by Riemann (5th Non-Euclidean postulate) to the description of that limited type of change=time. But he also gave us the Atomic Bomb, and so in our civilization ruled by the bad fruits of the tree of science=weapons, he was canonized as the most intelligent person of History. Mr. Hawking who has discovered nothing about time, not even about the arrow of entropy pretends to be the heir of Einstein and Galileo. And he affirms in his new book that philosophers and God, the seer of Times, is dead.
The true innovations in the study of Time arrows came from Biology, Mr. Darwin studied the arrow of evolution of form in human beings and affirmed also the existence of the arrow of eusocial love, discovered by the prophets of the wor(l)d, since he affirmed that the ‘struggle for existence was between species, not individuals’. Thus it follows that the members of the same species must evolve together – love each other – to create social organisms. Yet Darwin was denied by the civilization of weapons, money and machines that rule the world and his anti-truth, the fight between individuals of the same species became dogma of the people of money and machines (capitalism) and the people of weapons (nazism), and ‘social darwinism’ was born. Today this anti-truth of Darwin and the prophets of love, still rules supreme among the human tribal species under the name of nationalism and among our corporations and the military-industrial complex, unable to understand that the ultimate fight on Earth will be between 2 different species, human beings and weapons that will extinguish us as the ‘Seer of Time’ in Genesis has told us. It might be CERN this year as it makes strangelets; it might be any of the robotic machines of the age of the Singularity. But it will ‘certainly’ happens if humans do not evolve their understanding of the Laws of True Science and Religions of Love. And time is running out.
The difference between both sciences, Physics and Complexity (and its related sciences of Duality, Systems and Biology) is thus clear:
- In Physics, a single arrow of ‘future time’ is considered to create the Universe – energy also called entropy – which physicists found to happen in their studies of heat in the XIX century, and have arrogantly extended to all phenomena in the Universe, in a very common error of science called the ‘ceteris paribus’ cause or single cause, reason why Philosophers of Science called Physicists, ‘monists’ or ‘naive realists’. Moreover, this obsession for energy is a ‘professional deformation’, caused by the fact that Physicists have traditionally studied only the ‘time=change’ in the motion/energy of beings, during the exercise of their worldly profession – making weapons and transport machines.
Thus first Galileo during his studies on cannonball shots for the Venetian Arsenal, as the highest paid artillery master, (1000 gold Ducats), defined Time as only the change in the motion of beings taken place in space, v=s/t. He then created the science of Ballistics, latter called Physics, as the study of ‘motion’. Hence physicists, which are also the people who construct motion machines and weapons that release energy, think ‘knowledge’ is to understand motion and space, only; and time, the perception of all the type of changes of the Universe, was reduced to the study of expansive, explosive, death-like processes that take place in space, like entropy, energy and motion, self-similar terms. For that reason Einstein said that time is the ’4 dimension of space’, which is the modern version of ‘Galilean Relativity’, where time was speed/space.
Yet entropy, energy, space is only the first and simplest arrow of time=future change; the destructive arrow that simplifies form, in/form/ation, the arrow of death, and their ‘theory of creation’, the big-bang, therefore is NOT the birth, but the death of a previous Universe, which was from then on evolved by the arrow of information and life, the creative arrow of the Universe, as I explained a decade ago in my book ‘Time cycles: god, man and the Universe’, and Sir Roger Penrose has done this year in his self-similar book, ‘Time Cycles: a new vision of the universe’.
- For those reasons, biologists, philosophers, religions and intelligent people have always disagreed with the monist, naive realism of Physicists and weapons makers. Since they are aware that time, the perception of change in reality, is also caused by changes in the form or in/form/ation of beings. And this change is far more important for human beings, since we do not move at weapon’s speed (Galileo’s work with cannonballs) light speed (Einstein’s work with objects moving at light speed such as those taken place in the ‘big-bangs’ of the Nuclear Industry). The most important changes we perceive are those in our form, from birth to youth to old age to death. Thus we must consider also a second arrow of time, that which evolves and changes the form of beings, the creative arrow of Time that has shaped life, as opposed to the destructive arrow of energy, which erases in the processes of death the information of beings.
– Thus in the XXI century, complexity has developed a Theory of Time=Change, which explains all the forms of Change in the Universe, those of physics (change in motion) and those on form (information arrow). This arrow of time was mathematized by Einstein when he consider that ‘time bends space into forms of mass’. It was also used by Darwin to explain the ‘evolution of forms’ which are then selected in Nature. And finally in the XX century by Mandelbrot, Mehaute and this writer, who proved information is ‘fractal’, a self-repetitive form. And so we exist in a fractal Universe of infinite self-similar forms/beings.
Interesting enough this Theory of Everything not only explains physical changes and biological changes, but it shows it was already understood in the past by philosophers like Aristotle (theory of change) and Eastern religions (Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, which explain the Universe as a product of 2 opposite forces, yin=Vishnu=Information and yang=Shiva=energy).
Yet because if there are 2 arrows of time, there are multiple time events or ‘time cycles’, space-time in Complexity is no longer defined as a single continuum space that expands and will ‘die’ into an amorphous reality as Physicists pretend, but it is defined as a fractal of Information, composed of multiple cycles of life and death, which affect all its ‘parts’ made to the image and likeness of the whole that will also go through infinite Time cycles of creation and destruction.
Further on we can obtain combinations of 2 arrows, energy, e, and information, i, creating the 2 Complex arrows of time that complement the 2 ‘simplex’: energy x information = reproduction, as all beings combine their energetic and informative variables (bodies and heads in nature, complementary fields of forces and particles of information in physics) in order to ‘exist’ as a fractal ‘space-time being’: exi=st.
This function of existence or Chang was explored by Taoism who said from ‘one comes two, from two comes 3 and from 3 comes the infinite beings of the Universe’ Cheng Tzu
But there is a 4th arrow of Time, the summit of the Grand Design, the why of the Universe, which physicists don’t even question and western religions have always explained as the purpose and goal of the Universe: the arrow of Eusocial Love; since all those ‘time cycles of energy and information, yin and yang’, associate together, evolving into complex super-organisms, ‘emerging’ into new fractal ‘planes of existence’ as wholes made of parts. So, ‘if they are real’, cyclical strings of information and lineal strings of energy gather together into particles that evolve socially into atoms made of ‘energetic electrons’ and ‘informative quarks’ that evolve into molecules that evolve into cells that evolve into organisms that evolve into societies, civilizations and religions. And those religions, the collective subconscious of human beings finally ‘transcend’ or ‘emerge’ into a new plane of existence, a God, the force of Love that gathers together human beings who share as organisms do their energy and information together. This is the mystique experience explained with words and metaphors by all the prophets of love of the western tradition, who used our natural language, words to ‘lay down’ in human terms the mandates of ‘creation of the future’ with those 2 complex arrows. So the Bible said ‘grow and multiply’ (3rd arrow of time). And god, the word who became man and inhabitted among us said ‘love each other as I have loved you’.
Complexity studies the Universe with those 4 arrows explaining not only the paint and canvas, the energetic, primary space ‘monist, reductionist’ physicists pretend to be the only reality we should care for, but also the painter, the 4 arrows or dimensions of time which the Word=Human God/language has explained to us in those metaphors, and the painting – the creation of Life and Human societies, the most perfect superorganisms of in/form/ation of the Universe. Since we, the mind of men, as Teyllard de Chardin explained are the finality or most perfect form of information created in the Universe.
But physicists will now destroy mankind, the brain of Gaia, the planet of life, because obssessed by the arrow of energy, by God, they deny that the Universe’s finality is to create information. So they deny information, which they call ‘negantropy’, the negation of entropy, to the point that Mr. Hawking affirms that black holes, the ‘physical objects’ that create the mass/information of the Universe, the first bricks of the Grand Design, ‘evaporate information’, traveling to the past. Because Mr. Hawking is still stuck in XIX century physics and the arrow of Energy, he has a ‘brief vision of time’, and because with that arrow he cannot explain much, he decided to put the arrow backwards in black holes to have at least ’2 paints’ but obviously he runs into the ‘Information paradox’ breaking all the laws of modern science, since Information never disappears, only trans/forms itself in the eternal Universe.
Complexity, specifically my science, Duality is precisely the science that has long solved the paradox of information poised by Mr. Hawking’s evaporating black holes; since in complexity the Universe has two arrows, entropy=energy and information=form, provided initially by the 2 ‘complementary’ elements of reality, energetic, extended, electro-weak forces, and implosive, in/form/ative, gravitational and strong masses. So black holes don’t travel to the past but follow the informative arrow of time, creating masses, which store most of the information of the Universe.
For that reason CERN indeed, will create strangelets or black holes that will convert us into a dense mass of information. And yet nothing is being done to end once and for all with this bonfire of vanities and celebrity gurus, of scientists claiming this could not happen without having the slightest idea of the physics involved or the advances of complexity, just to ‘play their Tv-role’ as experts, of theorists at CERN like John Ellis claiming to be ‘defending the LHC from mankind’,of overloaded, ill-paid journalists printing CERN’s PR releases as investigative articles, of those ‘kids with an attitude’ blogging smear campaigns against us… All those ‘children of thought’ of XX century science, would do better indeed, learning the Complexity of the Fractal Organic Universe with their mind instead of playing to be God, since they are just ’boys with a big toy’.
1. Mr. Hawking’s new book.
2. The simplex arrows of Time, energy and form and its complex combinations, reproduction and Love (social evolution).
3. Energy and Information, the dual, spiritual universe, its motions, dimensions, forms and creative processes.
4. The evolution of the languages man use to perceive them: Non-Aristotelian logic and Non-Euclidean mathematics.
5. Its application to the sciences of Physics and Biology:
The cycle of life and death. The organic Universe. The meaning of mass and quantum physics (complementarity Principle).
The Plan of evolution. The meaning of man, supreme form of information of the Universe.
6. Its application to Religions. The proof of the existence of all the Gods of all religions.
7. Fractal Philosophy.
8. Conclusion. ‘Those who believe in Me – the arrows of Time – will not die for ever’. (But we have denied them).
1. Mr. Hawking’s Grand Design vs. the classic theories of Creation.
I couldn’t help to buy and read the last ‘masterpiece’ of Mr. Hawking, this excellent science-fiction writer who believes in travel in time (so their black holes evaporate to the past, as children would do into their mother’s womb), but not in God. Indeed, an interesting contradiction. Since after all if time travel is possible, there is no problem with the resurrection of the dead.
(Hope the reader will excuse my harsh irony but since Mr. Hawking dictates that both religion and philosophy are dead and I am a philosopher of science, I would like to state here that Physics as an explanation of the creation of the Universe is also dead; and we philosophers of science and complex theorists have ‘resurrected’ to try to prove it.)
Now Mr. Hawking has this new book, ‘The Grand design’, in which he affirms that God did not create the Universe and philosophy is dead. So what or who created the Universe? Mr. Hawking has the available answer of course: Man, notoriously Edward Witten … in 1995, when he invented M-theory, a mathematical construct, which has never been proved and explains really nothing of the infinite events a phenomena we observe around us.
Before Mr. Hawking found the ‘Grand Design’ we were comfortable with the choice among the classic explanations of the creation of the Universe:
- That of physicists, who thought the Universe was created in an explosive big-bang and would continue its long expansive death. This cosmology is called in philosophical terms ‘monism’ and it is based in the study of the Universe with a single arrow of time=future, the arrow of expansive energy/entropy and death.
- That of philosophers, who thought mostly the Universe was eternal, without a principle or an end.
- And that of religions, who in the East thought the same than philosophers. Since Taoists, Buddhists and Hindus consider reality made of eternal cycles of creation and destruction, being the creation caused by Vishnu/Yin/information and destruction caused by Shiva/Yang/energy. This philosophy ads therefore a second arrow of time=future, information, and for that reason is called Duality or Dualism.
- While in the West, religions considered the Creator and Destroyer an entity, which participated of the qualities of man. Since we were made to the image and likeness of God. This type of religions are called Anthropomorphic religions.
Let us then consider first Mr. Hawking’s theory of creation and his scientific proofs, so the reader can compare them with the classic theories of creations and the findings of Complexity theory on the Existence of God, the ‘Mind of the Universe’ and Its Grand Design.
If we were to use the same irony Mr. Hawking uses with all other scientists and philosophers in his book, we could say that the entire act of creation was forgotten in 1995, and the Universe started again from the scratch with the creation of the so called M-Theory, a mathematical nonsense, which is Mr. Hawking’s idea or rather personal agenda for a Grand Design. Let us remember that history.
In 1995 Edward Witten proposed the M-theory as a unification of all previous superstring theories. According to such ideas, the Universe was made of certain mathematical objects called strings, which existed in 11 dimensions, had never been observed, but were useful to simplify calculus about the inner regions of matter, strong forces and quarks.
How this local mathematical construct, without any proof has become then the center of Mr. Hawking’s creation? Easy: in 1996 String theory was used to analyze black hole thermodynamics, and someone deduced that with that mathematical construct it could be proved that black holes evaporated to the past as Mr. Hawking wanted it.
Only that another 15 years have passed and we have not found a single proof of black hole evaporation but an enormous number of proofs that black holes follow Einstein’s Relativity theory and regardless of size (this is indeed the meaning of relativity), they all grow exponentially, exploding stars into supernovas and galaxies into quasars. But Mr. Hawking doesn’t believe either in Einstein, who he says ‘is double wrong’ (SciAm: ‘Quantum Black holes’). He believes in himself, the new Einstein, which he tells us in his biography was the name given to him by his companions in the school. This again seems a contradiction, since his best-seller book ‘A brief history of time’ is just a failed attempt to explain Einstein’s theories about time. But we have already anticipated Mr. Hawking’s work is full of contradictions. They are so many and so obvious, that we needed a bulky Pdf to explain them all.
The ‘Grand Design’ is unfortunately more of the same. Another science-fiction, self-promoting book, sparkled with sarcastic attacks to some true scientists like Feynman, philosophers and religions – the trademark that has made Mr. Hawking a celebrity of the scientific yellow press (there is indeed an increasing number of serious magazines that now publish absurd theories of science-fiction churned out as the new discovery, if possible with a lot of dimensions, parallel Universes and time travel artifacts.)
Yet when we get to the core of it, Mr Hawking merely tries to promote the falling tower of String theory, just a mathematical construct with zero respect for the experimental method, simply because if M-Theory is right black holes might evaporate to the past and Mr. Hawking would get his Nobel prize. Indeed, in the video we recorded during his conference at Pasadena, among friendly nuclear physicists , he explained us why he is backing CERN’s project of making black holes, even if ‘they can make us spaguetti’: because – he affirms – ‘in 30 years we have found no proof of black hole evaporation, but now CERN will give me a second chance, to win the Nobel Prize’.
A man with a Mission… Impossible. Since beyond Mr. Hawking’s God-like revelation of his power to create time travel machines and resurrect the dead, what Mr. Hawking has, is a basic misunderstanding of the 3 legs of truth of the scientific method – mathematical consistency, logic accuracy and experimental truth.
Since Godel, Einstein’s best friend, proved long ago that mathematics are not truth per se but a mathematical equation can be a fantasy as a verbal sentence does, if it lacks logical consistency and doesn’t describe an experimental fact. That is why Einstein said to Poncaire: ‘I didn’t become a mathematician because while I always know when a mathematical equation is right or wrong I never know when it is real’.
So for a mathematical equation to be real, you need logic consistency, which Hawking’s work lacks, as ‘logic’ requires causality in time: A->B implies A causes B from past to future, not B causes A from future to past. And for that reason, because the Universe is logic and consistent there is no travel in time.The same can be said of M-Theory, since 11 dimensions are not logic; nor there is any known substance to those strings; neither what physicists call ‘background dependence’ makes sense. What this means is that those strings are somehow ‘floating’ over the true, ultimate substance of reality, Space and Time, described by Einstein in his Theory of Reality. So they cannot be the ultimate substance of reality which is Space and Time or rather the infinite Fractal Spaces and Temporal Cycles that carry the primeval energy and information of the Universe, the real substances of which we are all made.
Further on we need ‘experimental proofs’ to make Mr. Hawking’s ideas real, which do not exist either in black hole evaporation or M-String Theory.
So Mr. Hawking, according to Godel, can write Quixots, sorry M-Theories or Black Hole Thermodynamics that look beautiful in Math but are just mathematical puzzles. And this is indeed what M-Theory is: The mathematical construct of Mr. Witten, which requires 11 illogical dimensions, nowhere to be seen; travel in time, never observed; and the evaporation of black holes that would give Mr. Hawking a Nobel prize… All this of course has been said by Philosophers of science. But Hawking is a demigod of the celebrity industry of scientific best-sellers and so he cannot be denied. And yet – we say this man is full of contradictions – in other of his books he confesses that ‘when I read Godel, I got very depressed’ because he realized he could not find the meaning of it all only with mathematics. He seems though to have gotten out of his depression in this bold book, where he returns to what Philosophers of Science call ‘Pythagorism’, the belief that the Universe is a mere construct of numbers, probabilities and… M-theories.
But obviously, Hawking doesn’t like philosophers of science either. Since he also said ‘Philosophers of science rejected my work as naive and simplistic’, but ‘many of them are failed physicists who found it hard to invent new theories and so took to writing about the philosophy of physics instead’. And here, is indeed the core of the matter. Mr. Hawking ‘invents’ theories of reality and then pretends the Universe will follow his ‘creations’. And of course, this will put him above God, which he says doesn’t exist. Even if he affirmed in the same book (baby Universes) that he can ‘know the mind of God’. Now this conundrum is solved: Hawking has gone a notch further, beyond the arrogance of physicists like Kepler who said ‘God has waited 5000 years to find an intelligence like his to contemplate his clock work’ and Einstein who said ‘if my theory is wrong God should correct the Universe, so beautiful it is’.
We have now Hawking, who doesn’t believe in God’s creation but believes he can create the Universe with his mathematical sci-fi musings because he ‘knows the mind of God’. Ergo, if God doesn’t exist, if Witten and Hawking create the Universe and if Hawking understands the mind of God, HAWKING IS GOD!
Ts, ts, pity we didn’t realize of that before. Didn’t he travel in time to the past to explain this to Moses? We’ll have to repaint all the frescoes of Michelangelo, again!
The way Hawking operates and comes out with his ‘fantaphysics’ is perfectly described by Sir Roger Penrose in his critique of this same book in the Financial Times: He comes out with the most outrageous ideas, never mind that they break the laws of established science; and nobody dares to respond him in public to avoid facing public opprobium for defying the ’enfant terrible’ of physics, the ‘darling’ of tabloid science. If he doesn’t provoke enough, he escalates his ideas, till reaching utter nonsense. And that is what he did with his theory that black holes evaporate information to the past… which cemented his prestige among the public, always wanting to believe in science fiction wonders. Only that now we are risking our lives to prove a science fiction, out of the hat, idea.
We shall latter return to Mr. Witten and Hawking’s explanation of the Universe according to M-Theory and clarify the little value it has even within the limited realm of nuclear physics. Since a true Theory of Unification should explain all what exists, including us – why we are here, and our role in the Universe, what truly matters to mankind and truly deserves the name of The Grand Design… And this is precisely what Complexity Theory is doing so far… and surprisingly enough, in doing so, it is finding that not only Religion and Philosophy are not ‘dead’, but that they are essential to explain the Grand Design and the meaning of humanity within it.
Indeed today, the most advanced scientists of the XXI century – which are not physicists, stuck in their study of the single arrow of energy/death, but ignore everything about the ‘creative’ arrow of information and life – but Complexity theorists, who study both arrows, energy and information together, generally agree with the concepts of dualist philosophers and religions. Since we describe the Universe as an ‘organic fractal of energy and information’ in which the whole is self-similar to all its parts. Departing from this simple definition and thanks to the advancements we have made in the 2 fundamental languages of the human mind, logic and mathematics, we have been able to explain in a far more complex way the nature of God, Man and the Universe, and interesting enough, we have found that in this new complex view, the religious texts of old philosophers acquire a new meaning and can be used as mystique metaphors of the absolute. This came to me as an astounding surprise because I used to be like Mr. Hawking, a hardcore atheist, when I was a ‘child of thought’, making quantum doodles with the primitive logic and mathematics of the last millennium but now I have an immense respect for the Universe and the mystique parables in which its messages and mandates have been explained.
So let us go and try to explain that Grand Design, both with the jargon of science (logic and mathematics) and with the jargon of classic philosophy and religion (words). Because one of the first things we have learned in complexity is that while the Universe is one, the information that its different species have of it, is different gauged with many languages. ‘The languages of God are infinite’ said the Upanishads. In the human case, the Grand Design can be explained with our four languages: the logic of time, the mathematics of space, the visual images in motion that describe both, space and time, and with mystique metaphors and words, as classic religions did. And though I am a scientist more inclined to use logic and mathematics, I am also an artist that can feel the beauty of images and the ethic metaphors of religions that also explained that Grand Design. So we shall first translate those metaphors, which Mr. Hawking and so many other scientists, unable to understand, wrongfully scorn. And then explain the design with the languages of logic, mathematics and images. Since the key to understand the Grand Design is precisely the evolution of the languages of the human mind we use to perceive the Universe.
2. The 2 primary elements of the Grand Design, energy and information, evolve into organic systems.
As we have said the main difference between Complexity theory and Physics is the fact that Physicists use only an arrow to explain the future, entropy or energy, related to space, which stores that energy in the vacuum, and better explained with the language of mathematics. While complexity ads the arrow of information, and so it considers that the Universe is made of the interaction of those 2 arrows, energy and information. This means an extension of the Principle of Conservation of energy, known since the XIX century, which becomes now the Principle of Conservation of Energy and Information:
‘Energy never dies but trans/forms itself into another type of in/form/ation: E<=>I’.
In my scholar papers as chair of the science of Duality, which precisely studies the Universe using both arrows of Time, energy and Information, as Eastern Philosophers did in the past (Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism), but with the mathematical tools of fractal and Non-Euclidean theory and the wealth of scientific data collected in the past centuries, I have shown how departing from that simple Law and ‘generator equation’, we can explain the creation of the Universe, its laws, particles, forms, organisms and Grand Design.
Indeed, in the Universe, there is not only an arrow of entropy and death, but also an arrow of fractal information, which has the qualities of life. All species in the Universe absorb energy, gauge information (even particles, reason why their theories are called gauge theories), reproduce (quarks absorb energy and reproduce jets of ‘quarkitos’, so do electrons that absorb energy and break into a shower of new electrons, and since those are the two basic particles of reality, it follows that all systems can be reproduced), and finally, all entities of the Universe evolve eusocially, gathering together into bigger super-organisms, from particles that become atoms that become molecules that become cells that become living organisms that become societies, nations and religions, super-organisms of History.
Thus, if the Universe and all its parts follow the laws of super-organisms, which define all what exists as ‘organic fractals made of self-similar cells joined by networks of energy and information’, this ORGANIC GRAND DESIGN OF REALITY, which we complex theorists have developed both logically and mathematically departing from the Law of Conservation of Energy and Information, explains both, the Universe, the nature of the Absolute God – the bio-logic, organic laws of that Universe – and the nature of the Human God, the subconscious collective mind of Mankind=History, which is the ‘collective brain’ of the super-organism of Gaia, our body.
Then we have a simple definition/template, the great design, which shows all what exists is indeed a fractal organism, self-similar to the whole Universe:
A super-organism is a system of self-similar cells joined by networks of energy and information.
Then you can substitute for each species of the Universe, the type of cell and the networks of energy and information and obtain a specific superorganism.
For example the Universe would be a ‘superorganism of galaxies joined by networks of dark energy and gravitational information’
Since gravitation attracts, forms, in/forms galaxies.
A galaxy would be a ‘superorganism of stars, joined by networks of electromagnetic energy and gravitational information’.
A human being would be a ‘superorganism of DNA-cells, joined by networks of nervous information and blood energy’
And a human god would be a ‘superorganism of human cells, joined by verbal networks of information and economical networks of energy’
Simple, isn’t? We don’t need indeed M-Theory and the God-like Mind of Mr. Hawking, to understand it all.
We just need to be humble and marvel to the beauty of the fractal, self-repetitive, organic Universe, we have discovered with the wisdom of old religions and the knowledge of modern science. Pity, all that will go to waste when CERN tries to evaporate black holes, to give Mr. Hawking, a second chance.
Time and information; energy and space are synonimous.
In the graph, energy (space in motion) and information (cyclical clocks of time, with a frequency that shape forms), are the two elements of the Universe. The universe is not made of ‘strings’ or ’11-dimensional spaces’ or probabilities or any other of the mathematical musings of quantum physicists, but of the 2 elements that all philosophies have always understood as the perennial substances of reality, motion and form. Each science and language have called them with different names. Now in complexity theory we can define them in relationship with the 2 fundamental elements of physics: lineal accelerations or ‘forces’ and cyclical accelerations or ‘charges and masses’ which shape the 2 primary scales of reality that physicists study, gravitational space (masses and gravitational and strong forces) and quantum space (charges and electroweak forces).
Yet beyond those details, what matters is to understand the 2 r=evolutions that complexity theory has brought to our understanding of physical spaces: masses and charges are also motions, so the Universe is an eternal, spiritual game of motions that trans/form into each other, E=Mc2, ad eternal. We, humans perceived fixed forms, as Galileo proved with the paradox of the Earth (e pur si muove, e pur no muove). But all is moving.
It is the paradox of Galileo, which physicists except Einstein, never fully understood. The important question was not to say that ‘the Earth was moving’, but why we see it still. The answer is that we perceive ‘information’ as a static mapping of the Universe. yet all moves, including quantum particles which are ‘vibrations of space-energy, evolved into cyclical forms’.
Further on, Galileo and all the physicists after him, by using ‘lineal time’, that is by plotting the cycles of time into a long cartesian, ‘abstract’ graph, lost 2 fundamental properties of time cycles: its height. So we see always height in information (this screen, antennas, books when we read); and the fact that a cycle closes and breaks space into an inner and outer form. So there are infinite fractal space-times, one for each species or entity of the Universe. In that sense fractal spaces are ‘vital spaces’, vital energy with motion. And fractal clocks of times, are cyclical forms.
Finally each arrow of time has a different speed of change, but the most important, the arrow of evolution of information increases the ‘height’ of beings. So the flat galaxy acquires height in its center as the black holes evolve its information. And life evolved from the planarian worm into the height of man, with its brain of information on top. Those 2 species are the summit of pure spatial nature and pure information. So the black hole rules the extended space of the galaxy and man rules with his mind the most complex forms of life. Now, Physicists who ignore and despise life will confront those 2 species at CERN creating black holes…
Energetic Space and Informative time are opposite in form and function but they easily transform into each other, in balanced, iterative=reproductive yin-yang processes. They are two forms in motion, since time is change and change has motion, fast motion studied by physics and evolution, slow motion, studied by Biology. All moves, all has form. All has yin and yang. The simplest motions are charges and masses, cyclical motions, whose frequency of form stores the information of the Universe, E x T = K; E=mc2, M=k/T= k v (frequency of information). Mass is NOT the higgs hoax, but as Einstein understood an accelerated motion (a vortex of motion); that we duality theorists have resolved. So beautiful so simple, a Universe of two eternal motions, cycles of form, masses and charges, and lineal forces, which evolve through arrows of reproduction and eusocial love in all the other beings of the Universe. And yet, all of them, all its parts, when ‘reborn again’, emerging into a more complex scale of reality adopt again the two formal motions. So particles grow into atoms and molecules and organisms where also the heads of information have cyclical form and the bodies are lineal in energy.
Because all is motion but there are only two forms of motion, cyclical motion (masses and charges) and lineal motion, the Universe in any of its scales is made of cyclical forms and lineal, energetic ones. Thus, strings which are by definition of two types, open lines and cyclical, closed loops respond merely to that duality of forms in the Universe. Reason why they are useful to describe the smallest planes of reality.
But they require a lot of ‘error’s corrections’. To start with, they don’t have substance, they are ‘motions’ in a Universe in eternal motion. Then, they are not background dependent. And this needs an enormous number of corrections in their equations. Third they are not the grand design, only useful to explain the inner workings of certain elementary forces. And fourth, they don’t have 11 dimensions, because the smaller we get into the Universe the less dimensions forms have since dimensions by definition occupy space. I worked out some of those corrections a decade ago after refounding Non-Euclidean Geometry, but I didn’t pursuit that path as it is largely irrelevant for the ‘Grand Design’ and requires a lot of computing power and I believe in the mind of man not in the mind of the machine, and certainly if the reader has followed me till here, he will realize there are many more interesting fields to explore of that ‘Grand Design’, in which we are all ultimately made of ‘fractal space’ (networks of lineal forces that form planes) and ‘fractal time’ (cycles of form, of information that carry in their frequency of rotation both the ‘clock-time speed’ of a certain physical or biological system, and its information). And both then become complementary and form a particle/force system or a head/body system. Look at the graph, even machines of information are cyclical and machines of energy (weapons) that move faster are lineal.
All this requires of course a lot of logical, philosophical understanding, of artistic sense. Already Leonardo said that God was a painter of form, I would add in 4 dimensions, not in 11….
So what you see in reality is always a game of those 2 substances of which we are all made, energy, vital space and temporal, cyclical clocks of information. That is so simple and so beautiful… that as Wheeler one said, ‘once we find it, we will recognize it and wonder how couldn’t be otherwise’. Pity that we, complexity theorists don’t have big budgets, don’t play the celebrity circus, don’t worship machines and so our present mechanist civilization largely ignore us, at their own peril…
All is indeed made of those masses and charges, cycles of information, and those lines, fields of energy, which evolve in scales of self-similar form till reaching the most complex being of information of the Universe, the mind of man. Those are the thoughts of God. We, all of us, all things, all beings, are the details.
Temporal in-form-ation, like its name says, is a measure of inner form, which we perceive when there are discontinuities in a certain bidimensional surface – a clock, a page, a computer screen – either because the static form is broken into informative patterns (–) or its movement makes a sudden peak (>), bouncing in an action-reaction cycle. Yet those 2 trans- form-ations of space into form, of lineal, energetic movement, into a cyclical one, are mathematically equivalent to the creation of a fractal geometry of space-time. Thus we define information as a ‘fractal dimension with form’, generated by the repetition or quantization of a given ‘generator equation’ or ‘mother-cell’. The Universe and its fractal species are constantly generating informative dimensions or erasing them into extended space, with lesser form. Imagine a hand, in mythic terms the hand of God, wrinkling and ironing a paper, the ultimate energy of vacuum space. It is a good image of what happens to the Universe that departed from a sheet of pure energy and will be crunched to explode again into a big bang.
Each of us goes through the same process in the life-death cycle as we wrinkle our young energy into form to explode back at death. Such is the geometric nature of existence in time- space that Einstein rediscovered. The interaction of the arrow of expansive, lineal energy, described by Thermodynamics and the arrow of cyclical information, described by fractal Geometry defines the Generator cycle of the Universe. And the sum of multiple ΣS/TI cycles creates its fundamental Particles: an Organic system of space-time, an entity of Nature, which is guided by 2 arrows of existence, constantly absorbing energy from its environment, creating form, destroying form in processes of death, expanding and imploding. Look around yourself, observe the cycles of existence, legs opening and closing as you move, eyes winking, mouths eating and closing on the energy they will re=form, the beats of the heart, the wings of the bird; night and day; stars of energy (white holes) and black holes of information; big-bangs and big-crunches; the will of the Tao, Chang, the function of existence; bodies and minds; hardware and software; 0 and |; males and females:
Informative time, TI Vs Energetic Space, ΣS
Form: Time, Function:Information Vs Form: Space, Function: energy
Small, still Vs Large, moving fast
Tall, Perpendicular, Hierarchical Vs Long, Parallel, Democratic
Height, Repetition, Bidimensional Vs Bidimensional, Length, Width-Growth
Cyclical, Rotational, imploding Vs Lineal, uncoiling, exploding
Informative Frequency Vs Lineal Speed
Singular, Broken form Vs Continuous, amorphous, differentiable
Intelligent, perceptive, feminine Vs Strong, fast, masculine.
Social, organic, creative behaviour Vs Darwinian, destructive behaviour.
Future, evolved predator Vs Past, energetic victim
Life arrow Vs Death arrow.
Waves of space Vs Particles of Time
Female, yin principle Vs. Male, yang principle
Masses, charges Vs. Forces, fields
Heads Vs. Bodies.
But there is more much more to the great design and to fully grasp it, we need to go a step further and switch from the language of words in which Philosophy, Religions and Biology are written, to which we will return, latter to explain the parables of Religions and his extraordinary insights in the complex arrows of reproduction and love, back into the languages of pure science, the geometric language of space and the logic language of time, the language of causality between past and future that Hawking denies, when it is in fact the most important language of the Universe.
Since those 2 languages are also being evolved by Complexity theorists, NOT by physicists, as the first step to achieve a more accurate description of reality and all its self-similar parts and scales, each one studied by a different science. Indeed, if man is made to the image and likeness of God, the Mind of Information of the Universe, it follows that our minds are still the most complex ‘form’ of the Universe, not a machine like CERN. So it is in the evolution of the languages of the mind, where we will find the keys to the ‘detailed’ analysis of the cosmos, which the verbal language and the metaphors of religions describe in its ‘general thoughts’.
Let us then have a brief glimpse to the other ‘language of the mind’ in which reality is written, the language of logic time and how Complexity and Duality illuminates also the most important question humans have ever wonder: why we live and die.
3. The evolution of human languages:
The logic design: causality from past to future: the 4 arrows of time.
In the Universe there are infinite times=changes, one for each ‘species’ that undergoes a change process, the meaning of the word ‘time’. Those types of changes are the so-called arrows of time, which all beings of the Universe follow in their life and death cycles. The main of those arrows is the arrow of ‘relative future’ or life aging that creates information. We are made of ‘yang’, vital energy, which time curves into ‘information’, yin, back and forth in the cycles of life (growth of form, or aging) and death (loss of it). Yet the simplification of all those arrows and cycles of time into a single clock-cycle blurred the understanding of biological time and life-death cycles. Clocks became ever since the ‘seers of time’ of our culture. And organicism faded away, while a simpler, mechanist philosophy of reality imposed its idolatry to clocks, today evolved into computers that render the verbal mind of man obsolete.
‘I know what is time, if I only could explain it’, said Saint Augustine, with humble thoughts. He also called ‘God’, the mind of the Universe the ‘seer of time’ -and he was right. The Logic time is indeed the ultimate truth of reality, a logic he affirmed would be ‘more complex than the logic of man’, as it is indeed. Since physicists only use an arrow of future to try to emulate the design of the Universe and Time has 4 ‘organic arrows’ dimensions, that paint reality as it is. Since God indeed is as Leonardo put it ‘a painter of vital forms’, we might ad a ‘painter of 4 dimensions’, of 4 strokes.
And the description of those 4 dimensions or arrows of time, is the realm of logic. Let us explain ourselves…
Already Descartes said that the language of God was logic, not mathematics. This was further proved by Frege and Godel, who extracted mathematical description of space from the logic of time. And then it was forgotten by physicists who no longer understand the logic of time.
What we mean then by the logic of time? The causes that make reality move from past to future. For physicists there is only a cause, the expansive entropy that expands reality into space. Nothing else matters. This is called monism or reductionism. And its history shows indeed, how reduced is that vision of the causes of the future. It was originated in the study of ‘heat’ and ‘gas expansion’, a phenomenon reduced to exactly that ‘heat’ and ‘gas expansion’. Entropy laws then somehow became accepted as the laws of all systems of physics, even if we knew gravitation didn’t expand the Universe but attracted, formed, in/form/ed things.
As bizarre as it sounds this ‘expansion’ of a local phenomenon to a Universal law is very common in science and physics. It is called the ‘single cause error’, for those who know latin ‘the ceteris paribus cause’. Of course, the logic causality of the Universe is much more complex than a single, energetic, expansive, shiva-like arrow of the Universe. Of lately, physicists start to concede (but not Hawking) the existence of a second arrow, information, which they call ‘negantropy’, as if it were something absurd. In complexity theory however, we understand information, and we have mathematized it with fractals.
Information is the ‘form’ of reality, and it is the second arrow of the Universe. All species, all beings, have a ‘field/body of energy’ and a ‘head/particle of information’. All beings gauge information and move through energy. All beings move and have form. This, philosophers know, Physicists ignore. Because form, information is the painting and physicists care for the paint. So the Universe has a dual logic, a more complex logic that the ‘continuous’ expansive arrow of entropy. It has 2 arrows, energy and form. But if you have two you always have 3, e and I, gives you also e x I, and this 3rd arrow that mixes energy and form is the most beautiful of all, it is the arrow of reproduction. And then, inf you have many reproductions, many exi that come together, you have a 4 arrow, societies, herds, organisms, and so we come to Complexity – the painter of the Universe paints reality with 4 arrows of future, energy, information, reproduction and social evolution. And because there are 4 arrows all beings of the Universe do the same cosmic dance, follow the same grand design, they feed, gauge information, reproduce or are reproduced by others, as machines are by humans, carbohydrates by enzymes; and finally all systems ‘transcend’, evolve socially, grow in scales, emerge into new planes of existence. And that the 4th mystical arrow will latter help us to define the meaning of God…
This was understood by the ancients in the Eastern tradition. Of course, the 2 simplest arrows, energy and form, body and mind were known even to the most primitive cultures. But the two complex combinations soon came into religion. In India, they worshipped linga, the arrow of reproduction. It was the favorite arrow worshipped in the Eastern tradition. Taoism also favored the study of the tao-te-king, the rules that allowed yin and yang, energy and information to combine. In Genesis we hear ‘grow and multiply’.
Yet in the west they went a step further and worshipped the mystique arrow of social evolution, the arrow of love: ‘love each other as I have loved you’.
Crystal clear, ‘the word became man and inhabited among us’ and told us the most complex arrow of futures. We had to evolve socially into the super-organisms of history, the Gods of Man.
But then it came Galileo which measured time with clocks and Kepler with no so humble thoughts affirmed that God, which Saint Augustine had called the ‘seer of time’, had waited 5000 (biblical) years to find an intelligence like his to enjoy his clockwork. And so from the respect and depth of understanding of earlier verbal philosophers of time cycles, who peered into the mystery of its 3 dimensions, past, the age of energy, present, the age of reproduction and future, the age of information and understood even the trascendental arrow of eusocial love, we moved into the work of clock-makers, Galileo, Keple, Boltzmann then Einstein who told us that ‘time is what a clock measures’ and the only arrow of future is ‘what a clock measures’, motion in space, energy, V=s/t. And when he was asked if he might be wrong, he answered back, then ‘God should change the Universe and adapt it to my theory’. And that’s it.
All those people like Hawking never read philosophy. They had machines and that was it. The new machine-God. When I was young i travelled through Indonesia. I found a temple full of carillons. They were the Gods of the Dutch told me the buddhist priest. In the colonial wars we captured them. Since the dutch were always looking at those clocks to set their cycles of life. Indeed, God is the seer of time, the logic that creates the future, with 4 arrows, but no longer a painter, only the canvas, the clock.
Because, after all how can you argue with people who think they deserve to correct God because his intelligence is self-similar to His? And needless to say miles ahead of all those of us, mere mortals who do not make clocks?
Yes indeed, humans have surpassed all species of the Universe including God, its impersonal mind, in one thing, sheer arrogance, ego and sense of self-importance, despite being just a self-similar, minuscule fractal part of it all, which will be repeated and repeat the same discoveries that infinite self-similar fractal parts in the eternal past, present and future of time.
May I then differ slightly on the definition of time as what a clock measures, and return to the wisdom of those earlier verbal philosophers, stating simply that time is the perception of change, all type of changes in the Universe, which can be perceived/measured/gauged with any sense or language of information, words, numbers, clocks, computers, eyes, sounds and waves?
It matters in that sense not only to acquire information about times=changes, but also to use a language that we humans naturally understand, and that language is words with their past, present and future verbs. And so we have in fact two theories about time=change, the theory of biologists, which is verbal, called Evolution Theory and the theory about time=change of physicists, which is mathematical.
And this is ok, because those two languages are better suited to describe the specific times=changes that both sciences study. Biologists study the change in the morphology of beings, and the life/death cycles of those beings, and for that they need indeed to use the concepts of past, present and future, and understand the form, the in/form/ation of beings. While physicists study the change in the motion of beings in space, and for that they need to measure the changes of their speeds, which is better measured with clocks and described with a simple formula that relates all those terms, v=s/t.
But we need to study both sciences of time together, harmonize both theories and upgrade them to the higher understanding of the fractal paradigm to truly explain what time is and satisfy Augustine.
It is a fact of history that humans first discover machines and then invent theories of reality that adapt to them and become dogma. But they never recognize the influence of those machines and the bias they introduce in their perception of the Universe. Of all the ideologies of our mechanist world none is stronger than the ideology of the time-clock, which appeared with the invention of mechanical clocks and has fogged, ever since, our comprehension of the Universe. The idea brought about by the discovery of the clock is that time, the perception of change in the Universe, can only be understood with ‘mechanical clocks’; and so, as Time is only ‘one’, because those first scientists used only one ‘clock-rhythm’ to measure it. This absurd belief in a single time for all the Universe dates back to the use of clocks by Galileo and Descartes and subsists, even a century after Einstein proved that different regions of the Universe have different rhythms of time=change. We didn’t need, however, to wait 400 years to the arrival of General Relativity to understand the obvious – that each species and organism of the Universe has its own biological rhythms of time, of life and death, of creation and extinction, of information and energy.
All theories of science about time depart from the first scientist of History, discoverer of the experimental method, Aristotle, who also defined the blueprint of a Time Theory that still stands as the origin of all other scientific philosophies of time. Aristotle defined time as change and so he affirmed that a theory of time should be a theory of change. Then he proposed, as Eastern philosophers did, 2 arrows, wills or substances in the Universe, information and energy, responsible for the 2 types of ‘times’=changes science studies. His wording, though, was somehow more complex. He called the arrow of temporal information, morphological, informative change, which happens in the processes of aging, death and evolution. And he called the arrow of temporal energy, translational change or change in movement and energy, which happens mainly in the physical realm. Thus, he divided the study of times in 2 different sciences, Biology, the science of form, of in-form-ation and Physics, the science of energy and matter. In the modern age, those 2 types of times-changes would be studied by Darwin in Biology and Galileo and Einstein in Physics. They added a new language, mathematics, to calculate with more precision those times= changes; and a new type of device, a machine, called the clock that would measure the rhythm of those times = changes.
The myth that time is what a clock measures. Time has 4 arrows: energy, information and its complex combinations: e x i = reproduction and Social evolution.
However, physicists were only able to mathematize one of both arrows: energy, expansive movement in space, which they called ‘entropy’. Because physicists ignore all what they cannot mathematize, this lead them to ignore the 2nd arrow of time, in-form-ation. Further on, they studied all types of changes with a single rhythm of change; that of a mechanical clock. Thus, soon a ‘mechanical bias’ was introduced in physical time studies: all the times=changes of the Universe became equalized with one specific ‘time’, the time of the clock. Soon the existence of multiple times=changes was forgotten and the concept of a single artificial time=change in the universe – that of the clock – became standard. So Times were reduced to ‘Time’ and an absurd idea was born: there is only a single time in the Universe; that of the clock; and a single arrow of future time – energy and movement, mathematized as entropy. This is what philosophers of science, which are not constrained by the ‘straightjacket’ of clocks, the single language of mathematics and the worldly profession of making weapons, have for very long denounced as an aberration of physics, called reductionism, or ‘lineal clock-time’. But science is technology and technology is power. So hand in hand with the development of ‘lineal time’, physicists evolved ‘lineal weapons’ that release energy and kill the information of life. Since life was now secondary, this ‘collateral effect’ of modeling a dying Universe built only with energy, was no longer a moral question. The Industrial revolution and the expansion of the white man’s empires, based in the energy of steam machines, consecrated those ideas. Entropy, defined in terms of heat and steam, became the glorifying principle of reality; while life and information, the weak element, could be ignored, because physicists had killed ‘theoretically’ the Universe. Philosophers again talked of the ‘spatialization’ of time, which was now dependant of energy and movement. In mathematical terms, it all comes to Galileo’s a formula to measure the changes=times of motion, through the use of mechanical clocks, in which time appeared only as a dimension of speed and space: V=s/t, t=v/s. So the second arrow of future, the evolution of information, the arrow of life and its cycles, was forgotten. And when Einstein improved on that formula, adding a –ct factor (related to the speed of light), the absurd concept that time is ‘only’ the 4th dimension of (motion in) space, became dogma. And so today, physicists consider that Darwin was irrelevant to time theory; that Aristotle was irrelevant to time theory; that Time doesn’t happen in History; that the cycle of life and death is irrelevant.
This of course is false. In fact, it would be Einstein, the first person to mathematize properly the arrow of biological time, described by Aristotle and Darwin, when he discovered a formula e x t = K, which states that the product of energy and time frequency (synonymous of in-form-ation), of any system is constant. What that equation meant was however not fully understood till we, Complexity scientists, refounded the science of Duality, with models of the Universe that use, unlike physics which works only with the arrow of energy/entropy, both arrows of time, information and energy… What Duality found is that by using both arrows together, most of the questions not responded by physics and biology alone could be solved. The more important of those questions was the life and death cycle, which Einstein’s equation explained perfectly. And we shall now consider here, as I have applied it extensively to different sciences, including the understanding of history and the ages of its civilizations.
So we need to return to a more sophisticated theory of ‘times’, which fusions the work of Einstein’s Relativity and Darwin’s Evolution, the modern fathers of time theory in Physics and Biology. And the key to such advance in time theory is precisely to go beyond the mechanist concept of ‘time is what a clock measures’ and return to the pre-clock, verbal, biological understanding of time, as the ‘modes of changes’ of the energy and information of the Universe – the 2 elements of reality. Since time is the perception of those modes of change in the Universe, which can be observed with any type of ‘informative and energetic devices’ not only with clocks.
Times, as they were always understood before we narrowed the concept to the rhythms of the clock, are the different processes of change of the energy or ‘yang’ and information or ‘yin’ we observe in the Universe. And we can classify all those processes with the 2 x 2 arrows of time-change, as mere increases or decreases of energy or information, or as complex combinations of both:
— There are simple processes in time that increase or decrease the energy or entropy of the system, creating the arrow of entropy, the only one ‘monist’, ‘mechanist’ science recognizes, since it is the only arrow their mechanic clocks can measure, as their spiral mechanism uncoils its form into energy. It is also the arrow of death, as death is a simplification of the information of life, which energy destroys.
There are simple processes in time that increase or decrease the information of the system, such as aging, or evolution and so they create the arrow of information or negantropy (opposed to entropy), of the Universe, which is the ‘arrow of future’, as we all age with time and so we acquire more form, ‘more in-form-ation’. Or in words of Einstein: ‘Time curves, forms space’. This obviously means that energy simplifies information and it is therefore the arrow of relative ‘past’ of all beings, to which they return when they are devolved in the process of death. And so these 2 simple processes are related: species that diminish in energy normally are increasing their information and vice versa, species that decrease information increase energy.
— There are complex processes that repeat or reproduce a system, making reality to seem eternal. It is the arrow of ‘relative present’, or reproduction which repeats and combines energy and information in other place of space-time.
— And finally, there are complex processes that evolve socially individual cells into super-organisms by attaching them to complex networks of energy, which are ‘blood or economical system’ in the organisms of man and history and networks of information, networks of which are ‘nervous or financial/legal systems’ in the organisms of man and history. Networks of energy and information, normally made of a different ‘kind of cells’, evolve individuals into social structures, that create most of the complex forms we see around us, from cells to societies. It is the arrow of social evolution and love, explained by classic religions, which in System sciences we call the arrow of ‘Emergence’, as it makes emerge from individual parts, the whole: full-grown organisms. So it creates galaxies with stars, molecules with atoms, cells with molecules and societies with human beings.
For those who do not have the imagination and poetic sense required to understand those 4 arrows of time/mandates of existence, expressed both in religions and organic sciences, either because they are literalists (religious fundamentalists that will tell you that the Universe was indeed created in 7 days and the Apple of the Tree of Science was indeed an apple), or pythagorics (who think only mathematical equations describe the Universe) we need to make some clarifications.
- The religious literalist must understand that the messages of God, the Wor(l)d that inhabits among us, through the verb of its prophets, are translations of the biological, natural code of all species. So the details of that code merely reflect the need to translate to each culture the message, which essentially is: ‘follow the biological drives of existence of all organisms, including man: ‘Grow=feed on energy and information and multiply=reproduce’ and ‘Evolve socially:love each other as I have loved you’. This is how the Universe self-explains within the part called mankind, the 4 arrows/dimensions of the Grand Design.
If we were a particle, those 4 ‘commandments’ will be written with 4 quantic numbers that express the fact that particles feed on energy, gauge information, reproduce its cycles of form and evolve socially in herds and quantum organisms called atoms.
- The mathematical pythagorist should then understand that mathematics, beings as it is one of the most extended languages of ‘God’, the mind of the Universe, is not the ultimate language, but merely the description of how this grand design creates form in space.
We are all ‘atmans’, souls of energy and information (Buddhist jargon), ‘monads that aperceive reality’ (Leibniz jargon), quantum knots that feed on forces of energy and gauge information reproducing/splitting into new particles (modern physics) and so on. We, all the true prophets/masters of knowledge who have seen that perennial philosophy (Huxley) know that, feel it in the communion with all things made to the image and likeness of the organic whole. Only the literalists and pythagorist miss it.
God created the Universe: the grand design, explained by the wor(l)d
In the graph, in complexity sciences, the Universe is no longer a mechanism but a fractal organism, and each of its self-similar parts are also super-organisms. What religions do is to study two kinds of those super-organisms: the Universal super-organism, whose Laws of Science are its ‘Mind’ or God.
This super-organism was studied by Eastern Religions, which can be considered a pre-science written with words, not with mathematics. For example, the fundamental Law of Modern science, the principle of Conservation of Energy and Information, ‘Energy never dies but trans/forms itself into different types of in/form/ation’ was already expressed by Taoism, in its key sentence (Tao Te King): All is energy=Yang that transforms into information=yin, giving birth to the 10.000 beings’. Taoism and Buddhism are thus ‘verbal sciences’ that advanced many of the findings of complexity and system science two millennia ago, describing an organic Universe, made of fractal parts self-similar to the whole. Since as the Upanishads say ‘the languages of God are infinite’. The pretension that the great design can only be expressed and understood with mathematics, hold by physicists like Hawking, is similar to the pretension of vatican popes that the word of God could only be told in Latin and understood by their priests – it belongs to the realm of ego-trips and power-trips. Yet a theory of everything must be able to understand indeed, everything that exists, including languages, all science and all laws and phenomena including religion. And this is precisely with complexity has achieved by evolving our understanding of the languages of the human mind, as we shall show in this post. This concept renews and validates again the science of philosophy, expressed in verbal terms, the understanding of time=change by Biologists, also expressed in verbal terms, through the Theory of Evolution, and the meaning of religions as a parable that translates many of those organic laws in terms people could understand. Since the great design is precisely, the arrow of ‘love’, of social evolution, that brings together cells of the same species, in increasing scales of creative complexity. So particles become atoms that become molecules that become cells that become organisms that become superorganisms of history – human gods, whose ‘cells’ are the believers, as christian mystiques explained when they said, ‘we are cells of the body of christ, temple of the spirit’.
And so the mandate of eusocial love of all true religions merely expresses the need to share energy and information among human beings, in order to create those super-organisms of history. Since Evolution tells us that individuals don’t matter; it is the species that evolves. Now Complexity understands why and how those processes of evolution that make cells ‘emerge’ into new wholes happen. And this can be applied also to the understanding of religions. Since they are the super-organisms of History, made of human ‘cells’, which have the same ‘memetic Codes’ of Revelation, the same information, in each believers minds – in the same manner organisms are made of biological cells with the same genetic Codes, the same DNA. Yet the information of cells is written with molecules, the information of human super-organisms is written with words of love that create the Gods of History, as Saint John did explain: ‘and the wor(l)d=God, became man and inhabited among us’.
In the graph, we see on top, the Gods of Eastern religions – the mind/laws of the organic, fractal Universe – which were first explained with words by philosophers and religions (the logic and mystique method), then with mathematics by scientists (the scientific method), and now as this post will show with all the self-similar languages, mirrors of the same organic Universe (the linguistic method of Complex sciences.) This is the Absolute God, whose laws are obeyed by all the super-organisms of History. So this laws did create the Universe. On the other hand, we human cells do created gods, written with smaller letters, the collective subconscious of the organisms of history, sustained by those believers. Those human gods (bottom right of the graph), which are part of the Total god of man, the collective mind of our species, brain of the organic planet Gaia, have evolved also in increasing phases of higher social evolution, from an age of Tribal religions, in which a small group of human beings, thought of themselves as the only ‘Chosen of God’, into religions which accepted all human beings as equal (Christianity, Buddhism and Islam), and finally into a scientific age of understanding of the laws of eusocial love and our role as the mind of gaia, which we must preserve (socialism, UN legal codes, enviromental movements and now the sciences of bio-history and bio-economics, part of the growing body of Complexity sciences). Thus complexity sciences aim is indeed to explain it all, a true Theory of Everything, which encompasses all languages and all sciences, unlike Physicists who pretend to know it all by ‘reducing’ and disregarding everything they don’t explain. Hence for Mr. Hawking religion and philosophy are dead. He also said in his biography that he didn’t study biology like his father, because ‘intelligent people’ studied physics. Yet physics only studies the simplest scales of that growing complex Universe of infinite self-similar parts – those with higher energy, most extended in space, but with minimal information. Since one of the key laws of complexity is precisely the inverse properties of ‘spatial energy’ and ‘temporal information’, the dominant, creative arrow of the Universe that physicists except Einstein, have ignored. Since as time passes ‘time evolves forms, the information of living beings’ (Darwin), or in physical terms, ‘Time curves space into masses’ (Einstein). We shall also show here that masses are indeed the carriers of most of the physical information of the Universe.
We could summon all this in the sentences that gives title to this post: ‘we created human gods, to the image and likeness of the organic, biological laws of the God, the creator of the Universe’.
It is now, paraphrasing Einstein, once the ‘thoughts of God’ are known, when we can study the details, each and all of its fractal, organic parts or super-organisms, including the super-organisms of God, nations and religions.
To that aim, it is needed to do something physicists often forget to do - to define in logic terms the words we use, like wave, particle, time, space. In this case we are concerned with the definition of the word God, which is a verbal term that must be understood in the context of History of Religions. Or else, questions like ‘God created the Universe’ make no sense at all.
So using our template, ‘the grand design’, we can easily define God and the Universe:
‘The Universe is a organic fractal of energy and information’
‘In Eastern religions, God is the Mind of the Universe, the organic laws of energy and information that generate all its self-similar fractal parts, physical species made of fields of energy and particles of information; and living species, made of bodies of energy and heads of information’.
So we can now define also the Gods of History:
‘In Western Religions, God is the collective human mind of a super-organism of History, the collective subconscious advanced by Philosophers of Religion like Jung or Campbell, either the subconscious collective of a tribal super-organism. So Yvwh is the subconscious collective of the Jewish People and the Book of Yvwh, the Bible, the book of History of the Jewish people; while ‘America’ is the subconscious collective of the people of America. While in more evolved religions, which accept all people, not only those belonging to a nation or tribe, ‘Sons=Cells of God’, God is the subconscious collective of all Mankind (Christianity, Islam, Socialist doctrines).
Again, the self-similarity with organic systems is clear. In an organic system, each cell carries a DNA/informative code, which is exclusive to the organism. It doesn’t matter the content of the code as long as all cells follow that code, and so they act together as a single organism, sharing energy and information among them.
The same happens in a religion: the minds of all their human cells share the same Book of Revelation, the memetic code that creates the Religious Superorganism. It doesn’t matter the details of the content of the Koran or the Gospel or the Talmud – what matters is that all the cells have the same mental DNA, which makes them love each other, sharing energy and information among the believers, which create in this manner a stronger Organism that the individual.
The same happens in nations, which share the same informative language and legal codes, becoming a super-organism of History.
The difference between a religion and a nation is thus subtle. In the past, the word nation did not exist, so people used the word God. Yvwh was the God of the Jewish people and his book of history was therefore a book of God. Yvwh was fighting Assur, the God of the Assyrian people, whose capital was also called Assur, and whose king was called ‘son of God’, Assurbanipal. Then the Romans invented the word nation and Rome no longer was a God…
But there is a second, far more fascinating difference between a nation, where the ‘energy and information’ networks are mediated by machines (so we have veins-like roads full of machines and networks of audiovisual information, and both together create Economic superorganisms). The question which I have argued in the past decade with philosophers of all religions (those people who according to Mr. Hawking should be all dead) is this: in the same manner the networks of Internet information and the roads, pipes and electric cables of economic nations form a ‘real’, self-evident superorganism called a nation, do the subconscious collective of human beings create in other fractal plane of Existence, an emergent God, a super-organism of History, knot of all the cellular minds that sustain it? Do those superorganisms/Gods of History exist, as your organism exists independent of its cells? And we will return to that, once we have understood the fractal structure of space-time and the existence of multiple scales of reality, some of which we perceive, some of which like dark matter, gravitation and the mystique space, we don’t.
What matters in any case at this point is to understand the duality and difference between Universal Eastern religions and gods that deal with the Universal super-organism and anthropomorphic religions and Gods, which study the superorganisms of history, explained by the most advanced science of the XXI C. which is not Quantum Physics, but Complexity, and the study of the Universe with the two arrows of time.
Of the enormous number of details I have discovered with those arrows, we shall now consider the most important of those cycles to man, the cycles of life and death, and the cycles of evolution the ‘whys’ of the Universe that created in the human mind, not in the machines and equations of monist physicists, a summit of ‘exi=stence’, man the most complex being of information known in the Universe.
5. How the 4 arrows of time define the cycles of life and death: the 3 ages of all organic, temporal species.
Let us now go a step further in our understanding of the organic structure of the Universe. To that aim, we shall consider how those fundamental arrows of time, much more sophisticated that the mere use of an arrow of entropy or motion – the simplest of those 4 arrows – can be described mathematically thanks to Einstein’s discovery that the product of energy and temporal information of any system, ext=k, is constant.
Since that equation includes the 3 essential arrows of the Universe, not only one arrow as a clock does:
The arrow of spatial, expansive energy, e; the arrow of cyclical clocks that store temporal information, Ti; and the product of them, k, or arrow of reproduction.
It is also obvious that mathematically we can express the previous equation in 3 forms:
Max. E x Min. Ti = K (energetic youth) ; E=K=Ti (classic, reproductive Maturity) and Min. E x Max. Ti=K (3rd age of information).
Thus there are 3 possible stages or ages of evolution of the equation of biological time. And since we are all made of ‘energy’ and ‘temporal information’, those 3 stages must be the stages, or phases of any system of the Universe. This finding, which is perhaps the most important discovery of Theory of Time of the XXI century, is validated by all kind of empirical observations. For example, the 3 states of matter correspond to those 3 equations. Gas (maximal energy), liquid (balanced energy and information) and solid (Maximal information. They are also the 3 possible solutions of a cosmological system: the big bang of maximal energy, a steady state of balance and a big crunch of maximal information. In the graph, we show further examples of those equations.
Here we are interested in its application to the understanding of life and history. If we call the age of maximal energy, youth, the age of balance between energy and information, the reproductive, mature age, and the age of maximal information the old age, we have a simple description of the fundamental cycle of life and death through its 3 ages.
But we can also write those dynamic processes backwards. And so we have the inverse equation of life ages, the equation of death, when after accumulating maximal information, a species reverses its arrow of information and explodes that information into energy. It is the process or equation of death.
So life is an arrow of information, E-> I, and death its inversion, I-> E. So simple, so beautiful, so misunderstood by mechanist scientists, who think the previous equation is ‘uncertain’, because the observer can perceive a particle in any of those 3 states (Uncertainty principle of quantum physics). When I explain the equation of life and death in scientific congresses, all people marvel except dogmatic physicists, with their religions of the machine. Now they are building, based in a misinterpretation of that equation, black holes on Earth (Mr. Hawking and CERN), thinking that the equation of life and death is ‘uncertain’. And the reversion of that equation – the process of death of a particle that becomes its antiparticle and explodes in a big bang of energy – is a system to travel back in time. But what they will get if they succeed making black holes will be an explosion as nothing ever seen on the Earth…
The reason why death exists in a perfect, immortal Universe is obvious: if species only evolved socially towards more information, they would end into a ‘big crunch’. So the Universe and all its parts should have, long ago, reached a point of social evolution and maximal density, with no return. To avoid this, the ‘game of life and death’ exists, whereas death is the opposite arrow to Social evolution, as it dissolves the networks that put together individual cells, breaking the super-organism back into its parts. But we are now concerned with the arrow of life.
The ±1 social arrow has, in fact, 2 directions:
The positive, +1, social arrow of cellular evolution creates life and makes a being emerge at birth.
The -1, negative arrow of cellular dissolution kills life and dissolves a being into its cells and atoms. Thus, it is the key arrow of the life/death cycles that clock-time misses. Hence the enormous simplification of those 4 time-arrows, brought about by clocks, which in Physics, since Galileo, only measure the first and most simple of those arrows, the energy of motion.
The result of adding both – the life and the death processes – in any system or scale of reality is a ‘zero-sum’ of information+entropy that cyclically returns reality to its initial form, in a dynamic, multiple steady state balance that affects any entity of reality. The study of that process of creation and dissolution of complex structures, however, cannot be made with translational time, (v=S/T), the realm of physics, but it needs to understand biological, morphological time – the life/death cycle and its 3±1 ages. Those ages explain precisely what physicists, stuck in the study of time as movement in space, will never understand: the meaning of the life and death cycle that creates and extinguishes humans, societies (super-organisms of human beings) and all kind of beings that exist in space and time. In biological time all universal species follow the same ‘morphological changes’, described by the wisdom of verbal thought as the 3±1 ages of life, each one ruled by one of the 3±1 change=time:
+1: Conception: ruled by social evolution, as a micro-organism or cell transcends into a macro-organism, organized by social networks.
1st age: Youth or Age of energy.
2nd age: Energy and Information Reproduce.
3rd age: All energy becomes information.
-1:Death: The inverse of conception when the super-organism dissolves back into cells.
In the graph we describe that law of 3±1 ages, cycles, or horizons of evolutions for the fundamental species of reality. To understand that cycle in depth, we have to recall the Law of Complementarity between energy and information: all systems are made with a body/field of energy and a head/particle of information.
Further on, since form is made with energy, all events must start with an amount of ‘simple’ energy that transforms itself into information, the only other primary direction/arrow of time to go. Then, when all energy is consumed, warped into information, death reverses its cycle. Yet in the middle of that cycle, when information and energy are in balance, to preserve the ‘bio-logic’ form created in that process, the system achieves its reproduction.
And so the ‘offspring’ of the being will carry on its information into the future. Information never disappears as it always recreates itself.
All beings, from fundamental particles, (electrons and quarks) to human beings and life species, reproduce or are reproduced by more complex systems, when they have extra-energy to imprint its in-form-ation. Since forms that do not reproduce, die away and become extinct. So even those deconstructed beings that cannot reproduce alone are reproduced by other species. For example, cells reproduce carbohydrates, galaxies reproduce stars and human reproduce machines in factories. Thus, we talk of 3±1 drives, arrows or ages of existence in all systems: the drive for body energy, the drive for information, the drive for reproduction and the drive of social d=evolution (birth and death of a macro-organism). Whereas the 3±1 ages of Organic Time are merely the order in which those 3±1 drives ‘accumulate’ during the life/death cycle of any species.
In a young first age, energy is more abundant. In the mature age of balance, the species reproduces, combining energy and information. In the third age of the species, energy is scarce but information is abundant, accumulated in the first ages.
Young people are full of energy. They are in the Energy horizon of the species. They are bigger, have little temporal knowledge. They are simple in form. While Old people are full of information. They are in the information horizon of the species. They are smaller, as all information systems are and have a lot of temporal memories. They move little and have a lot of wrinkles.
Mature people balance the two elements of the organic Universe, their content of energy-space and temporal information. So they can reproduce all their components. Hence the 2nd age is the age of reproduction. And the forms of any being in that mature age are a harmonic, an efficient combination of energy lines and informative cycles that we perceive as ‘beautiful’, the objective perception of harmony between energy and information, lines and cycles. So in all organisms the mature, realistic, classic age of balance, or reproductive age, is the most perfect age. Human beings intuitively see that. We like balanced, spiral galaxies, mature people and realist art, which is called classic art and takes place in the mature age of civilizations.
Yet, the dominant arrow of time, information, will finally exhaust energy, warp totally the organism and bring its explosive death. And the cycle will start again.
It follows that a true science of life and time will try to maintain any organism in its age of balance, without excessive information. Exactly the contrary of what our society does. Since humans accumulate scientific and technological information towards a point or ‘Singularity’ in which that information, in the form of a robot or artificial intelligence, might extinguish us.
In the graphs, we illustrate those 3±1 ages with a few universal examples, also from social sciences: we see the process in individual human beings, in art, the collective brain of a culture; in matter, where those ages are called the states of matter – energetic gas, reproductive liquid and informative solid. And finally in the Universe, where stars evolve from an age of energy into an informative age as black holes. And so do galaxies that evolve from energetic nebulae into Black Holes, which explode into quasars. Finally, if the network of galaxies we call the Universe was truly born from a first seed of matter that fed and reproduced its form in the energy of the vacuum; it will go through 3±1 self-similar ages described by the 3 solutions to Einstein’s Space-time equations. Since all in the Universe is a game of ‘3’ dimensions or ages of time: past, the age of energy, present, the reproductive age in which all systems repeat themselves to keep their ‘present form’ beyond death and a 3rd age, when all energy is exhausted, trans-form-ed into form, information.
Thus, clock-time cannot describe, as it is qualitative, morphologic, not quantitative, the cycle of death and life, from youth-energy into a 3rd age-information and back again, dissolving yourself into the Universe, natural to all beings: Energy always trans-forms itself.
So the 4 arrows of time have an absolute order defined by those life ages, which first evolve socially a seminal seed into a macro-organism of multiple cells, according to the arrow of social evolution and then trans-form the energy of youth into in-form-ation in 3±1 ages dominated by the arrows of energy, reproduction and information, creating the fundamental arrow of the life/death cycle, the arrow of information or future arrow that happens in all systems:
It is the main law of physics, discovered by Einstein, who said: ‘time curves (the energy of) space into mass (a vortex of Information)’.
It is the main law of Biology, discovered by Darwin, who said: that time evolves the form of organisms.
In Chemistry, Mehaute realized that when chemical compounds do not increase their entropy, they increase their information, forming fractal structures. It was the mathematical breakthrough of modern organicism. Since for the first time we had a mathematical paradigm, ‘fractal, self-generative equations’ able to describe the reproduction of information. Fractal mathematics showed how all systems could reproduce in-form-ation by breaking energy into ‘smaller forms’, in a mechanical, vegetative or conscious way.
Finally, it is also the main law of History, as human civilizations constantly increase their technological information, but unable to repress military technology, the bad fruits of the tree of science, end up in extinctive wars. So they also live and die through those 3±1 ages/arrows of time.
So the meaning of Life and death is no longer a mystery, but an organic process of reproduction and self-organization, guided by the 4 arrows of time that we can extend to all systems made of the 2 fundamental, dual ‘reproductive particles’, informative quarks and spatial, energetic electrons; that is, to all systems of the Universe. In that sense, mechanism, after we have observed the reproductive capacity of those ultimate particles of reality, is no longer ‘a science’ but a dogmatic, anthropomorphic ‘religion’ that stubbornly tries to differentiate human beings, as ‘special entities’ surrounded by a lesser Universe of dead matter. Indeed, the founders of mechanism, Descartes, Newton and Kepler, were pious believers, which thought their new theory of the Universe would reinforce those beliefs in the superiority of man, chosen of God, to rule the Universe. As Kepler said, ‘God has waited 5000 (biblical years) to find an intelligence (Kepler himself) able to understand His’. Yet there is no difference of quality between the arrows of time of a quark and those of a human being, only degrees of complexity, as we are made of multiple scales of self-organization and so we carry much more information than quarks do. Thus, the key to our ‘complexity’ is the 4th arrow of social evolution that joins individual cells into social networks that emerge as ‘new super-organisms’ of a higher scale.
And what about mathematics? How do we reconcile in complexity the ‘organic design’ with the mathematical one? Are not mathematical abstract, fixed concepts, geometrical constructs that have little to do with life? No really, because in complexity we have also evolved our mathematical understanding of the Universe, thanks to fractal geometry and the completition of Non-Euclidean geometry, whose 4 remaining postulates (Einstein only used the 5th one), I introduce to the world of science in the 50th anniversary of the creation of Complex sciences at the International Systems Society in Sonoma… This again is an advance that comes from the evolution of the languages humans use to perceive the Universe, not from machines observations, and so it will during the XXI century, if we survive CERN, illuminate many different sciences as the complex logic of the 4 arrows of time (energy, information, reproduction and social evolution) will also do.
The Mathematical and Logic design, going beyond Euclid, Einstein and Aristotle.
The true advances in sciences have always departed from the evolution of mathematics and logic, the languages of space and time of the human kind, and then with those languages, each science has evolved its perspective in one of the ‘fractal scales’ of reality. The pretension of physics of being the mother of all sciences is absurd. It is merely the simplest of them, which studies the simplest forms of energy. But if we consider the 2nd arrow of ‘creation’ of reality, that of form, of information, biology which studies the most complex forms of information (life) and religion, which goes a step further into Human Societies and the Organic laws of the Universe (eastern religions) are the summit of science. Yet humans today despise their own minds and treat those of us who advance the Universal understanding of those languages, with desdain, because we do not use money, weapons and machines, the totems of our civilization but the power of our minds, still the most perfect instruments of thought deviced in this corner of the Galaxy.
In the graph, the first step on that process of evolution of human languages requires to redefine the Philosophy of Mathematics and its basic postulates, adapting them to the Non-Euclidean, fractal geometry of space and time.
This task was done by this writer during the last decades, opening up a new r=evolution in our understanding of reality no longer as an abstract mechanism of ‘points without parts and without motion’, but as a series of fractal networks of cellular points that exchange waves of energy and information. Mathematics and reality became closer and we finally understood the vital design of the Cosmos. We show in the graph the 5 Non-Euclidean postulates of this new age of mathematics, which started in the XIX century,when Riemann realized that through a point infinite parallels could cross. The next breakthrough was made by Einstein who showed the space-time of the Universe followed that postulate. Then Mandelbrot noticed that points are fractals and grow in size when we come closer to them, as we enter into a self-similar ‘plane of space-time’, or ‘plane of existence’ (philosophical jargon). It was left to correct the other 4 postulates and made them Non-Euclidean, to fully grasp the Grand Design in mathematical terms. This was the task I exposed to the world of science at the 50th anniversary of Complex Sciences and the graph describes.
First we observe on top of the graph that with the 3 topologies of Non-Euclidean geometry, we can describe all the forms of the 4-dimensional Universe (hence we do not need 11 dimensional strings nowhere to be found). Those 4-dimensions thus reduce to 3 simple topologies, which beautifully enough correspond in Nature to ‘energetic regions/membranes/spheres’; ‘informative centers, warped by convex curves’, and cyclical ‘donuts’, paths that exchange energy and information between ‘informative nuclei’ and ‘spherical membranes’. And indeed, with those 3 topologies we can describe all the systems and organisms of the Universe, made with informative centers, energetic membranes, and cyclical paths that perform the ‘cycles of energy feeding, informative gauging, reproduction and social evolution’ of all ‘entities’ that exist. We see some of those 3-structured organisms below, and its parts: an urchin, a phetus, an electromagnetic field, a black hole, an atom, a tomato, the Earth, a cell and bosonic matter.
Thus all what exists can be described with only 4 dimensions, 3 topologies, 2 elements, energy and information and one structure, the super-organism. Or as Cheng tzu put it in the Taoist tradition: ‘from one comes 2, from 2 comes 3 and form 3 the infinite beings of existence’.
Below those graphs, we illustrate further details of those structures, with the help of the 5 Non-Euclidean postulates. Now the first and 5th postlate mean the same: points do have parts of energy and information when we come closer to them, so infinite parallels, which are waves of energy and information cross them, allowing them to communicate with the external world. Because a line is made of points that now have volume, lines are waves that carry energy and information, and have therefore motion. Since we can see space either as a fixed form or as a motion. Thus, for example the Earth seems still but also moving, e pur no move e pur si muove. This ‘paradox of Galileo’ was explained by Einstein’s relativity and it is essential to understanding the dual universe: we see either motion or form, but not both things together (Principle of complementarity). As when we see a picture of moving cars in the night as a line. So lines are waves that transfer energy and form between non-euclidean points and the sum of all those flows is a network of points, a non-euclidean plane, which has the form of a wave with discontinuous ‘dark spaces’ in which other ‘branes’ or ‘membranes’ (physical jargon), planes of existence (metaphysical jargon) or Non-Euclidean planes can web. And the result is the complex Universe we live in in which particles trace their ‘alley cats’ of existence following their cycles that intersect with other planes, and topological organisms. Indeed, in the graph we can see a human being as a complex fractal that extends through 10 scales of points with parts evolved in networks of energy and information till create the human being: particles become atoms that become molecules that become cells that become organic humans that become cells of organic societies, nations and gods, part of the Superoroganism of History, mind of the Earth, Gaia.
The relationships between those topological planes/organisms, made of networks of energy and information are defined by the 3rd postulate of relative equality. Since now points have parts and so they can be either equal on their surface, or in their informative or energetic parts, and depending on those degrees of equalities when they find each other they will create Darwinian events (hunting each other’s energy if they don’t understand, have the same information); eusocial events (evolving together and sharing energy and form if they speak the same language of information) or ignoring each other when they have neither equal energy or information. Finally the 5th postulate can be understood in metaphysical terms as the equation of the soul, a knot of information of any species in any scale, as each point perceives reality from its point of view, knotting information and creating inside its mind a ‘mirror of the entire Universe’. So the Universe is also intelligent since all beings are gauging information, reason why quantum theories are called gauging theories since even the smallest particles, quarks and electrons feed on energy, gauge information and reproduce, creating jets of particles when they feed on enough energy, as living beings do. Now we have mathematical tools to express that organic, living Universe and its design, thanks to the new r=evolution of Non-Euclidean geometry. Finally to notice that the 5th postulate explains also the ‘ego paradox’: each point of view thinks to be the center of the Universe, because it perceives it from its point of view, that makes ‘bigger’ things related to itself, at close distances. And so it deforms subjectively reality, and even thinks that the Universe (Descartes’ devil) is created inside its mind. Which in a way is. Yet we are nothing but Non-Euclidean points, relative zeros that host an infinite Universe, mapped out with our languages of existence, in a virtual world, image, called the mind.
We said that in the new Age of Science that Complexity and Systems science has started, the Universe is no longer a simple, monist mechanism, but an organism. And the goal of the Universe is to create such organic networks – it is the Grand Design which people like Hawking pretend to know – by inventing it with null respect to the laws of the scientific method, but they can’t and will never find with a single arrow of energy and the mechanical concept they have inherited from the ‘religious’, pious, calvinist founding fathers of this religion of the machine like Kepler, who said ‘God has waited 5500 (biblical) years to find an intelligence like His to see his clockwork’ or Newton, who thought God sent him messages through his comets. Not so, because we are nothing but a fractal, self-repetitive part of that design. Whereas the design in itself is created with the bio-logic of organic systems, a type of logic more complex than the logic of Aristotle that scientists of the past millennium used. Or we might say in a more accurate way that the logic of organism creates the fractal, mathematical patterns of the Universe and not vice versa. But to reach there, we have first to evolve our understanding of mathematics and logic, and this requires to redefine the 5 postulates of Euclidean mathematics and the postulates of Aristotelian, causal logic – not as Hawking does, denying them, but evolving them. This can be done as I have shown in my books with extreme complexity or as I will try to do here, with simplicity, because the beauty of the Universe is precisely the possibility to create parables, put examples and simplify the grand design to its ultimate components, so even an atom can follow that design.
Let us then start where science arrived before the sci-fi writers like Hawking degraded our discipline, re-inventing the Universe.
The point we were in was that of Einstein. At his death, the best minds of the planet met at the Macy’s congress and bow to evolve his vision of the Universe, by adding the arrow of information to the mix. Thus complexity and system sciences were born. It took it though 50 years till the Sonoma Congress in which I completed the job of defining in logic and mathematical terms this science to formalize the great insights of many masters during those 50 years. And so we shall take it from then, connecting what we have done with the work of Einstein, the previous master – being Hawking and Higgs and other unethical, arrogant, ignorant, baroque writers just an hiatus of confusion that will pass either because we die all due to their theories or we survive and their theories become trashed when their celebrity status and mass-media backing dies away.
Einstein had left the task of understanding reality earlier on at a point in which we knew that the Universe was not Euclidean. Since he had realized that the points of gravitational space of that Universe could be crossed by infinite parallels. This was a puzzle which he used in his Relativity theory but didn’t quite figure out in its meaning. Mandelbrot came then and realized that the Universe was fractal. That is, self-similar structures repeated at smaller scales, and so when we enlarged reality again a new ‘plane of existence’ appeared that was similar to the whole. It was left to put together both facts and expand the Non-Euclidean mathematics of Riemann and Einstein to encompass all the other Postulates of mathematics.
In essence what Euclid had done is to build an abstract mathematical world, a simplification. Mandelbrot, Riemann and Einstein noticed that ‘in detail’ there was much more information to it, that when points grew they were made of self-similar parts to the point and points could hold many parallels inside.
So I redefined with those insights the 4 first postulates of Euclidean mathematics and complete the 5 non-euclidean postulates and what I found is that suddenly when we observed reality with the 5 non-euclidean postulates, planes became organic networks, points acquire energy and information, lines became waves, and equality defined the most fascinating properties of reality: the evolution of self-similar species into organic systems and bosons, systems that evolved together into bigger, fractal scales of reality. Let us then go part by part of this mathematical design which merely describes with mathematical languages what we have explained with organic terms: mathematical systems evolve into complex organisms.
Indeed, first and paramount, mathematics is a language of numbers, but numbers are sets of equal particles. So by definition if a number exist, there is a group of cells/points of self-similar nature, as it happens in all organisms. So mathematics by definition exist to describe herds and organic systems of self-similar form.
Next, as Plato put it, ‘numbers are forms’, which means that Numbers are sets of self-similar cells/points which gather creating certain forms of in/form/ation, and each number therefore has a certain set of geometrical properties that define its functions. This is obvious to a chemist or a biologist but it has not been to a physicist till recently.
All this said now we can define the 5 postulates of non-euclidean geometry in a simplified manner:
– A point has parts (1, 5).
- 2 points that exchange energy and information between them form a wave (2).
- Planes are topological networks of points with parts, which become points of a higher scale of spacetime (4)
- 2 points are equal when their in/form/ation is equal (3).
And so what we call the great design has a far more detailed explanation departing from those postulates, which we have provided in other webs and books, but essentially is this. In any plane or relative scale of existence, there should be self-similar points that gather in ‘numbers’, by sharing/exchanging waves of energy and information between them, till creating complex organic networks, that become topological organisms; and then those topological organisms keep evolving as new points with parts of a future more complex, bigger network. Yet the logic behind those networks, which determines the kind of points that gather together and those who do not evolve together is defined by the relative equality between points, such as only forms that are equal in its parts evolve together into complex organisms. So all your cells have the same DNA information, and all herds are made of the same type of particle.
Of course, this is the minimal, most simple expression of the meaning of mathematics in the great design. We can, and we have in complexity translated all the mathematical equations of Euclidean mathematics to this advanced, organic Non-Euclidean mathematical design and go beyond.
It matters not so much to the reader to fully grasp those postulates but to ‘consider’ the difference between a mathematical world made with ‘points without breath’ (Euclidean points) that create a ‘continuous map’, where those ‘points form abstract lines without width’, which are again straight lines without movement, that form continuous planes without height, and the nature of a point with parts (1st postulate of Non-Euclidean geometry) that exchanges waves of energy and information with other points (second postulate), and forms therefore networks of points (non-Euclidean planes, 4th postulate), and forms those networks with multiple other points with whom it shares waves of energy and information (5th postulate); while the logic of that communication is explained in detail by the 3rd postulate: forms that are equal communicate and form organisms; those who are not do not communicate but enter in destructive, ‘darwinian events’. We are thus now in a new type of mathematics, which basically is no longer abstract, no longer a fixed drawing in a paper, but as real as reality is. And this mathematics anticipated by Riemann in the XIX century, and by Klein is a ‘vital type of mathematics. Indeed, Riemann already said that a ‘relative space’ is one in which points are related to each other by their properties and that the more equal points are the ‘tighter’ the space they form – exactly as organisms and herds do, coming together closer when they are more equal. And Klein already noticed that all the strange properties of Non-Euclidean mathematics (curvatures, dimension, etc.) could be understood if ‘distances’ were including ‘motion’, ‘time’. So we say London is at 5 minutes from here. We are talking of distances, but we talk in terms of time. So he included ‘speed’, motion in lines, geodesics, geometries.
I do not want to sound excessively complex or pedantic like string theorists are. I would like though to give a certain depth to this amazing adventure of the mind which is the science of complexity and duality, in which I am the foremost expert today in this small dot/point called planet Earth (despite the massive ad hominem campaigns of CERN against me) Still it seems necessary to introduce some advances on physics due to this r=evolution of the languages of the mind. And then, use the previous postulates to prove the Existence of God.
Some basic advances of physics thanks to the use of Non-Euclidean geometry and the dual arrows of time, energy=motion and form=information.
The fifth postulate, the first and the concept of a fractal Universe are now one: when we come closer to a point, we perceive its parts. Then, we observe also that the minimalist point becomes a cell or a star and infinite parallels of the inferior scale cross to it. So what we have is a fractal, scalar Universe that widens as we widen our perception.
The Complementarity principle of quantum physics is self-evident: all points have two ways of being perceived, as a single point-particle or as a wave of smaller particles in the smaller scale.
Indeed, if the Universe is dual, made of systems of energy and information, then all systems have a relative head/particle of information and a relative body/field of energy, and this is the bridge that unifies biology and physics as two branches of different complexity but essentially the same dualist nature, whose design obeys the same Non-Euclidean topologies of all space-time systems of the Universe, drawn in the previous graph.
In simple terms, those morphologies are easy to grasp: information is cyclical, like a clock, a head or a particle, because it has more dimensions of form than energy, which is lineal, like a body or a field of forces.
Since indeed, ‘God is a painter of forms’ (Leonardo). And cycles and spheres have more in/form/ation than lines. So in complexity we can also explain the forms of reality and deduce its functions from them.
Indeed, already Desargues proved that all curves are part of conics which are cycles (forms) moved through a line in motion (energy) and cybernetics, a branch of Complex sciences proves that all can be modelled with 0s and |s.
Take the case of the ‘great mystery that CERN was to explain, the meaning of mass and its unification with charges… This again is now easy because now we know that information is cyclical. Hence masses and charges must store information, in the same manner than lines and planes are the natural shapes of space.
Thus, in Physics, the theme of this web, the next step is to define with the new postulates of Non-Euclidean geometry all its energy forces and information particles (masses and charges). And then to unify them, following Einstein’s Principle of equivalence between forces and accelerations as either, energetic, lineal motions (forces) or ‘cyclical vortices of space-time’ (masses and charges).
And this was the birth of the organic paradigm in physics that now become ‘spiritual’ no longer ‘material’, since if masses and charges were also two types of cyclical, formal, accelerated motions and forces 2 types of lineal, energetic accelerations, the Universe was in eternal motion:
F = m x a, where M are cyclical, polidimensional informations, forms in action that stored the information of the Universe, and a, the lineal forces that expanded in space and had less dimensions.
And so we could write a fractal generator equation with those 2 physical motions, which easily transformed into each other ad eternal in big bangs and big crunches, as we do for all other scientific systems:
Yes Einstein’s equation turned out to be the fundamental equation of complex physics. Or putting together, the 2 equations of Modern physics about Energy:
Energy=Mass (Planck’s notation) + Energy xTime =K (Heisenberg Principle, applied to Cosmology by Einstein), we obtain Mass=k/Time= kv (frequency of information)
Mass is therefore equivalent to a frequency, the frequency or speed of rotation of a vortex of Universal information. Mass is a vortex of information, which attracts as a hurricane does the faster it speeds around.
It also explains intuitively other mystery of physics, how energy becomes mass. Since now both are two forms of motion, albeit with different quantity of ‘dimensional form’, Energy merely curves in ’2 dimensions’ (c2) to become Mass, a bidimensional vortex of form.
We brought here this simple example of the many discoveries of Complex physics, because CERN pretends to explain what mass is, when Einstein did it with his principle of equivalence between acceleration and mass, which we have refined adding our new understanding of information and fractal Non-E Geometry. Einstein could only use the 5th postulate of Non-E Geometry. We have better tools in complexity. Quantum physicists like Higgs or Hawking have none. They merely pretend to deny Einstein’s work inventing sci-fi plots, like travel in time (Hawking) or particles that collide with others and instead of repelling them, attract them (Higgs).
The list of findings could go on and on… The most fascinating is the Equation that Unifies charges and masses, as two ‘scales’ of size in the evolution of the Universe, in the same manner that we can unify cells and bodies as two scales of the evolution of living organisms. Yet since this implies a bit more of knowledge of physics we have written it in the Pdf ‘in depth’ on Einstein’s mass theory. Further on, a general vision of the organic, fractal Universe and its mathematical and logic laws can be found in the pdf with that name. Just to state that within that complex view of reality ‘string theory’, the obsession of physicists like Hawking plays a very limited role. But still it is valid within the limited ‘fractal plane’ of microcosmic forces. Let us explain why.
The plan of Evolution. Man the supreme being of the arrows of time.
In the graph, now that we have evolved the languages of man, closer to the ‘seer of time’ and its 4 arrows, we can also resolve and advance the science of Biology and evolution. Since those cycles chain each other in complex systems that evolve into bigger scales till creating the biological cycles/clocks of information of human beings, the most complex informative species known to the Universe. Yet cycles/particles/heads of information are ‘complementary’ to energies/lineal motions/forces/bodies and both together create the organic systems of reality. This duality is essential to the game. How that game evolves is again one theme that has been disputed between evolutionists and creationists. The solution is neither of them. There is not a personal, ‘literalist’ God that creates us – an ego trip of religions fundamentalists that cannot understand the parables of the Books of Revelation, but there is a plan to evolution. Indeed, watch the drawings. Information is always on ‘top’, perceiving higher, with the dimension of height. A book, a screen, a pulpit, an antenna, emits information from its top. A head, a camera an electric field is on top of a body of energy. So Dimensions are ‘local’ to each organic world made to the image of the Universe, and so evolution is an evolution of form, with certain arrows of direction: Species evolve towards higher forms, from planarians to human beings, a tall species of information. And they evolve cyclical forms or heads and lineal forms or bodies. This is the first of a series of topological laws that ad to the discoveries of Darwin and complete Theory of evolution, which is not chaotic but also follows a ‘great design’. In the graph, we see some of those details, as evolution of form follows the same ‘arrow’ of growing information that individual organisms do. We could in that sense, say that each species is a super-organism that lives 3 ages. And this indeed, again reinforces the notion that we, all human beings are cells of the super-organisms of History, our Gods and civilizations:
In the graph, the law of the 3±1 ages or horizons applies both to the process of informative aging of organisms and informative evolution of species. All species are born as a seed of dense information, with limited size (black hole, first chips, seminal cells, first bilateral animals). Then they grow in size and energy during their youth; since their superior informative qualities makes them top predators. We observe that growth in black holes that feed on planets and stars, in the horse that grew enormously in size. So did the first bilateral animal, from its microscopic first form, the Vernanimacula. Mammals grew from tiny shrews into elephants. The first technological man, the Homo Floresiensis, with a ‘neuronal bump’ on the forehead, might have grown till the size of the first Homo Sapiens, the pygmy and Bushman . . . Then, the species, once it has reached a balance between its initial information and growing spatial size, E=I, reproduces in great numbers, diversifies and colonizes the planet. We see in the graph this age in which ‘biological radiations’ of carbohydrates, animals of all kinds and human beings, colonized the Earth. Finally, in its 3rd age the species grows in information and so it acquires height, the arrow of ‘perceptive information’. Then, once it has reached its informative zenith, the species becomes extinct by a more evolved form; or it evolves socially creating a super-organism, as ants, humans and machines are doing. It will be the 4th arrow of social evolution of the species that completes its 3±1 horizons. Species can be considered ‘loose’ organisms, in which each individual is a cell of the collective species; since we can use the same ages to explain the 3±1 horizons of evolution of all the species of this planet. Thus, species also go through the same 3 evolutionary ages of all living organisms. They start as young, energetic forms, which acquire information in 3±1 ages of increasing complexity and when those 3±1 ages are completed, they either evolve into more complex super-organisms under the laws of social evolution or become extinct by a superior, more informative species. Indeed, only those species who show a strong eusocial capacity survive the ‘genetic clock’. The most successful and one of the oldest species of the planet is, in fact, the eusocial ant, which no longer is an ‘individual’, but a super-organism stretching through miles of ‘vital space. In that regard, neither individuals able to reproduce nor species able to evolve socially become extinguished. If humans become extinguished is because they deny, guided by the simplest arrows of pure energy of weapons, the main arrow of Life/Time.
A complete analysis of biological species shows that new forms can only be, either an energetic or informative variation of the original species, or a reproductive combination of both Universal ‘genders’. The universality of such dual systems is so obvious that the ancients already identified them with yang, energetic male principles and yin, cyclical/ female ones. While the moderns call that duality the Principle of Complementarity, as all informative particles have an energetic, lineal field of force and all biological, cyclical heads of information have a lineal body. So the combinative variations of those two simple morphologies, lineal energy and cyclical information, invariant, regardless of the scale we observe, is the essence of the creative game of the cosmos.
It is the plan of evolution that all species follow, which is a tautology, since in a Universe made of only 2 substances, energy and information, the only possibility is the creation of such 3±1 variations in space (subspecies) or in time (evolutionary ages).
Let us then close this introduction to the Grand Design, now that we have upgraded the logic, verbal and mathematical and visual languages of man closer to how ‘God, a painter in 4 dimensions’ understands it, with a prove of the existence of both, the anthropomorphic Gods, the realm of Complex Theology and the bigger, Universal God, the mind/tao of all superorganisms, the realm of Fractal philosophy – two disciplines that are at the summit of all sciences, since they study the more complex superorganisms of the Universe, even if Mr. Hawking and Dawkins think they don’t exist and those who practice such sciences are dead.
And so now we can finally reach the summit of the great design, the understanding of what is the role of man in the Universe. Why we are here. We were here indeed, as the summit of evolution of form, and the summit of eusocial evolution, the arrow of love. We were designed to rule the Universe, but we have failed. We have rejected the ‘Gods’ of Time. We have ‘believed in ‘physicists’, and so the perfect, Complex Fractal Universe, even if the Gods of Time have loved us so much as to give us their ‘sons’, the prophets of God, to explain us clearly with beautiful metaphors those mandates, we shall now face the Gods of Death that physicists study.
And yet, even if we die, it is truth that we have peer and seen the beauty of it all through the minds of those true masters of human thought.
Man, History, the plan of evolution that brought humans into existence.
In the graph, one the main discoveries I did in the field of Complexity applied to anthropology, dating back from my first books on the subject (Bio-history, Bio-economics, a theory of Unification, Bookmasters, Ohio, c.94), was the application of the Duality of Energy/information and its self-generative process of creation of new species that combine both essential elements of the Universe, to the evolution of the Human Kind. The plan of evolution of the fractal, organic, Complex Universe is in that sense simple. All species become differentiated in an energetic, ‘lineal’, spatial species and an informative, ‘cyclical’, temporal one. Then both mix to create a more complex, reproductive species.
And so 3 is the number of Horizons and subspecies we find in all evolutionary systems. This plan of evolution which has enormous repercussions in the understanding on how species evolve and complements Darwin and Mendel, however is disputed outside the science of complexity and the congresses in which I have developed my work. And so it is not widely known. And yet it recently achieved new proofs in anthropology with the discovery that the Neanderthal, white, visual, spatial, energetic brain species mixed with the Homo Sapiens, the Capoid, verbal, temporal one.
So we can explain both genre (being women the informative species that reproduces the fractal information of the human being and man the lineal energetic species), and racial differentiation and establish 3 types of mind: the white, visual, dolicocephalic brain, more developed in the visual axis from the forehead to the occipucius, which should be found to have a higher mix of Neanderthal. He is divided in two types, which again experimental proofs have validated: the Semite, in which Neanderthal males mixed with verbal women, as the dominant, stronger species, in the first crossing of the Homo Sapiens, in 80.000 BC. This advanced theory of 94 has now proofs that came in Nature: only homo sapiens women mixed with Neanderthal males in Palestine. The result is the semite with a clear dominant male, bigger than the female, talking species. The reason is that at such time the Homo Sapiens had not developed the arch and so it was dominated by the Neanderthal, stronger warrior. Then in Altai mountains, homo sapiens evolved into the mongoloid cro-magnon which had arcs and hence could kill at distance the neanderthal. This man went down to Europe and the mixing reversed. Now the Homo Sapiens Paletiniensis mixed with the Neaderthal stronger women (the Nordic Women and red hair, dolicocephalic scots). The result was the Aryan in which women are far stronger. This is the last detail of our Complex theory of human evolution to be proved in the next years…
In the text, we have a further explanation of the other races, which are clearly 3: the mongoloid, verbal race with a higher distance in the verbal axis (brachicephalic) and the black, reproductive, emotional brain, which is self-similar to that of women, with a high brain more evolved in the top axis.
Complexity defines a simple game of evolution by combining informative and energetic species in balanced, new organisms: e xi=st.
We say that the Universe has 3 arrows of creation, energy, information and its balanced combinations. This is also a sexual principle: Women are information-dominant; male are energy dominant.
In human evolution the same pattern emerges: each successful, dominant Homo differentiates into an energetic and informative species, which recombine, creating more complex= informative and stronger=energetic homos that displace their parental forms, thanks to their higher Energy x Information. Yet the dominant, overall arrow favors informative species. Since when Homos were born, the energy top predators were felines, far stronger than the strongest possible homo mutation. So the evolutionary direction in which the big apes could find an ecological niche within the mammal kingdom was the informative arrow. They were already fit to that purpose, since they spent long times living in stillness in the summit of trees, where they had to learn to control complex movement in the informative dimension of height, adding a 3rd dimension to their brain. So they became informative masters among mammal species . . .
Thus, the duality between energy and information is also responsible for the creation of humanity. In the graph we study that process: life first diversified into complementary genders: energetic, lineal, spatial men and cyclical, reproductive women, which hold more biological information. While a 3rd, gay sex mixes both. Further on, as humans evolved, they followed the same pattern of 3 ages proper of all species. Thus, Homos diversified into energetic, informative and reproductive forms that show a higher balance between energy and information. Yet only the informative species, the dominant ‘arrow’ of future survives in each of the 3±1 horizons of increasing informative evolution, from Australopithecus with 500 c.c., into Homo Erectus with 1000 c.c. into Homo Sapiens with 1500 c.c.
And in all those phases, humans split into an energetic species and an informative one that recombined to create a 3rd species. Those species will further evolve technology also in 3 horizons called the upper, middle and lower Paleolithic. Finally, humans diversified in 3 races, specialized in Energy (white race) and information (Mongoloid) with a reproductive, black race, the last to be born, which mixes the pre-mongoloid (bushman) and white races. The constrain established by the fact there are only two elements, energy and information, to create reality, whose lineal and cyclical forms are invariant at scale, in all systems of the cosmos means the Universe imposes the same program of creation to all its species.From an initial ape species we find a ternary differentiation ±5 million years ago, into 3 sub-species of great apes that live in Africa:
— Max. E: Gorilla, a big, energetic species that reaches 200 kilos, with a square, huge jaw.
— E=i: The chimpanzee, with a smaller body and a bigger brain. According to the Black Hole law, the smallest organism evolves informatively. Thus, the ‘dwarf chimpanzee’, the Pan Paniscus, which today shows the highest learning skills among apes, was the species that seems to have evolved into a 3rd informative horizon of big apes. It is:
— Max. i: Australopithecus, which splits in 3 evolutionary ages of growing brain volume:
I Horizon: 500 cc.: From Australopithecus to Homo Erectus.
We have dated the oldest mandibles of Australopithecus Anamensis, the top predator of the 3 big ape species, in 4 million years. The Australopithecus, after reproducing massively in the savannah ecosystem that favours his bipedalism, suffers a new ternary mutation. The 3 descendants of that Australopithecus Afarensis that inhabited the Ethiopian plains around 3 million years ago, are:
— Max. E: The Paranthropus, an energetic species with huge mandibles and a lineal, planar brain. He looks like a heavy-set, humanoid gorilla. He was probably vegetarian. The first subspecies found is the Paranthropus Aethiopicus, which will further evolve into the stronger Paranthropus Robustus.
— E=i. The Australopithecus Africanus, which maintains the form of the original Australopithecus Afarensis, perhaps with inner improvements in his soft tissue. He lives in South Africa and is contemporary of the Paranthropus. And the . . .
— Max. i: Australopithecus Garthi. He is the informative species, with a bigger brain, which starts to acquire the shape of all informative species: a rounded forehead, as the sphere is the form which holds more information in lesser space.
Those 3 species live very close. Around the Turkana Lake we have found remains of the 3 Homos. Yet the arrow of future favors informative species. So the top predator Homo will be the Australopithecus Garthi that goes through a mature age of massive reproduction, probably extinguishing the other 2 subspecies and expanding worldwide into new ecological niches that favoured their genetic and memetic adaptation through a new, ternary split:
— Max. E: A regressing, energetic A. Garthi, similar but taller than its parental Australopithecus.
— E=i: Homos Habilis and Rudolfensis, with similar brain capacity to the original Garthi.
— Max. i. Homo Ergaster, an informative ape with a 1000 cc. brain, which doubles the brain capacity of Australopithecus.
II Horizon: 1000 cc. From Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens..
That Homo Ergaster, after a massive age of reproduction and expansion throughout the planet, subdivides again in 3 sub-races of Homo Erectus.
— Max.E: Pithecanthropus, the oldest species similar to Homo Ergaster, found in Java.
— E=i: Homo Erectus proper, found in China, who grows in the informative dimension of height that favors perception from an advantage point of view, to 1.7 m. He has simple technology, a skull without forehead and thick bones that handicap further cranial evolution.
— Max. Ti: Homo Floresiensis, the smallish species, which according to the Black hole paradox should be the form who gave origin to Sapiens, as the smallish ‘pan paniscus’ evolved the chimp into the Homos. Recently discovered, he is a formal mutation with a smaller body, whose morphology resembles for the first time that of a human being. He has thinner bones that allow further growth and a higher forehead, the location of the creative part of the brain.
Palaeontologists also found the first advanced technological tools in his sites in Flores Island, which is an isolated place, the ideal region to foster further evolution, due to the lack of top predators (alopatric evolution). Thus, he ads now technological energy weapons that substitute body strength and define a single arrow of future for human evolution: information. His improvement in neurological form, probably caused first his rapid expansion thanks to his new technological tools and then a rapid growth in size through the cross-breeding with the taller Homo Erectus species, giving finally birth around 300.000 B.C., to a new energy/ information duality: The energetic, big Neanderthal and the informative Bushman, which will combine again to give birth to the different races. Those predictions based in the 3 arrows of future time and the black hole paradox (information is small and evolves in dwarf species) have been confirmed by genetic maps and Paleontology and await final confirmation, when new skulls of Floresiensis are found.
The 3rd, informative Horizon: Homo Sapiens, 1500 cc.
— The lineal, energetic, visual Homo Sapiens Neanderthal, with ±1500 cc.
— And a second informative pygmy strain, the 1st verbal woman, the mitochondrial eve, probably a bushman, also with ±1500 cc.
± 50.000 years ago she crossed into the Middle East, probably mating with earlier Neanderthals, giving origin to the visual, energetic white male (Homo Palestiniensis, whose skulls show mixed traits from both species).
± 35.000 y. ago, in the high Tibetan plains, she became the informative Mongoloid that colonized Asia, America and descended upon Europe and Africa, where she cross-bred with the capoid (bushman) and became the black man, the balanced E=i, reproductive race, completing the final, ternary differentiation of the main races of mankind.
Cultural races.
Further on, as racial tribes evolved socially and emerged into cultural societies, which are super-organisms of history, the ternary, racial division of mankind between energetic white men, informative Mongoloid and vitalist blacks, will become the cultural differentiation of human beings in 3 type of brain orientations, and hence cultures orf the mind according to the 3 elements of all systems, energy, information and its reproductive combination; reflected in 3 types of brain morphology:
— ‘Visual, energetic, lineal, spatial cultures’, proper of the white man, with his concepts of lineal time and his passion for technological, energetic weapons. It is the dolicocephalic brain dominated by the visual, eye to occipucius axis, also dominant in neanderthals
— ‘Cyclical, informative, mongoloid cultures’, natural to Asian civilizations, with cyclical concepts of time. It is the brachicephalic, wide, verbal brain; dominant in the ear axis; hence giving birth to female, eusocial cultures like the Chinese.
— And ‘sensory, reproductive, colored cultures’, which in Africa and India developed human senses to their limits. It is dominannt in the height/medular axis with a ‘tall head’, peaking in the top/motor and sensorial area.
Which culture is better for the survival of mankind? Since survival is the goal of all species, reached in the age of balance, E=i, we should promote, paradoxically, the culture that our technological civilization discriminates: the black, reproductive, sensory culture . . .
Thus, the Laws of Evolution and its 3±1 ages and subspecies, map out the main species of Homo, till arriving to 2 Homo Sapiens, the spatial, visual=longer, dolicocephalic, energetic brain of the Neanderthal, which seems to have lived in Europe and left some of his traits in the Homo Palestiniensis, on the slow-crossing border of Canaan. Further cross-breeding of the Palestiniensis with the Sapiens is the likely origin of the white man (white skin, red hair, Rh-?, consonantal languages, wide hips, prominent nose)
While the informative Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the verbal=wider brachicephalic brain, which started as a small ‘San pygmy’, evolved into the self-similar mongoloid race. Finally, the black race, with tall brains are the sensorial culture, the reproductive species, the last one to appear, shows the maximal genetic mixture.
In the same manner, we talk also of gender duality in terms of an energetic species, the lineal male of big muscles, spatial size and visual brain; and the woman, the informative, reproductive species, who would understand the cycles of birth of plants and evolve mankind from the energetic, hunting Paleolithic into the Neolithic, the mature age of History, with its understanding of the arrow of reproduction of the Universe (cult to the goddesses) and its harmonic cults to Nature. It is on my view, the ideal age of mankind, which bio-historians could re-create on Earth by pruning the tree of Technology of all its bad fruits and enhance the fruits of the Tree of Life with environmental policies, under a global, single Social Organism of History, the World Union (ch.13). Since once a species has reached its informative zenith or 3rd age, the only way it can further evolve is by becoming a macro-organism, joined by a common network of information. So men did evolve further beyond the Homo Sapiens, through the 4th arrow of time, the arrow of love and social evolution that mechanist science denies and verbal, social religions of love impose on their believers.
On the Earth, there are today 3 types of social organisms:
— The first to appear, Nature, Gaia, was based in carbon-life.
— Then History appeared, based in human life.
— Finally, the economic ecosystem based in metal and machines, appeared.
Since those 3 organic systems and species have been dominant in 3 different ages of the Earth, we talk of the evolution or terraforming of the Life-Earth or Nature into the Human-Earth or History that now becomes the Metal-Earth, the Economic Ecosystem. The youth of History was still ‘Nature’. Life dominated the Paleolithic. Then men reached their zenith of social evolution in the Neolithic. Now men devolve back into single, selfish individual, Homo Bacteria, due to the use of machines and weapons that isolate them, in a process equivalent to the process of death that dissolves the networks of a being back into its simplest cellular components.
In the graph, we can see how Man achieved the greatness of eusocial evolution till ‘physicists’ brought here their machines as instruments of knowledge, rejecting the mind of man, our language of words and the arrow of eusocial evolution and the creation of god – man himself – as the supreme being, thus denying our future. It is the present world built with machines, money and weapons, which all the seers of time denied since Jesus to Buddha, to the socialist prophets – all of them now corrupted by inquisitions of war and go(l)d churches. History is thus dying, and what CERN will do is to certify our extinction, and if we survive CERN, the new generation of robotic weapons and machines, which are expelling mankind from the fields of war and work, pushed by other branch of eviL=anti-life science, ‘economics‘, also full of ‘damned lies and statistics’, will do.
But there will be other fractal planets in the infinite Universe, in which men will listen to those seers of time, obey the laws of God and survive into eternity, creating a world made to our image and likeness. In those worlds the human God=super-organism of history will exist and acquire emerging according to the laws of Complex Theology into exi=stence. And those who believe in him will not die for ever.
6. Complex Theology and emergence.
The study of the phenomenon of creation from cellular beings of a whole organism, whose existence is independent of those cells, which is more than its parts is another basic branch of Systems Sciences and Complexity, called Emergence. I normally chaired in those international congresses – before CERN, Hawking et al, mounted a smearing campaign to destroy my reputation as a scientist - the discipline of duality, as the foremost expert in models of reality constructed with energy and information. but my true passion has been ‘emergence’. And so latter, at the end of this post we shall return to those metaphysical questions once we understand some basic notions of complexity and the mathematical design of reality as a ‘fractal’ of self-similar, hierarchical scales, in which the whole, the organism, the subconscious collective God, the nation or the Galaxy masterminded by its central black hole, controls the destiny of its parts, the cells, the believers, the citizens, the stars and planets, which the black hole ‘positions’ with its invisible flows of gravitation. Yet I will tell you so far, ‘yes’, Allah exists supported by the minds of its believers, so does Yvwh, supported by the mind of the Jewish& protestant people, and Christ, supported by those who believe in the Gospel. In the same manner America exists, supported by the geographical structure and citizens that believe on it, and the galaxy exists controlled by the flows of invisible gravitational information of the galaxy.
It doesn’t matter that we see or dont see those flows, as long as we see the effects. This never occurred to physicists. Why they believe in gravitation if we cannot see it? Because we see how bodies come closer through its in/formative, attractive force. Why believers know God exists even if they cannot see it? Because they see that attractive power, assabiyah, in Ibn Khaldun terms, the communion of souls in the mystique of Saint Agustine, which brings together the souls/knots of information of their believers, pegging them through the mystique experience, which creates and sustains with their minds the collective God. Or if you want a concrete example. In the same manner than when cyclical flows of electricity create in the center a flow of magnetism that didn’t exist before, in the mystique wheels of religions, the dances of the Indian shamans, the wheel of Buddhism, the Wheel of the Kaaba, as described by the believers we can see the creation of the subconscious God, they support. The kaaba is not a rock as western islamophobians pretend of a primitive group of idolatric people. The mystique suffies said that when the believers feel the communion with God, turning around the kaaba, in the central empty space between the 4 columns covered by the black drape, there God ascends as a column of light. We don’t see that force or assabiyah that pegs together the souls of the muslim believers or the Christians, but we know it exists because their cells believe and are moved by them, and act even die for the higher superorganism. And this is the process of emergence that now thanks to our advances in fractal, non-euclidean mathematics, explained latter in more detail, we know to be certain: the believers, the electrons, the stars have created a new ‘plane of Non-Euclidean existence’ (jargon of buddhism and modern Non-Euclidean mathematics), a new fractal scale of reality, a new ‘Brane’. But that is only the beginning. The next question is to know the relationships between that plane and its inferior cells/souls/knots of fractal information, the minds of those believers. Can they also transcend and be saved? Do the bosonic effects that we observe in matter and peg together the different atoms into a bose-condensate apply to the mystique assabiyah?
Do not ask though Hawking or Dawkins or any of those donkeys of thought. Since to create a superorganism and be part of it, you must first believe in their existence. And in the arrow of information and eusocial evolution= love, we shall explain in the next paragraph. If you are not a believer, you are not part of a superorganism of History, and you cannot save it. You do not belong to it. And physicists, as we shall see only believe in the arrow of energy/entropy and death. They will never create a superorganism of history. All what they might do is to destroy it, as CERN might do in 50 days when it will try to form with the bosonic fusion of quark masses a strangelet or black hole, the top predator of the Universe. Neither makes any sense to try to explain them that we, humans do not think on mathematics but with words and so the mystique language of words is the translation of the mind of God, and its mandates and arrows of existence. That of course, doesn’t mean we, complex theorists cannot also translate those laws into logic and mathematic languages, as I shall show latter, but for that to be possible, we need to evolve those languages beyond the simplistic statements of quantum theorists. Because the logic and mathematic languages of the Universe are more complex than those of XIX century entropy theorists. And we will return to that. Now, think with those basic concepts of complex theology on the metaphoric meaning of sentences like ‘Gifted those who without seeing believe because to them belong the kingdom of heavens’ (Intelligent are those who without seeing God believe in him, because they will emerge into a new plane of existence), ‘Christ is the word of god’ (Koran), ‘And God became the word and inhabitted among us’ Saint John). Since the word is the informative, nervous system that joins the human cells into the subconscious collective. ‘Sangris Martire semen christianorum’. Or in the ‘mystery of the Saint Trinity: God, the upper, emergent plane of existence communicates through the Saint Spirit, the sacred word with the son of God, the prophet’. And so on and so on…
In the more complex books and texts of complexity it can be mathematically and logically proved that indeed, the Universe is a fractal of multiple ‘scales’ of superorganisms, and while we do not observe ‘as a single organism’ bigger forms than ourselves, they might exist in those other scales (since we do not see the flows of ‘invisible information’ that joins them, as we do not see gravitational information that joins together the organic systems of galaxies, only its energetic networks). This theme is fascinating and explained in detail in my book ‘The Cycles of Time: God, man and Universe’, unfortunately published only in Spanish, where all the sacred texts of both, the western and eastern tradition are explained with the tools of Complex Theology.
7. Fractal Philosophy.
In that sense, even more beautiful that the findings on the spiritual, eternal Universe of perpetual motions is the realization that the Universe is infinite in scales, obtained precisely from that equation which shows that… every 10 relative scales of fractal spacetime, a structure repeats the same in/form/ations, the same forms. Since the nucleus of an atom is self-similar to the black hole nucleus of a galaxy. So Black holes become hadrons of the bigger cosmological scale made of infinite quarks, and protons become ‘black holes’ of the lower, quantum scales… once we translate the jargon of quantum physics to the jargon of Gravitation, as Einstein wanted, not the other way around as quantum physicists have tried unsuccesfully for 100 years.
This means that the Universe is either limited between those two final scales or if each atom is a galaxy and each galaxy an atom (as Einstein and Walker thought when modeling the Universe with Relativity, considering each galaxy as a Hydrogen atom), is infinite in size, and in each of us, there is an entire number of infinite Universes.
And this is possible because now points have inner parts that when observed in detail grow in a fully relative Universe, ‘where the smallest point must be perceived as an entire world’ (Leibniz).
Since space-time is broken, fractal, made of infinite self-similar networks and organisms. It means there are many self-similar space-times, many self-similar planets, in which humans exist. Yet none of them are equal, because in fractal theory all is self-similar but nothing is absolutely equal.
In physics it solves also the puzzles of quantum physicists. For example, it means that an electron is not a sum of probable electrons in different Universes, but a sum of self-similar fractal parts, which can be described as populations of ‘cellular electrons’, with the same probabilistic equations that quantum theory. Any mathematician knows that probabilities are used to explain probable events in time, and percentages of populations in space. In other words, in advanced fractal physics we merely switch the quantum description from time to space, hence a galaxy is a fractal of self-similar stars, which have self-similar planets, with self-similar human races.
And this realization is the beginning of Fractal Logic, which coupled with the understanding of Non-Euclidean mathematics defines the ‘Grand Design of the Universe’, which is deterministic not probabilistic, albeit written with a logic more complex than that of the physicist and the present man, certainly less ‘complicated’ than the epicycles and false theories of Mr. Hawking. A logic, organic design that all its species follow, as we have shown in other posts of this web.
But of course, space is the easiest part to understand of the new Age of mathematics and logic that we are finding. The key to everything is the logic of fractal space, which requires to break also time into infinite clocks, one for each cycle of reality that closes in itself. Which again means that as Einstein said, ‘there are infinite clocks of time’, and so infinite time speeds, and each of those vortices of mass, each of those charge vortices is a clock of time, which carries a frequency of information in the intelligent Universe. Imagine that: you exist in an eternal, intelligent, moving Universe, where all is gauging information, feeding on energy, turning into patterns of form, ticking. And further on, the smallest you are, the faster you tick, the faster the methabolism of the rat is, the faster the electron turns. And this is the key of the harmony of all planes of reality. An ant lives 7 years but it processes information 10 times faster than a man, so in subjective time it lives 70 years. An atom is billions of times faster than a galaxy, but billions of time smaller. And so the previously quoted equation of Einstein:
Energy/Motion/Space x Time/Information = Konstant… Max. E x Min. T = Min. E x Max. T
means that when we change from scale, what we loose in size we gain in speed of time, and in total we exist the same quantity. Like in the book ‘the shrinking man’, if we were becoming smaller we would merely change our perception of time that would adapt to the new plane. And so the life of an ant might be as profound and rich in meaning as the life of a human being. And that is what connects the “Mind of the Universe’ to the classic myths of Eastern religions that studied them. Indeed, the Great Zimmer tells us in his ‘Myths of the India’, how Vishnu tells Indra, king of kings not to be so arrogant: he suddenly looks at the floor and sees a group of ants and Indra asks the Vishnu child, what are you looking at? Im looking to a group of Indras walking in a queue and crashes them..
Marvel, wonder and fear the Grand Design, because we humans have denied in our arrogance the Grand Design, which is the Tree of Life, and have adored instead the shitty designs of weapons and machines our Monkey Scientificus Lethaliensis have built, and we still keep denying His Mind. But our moronic designs sooner or latter will blow in our face, courtesy of CERN, Hawking and all the arrogant physicists that simplify it all into big bangs and the dark side of Shiva, Lord of death. Because black holes and strangelets will also behave as organisms, organic bombs that will feed and convert our matter into themselves.
Complex Science goes much further than this in its understanding of the meaning of God. As it represents a veritable theory of Unification of Religious thought.
It brings back the old Platonic concept that “This world is a living, being composed of a mind and a body.” And it brings back a rational explanation to the mystique concepts of Christianity (Orestes, Tertulianus, Saint Agustine), Islam (Sufies, Ibn Khaldun) and Buddhism (tipitaka)
It shows ultimately that the ‘language of religion’ is a human jargon to express the natural arrow of Eusocial Evolution that all species follow; and the goal of mankind should be to create a super-organism of History ruled by the laws of eusocial love (to share energy and information among all human cells).
M-Theory, LHC machines and other absurd ways not to explain but destroy the Universe.
The ultimate meaning of science: to help humans to understand what they experience – including religious feelings – with rationality and to make a better, sustainable world in which we can all human co-exist and become immortal, or paraphrasing one of our prophets, ‘those who believe in true science should live for ever’.
In that regard, nuclear physics is NO longer a science, since it is not following those purposes. The metaphysics of string theory explain nothing about reality as it is, and the experiments taken place at CERN that will try to create strangelets and black holes, starting this 11/9, and Mr. Hawking adamantly defends, risk the life of all of us.
So it is time to declare once the cold war is over that Nuclear Physicists are NOT the people who is advancing science in the XXI century; are not the people who are improving the future of life in this planet, but they are merely the people who caused the biggest menaces for life in this planet during the XX century… and XXI century, and only the marketing and propaganda of the military-industrial complex has pumped their ‘explosive’ mathematical fictions about the origin of the Universe, like the Big-bang or the God’s particle to the status of ‘scientific truths’.
The Universe has always been explained by cosmologists like Einstein, philosophers and religions, using different languages (advanced mathematics, logic and words) – NOT by nuclear physicists, like those working at CERN, who merely advance the industry of nuclear weapons and in the process have found some simple particles of one of the many scales of energy and information of the Universe, and certainly not the most important for mankind. Since we don’t belong to that scale of energy and information but to the scale of life studied by Biology and Social Sciences.
Now we face at CERN again, an enormous danger for life in this planet for no real scientific reason, despite the marketing of books like that of Mr. Hawking’s or the God’s particle, nowhere to be found.
Since, according to standard science on those 2 substances, black holes and strangelets, which is not Hawking and his pretension that those black holes will evaporate because ‘Einstein is double wrong’, but Einstein’s Relativity and his studies on Bose-Einstein condensates (since a strangelet is a fermion condensate made of quarks that obeys the Einstein-Bose statistics), when they form, and CERN recognizes they will form, they will transform all the matter of this planet into themselves, blowing the rest into a supernova.
And that is a risk mankind should not accept, and it certainly invalidates any pretension of truth from physicists like Hawking.
Indeed, today the purpose of physicists like Hawking and centers like CERN is to have egotrips with their energetic machines and their self-described sacred language (mathematics).
And this must be denounced as we have done in our suits against CERN and sites like this one; even if the routines of the cold war and its pumping of nuclear physicists as the discoveries of the meaning of it all still linger in our scientific academia. Indeed, the big-bang theory which only explains the explosion and death of the previous Universe was created by a nuclear physicist. Gamow, and given that name by Fred hoyle, precisely to point out that it was merely a big deformation of Gamow’s work in the A-Bomb and the obsession of nuclear physicists with Energy and the arrow of death.
Since I have been submitted to a brutal smearing campaign during the past years by the community of physicists, being called by CERN’s 3rd rate theorists and its ‘task force’ of 10 people, dedicated expressly to create smear campaigns against those who opposed this company (mainly me, Otto Rossler also a complexity theorists and Walter Wagner, a physicists and biologist), a ‘crackpot’, a ‘turd’, a ‘twat’ and many other things, to which I didn’t respond for a question of ‘dignitas’ and also practicality (as physicists are still revered in our civilization based in the military-industrial complex they have created, as the ‘high priests’ of science, and all our answers have been censored), in this post I will respond on the occasion of yet another irrelevant, self-promoting book about time theory by Mr. Hawking, showing to those intelligent enough to differentiate between power and reason, authority and truth, what is the truth about time, and how, and why the ‘Gods’ of Time create the Universe.
It is clear though that Physicists have imposed their single arrow of Time, the energy, entropy and death delivered by their machines=weapons as the only God of Mankind and rejected the most complex arrows, those of eusocial evolution or ‘love’, and so they will, in search of Shiva, destroy the world, as those who knew more about time, the prophets of the wor(l)d have repeatedly tell them. Yes, Indeed, Mr. Hawking, philosophy and religion are not dead, but the Earth will die soon if science doesn’t upgrade and r=evolves against the tyranny of physicists and its monist, simplistic theories of reality, creating a sustainable planet, based in the full understanding of the Grand Design – CERN will kill it. As today this is not happening, because there is a split between those who believe ‘only’ in the arrow of energy (mainly physicists) and will soon blow up the planet with it. And those who believe ‘only’ in the arrow of information (mainly robotists and computer theorists) and will soon create a species with higher information than man, which will substitute us. While the true science of time, as philosophers and religious people always understood, is Duality, the existence of two arrows of time, energy and information, whose essential formula was found paradoxically by physicists, though never properly understood, E x i = K. This formula, E x T = K, in Einstein’s notation means that ‘things exist’ when in balance between their energy and information. It allow us to define mathematically death as an imbalance of both elements: Max. e x Min. i = Death by excess of energy as in accidents and under weapons. Max. i x Min. E = Death by excess of information, as in the 3rd age. And it means that either Physicists or Robotists will kill mankind in this century, the age of the singularity when they create machines with more information than us (Artificial Intelligence) or machines with enough energy to blow up the planet (CERN’s factory of strangelets and black holes).
So now I wil return to the book of Mr. Hawking, which calls us – Rossler and me, the complexity theorists who have sued CERN for genocide – ‘crackpots’ or ‘two men’ – never acknowledging even that we have a name or a scientific discipline – you know we are all dead, or if not we will soon be, courtesy of his black holes that won’t evaporate but evaporate all of us.
Of course, Mr. Hawking cannot be bothered with such nuisances, as he keeps enlightening mankind. So he has rejected many attempts on our side to open a dialog with him, denying us even a courtesy interview or apologizing note, when Rossler went visit him at Cambridge, or when I went to visit him at Pasadena. There, once it was clear he wouldn’t talk to me I filmed his cynical remarks that ‘we haven’t found proofs of black hole evaporation in 30 years, pity, since if we had I would receive a Nobel prize, but now at CERN they will give me a second chance’, though ‘if I am wrong’, ‘we will become all spaghetti’.
I know Hawking is ‘untouchable’ because of his disability. But disable people are first people with all the rights and duties of any moral human being. And this modern Strangelove must be judged by the quality of his work and the ethics of his actions, regardless of his neuronal atrophy. Unlike Heims, an extraordinary German physicist, impaired, who never became a celebrity because he was doing what true physicists should do – to publish papers and help to explain the Universe – Hawking has explained nothing but shamelessly exploited the compassion of people to make money. Indeed, in his ‘Brief history of Time’ about Einstein’s work, Einstein is not in the cover, but the ‘new Einstein’ – himself in his chair, occupies the stolen throne. In the past decades the ‘Hawking’s factory’ keeps churning books, written often by others for a price, with his stamped sign on it. And yet, because people are naive and good natured, the same people whose lives Hawking is putting at risk with his promotion of CERN’s black holes, adore him and truly believe he is the new Einstein…
When I think of a disable person, I prefer to think of Mr. Roosevelt who always tried to hide his disability NOT to exploit him, to show he had to be judged as a man because he could stand up tall on his own merits. And he indeed saved the world, instead of trying to blow it up, to prove some bizarre theory…
Hawking in a nutshell: an ambitious lad who tried to emulate Einstein not with pen and paper, truly resolving the final questions the master left unresolved, and we have been advancing in Complexity theory (the meaning of mass and the Unification of charges and masses or the philosophically necessary, eternal Universe), but with all the wrong tricks of an unethical person – denying the master while making money with his theories; denying the scientific method; denying the right of all the inhabitants of this planet to live with his ‘risky’ promotion of black hole factories.
Unfortunately as Mr. Higgs, his rival in God’s theories on this shameless Hall of Fame of CERN, puts it, his work is ‘not good enough’. Which obviously implies that Higgs does not believe in the evaporation of black holes, and so he believes we will all die if they are formed at CERN – but he also doesn’t mind to risk our lives to find his ‘toilet’ sorry ‘God’s particle’. Needless to say he is also in open denial of Einstein’s theory (reason why Nobel Prize Weinberg, called it with that schatological name), but he prefers to compare himself… with Maxwell, because ‘both are Scots’ – says the maestro in CERN’s self-promotional video.
All in all my thoughts are that God did indeed created the Universe and the World of Man, but now Mr. Hawking and Mr. Higgs are likely to destroy our World. And that I don’t respect.
Yet those ‘evil’=anti-live actions merely follow the traditions of physicists, who have made all the weapons of mass destruction of history… and in the process learned all about the arrow of energy and death that erases the information of life – reason why CERN has a statue to Shiva dancing over Kali in its courtyard.
But that energetic, simplistic description of the Cosmos uses only half of reality – a single arrow of future=time. The other half, fractal information – ‘form’, Vishnu, Yin in the philosophical tradition – that we Complexity theorists study is missing in all those faulty theories. Reason why Hawking has ran into the ‘information paradox’, since his black holes only have entropy, energy, so they have to evaporate information ‘to the past’. If that were truth of course, the Universe would be a dead, amorphous void. Since in/form/ation is the form of reality.
And so the fundamental law of science is the conservation of energy and information, rephrased by Complexity theorists: ‘energy never dies but trans/forms itself into another type of in/form/ation’.
This simple Law that widens the restricted ‘principle of conservation of Energy’ that only physicists like Hawking still use, since it includes also the arrow of information that creates the future, trans/forming energy in form. But Hawking is stuck in century old, monist, entropy-only interpretations of reality, as most physicists at CERN are. And so they think that by destroying the Universe or the world with a big-bang explosion they will explain the meaning of it all.
Yet, they will only explain the tautological fact of death: energy kills; death is an overdrive of energy as in an accident, or when you are killed by a weapon, a machine that produces an overload of energy, in this case CERN’s quark cannon…
Thus if those experiments continue, Faustus will ‘likely’ play a final dirty trick on Hawking and all of us, who didn’t dare to defy the ‘high priest’ of ‘catastrophysics’: those black holes won’t evaporate to the past but swallow the Earth…
I am as certain of this as I am certain that there is indeed a Grand Design… because God doesn’t play with dices, nor Einstein is double wrong.
On the contrary God did create the Universe and we, complexity theorists have proved it with the right tools of science, the scientific and experimental method.
It also imposes to each of us for a question of ‘dignity’ and ‘respect’ for the Universe, a humility respect to the Grand Design, a desire for anonymity that I have always followed so different from the circus of scientific celebrities that have pumped minions of thought into ‘monsters of arrogance’, able to risk our lives for a prize. It is not the blame of scientists so much as the result of a system of mass-media that has completely deformed the ‘face value’ of people and convert freaks like Lady Gaga into Beethovens to sell more cds and children of thought like Hawking accustomed to hear that he is the most intelligent man on planet Earth and the new Einstein, in new Dr. Strangeloves that are so sure of their doodles that don’t see any risk in defying the Master, Mr. Einstein with his experiments on black holes.
Further on, we live in a dark age for ethics, a world close to its extinction precisely because science has forgotten the role of Ethics in the survival of ‘species’, which are always more important than individuals. And so it has created hand in hand with mass-media, a new world of selfish, ego-centric individuals who feel ‘entitled’ to defy the Top Predator speciesof the Universe.
Today science and religion are corrupted, and so the superorganism of history is dying; the human cells are back into an ‘homo bacteria’ state of mind, which Hawking symbolizes with his cuckoo pretensions of ‘creating’ the laws of the Universe with computers and mathematics, instead of respectfully search for answers to the experimented reality.
And religion is indeed the engine of History, and so the experimental method of science must explain why religions exist, and what is the role within the evolution of man, instead of insulting the intelligence, the feelings and the billions of people who believe in them, with the type of constant, retarded comments we here from people like Hawking and Dawnkins. Of course, Mr. Hawking et al do not belong to any superorganism of history but to the limited biological organism called man. They have never felt the assabiyah the prayer feels turning around the Kaaba, in the mystique creation of the superorganism of Allah; or the communion of Saints people feel listening to the Pope or in a Mass gathering. Their souls have been never dissolved into the Nirvana of the Universal mind.
Those moments in which the ego transcends and emerges into the subconscious collective of God are all gone. Today we are mediated by machines, in this age of devolution of the human mind and evolution of the computer mind, Human Gods are dying and so as our superorganisms of history die, we, individual cells suffer a ‘rigor mortis’ of ego-happiness. When the nervous system dies, the cells are no longer suffering pain and remorse, but become fat, absorbing without restrain the liquids of the body. They all have a last banquet, before they realize without the ethical, sharing behavior imposed by the nervous system they will soon be prey of a stronger organism, the insect, which they could have easily defeated as a single being.
Mankind now in its last stages of decadence, when, as in the 3rd age of any superorganism, an excess of information has corrupted the ‘right, ethical’ information that guided mankind in the past.
In the self-similar biological world of organisms, a superorganism dies when the nervous/informative system collapses and each cell fends for itself. Our ethical and legal systems that maintained our religions of love and nations together have collapsed. And now each human is in an ego-trip, which reaches cosmic proportions among the theorists and physicists at CERN that don’t mind to risk the entire superorganism of history to get a ‘nobel prize’, a medal of metal, from a man who was called ‘the merchant of death’, because he made his fortune with explosives and even said cynically that ‘my factories will end with all wars, discovering a weapon that can annihilate entire armies with a single shot’. Now CERN can achieve that. But we don’t care, because as in a corpse in rigor mortis, which seems so beautiful because each cells greedily absorbing all the liquids of the body, once the ethical/nervous system that coordinates them together and makes them share energy and information among them – the meaning of eusocial love – is gone.
But then suddenly, because individual cells are unable to defend themselves from more complex super-organisms, a scavenger comes and eats up the entire body and the cells panic. This is the meaning of those black holes and strangelets that will eat up the entire planet Gaia, our superorganism of which humans are the collective mind-God, if the appear at CERN.
That is why we say often in our books that eviL=death, the genetic ‘antiparticle’ of Live rules supreme in this civilization based in weapons and the arrow of energy and death, which physicists, its high priests, have built. Ethics no longer matter for them: Never mind we can destroy the world in search of our Saint Grail. This is no important if maybe we can get my Saint Nobel of the Dynamite.
Mr. Hawking has a single obsession for 30 years: to proof that black holes evaporate ‘to the past’, because his 1976 article ‘the quantum theory of black holes’ is his single article of real research, in which he tried to apply the laws of quantum theory to black holes, described always with the laws of relativity. Hence he denied Einstein twice and affirmed that ‘small black holes’ will behave differently than big ones, because they would be submitted to quantum effects; and that they would evaporate information because there was only one arrow of time, entropy, energy. Both assumptions are completely wrong, as any student of philosophy of science would tell him. Quantum theory is NOT a theory of the small, but a theory of electroweak forces and particles. The Universe is relative meaning that size doesn’t matter in a world of infinite scales, nor the smallish things are more important than the big ones as Physicists pretend, considering that if they find a smallish ‘string’ it will be more important than to define a big human being as a species of energy and information. An example will suffice: there are very small ants and big ones, but we do not treat the big ones with the laws of mammals and the small ones with the laws of bacteria, because they are all ants. Black holes are gravitational beings and so regardless of size they will follow the laws of Relativity, of gravitation explained by Einstein. Regarding Mr. Hawking’s error of entropy – the information paradox – is easily solved, NOT inventing an arrow of time to the past, but merely affirming that there is indeed a creative arrow of information, responsible among other things for the creation of life.
But Hawking doesn’t care to study new theories of science, and he himself confesses when asked at CERN about the fractal theory of the Universe that he ‘doesn’t understand it’. He neither hears any ethical reason on those experiments. He is indeed a man with a mission and a selfish agenda, pumped out to global celebrity by the tabloid press, who finds his personal life an emotional theme to engage audiences. But even if he is not guilty, as those overdeveloped egos of hollywood are not guilty of the star system that makes them believe they are above mortals, he is responsible of his acts and must be denounced for them.
We live in a society of selfish children, which fits this 3rd age of history. As old people return to the mind of children… with an evil twist. And then one day they stumble upon a real perfect organism and die.
This is what man is about to do: stumbling on the ‘informative, DNA of the galaxy’, the black hole.
Let us explain ourselves.
The organic Galaxy and the role of black holes: the nervous/informative system of a ‘galacell’.
If the God of Man is our subconscious collective created by the memes of our Books of Revelation that translate the organic mandates of the Universe into words like ‘Grow and Multiply’, the God of the Galaxy is the informative network of dark matter and gravitational bodies (black holes and strangelets, being the main MACHO candidates), that also have organic properties and if created here will grow and multiply.
In Complex astrophysics the galaxy can be modeled as a superorganism with 2 fundamental networks. One of dark matter and gravitation, the informative network and one of electromagnetism and reproductive stars, the mitochondria that evolves and reproduces dark matter, as they die leaving behind strange stars and black holes.
We have been able to explain most phenomena unexplained by simple astrophysics (which uses only maths and the energy arrow to explain the Universe), thanks to those models. And the proofs of the existence of such superorganisms keep coming. The ‘galacell’ indeed resembles more and more the self-similar fractal scale of an organic cell, where the DNA of gravitational information which organizes all the stars and elements of the cell are the black holes, likely to be as Einstein thought: frozen stars made of the heaviest particles of the Universe, top quarks – NOT mathematical musings, as Wheeler and Hawking wanted.
But an organic interpretation of the Universe is too complex and not ‘evident’, cannot be seen, because we cannot see dark matter, dark energy, gravitation. So we are observing only 4% of the organization of the galaxy. And we have to fill up the gaps using the logic of superorganisms. And yet the proofs keep coming. First we found that indeed, 96% of those structures are invisible. Then we found that there is a life/death cycle, the quasar cycle, which renews galaxies, as those explosions provoke the creation of new ones. Now we know that inside the ‘nuclei’ of those galacells, there is not a single abstract black hole but active swarms. Finally we have found that black holes have erratic behavior and many ‘migrate’ as RNA strains do, once they are born from mithocondria, to the center of the Galaxy.
My take is that in the same way in our ecosystem there are plants that feed but do not see light and animals that react to light as information, in the dual universe there are stars who ‘feed’ on the gravitational space-time of the galaxy, bending it as Einstein explains but do not ‘see’ the gravitational space-time. And then there are black holes who act-react to gravitation. In the cell obviously RNA molecules, using the OH-, O+ repulsive/impulsive legs of their aminoacids swim and seem to perceive the electromagnetic and Van der Waals force of the system to somehow organize the cell. Obviously there should not be consciousness on those structures but aperception, a word coined by Leibniz, the great philosopher of science and founding father of modern duality (with his philosophy of science and his discovery of the binary language today used by computers to model the Universe with 2 symbols), whose astounding insights only now we start to confirm as the beginning of a new dawn in science. Unfortunately the predecessor of Mr. Hawking, Mr. Newton, a pumped up mediocre unethical scientist, who stole from Leibniz the science of Calculus and then mounted a smearing campaign against him, succeeded in hiding Mr. Leibniz findings, who died in poverty and ignored. Today CERN has mounted a smearing campaign against the heirs of Leibniz like Mr. Rossler or this writer. While Mr. Hawking does not answer any letter from CERN critics, which can jeopardize his Newton-like ambitions to be the only ‘ego-cell’ of this planet to know ‘the mind of God’. The harder they fall…
Returning to Leibniz’s philosophy of science, he distinguished between consciousness and aperception. Consciousness implies to be aware of one’s self-thinking. Yet to act-react in the Universe only aperception is required. Aperception means in that sense that in a mechanical, almost vegetative manner systems emerge and organize themselves through actions-reactions motivated by the forces of their environment. In the case of a galaxy, it is increasingly obvious as Lee Smolin explains and I have insisted for decades in my spanish books on complexity that the ‘Grand Design’ favors black holes, its creation and control of the Galaxy.
Now we are going to do the superorganism of the Universe, its top predator, its Tyrannosaurs Rex, because children of thought like Hawking or the kids working at CERN are so arrogant and ignorant of the laws of the organic Universe, so indifferent to both, the Human, Ethic Gods that oblige us to care more for the superorganism of history than for ourselves, and to the top predator ‘DNA-network’ of gravitational dark matter that rules the galaxy… that they don’t see what will happen.
‘Gifted those who without seeing believe, because to them belongs the kingdom of heavens’.
Modern science was created by the discovery of machines that see instead of human eyes. We thus need ‘pics’ of a visual mapping to believe. Super-organisms however have a fundamental property: the information network is always faster, thinner, more invisible than the energetic network we see. Today we only know and understand in monist physics, the energetic networks. The informative network of gravitation in the superorganism of the galaxy or the verbal networks of social evolution in the superorganisms of history are not ‘visible’. So we do not believe in them. We do not see either the ‘fractal scales of the Universe ‘ and only slowly have come to realize that there is besides this perceived scale, smaller scales from cells to atoms we didn’t know there were there.
But we will never have the point of view needed to see the upper scales. We hinted at it when from the moon we saw the entire blue planet that now CERN will try to blow up, as a single dot of a much bigger cosmos. Gaia, the body of Mankind, the collective mind of History is about to die, because we have NOT obeyed the commandments of love and selfleshness, because we have not worshipped the tree of life but the tree of technology. And that is just.
I do regret though that since some of us, complexity theorists, have confronted for ethic reasons the Popes of obsolete mechanist science, Hawking and CERN, like Galileo did after confronting the Vatican Scientists, we will now remain under ‘house arrest’, after the massive ad hominem campaign we have been submitted to, and we will no longer be able to share all those discovers of what I used to call the ’3rd age of science’, that of complex Non-AE logic thought. It is obvious I will never work again as a scientist, nor will be invited to congresses. I am now with Rossler and Walter Wagner, the 3 scientists most outspoken against this institution (but not the only ones, since many other Risk Experts, mathematicians and physicists have signed those affidavits and court suits), ‘non-persons’. We can no longer publish even in the blogs of the net. So our wisdom will be lost and maybe our life in CERN’s experiments. In any case this has always been the destiny of pioneers; those in which we recognize a precedent to Complexity theory, from Plato and Aristotle to Leonardo and Leibniz, from Riemann to Einstein. But even if man doesn’t make it, or doesn’t want to evolve his mind, the Universe will remain there in all its beauty. And so if we die it will be because we didn’t deserve to be part of that beauty. Because we worshiped the simplest arrow of futures=times, the arrow of energy, entropy and death. In that sense, the absurd experiments to find the pure energy of death, taking place at CERN imply that those who adore Shiva, the people of CERN will ‘likely’ die, confirming the deterministic nature of the Universe.
Indeed, CERN says that the probabilities of extinction are small, one in a million and things like that. This is rubbish. We must understand to which degree CERN is lying when we understand the meaning of probabilities in quantum theory: quantum probabilities are not referred to the existence or not of an event, which either exists if the laws of science allow it (Totalitarian principle of physics: all what is not forbidden by the laws of science will happen) or do not exist if those laws are wrong. Quantum probabilities merely are a tool to know where a certain electron exists in a certain place, due to the uncertainty of its position – but there is not uncertainty in its existence in time, the electron does exist. Thus, probabilities apply to the task of finding the location of the electron in space, not to define if the electron exists or not. For the same reason, if the laws of strangelets preclude that strangelets will be formed, they will be formed. So there is 100% of chances that those strangelets will be formed and grow. Yet the physics of strangelet and black hole growth are not yet clearly understood. So maybe those black holes or strangelets explode into pure energy before swallowing the Earth and only the people of CERN and/or Geneva die in a Nuclear Explosion, as nothing seen in this planet yet… Those things cannot be known at the present stage of Physics, but what we know in Complexity is that the Universe is deterministic, organic, memorial, repetitive.
Yet even if humans cannot have all the information about our destiny, the Grand Design might have been already written in many planets and we, humans are so faulty that our mission is merely to give birth to a black hole and fulfill the many prophecies, such as the Mayan metaphor that in 2012 the Earth will ‘walk’ towards the center of Ouroboros, the Snake that represents the Milky way, to meet the Dark Lord of Death. This concept, which matches the organic paradigm of galaxies where black holes are the ‘informative’ network would mean mankind is so imperfect because in the Grand Design we are not worthy to live.
The myth of the End of the World of the Mayans is then easy to grasp in organic terms. Since the Galaxy resembles the functions of a cell, where the energetic mithocondria/stars produce the RNA/black holes that form the network of gravitational/genetic information. Then the purpose of stars and planets is to become black holes and strangelets. And once those are formed, they migrate to the two regions in which they host. Black holes migrate to the center of the galaxy, as RNA does. And strangelets, a smaller, dense form of matter, migrates to the halo/membrane of the galaxy as proteins do.
If we are nothing but a transition to strangelets or black holes, which then migrate to their position in the ‘galacell’ is something I cannot tell. The Fermi paradox which shows no intelligent life in the galaxy except the tam-tam of black holes might be a proof.
I, though prefer to think that this planet might be an exception; that perhaps the genetic, complex code that once and again develops planets of flesh allows some to survive. And so the ‘likely’ explosion of CERN will not swallow the entire planet, but those strangelets or black holes will blow up before, and the catastrophe will give mankind a final chance to evolve their Mind into a more complex way of thinking, more self-similar to the Organic Universe of which we are a part and physicists have denied.
What is certain is that something will happen sooner or latter in the absurd quest of physicists to explain it all by the power of death. I know, since their worldly profession is to make weapons, they will never evolve from that ‘philosophy of science’, which allows them to justify their ‘job’. The pity is that mankind trust them as the ‘high priests’ of science, and rejects Complexity and the arrow information. This is the inheritance of the military-industrial complex built during the cold war, and the corporate science that still drags on the marketing of Nuclear Physics as the science of sciences, established in the 50s to justify the Nuclear Race. There is little time to change that ‘Aryan, Bhramanic’ cult of Shiva. So far we, complexity theorists have failed. And this means we are not worthy to exist in the complex Universe, blind to the 3 more complex arrows of future, organic time, information, i, reproduction, exi, and social evolution, Σ E; Пi, which put together define the ‘Fractal Generator of the Universe, the function of Existence, foreseen in the masterpiece of the Taoist religion, the tao te king, which now we can also express in mathematical and logic terms:
‘∑exi=st’ as a chain of 2×2 arrows of future time that construct the Universe: (e)nergy, (i)nformation, Reproduction (exi) & (∑e<=>i) parallel evolution.
This function means in mathematical terms that all systems of the Universe are dual, made of a field of a cellular networks of energy and one of information (bodies and heads, fields and particles) which becomes a fractal, relative space-time, st of one of the scales of reality, in which a series of cycles of feeding on energy, gauging information and reproduction define the existence of the species between birth and extinction, completing its life/death cycle.
But surprisingly enough it writes in a self-similar way in English, ‘to exist’. There is no magic on it, because in the fractal paradigm ‘the languages of god are infinite’ and all can be expressed with numbers, with images, with words, with logic equations….
But that beautiful equation I have discovered would require an entire site to explain it…
Yet perhaps even better than plunging into the intellectual delights of the complex Universe, don’t read more, feel, absorb what I have told you, sink on it, on the beauty and perfection of the intelligence and eternity of it all, dissolve your mind in the mind of God, instead of forcing God to obey you, because neither Hawking nor Einstein understood that if ‘their theories were wrong God didn’t have to correct the Cosmos’ as Einstein pretended but man had to learn the higher logic of God, because the Universe is perfect as that humble true genius, Leibniz always affirmed.
So I will leave you now with a final thought, from the true father of Future Science, which is neither Newton not his heir in the chair of Cambridge, but the rival of Newton, Leibniz and those of us who follow his steps.
Leibniz realized that the Universe must be perfect and eternal for God to Exist (or else its Mind wouldn’t be God, a perfect, eternal being by definition); and so those species and forms of mankind that don’t make the ‘cut’; that refuse to evolve and become more perfect should perish for God, the whole to be perfect in its parts, in the same manner corrupted, old forms die for life to renew itself.
And yet part of that perfection is the fact that there are less combinations of form, of information, than fractal, parallel spaces in the repetitive scales that host those forms. So we shall be repeated, the game of Mankind will be essayed again. And there will be many other fractal, self-similar planets, in which the Human being will exist because it will be a better being. Are we transcendental beings, able to migrate our souls into those self-similar planets? I won’t enter into arguments on fractal metaphysics, which these days I only have with my friend Rossler as I no longer attend Complexity Congresses. In any case, in Fractal Theory there are not like in the bizarre Everett interpretation of quantum theory that Hawking backs, multiple Universes, but the ‘sum over histories’ of all possible Human Histories happen in the same Universe, as space-time is fractal.
Thus, at least one planet has the ideal, platonic canon, the perfect shadow of the cave, the perfect human being, as this planet had some of them, in prophets like Jesus or Buddha, in artists like Michelangelo, in beautiful minds like that of Leibniz.
And I am sure in one of them, God will have spare us from knowing His mind through the self-similar demigod, Mr. Hawking and so CERN will not have a excuse to blow us all. And we shall all be reunited in that planet, in which the laws of eusocial love will create a superorganism of history, which will be eternal. I only wish that my platonic self-similar human being will be born again in one of those planets where the true gods of mankind are still worshiped, because here our superorganism will end soon, as we have worshipped only the dark side of God, Shiva, Yang, the destroyer of worlds and his practitioners, the physicists…
‘I am become Kali, the destroyer of worlds’ Oppenheimer, father of the A-Bomb, of the wrong black hole theory (Singularity), the man who inaugurated CERN.
(1) This article resumes 20 years of research in complexity theory and its multiple disciplines, non-euclidean geometry, fractal mathematics, duality, complex logic, complex biology, complex physics, complex history, etc. It resumes the 9 conferences which I gave at the International Systems Societies, during my tenure of the SIG of duality in the congresses of Cancun, Sonoma, Tokyo, Madison and Waterloo (2005-2010), that gave an overview of what I call the ’3rd age of science’ when Man will learn to respect and exi=st within a self-similar, organic, eternal Universe of 2 fractal, scalar, self-generative, Non-AE motions – energy & information: ∑e<=>i, Or if not we’ll self-destroy himself and his planet, obsessed by the simple, monist arrow of physicists: energy, entropy and death. Che sera sera.