내시경상 식도 하단부에서 관찰되었으며 조직검사상 편평상피세포성 유두종 (squamous papilloma) 으로 판명되었고 이는 양성종양으로 다음 내시경 검사시 내시경적인 올가미 절제술을 이용하여 절제할 예정임
PapillomaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPapilloma refers to a benign epithelial tumor growing exophytically (outwardly projecting) in finger-like fronds. In this context Papilla refers to the projection created by the tumor, not a tumor on an already existing papilla (such as the nipple.) When used without context, it frequently refers to infections caused by Human papillomavirus. However, there are other conditions that cause papilloma, such as Choroid plexus papilloma (CPP). Two types of papilloma often associated with HPV are "squamous cell papilloma" and "transitional cell papilloma" (also known as "bladder papilloma".)
출처: 하양 중앙 내과 이덕영 원장의 블로그예요 원문보기 글쓴이: 나쁜 남자