면접문제 1회
1) First, I would consult with Nayoung about the issue individually. This is important because she is the one who has a decisive key to solving the problem. Specifically, I would explain to her why her behaviors makes her classmates isolate her, while being cautious not to frustrate her learning motivation, like “Nayoung, I appreciate how eager and active you’re in the class and all the teachers do so as well. However, anyone in your age can envy this and accordingly you are likely to get hatred from others. Why don’t you spend more time helping others instead of spending time with teachers?” Second, I would throw a classroom party so that Nayoung and her classmates can have an opportunity to talk about the problem. The classroom party is the best way to exchange their feelings frankly in a comfortable atmosphere. By doing so, they will be able to resolve misunderstanding and can enhance the sense of unity. Third, I would ask each student to write a letter to others. Through letters, Nayoung will be able to find out how her classmates think about her behavior indirectly and adjust it to get along with them
2) Teacher Kim’s problems are as follows: first, he tries to solve all the problems related to his students by himself, making intervention all the time even when unnecessary. This is problematic in that his students cannot have any opportunity to develop autonomy and problem-solving skills which are necessarily required to lead a successful life. To address the concern, the teacher should encourage students to solve their problems on their own by minimizing his intervention while creating an environment facilitative for their independent problem-solving. Second, Mr. Kim fails to balance between learning and interests in his class, focusing too much on making the class interesting. This is most likely to result in meaningless class in which his students learn nothing significant. Therefore, the teacher should prioritize learning first and foremost and making his students interested should follow as a means to maximize the learning.
3) 혜영, I appreciate that you’re are so popular among your classmates that you become a role model for them. I’m sure you’ll be a great leader in the future and lead a successful social life. However, as you know, what is crucial to be a great leader is to be able to guide your followers in the right direction, instead of instigating them to engage in committing misbehavior. So, which do you want? you want to be the worst leader who leads your followers in the wrong direction? or the great leader who takes the initiative in conducting good deeds?
4) In this case, the quality needed for the teacher is to be able to communicate and emphathize with the students. This is because what really counts is not ‘teaching’ itself but engaging them in ‘learning’ so that they can learn in a cooperative and warming classroom environment. In addition, given the fact that the innate desire for friendly relationship plays an important role in fostering motivation for learning, effective teaching alone cannot work well. Therefore, the teacher should struggle to integrate such affective factors into the class by maximizing interaction with the students during class while providing them with emotional support as frequently as possible
첫댓글 1번
①서론을 적어주시면 더욱 좋을 것 같습니다. 예를 들어, To improve the relationship between Nayoung and classmates, I would do the following things.
② 첫 번째 방법에서 어떻게 상담을 해야할 지 구체적으로 적어준 점이 좋습니다. 다만 “ why her behaviors makes her classmates isolate her”을 좀 더 간결하게 “why she is isolated from other classmates.”이렇게 말하면 어떨까요?
③ 두 번째 방법에서 “throw a classroom party”보다는 공동의 과제를 함께 하도록 하는게 어떨까 생각이 듭니다. 파티를 연다는 건 좀 막연한 것 같고 공동의 과제를 함께 하는 과정에서 대화할 수 있는 기회가 생기고 이를 통해서
오해를 해결할 수 있을 것 같다라고 설명해주시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
④ 세 번째 잘 적어주셨습니다.
①첫번째: teacher Kim의 문제점과 해결책 잘 적어주셧습니다. 단어 사용이 특히 좋은 것 같습니다. 다만 약간 문장이 길고 어렵다는 느낌이 듭니다. 간단하게 단문으로 설명해주셔도 좋을 것 같습니다.
②두번째: 잘 적어주셨습니다. 아쉬운 점은 표현에서 “This is most likely to ~~”에서 “This results in~ ”이렇게만 적어주셔도 좋을 것같습니다.
표현 좋구요 학생에게 생각해 볼 수 있는 기회를 제공한 것도 좋지만 더불어 구체적인 방법을 제시하는 것도 좋다고 생각합니다. 예를 들어, 학급에서 봉사활동을 조직하는데 혜영이에게 리더가 되어달라고 부탁하는 건 어떨까요?
어려운 문제임에도 불구하고 잘 적어주셨습니다. 교사로서 필요한 자질과 그에 대한 실천 방안을 잘 적어주셨습니다. 표현이 좋지만 좀 복잡한 느낌이 있습니다. 이것만 고려해주시면 될 것 같습니다.