arroyo [ə'rɔiəu ]
释 n. 干涸的河床(a dry gully);小河(a creek)
brook [bruk ]
释 n. 小河(a small stream)
canyon ['kænjən ]
释 n. 峡谷(a long, narrow valley between cliffs)
记 联想记忆:can(能)+ y(像峡谷的形状)+ on(在…上)→ 能站在峡谷上,记住表示峡谷的其他一些单词:gorge(n. 山谷,峡谷);gully(n. 溪谷,冲沟);ravine(n. 峡谷,溪谷);valley(n. 山谷)
cape [keip ]
释 n. 披肩,短斗篷(a cloak);海角
记 来自词根cap(头)
cavern ['kævən ]
释 n. 大洞穴(a large cave)
记 来自cave(n. 洞)
crater ['kreitə ]
释 n. 火山口(a bowl-shaped cavity);弹坑(a pit made by an exploding bomb)
creek [kri:k ]
释 n. 小湾,小溪(a small stream, somewhat larger than a brook)
crest [krest ]
释 n. 山顶;浪尖(top of a hill or wave);羽冠(showy feathers on the head of a bird)
eddy ['edi ]
释 n. 漩涡,涡流(little whirlpool or whirlwind)
fluvial ['flu:viəl ]
释 a. 河流的,生长在河中的(of, or living in a stream or river)
记 词根记忆:fluv(=flu流)+ial→河流的
ford [fɔ:d ]
释 n. 浅滩,水浅可涉处(a shallow place in a body of water);v. 涉水(to cross by wading)
记 不要和fort(n. 堡垒)相混
geyser ['gaizə ]
释 n. 天然热喷泉(a spring from which columns of boiling water and steam gush into the air at intervals)
记 来自冰岛一温泉Geysir
gorge [gɔ:ʤ ]
释 n. 峡谷(a narrow steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon)
grotto ['grɔtəu ]
释 n. 洞穴(small cavern)
记 联想记忆:gr(看作great)+ otto(看作otter水獭)→ 大水獭住在洞穴中
insular ['insjulə ]
释 adj. 岛屿的;心胸狭窄的(narrow-minded, illiberal)
反 cosmopolitan(a. 世界性的)
记 词根记忆:insul(岛)+ ar → 岛屿的
isthmus ['isməs ]
释 n. 地峡(a narrow strip of land)
记 希腊语,原意为“脖子”
marine [mə'ri:n ]
This discovery is made by the marine biologists.
译 海洋生物学家有了这种发现。
释 adj. 海的(of the sea);海中的(inhabiting in the sea)
记 词根记忆:mari(海)+ ne → 海的
maritime ['mæritaim ]
释 adj. 沿海的(adjacent to the sea);海上的(nautical)
记 词根记忆:mari(海)+ time → 沿海的
marsh [mɑ:ʃ ]
释 n. 沼泽地,湿地(a tract of low, wet, soft land; swamp)
记 和march(v. 行军)一起记,红军长征过沼泽地
mesa ['meisə ]
释 n. 高台地,平顶山(a land formation having steep wells and a relative flat top)
记 来自西班牙语,意为table(n. 桌子)
mire ['maiə ]
释 n. 泥沼(marsh);困境(a troublesome situation);v. 使…陷入困境(to hamper or hold back as if by mire)
记 联想记忆:烈火(fire)使人陷入困境(mire)
反 extricate(v. 解脱困境)
oasis [əu'eisis ]
释 n. 绿洲(a fertile place in desert)
peninsula [pi'ninsjulə ]
释 n. 半岛(a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides)
记 词根记忆:pen(近似)+ insula(岛)→ 像岛 → 半岛
pinnacle ['pinəkl ]
释 n. 尖塔(spire);山峰,顶峰(a lofty peak; summit)
记 联想记忆:pin(针)+ nacle → 像针一样尖的东西 → 山峰
precipice ['presipis ]
释 n. 悬崖(a very steep or over hanging place)
记 词根记忆:pre(前面)+ cip(落下)+ ice → 前面(突然)落下 → 悬崖
ravine [rə'vi:n ]
释 n. 深谷,峡谷(a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon)
ridge [riʤ ]
释 n. 脊(如屋脊,山脊等);隆起物
rivulet ['rivjulit ]
释 n. 小溪,小河(a small stream)
记 词根记忆:rivu(= river河)+ let(小)→ 小河
shoal [ʃəul ]
释 n. 浅滩,浅水处(a sandbank where the water is shallow);一群(鱼等);a. 水浅的
记 联想记忆:形似拼音shao,水少的地方 → 浅滩,浅水处
反 deep(a. 深的)
strait [streit ]
释 n. 海峡;a. 狭窄的(narrow)
记 参考:isthmus(n. 地峡)
stratum ['streitəm ]
释 n. 地层;社会阶层
记 复数:strata
swamp [swɔmp ]
释 n. 沼泽(land which is always full of water);v. 使陷入(to cause to have a large amount of problems to deal with);淹没
whirlpool ['(h)wə:lpu:l ]
释 n. 漩涡(a place with circular currents of water in a sea)
cascade [kæs'keid ]
释 n. 小瀑布(a small, steep waterfall)
记 词根记忆:cas(落下)+ cad(落下)+ e → 一再落下 → 小瀑布
crag [kræg ]
释 n. 悬崖,峭壁(a steep, rugged rock that rises above others)
estuary ['estjuəri ]
释 n. 河口,三角湾(an inlet or arm of the sea)
记 联想记忆:est(看作east东)+ uary(看作February二月)→ 二月春水向东流,流到河口不回头
gulch [gʌlʧ ]
释 n. 深谷,峡谷(a steep walled valley; narrow ravine)
记 可能是gulf(n. 海湾,深渊)的变体
knoll [nəul ]
释 n. 小山;小圆丘(a hillock; mound)
记 与knot(n. 结)有关,可能是knot的变体
lagoon [lə'gu:n ]
释 n. 泻湖(shallow body of water or lake near a sea)
记 发音记忆:拉弓 → 拉弓射泻湖中的野鸭
moor [muə ]
释 n. 旷野地,荒野(open uncultivated land);v. 使(船)停泊(to hold a ship in place)
记 和moon(月亮)一起记(a moon over the moor笼罩在旷野上的月光)
morass [mə'ræs ]
释 n. 沼泽地(marsh);困境(entanglement);v. 陷入困境
记 联想记忆:mor(看作more)+ ass(驴子)→ 很多驴子在周围→陷入困境
quagmire ['kwægmaiə ]
释 n. 沼泽地(soft miry land);困境(predicament)
记 组合词:quag(沼泽)+ mire(泥潭)→ 沼泽地
scarp [skɑ:p ]
释 n. 悬崖,陡坡(steep slope; escarpment)
记 联想记忆:scar(看作scare惊恐)+ p(看作place地方)→ 让人惊恐的地方 → 悬崖
tundra ['tʌndrə ]
释 n. 冻原,苔原(rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America)
arid ['ærid ]
释 a. 干旱的(dry);枯燥的(dull; uninteresting)
反 damp(a. 潮湿的)
派 aridness(n. 干燥)
avalanche ['ævəˌlɑ:nʃ,'ævəlænʧ ]
释 n. 雪崩(a mass of loosen snow swiftly sliding down a mountain)
记 联想记忆:三个a像滚下的雪球
balmy ['bɑ:mi ]
释 a. (气候)温和的(soothing; mild; pleasant);芳香的
反 inclement(a. 恶劣的);piquant(a. 辛辣的)
barometer [bə'rɔmitə ]
释 n. 气压计;晴雨表
记 词根记忆:baro(重压)+ meter(仪表)→ 气压计
blast [blɑ:st ]
The blast blew so strong that I could not stand.
译 风吹得如此猛烈,我都站不住了。
释 n. 一阵(大风);冲击波 v. 爆破;枯萎(to wither)
diurnal [dai'ə:nl ]
释 a. 白昼的,白天的(of daytime)
记 词根记忆:di(白天)+ urnal(…的)→ 白天的
反 nocturnal(a. 夜间的)
bleak [bli:k ]
White looked around the bleak room and took off his coat and sat down again.
译 怀特环视了一下这个阴森森的房间,脱下外套又重新坐了下来。
释 a. 寒冷的;阴沉的(cold; frigid);阴郁的,暗淡的(depressing)
blizzard ['blizəd ]
释 n. 暴风雪(a severe snowstorm)
bluster ['blʌstə ]
The wind blustered around the house.
译 狂风呼啸着吹过房屋周围。
释 v. (指风)猛刮
centigrade ['sentigreid ]
释 a. 百分度的,摄氏温度计的(of or using a temperature scale with the freezing-point of water at 0°and the boiling-point at 100°)
记 联想记忆:cent(百)+ i + grade(等级,级别)→ 百分度的
cloudburst ['klaudbə:st ]
释 n. 大暴雨,豪雨(a sudden, very heavy rain)
记 组合词:cloud(云)+ burst(爆裂)→ 乌云爆裂,要下暴雨
cumulus ['kju:mjuləs ]
释 n. 积云(cloud formed of, rounded, massed, heaped on a flat base)
记 词根记忆:cumul(堆积)+ us → 积云
cyclone ['saikləun ]
释 n. 气旋,飓风(a windstorm with violent, whirling movement; tornado or hurricane)
记 词根记忆:cycl(圆;转)+ one → 转的东西 → 旋风
damp [dæmp ]
释 v. 减弱,制止振动(to decrease the amplitude)a. 潮湿的(moist)
deluge ['delju:ʤ ]
释 n. 大洪水(great flood);暴雨(heavy rainfall)
记 词根记忆:de+luge(=luv冲洗)→冲掉→大洪水
反 drizzle(n. 细雨;v. 下毛毛细雨)
desiccate ['desikeit ]
释 v. (使)完全干涸,脱水(to dry completely; preserve by drying)
记 词根记忆:de+sicc(干)+ ate → 弄干,脱水
反 drench(v. 使湿透);hydrate(v. 使与水化合)
派 desiccation(n. 脱水,干燥)
downpour ['daunpɔ:(r) ]
释 n. 暴雨(a heavy fall of rain)
drizzle ['drizl ]
A cold drizzle was falling.
译 正在下一场寒冷的毛毛雨。
释 v. 下毛毛雨(to rain or let fall in fine, mistlike drops)n. 毛毛雨(a fine, mistlike rain)
反 deluge(v. 下暴雨;n. 暴雨)
drizzly ['drizli ]
释 a. 毛毛细雨的
记 虽然以ly结尾,但不是副词而是形容词
drought [draut ]
释 n. 干旱;干旱时期(period of continuous dry weather)
记 联想记忆:dr(看作dry)+ ought(应该)→ 应该干 → 干旱
frigid ['friʤid ]
释 a. 寒冷的(very cold);死板的(lacking in warmth and life)
记 词根记忆:frig(冷)+ id(…的)→ 寒冷的
frigidity [fri'ʤiditi ]
释 n. 寒冷;冷淡(the quality or state of being frigid)
反 torridness(n. 炎热)
glacial ['gleisjəl ]
释 a. 冰期的,冰河期的(of the Ice Age);寒冷的(very cold)
记 词根记忆:glaci(冰)+ al → 冰期的
gust [gʌst ]
释 n. 阵风(a sudden, strong rush of wind);一阵(情绪)(an outburst)
hail [heil ]
释 n. 冰雹(frozen rain drop)v. 致敬(to salute or greet)
halo ['heiləu ]
释 n. (日、月等)晕,神像之光环
humid ['hju:mid ]
释 a. 湿润的(damp)
humidity [hju:'miditi ]
释 n. 湿度,湿气(moistness; dampness)
hurricane ['hʌrikən ]
释 n. 飓风(a severe tropical cyclone)
icicle ['aisikl ]
释 n. 冰柱,冰垂(a tapering, pointed, hanging piece of ice)
记 词根记忆:ic(= ice冰)+ icle(小东西)→ 冰柱
inclement [in'klemənt ]
释 a. (天气)严酷的(severe; stormy);严厉的(rough; severe)
记 in(不)+ clement(仁慈的)→ 不仁慈的 → 严酷的,严厉的
反 balmy(a. 温和的)
landslide ['lændslaid ]
释 n. 山崩;压倒性胜利(overwhelming victory)
记 组合词:land(地)+ slide(滑行)→ 地向下滑 → 山崩
meteorology [ˌmi:tjə'rɔləʤi ]
释 n. 气象学(the scientific study of weather conditions)
记 词根记忆:meteor(陨石;天气)+ ology(学科)→ 古代根据流星判断天气
monsoon [mɔn'su:n ]
释 n. 季雨,季风(the season wind or rain of the Indian Ocean)
记 来自阿拉伯语,意为“季节”
perishing ['periʃiŋ ]
释 a. 严寒的(very cold)
piercing ['piəsiŋ ]
释 a. (寒风)刺骨的(penetratingly cold);敏锐的(perceptive)
precipitation [priˌsipi'teiʃən ]
释 n. 降水(量)(fall of rain, sleet, snow or hail)
seismic ['saizmik ]
释 a. 地震的(of or caused by an earthquake)
记 词根记忆:seism(地震)+ ic → 地震的
snowdrift ['snəudrift ]
释 n. 雪堆(a bank of drifted snow)
记 组合词:snow(雪)+ drift(漂流物,吹积物)→ 雪堆
stuffy ['stʌfi ]
释 a. (空气)不新鲜的,闷气的(oppressive to the breathing)
记 stuff(填满)+ y → 填满的,(空气)不通气的
sultry ['sʌltri ]
It's very sultry today.
译 今天天气很闷热。
释 a. 闷热的(very hot and humid;sweltering);(人)风骚的(capable of exciting strong sexual desires)
sweltering ['sweltəriŋ ]
释 a. 酷热的(oppressively hot)
记 来自swelter(v. 出大汗)
反 frigid(a. 寒冷的)
tempest ['tempist ]
释 n. 暴风雨(a violent storm);骚动(tumult; uproar)
记 联想记忆:temp(看作temper脾气)+ est → 老天爷发脾气 → 暴风雨
tornado [tɔ:'neidəu ]
释 n. 飓风,龙卷风(a violent windstorm; whirlwind)
记 词根记忆:torn(转)+ ado → 龙卷风
tremor ['tremə ]
释 n. 震动,地震
记 词根记忆:trem(抖动)+ or → 地震
zephyr ['zefə ]
释 n. 西风(a breeze from the west);和风(a gentle breeze )
记 由希腊神话中西风之神Zephyr而来
aureole ['ɔ:riəl ]
释 n. 日冕,广轮(sun's corona; halo)
记 来自拉丁文aureolus(金黄色的)
aurora [ɔ:'rɔ:rə ]
释 n. 极光(南北极夜晚所放彩光)
派 auroral(a. 极光的)
gale [geil ]
释 n. 狂风(a strong wind);一阵(笑声)(a loud outburst)
记 联想记忆:一阵狂风(gale)吹倒了门(gate)
gloaming ['gləumiŋ ]
释 n. 黄昏,薄暮(evening dust; twilight)
leeward ['li:wəd ]
释 a. 顺风的(in the direction toward which the wind blows)
记 联想记忆:lee(下风的)+ ward(向)→ 向下风走 → 顺风的
mistral ['mistrəl ]
释 n. 寒冷干燥的强风(cold, dry wind)
记 联想记忆:mist(雾)+ ral → 雾中来风 → 寒冷的风
scorching ['skɔ:ʧiŋ ]
The scorching summer left people enervated and listless.
译 炎热的夏天让人们虚弱无力,情绪低落。
释 a. 酷热的
sizzler ['sizlə ]
释 n. 炎热天气,大热天(scorcher)
记 发音记忆:sizzle(烤得咝咝作声)+ r → 被太阳烤得咝咝响 → 大热天
teem [ti:m ]
His head is teeming with bright ideas.
译 他的脑子里有许多聪明的主意。
释 v. 充满(to abound);到处都是(to be present in large quantity);下倾盆大雨
torrid ['tɔrid ]
释 a. 酷热的(hot)
记 词根记忆:torr(热)+ id → 酷热的
typhoon [tai'fu:n ]
释 n. 台风(tropical hurricane or cyclone)
vernal ['və:nl ]
The linnet chirps her vernal song.
译 红雀吱喳鸣叫着她春天的歌。
释 a. 春季的,春季似的(fresh or new like the spring)
hibernal ['haibə:nl ]
Bears prepare for their long hibernal sleep by overeating.
译 熊通过过量饮食来为漫长的冬眠做准备。
释 a. 冬天的,寒冷的(wintry; wintery; of or like winter)
gusty ['gʌsti ]
The gusty weather made sailing precarious.
译 刮风天气不利于航行。
释 a. 刮风的,阵阵猛急的(windy)
down-to-earth [daun tə ə:θ ]
释 n. 暴雨(a heavy fall of rain)
记 联想记忆:暴雨大得像泼到地面上一样
abut [ə'bʌt ]
释 v. 接界,毗连(to border upon)
记 注意不要和abet(教唆)相混
adjacent [ə'ʤeisənt ]
释 a. 接近的,毗连的(adjoining; contiguous; neighboring)
记 联想记忆:ad + jacent(躺)→ 躺在附近 → 接近的
antarctic [æn'tɑ:ktik ]
释 a. 南极的(of the regions around the South Pole)
记 参考:arctic(a. 北极的)
archipelago [ˌɑ:ki'peligəu ]
释 n. 群岛(a group or chain of many islands)
记 词根记忆:archi(多)+ pelago(海)→ 群岛
arctic ['ɑ:ktik ]
释 a. 北极的;极寒的(bitterly cold)
反 torrid(a. 酷热的)
bog [bɔg ]
Negotiations are likely to bog down.
译 谈判很可能会停滞不前。
释 n. 沼泽(soft wet land)v. 使…陷入泥沼(to cause to sink into)
contiguous [kən'tigjuəs ]
释 a. 接壤的,接近的(near, adjacent)
记 词根记忆:con + tig(接触)+ uous → 共同接触 → 接近的
派 contiguity(n. 邻近,接壤)
coterminous [kəu'tə:minəs ]
释 a. 毗连的,有共同边界的(having a boundary in common; contiguous)
记 词根记忆:con + term(边界,结束)+ inous → 有共同边界的
curb [kə:b ]
释 n. 路缘,(街道的)镶边石(an edging built along a street to form part of a gutter);马勒(a bit that exerts severe pressure on a horse's jaws)v. 控制(to restrain; check; control)
记 参考:curd(n. 凝乳);curt(a. 无礼的)
反 goad(v. 刺激)
delta ['deltə ]
释 n. 三角洲(triangular area of alluvial land at the river's mouth)
doldrums ['dɔldrəmz ]
释 n. 赤道无风带;情绪低落(low spirits; listless feeling)
记 联想记忆:d + old(老的)+ rum(看作drum鼓)+ s → 老鼓 → 已敲不响的鼓 → 战鼓不响,情绪低落
domain [dəu'mein ]
释 n. 领土(territory; dominion);领域(field or sphere of activity or influence)
记 词根记忆:dom(统治)+ ain → 领土;领域
equator [i'kweitə ]
释 n. 赤道(imaginary line around the earth at an equal distance from the North and South Poles)
记 词根记忆:equ(相等)+ ator → 使(地球)平分 → 赤道
horizontal [ˌhɔri'zɔntl ]
释 a. 水平的(level)
记 联想记忆:horizon(地平线)+ tal → 水平的
反 plumb(a. 垂直的)
landlocked ['lændlɔkt ]
释 a. 被陆地包围的(entirely surrounded by land)
记 组合词:land(地)+ locked(锁起来)→ 被陆地包围
latitude ['lætitju:d ]
释 n. 言行自由(freedom of opinion, conduct, or action);纬度
记 词根记忆:lati(阔)+ tude → 纬度
outskirts ['autskə:ts ]
释 n. 郊区,郊外(district remote from the center of a city)
记 组合词:out(出)+ skirts(裙子)→ 裙子外边,引申为郊区
polar ['pəulə ]
释 a. 地极的,两极的(of or near the North or South Pole);磁极的[(one of)the poles of a magnet)]
记 来自pole(n. 极)
terrestrial [ti'restriəl ]
We have physical evidence that there's extra terrestrial life.
译 我们有物质证据表明有地球外生命存在。
释 a. 地球的(of the earth);陆地的(relating to land)
记 词根记忆:terr(地)+ estrial → 地球的
派 territoriality(n. 领土权)
hinterland ['hintəlænd ]
释 n. 内地(an inland region);穷乡僻壤(back country)
记 词根记忆:hinter(= hinder后面的)+ land(土地)→ 内地
littoral ['litərəl ]
释 a. 海岸的(of, relating to, or situated on or near a shore of the sea);n. 海滨,沿海地区(a coastal region)
记 联想记忆:litt(看作little)+ oral(嘴的)→ 海岸边走着樱桃小嘴的女孩
chasm ['kæzəm ]
释 n. 深渊,大沟(abyss; gorge);大差别(a pronounced difference)
ambience ['æmbiəns ]
释 n. 环境,气氛(environment; atmosphere)
派 ambient(a. 周围的,四面八方的)
obsidian [əb'sidiən ]
An oriental with obsidian eyes was carrying a huge sword.
译 一个眼睛像黑岩一样黑亮的东方人正扛着一把巨剑。
释 n. 黑岩(black volcanic rock)
savanna [sə'vænə ]
释 n. 平原(a treeless plain especially in Florida);草原(a tropical or subtropical grassland containing scattered trees and drought-resistant undergrowth)
记 本词来自佛罗里达著名的“萨瓦纳平原”。
反 slope(n. 斜坡)
adobe [ə'dəubi ]
释 n. 泥砖,土坯(sun-dried brick)
记 不要和abode(n. 住处)相混
aquifer ['ækwifə ]
释 n. 含水土层(an underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yields water)
记 词根记忆:aqui(= aqu水)+ fer(带)→ 带来水的地方
bauxite ['bɔ:ksait ]
释 n. 铝土岩(产铝的矿土、石)
记 源自法国地名Baux,因产铝而知名
boulder ['bəuldə ]
释 n. 巨砾(large rock worn by water or the weather)
记 联想记忆:用shoulder扛着boulder
brink [briŋk ]
I feel I'm on the brink of success.
译 我感觉我就快要成功了。
释 n. (峭壁的)边沿,边缘(the edge of a steep place; verge; border)
记 不要和blink(v. 眨眼睛)相混
clay [klei ]
释 n. 黏土(stiff sticky earth, used of making pottery)
dune [dju:n ]
释 n. 沙丘(a rounded hill or ridge of sand)
fault [fɔ:lt ]
释 n. 错误(mistake);(地质学)断层(a fracture in the crust of a planet)
ferrous ['ferəs ]
释 a. 含铁的(containing iron; ferric)
记 词根记忆:ferr(铁)+ ous → 铁的
fissure ['fiʃə ]
释 n. 裂缝,裂隙(a long, narrow and deep cleft or crack)
记 词根记忆:fiss(裂)+ ure → 裂缝
gem [ʤem ]
释 n. 宝石,珠宝(jewel);精华
granite ['grænit ]
释 n. 花岗石(a hard, gray rock)
记 词根记忆:gran(= grain颗粒)+ ite → 颗粒状石头 → 花岗岩
graphite ['græfait ]
释 n. 石墨(black form of carbon used in lead pencils)
记 词根记忆:graph(写)+ ite → 石墨用来造铅笔写东西
gravel ['grævəl ]
释 n. 碎石,砂砾(a loose mixture of pebbles and rock fragments)
记 和gavel(n. 小木槌)一起记
grit [grit ]
释 n. 沙粒(rough, hard particles of sand);决心,勇气(stubborn courage; pluck)v. 下定决心,咬紧牙关(to clench or grind the teeth in anger or determination)
记 可看作词组grin and bear it(苦笑着忍受)的缩写,grin + it → grit
gully ['gʌli ]
释 n. 雨水冲成的沟壑(a deep ditch or channel cut in the earth by running water after a prolonged downpour)
lava ['lɑ:və ]
释 n. 熔岩(molten rock that reaches the earth's surface through a volcano or fissure)
记 注意不要和larva(n. 幼虫)相混
limestone ['laimstəun ]
释 n. 石灰岩(a type of rock)
记 组合词:lime(石灰)+ stone(石头)→ 石灰岩
lode [ləud ]
释 n. 矿脉(metal bearing vein)
marble ['mɑ:bl ]
释 n. 大理石(a hard sort of stone used for building, sculpture)
ore [ɔ:(r) ]
释 n. 矿,矿石
记 注意不要和roe(n. 鱼卵)相混
petroleum [pi'trəuliəm ]
释 n. 石油(a mineral oil)
plaster ['plɑ:stə ]
释 n. 灰泥,石膏(a pasty composi-tion)v. 抹灰泥
记 联想记忆:plast(塑造)+ er → 塑造成墙的东西 → 灰泥
rhinestone ['rainstəun ]
释 n. 水晶石,莱茵石(a colorless imitation stone of high luster made of glass, paste, or gem quartz)
记 组合词:rhine(莱茵河)+ stone(石)→ 一种透明无色的钻石仿制品,因首制于莱茵河畔而得名
sapphire ['sæfaiə ]
A glass tube was filled with sapphire chemicals.
译 一个玻璃试管里盛满了天蓝色的化学药品。
释 n. 青石,蓝宝石(clear, bright blue jewel)a. 天蓝色的(deep blue)
shale [ʃeil ]
释 n. 页岩(一种由似泥土细粒的沉淀物层组成的易分裂的岩石)(a stratified fissile rock)
记 可能是shell(n. 贝壳)的变体
silt [silt ]
释 n. 淤泥,淤沙(loose sedimentary material)
slag [slæg ]
释 n. 炉渣,矿渣(the dross or scoria of a metal)
terrain ['terein ]
释 n. 地势,地形(the physical features of a tract of land)
记 词根记忆:terr(地)+ ain → 地形
turquoise ['tə:kwɔiz ]
释 n. 绿松石;a. 碧绿的(of a light greenish blue)
记 词根记忆:turqu(= Turkish土耳其的)+ oise → 据说该石产自土耳其
amethyst ['æmiθist ]
释 n. 紫水晶(purple or violet precious stone)
emerald ['emərəld ]
释 n. 翡翠(green gemstones)a. 翠绿色的(brightly or richly green)
rubble ['rʌbl ]
释 n. (一堆)碎石,瓦砾(rough and loose fragments of rock, or debris from buildings)