1) By recognizing that all people possess strengths and innate power that can be tapped and that they have latent potential and
creativity, social workers acknowledge that clients have qualities that merit respect.
When you discover people's capabilities and talents, respect follows.
possess 가지고 있다, 갖추고 있다. innate 타고난, 선천적인 tap (기존의 에너지, 지식 등을)이용하다
latent 숨어 있는, 잠재적인 potential 가능성, 잠재력
recognize 인정하다 acknowledge 인정하다 merit (칭찬, 관심 등을) 받을 만하다.
2) A positive view of humankind makes it easier to accept and respect others. the ecosystems perspective offers such a view.
This framework explains all human behavior as evolutionary, adaptive, and functional in context. Social workers apperciate and even admire the unique and creative ways clients match their particular resources with the demands their environments.
Respect means that social workers recognize that clients are doing the best they can under their present circumstances.
evolutionary 발전하는, 진화하는 appreciate 진가를 알아보다, 제대로 인식하다
admire 감탄하다, 존경하는