a cut above [below] ~보다 한층 위 [아래]
Just because she went to a private school, Jayne seem to think she’s a cut above the rest of us. 단자 우리가 사립학교에 다녔기 때문에 Jayne은 그녀가 나머지 우리보다 한증 위라고 생각하는 것 같다.
swing for it = be hanged, dance on air, mount [go to] the gallows, mount [go to] the scaffold, be sent [brought] the scaffold, get up [mount] the ladder, kick up the clouds, kick the wind, die in one’s shoes [boots], die with one’s shoes [boots] on, wear a hempen cravat, be noosed, come to the halter, haltered, be strung up, be garroted [garotted] be gibbeted 교수형에 처해지다
He went to the gallows. = He was hanged.
die in one’s shoes [boots] = die with one’s shoes [boots] on ① 교수형에 처해지다 ② 횡사하다(die [meet] a violent [a tragic, an accidental an unnatural] death)
He met a violent death at the hands of the mob.