:: Motorola(Symbol) Barcode Scanner : 핸디 1D, 2D 바코드스캐너 ::
<Motorola(Symbol) : LS2208 SR Scanners>
:: 유선 바코드 핸디스캐너 : LS 2208 SR, LS2208 AP ::
The LS 2208 offers a complete scanning and on-board connectivity set, making it the perfect scanner for a wide variety of retail and commercial. Powerful Features Help You Get Started Fast and Reduce Costs.
- 스캔속도 : 100 Scans/sec - 판독거리 : 최소 6.4~15.2Cm(6mil),최대 58.4cm(20mil) - Interface : PS/2,USB,RS232 - 용도 : POS,매장,약국,OA - 특징 : 인체적 공학적인 디자인,소형, 경량 Scanner * 바코드스캐너 거치대( LS-2208용 Stand ) : \70,000 별도임
Motorola(Symbol) LS-2208 Data Sheet
<Motorola(Symbol) : LS3008 Scanners>
:: 유선 바코드 핸디스캐너 : LS 3008 ::
The Motorola(Symbol) LS3008 rugged handheld scanner offers affordable performance and durability in smaller manufacturing and light industrial environments. The LS3008 features single board construction, eliminating the common points of failure associated
- 스캔속도 : 200 Scans/sec - 판독능력 : 5mil, 바코드밀도에따라 다름 - Interface : PS/2,USB,RS232 - 용도 : 매장,창고,물류,제조 - 특징 : 고성능 다용도 Scanner
Motorola(Symbol) LS-3008 Data Sheet
<Motorola(Symbol) : LS4208 Scanners>
:: 유선 바코드 핸디스캐너 : LS 4208 ::
The LS 4208 Realize significant cost savings with continuous, one-pass scanning from Motorola(Symbol)’s next-generation laser scanner. Accelerate throughput with productivity-enhancing features never before seen from a Motorola(Symbol) scanner.
- 스캔속도 : 200 Scans/sec - 판독거리 : 최소 3.81~13.9Cm(5mil),최대 73.6cm(20mil) - Interface : PS/2,USB,RS232 - 용도 : 제조공정,포장공정,매장,창고,물류,기타 - 특징 : 고성능 다용도 Scanner
Motorola(Symbol) LS4208 Data Sheet
Hand Held,Honeywell 2D스캐너,2D Barcode Scanner,2D 바코드 스캐너,2D Scanner 핸드헬드 2D 바코드스캐너 제품은 특히 2차원 바코드 유선,무선 스캐너로 유통,제조,물류,자동화,기타 현장에 SOLUTION 적합 (Hand Held,Honeywell Scanner Barcode 1D,2D,Bluetooth,Image,OCR) Hand Held,Honeywell IT3800 3820 4200 4230 4236 4820 5600 5620 5800 4710 DPM 6300 6320
<Hand Held, Honeywell : IT3800i,IT3800g,IT3800r> ::1차원 바코드스캐너:: IT-3800i,IT-3800g,IT-3800r A high performance hand held barcode scanner : 유선 , 1D
This durable model is excellent in handheld scanning applications, such as point of sale where hand scanning is required for large bulky items, shipping and warehousing or anywhere where low to medium density barcodes are being read 2 to 3 feet away. IT3800 can be used indoors or outside in bright sunlight. The Hand Held ImageTeam 3800 series of Scanners is designed to fit your needs and your budget. : IT3800LR Long Range, IT3800LX Extra long Range, IT3800PDF PDF417 및 1차원 바코드 : IT3800 VHD 고밀도용, IT3800 ESD ESD :: IT3800 G, IT3800 LTP
Hand Held IT3800LR Data Sheet Hand Held IT3800 G Data Sheet
< Hand Held, Honeywell : IT3820 Scanner > :: 바코드스캐너 BlueTooth 무선스캐너 :: IT-3820 BlueTooth Cordless barcode scanner : 무선,1D
Bluetooth Class 11 v1.2. - Radio range 10 meters (33 feet) Data Accumulation allowing almost unlimited radio range Rugged Design - IP41 Water and Dust Resistant Data Accumulation Mode for out of range scanning - Buffers upto 200 barcodes when out of range Utilises adaptive frequency hopping for improved performance in existing RF environments Powered by a lithium Ion battery capable of delivering up to 25.000 reads between charges.
Hand Held IT 3820 Data Sheet
< Hand Held, Honeywell : IT4200 Scanner > :: 2차원바코드스캐너,이미지,유선스캐너 :: IT-4200 hand held barcode scanner : 소형,유선, 2D/1D
Hand Held Products의 IT4200는 2차원 공간이미지 센서로서 넓은 활용도와 소매 및 상업용 어플리케이션 의 선형 스캔 속도와 비용을 결합,AdaptusTM Imaging Technology로 강화된 IT4200은 완벽한 기능,속도가 빠르고 비용 대비 효율이 높음 인체공학적 디자인,1D, PDF417, MicroPDF417, Postal, Matrix, EAN.UCC Composite 코드 및 OCR 폰트의 전방향 판독을 통해 가장 편리 하게 데이터를 취합,이미지 캡처,한 눈에 구별되는 녹색의 목표 조준기로 뛰어난 조도 대비를 제공하며 신속하고 편리하게 이미지 캡처 어플리케이션을 사용.
Hand Held IT 4200 Data Sheet
Metrologic Barcode Scanner(::Metrologic Scanner,메트로로직 바코드 핸디스캐너,고정형스캐너 바코드리더 MS5145,MS9535,MS9540,MS9544,MS7120,MS7220,MS7320,MS6520,MS7620,MS1690 Scanner로 편의점,슈퍼마켓,OA,유통, 물류, 자동화, 항공,기타 현장에서 바코드시스템 구축시 사용.
<Metrologic::메트로로직 : MS5145 Eslipse >
:: 1D 핸디스캐너 :: MS 5145 Eslipse
The Metrologic MS5145 Eclipse is a single-line, hand-held laser scanner. the Metrologic MS5145 Eclipse a perfect selection for menu scanning, point-of-sale,document processing and inventory control.
- 스캔속도 : 72 ± 2 scan lines per second - 판독거리 : 0mm - 140mm (0” - 5.5”) for 0.33mm (13mil) bar codes - Interface : PS/2,USB,RS232 - 용도 : 물류,제조,편의점,POS,매장,약국,OA - Minimum Bar Width : 0.102mm (4.0mil)
Metrologic MS-5145 Data Sheet
< Metrologic :: 메트로로직 : MS9540 (MS9544 PDF)>
:: 1D 핸디스캐너 :: MS 9540 ,(1D.2D : MS9544)
Includes Metrologics exclusive CodeGate technology with all the features of MS9540 VoyagerCG This durable model is excellent in handheld scanning applications.
- 스캔속도 : 72 ± 2 scan lines per second - 판독거리 : 0mm - 203mm (0” - 8”) for 0.33mm (13mil) bar codes - Interface : PS/2,USB,RS232 - 용도 : POS,매장,약국,OA - Minimum Bar Width : 0.127mm (5.0mil)
Metrologic MS-9540 Data Sheet
< Metrologic :: 메트로로직 : MS7120 Scanners >
:: 1D 고정형스캐너 :: MS 7120
Omnidirectional and excellent at reading tough to scan barcodes.
- 스캔속도 : 1200 scan lines per second - 판독거리 : 0mm - 215mm (0” - 8.5”) for 0.33mm (13mil) bar codes - Interface : PS/2,USB,RS232 - 용도 : 편의점,POS,매장,약국,OA,창고 - Minimum Bar Width : 0.13mm (5.2mil)
Metrologic MS-7120 Data Sheet
Datalogic Barcode Scanner(::Datalogic Scanner,Cordless,Wireless, 데이타로직 바코드 스캐너 데이터로직 바코드스캐너,리더기) D130,M100,D200,M200,M101,DLL6110,D101,M101,Dragon M131 D432 Lynx 링스,Gryphon D432,D432E,POWERSCAN D8500,Matrix200,400,2000,Matrix2xx5 MP 유선,무선스캐너로 OA,유통, 제조,물류,자동화, 항공,기타현장에서 바코드시스템로 사용되고 있습니다
<Datalogic(:데이타로직) Gryphon : D130 Scanners> :: 1차원 바코드 유선 핸디스캐너 :: D130,D120 (D100 대체) A host of features provides optmised reading performance with the new Gryphon reader series
Designed for optimal reading performance the Gryphon has thorough feedback capabilities with an ergonomic design to provide for instinctive use and readability.
Datalogic_D130 , D120 Data Sheet
<Datalogic(:데이타로직) Gryphon : M100 Scanners> :: 1차원 바코드 무선 핸디스캐너 : 무선통신거리 30m :: M-100 A host of features provides optmised reading performance with the new Gryphon Cordless reader series
The Gryphon Cordless has the same optimized performance as the Gryphon but with the freedom of a cordless connection. Scan with ease and accuracy from up to 100ft away!Designed for optimal reading performance.
Datalogic M100 Data Sheet
<Datalogic(:데이타로직) Gryphon : M101, DLL6110R Scanners> :: 1차원 바코드 산업용 무선 핸디스캐너 : 무선통신거리 50 m :: M101 Datalogic cordless or wireless industrial laser barcode scanner.
Datalogic cordless or wireless industrial laser barcode scanner, the Dragon M101 / DLL6010-R Industrial Laser Scanner with radio frequency data transmission for barcode scanning applications where a particular amount of mobility is necessary. Barcode scanner user is not limited by a cable, and the scanner can be used up to 50 meters away from the base station. The DLL6110-R / M101 also includes a display and 3 push-buttons. The user can receive information from the host, actively interact with the central system and visualise the code read.
Datalogic gryphon M101 Data Sheet
<Datalogic(:데이타로직) Dragon Scanner : D101, M-101 Scanners> :: Dragon Scanner : D101 (유선스캐너), M101 (무선스캐너) :: D-101 Datalogic Dragon cordless or wireless industrial laser barcode scanner.
The Dragon series scanners offer high performance paired with rugged construction -When the job calls for a rugged, user friendly scanner, turn to the Dragon.
Datalogic Dragon D-101,M-101 Data Sheet
<Datalogic(:데이타로직) Dragon Scanner : D-131 Scanners> :: Dragon Scanner : DRAGON™ DRAGON™ D131 Datalogic DRAGON™ D131 High/STD resolution(≥3 mils) DRAGON™ D131 LR Medium resolution(≥10 mils) DRAGON™ D131 XLR Med/Low resolution(≥13 mils) DRAGON™ D141 LR Medium resolution(≥10 mils) DRAGON™ D141 XLR Med/Low resolution(≥13 mils) industrial laser barcode scanner.
산업용 바코드 레이져 핸드스캐너, 2M 낙하테스트, Standard모델, LR(롱레인지), XLR(Extra 롱레인지):옵션, Man/machine interface: loud beeper and 3GL™ feedback,10 cm to 10 m reading 거리
Datalogic Dragon D-131 Data Sheet | | | | | | |
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