피겨스케이팅 Figure Skating
199번재 저스트준안무 강좌 피겨스케이팅순서 참고 바랍니다,
Please refer to the figure skating order of the 199th Just Jun ChoreographyCoursePlease refer to the figure skating order of the 199th Just Jun Choreography Class, https://vod.afreecatv.com/player/89168547
저스트준안무 자동차안무 는 아티스틱 수중안무에 견줄만한 안무이며 체조 동작이 아닌 안무동작 으로서 8가지
Just Jun Choreography Car choreography is a choreography comparable to artistic underwater choreography.
저스트준안무 숙련도 를 기반으로한 근력 지구력 민첩성 순발력 테크닉 유연성 균형감각 집중력을 안무 완벽도면에서 Just Jun Choreography based on proficiency strength Endurance Agility
Quickness Technique Flexibility Balance Sense Concentration In choreography perfection
객관적 으로 저스트준안무 동작으로서 창시 하였습니다,
Objectively, it was created as a Just Jun choreography movement,
5가지 저스트준안무 창작 5 kinds of Just Jun choreography creation
1. 안무동작의 크기 1. The size of the choreography
2. 안무동자의 높이 2. The height of the choreographer
3. 안무동작의 각도 3. Angle of choreography
4. 안무동작의 구분 4. Classification of choreography
5. 안무동작의연걸 동시동작 5. Simultaneous connection of choreography movements
저스트준안무Just Jun Choreography
199번째 저스트준 안무강좌 안무 무용 스포츠 창시자 편 6시간 분량
The 199th Just June Choreography Class 6 Hours of Choreography Dance Sports Founder
저스트준음악 56곡 저스트준안무 255편 저스트준안무강좌 199편 JPC안무31편
유튜브 주소 Just Jun's choreography episode 254 YouTube addresss
Just June Music 56 Songs Just JuneChoreography 255 pieces Just June
ChoreographyLesson 199 JPC Choreography Pieces 31
(1) Justjun형준 - YouTube