Someone says the personality is natured, the others cultured or both.
The important thing is to see the origine of personality. What do you think is the origine of personality? The family tradition? The heaven? The Soul? the chance?
However I woul like to point out the path from Ki production organs to Ki consumption organs which might be Ki flow and constitute the peronality.
So I come to the conclusion that personality comes from specification of Ki production organs - Five Organs. Of course the soul is beyond the visible world so I will not mention the mysterious world that I think really realizes real world.
The body is basically the carrier of our soul. If one soul will choose its comfort carrier when it comes out this world from mysterious world. What kind of carrier will be a cormfort carrier? That is a formulated body which is made for easy performance that the soul intend to experience i this world. So If we can investigate how the body is formulated, we could guess the personality because the tindividual body has its own Ki flow.
The Ki flow of living thing is receiving from universe and giving back to univer through breath and food of body. According to the body status, the volume and speed of Ki flow is characterized. This is the most basical element of personality that is natured and lately modyfied by social education.
For example, suppose that there are five men who take same bread and water but they will produce different type of stool and urine. From the investigation, we could guess the charater of individual Ki flow. Just like this, the East Asian Medicine Doctor could understand the body with ki flow not with anatomical composition.
The Liver Ki is to accelerate power. So judging from outcoming signs of ki, the person who has a strong liver ki, we can easily understans that person is hasty, impatient, get easily angry and respond quickly in mental side and easily get reddish, oily face, lot of pimples, autoinmune skin disease in physical side.
Well-educated EAM doctors need not psychological inspection report as the case may be for this diagonsis.
If you are a employer and going to activate your organization, you would rather choose the employee of strong liver Ki as frontier guard to inflame other employees.
If you are going to maintain your organization silently, you would rather choose the leader of weak liver Ki and give fringe benefits to other followers of strong liver Ki .
In same physiological view, EAM doctors can treat neuropsychosis with herbals and change the atmosphere of meeting with food cooking.