Find the ways in Seongmyeongssangsu
There are so many ways to practice in the world. There are practices that focus on the mind and do not cultivate the body, and there are methods that cultivate the body but not cultivate the mind. There are also Dutahaeng(頭陀行) that overworks the body, and there is also training that cuts off grain. There are also people who practice sleepless meditation. Even now, there are many practitioners all over the world, but how many people have become Buddhas? This is why we have to question what is wrong with the practice we are striving for.
Seongmyeongssangsu(性命雙修)! If you are a practitioner, you will definitely have to face it. Seong(性, nature), myeong(命, life), ssang(雙, at the same time), su(修, to clean). Nature refers to the mind, and Myeong refers to the body. This refers to cultivating both the mind and body together. Where in the world is there such a noble and precious word?
Our body and mind are like two sides of a coin. Just as a coin loses its value if one side is damaged, a monk cannot be called a monk if he only cultivates his body and does not cultivate his mind. It is impossible for a practitioner to cultivate only the mind while the body decays. A diseased body cannot become a Buddha, and a person with a disordered mind can never become a Sinseon(the True Man).
Historically, there were no immortals or Buddhas who were sick in body and mind. The practitioner must keep in mind that the body and mind must be cultivated together. As evidenced by this, Buddha, famous monks, and Taoists were all noted doctors. The practice of finding the real me through a fake body, which is Seongmyeongssangsu. Although it is a fake body, in order to find the true me, you must know this fake body. How much do you really know about your body? If you devote yourself to Seongmyeongssangsu, a doctor can become a noted doctor, a person suffering from an unknown disease can get better, and a monk can feel the taste of nectar.
I have studied the facts I have experienced in my own way for the combination of modern science or medicine, which has been able to convey to you to some extent. Of course, there may be some things I'm wrong about. If there is such a thing, I ask you to correct it.
Everyone who started a new trip to find the truth!
Many reference books that guide training are literally just for reference. Before you explore a book, it is important to experience with your body first.
‘If you cross that river, there is the land of nirvana in the Buddha Kingdom. So how can you cross it quickly without getting lost?’ There must be many ways to cross the river. There will be people who cross by raft, people who cross by ferry, and there will be people who just want to swim across without thinking. What do you want to ride to cross the river of truth you yearn for? It all depends on your choice.
Many leaders are teaching training and practices through various breathing methods they have learned in various parts of the world. However, the practitioners who were courageous and courageously followed their teachings would not go beyond the humps, fall into swamps, or to lose their lives. How could this be unfortunate? At the same time, when you realize that your breathing is wrong and try to correct it, your breathing muscles are already very serious. To overcome this, it is easy to know that many people have already experienced that they have to endure a lot of years. Even now, many of the nation's famous mountains, including Jirisan, are sitting on the same way without any ways to get enlightenment. Many of them are suffering from gas filled with the abdomen, heavy pain in the back and shoulders, and various inflammations.
There are quite a few experiences that they learned without knowing whether their practice was correct or not. Their practice is based on practices from the past and stories they have seen and heard around them. We must reflect on whether or not we are committing the error of considering a method of practice that has been degraded to be self-determined and satisfied only as the correct method. Furthermore, teaching and leading by those who do not know how to see their own future is like a blind man guiding children on a dark night. You will definitely have to think carefully about whether you are making the mistake of falling together from a dead-end road into the abyss of a cliff.
Therefore, based on my small but valuable experience, I changed the words wrapped in various rhetoric of the past into modern terminology and explained them in a scientifically verifiable way, giving the world the name of 'The Real Breathing Meditation' (參呼吸禪法). Since I want to present it, I sincerely hope that those who have a relationship will use this as a mirror and diligently sharpen and polish it, experience and master it themselves, and guide the younger students on the right path to study.
If you read this book and have any questions, please visit me or contact the International Scientific Meditation Center (Tel: 1800-9536).
Fall of 2012, Jeokkwang(寂光) in Yangpyeong