이 중 한두가지만 속을 썩여도 양식사업은 물건너 갈 수도 있다.
부화장은 생산만 하면 끝이고 사료는 팔기만 하고 끝난다면 첨단양식분야에서 첨단장비를 사넣어놓고 데이터를 모으고 분석하지 않는 것과 다르지 않다.
치하를 팔고나서, 사료를 팔고 나서 장비를 팔고 나서 피드백을 받고 그 피드백에 의해서 제품을 개선하고 보완하고 그래야 더 좋은 제품을 생산할 수 있다. 그래야 그 제품을 사서 사용한 소비자도 발전하게 되고, 그럼 생산자도 역시 발전하게 된다.
수산물 생산자인 양식업자들도 마찬가지로 생산된 수산물을 소비한 소비자들에게 피드백을 받아 양식방법을 개선하고 보완하여 더 좋은 수산물생산을 해야 양식업자체를 발전시킬 수 있게 된다.
요즈음 핫잇슈인 블록체인 역시 관계와 상호작용에 대한 최신의 산물이다.
최신이란 것은 앞으로 우리가 지향해야 한다는 의미이기도 하다.
생산자와 소비자, 파는 사람과 사는 사람의 관계 속에 성립되는 것이 블록체인이다.
꼭 믿음이 전제되어야 하는 것은 아니지만 생산자와 소비자관계로 보면 믿음에 기본한 상호관계로 성립되어야 발전할 수 있는 신개념이다.
We live in an age of relationships.
It means that their influence on each other has increased so much.
Similarly, aquaculture also grows in relationships.
In our farms, not only are there fishes that we want to grow, but also viruses, bacteria, fungi, birds, protozoa ...
Of course, they are not all good relationships with each other.
Sometimes creatures grow in harmful and sometimes beneficial relationships.
Ponds and tanks containing only farmed creatures are like hell to creatures.
Of course it can't happen.
In this way, we live in relationships between things and living things.
The term IoT itself refers to a relationship.
The Internet of Things is the process of creating a relationship between things.
Of course, they also create relationships between things and living things. The relationship between all creatures has already proved in 3.8 billion years.
Stabilization itself means stability of relationships.
When the relationship between bacteria or viruses and the host is broken, disease occurs. If the relationship finds an equilibrium point, it will stabilize and coexist.
There are harmful germs and viruses, but they do not harm to the other lives in stabilized environmental condition.
Therefore, establishing the relationship between all things and living things is the task we must pursue.
in human society or in aquaculture... ...
Big data doesn't just mean a lot of data.
Big data analysis is essentially about finding out the relationship between data interactions.
Smart and advanced aquaculture are also data-based tasks.
The installation of automated machines does not give rise to advanced aquaculture.
The basic principle of cutting-edge aquaculture is to collect and analyze the calculated data, find the relationship, and find the optimal condition.
In order to grow farming, various industries and fields must be combined.
Again, interrelationships and interactions are important in human society as well as in aquaculture.
In order to build a farm,
Work with local governments or central government
house constructor or materials contractors to build farms.
Hatchery for fingerlings and post larvae supply to the farmers,
In addition, feed mills supply food for aquaculture,
In addition, intermediaries and consumers who want aquaculture must be closely connected.
Even if one or two of these are not connected, the aquaculture business is already over.
If you think that hatcheries only need to be produced and feed is just sold, then it is no different from not having to collect and analyze data after installing advanced equipment in the high-tech farming sector.
After selling postlarvae, selling feed, selling equipment and getting feedback, the feedback can be used to improve and supplement the product so that better products can be produced. This will develop the consumer who buys and uses the product, and so will the producer.
Aquaculture producers who are aquatic producers likewise receive feedback from consumers who consume the aquatic products to improve and supplement their farming methods to produce better aquatic products.
These days, the hot issue blockchain is also the latest product of relationships and interactions.
Being up-to-date also means that we must be oriented in the future.
Blockchain is a relationship between producers, consumers, sellers, and buyers.
Faith does not have to be premised, but it is a new concept that can be developed only when it is established as a mutual relationship based on faith.
#아쿠아미미크리2.0 #아쿠아볼루션4.0 #aquavolution4.0 #fish2.0 #큰징거미새우 #지속가능 #4차수산양식혁명 #생물다양성 #실내새우양식 # 먹이생물 #새우양식교육 #어류중간육성 #로젠버기 #민물왕새우 #어류양식 #바나메이 #흰다리새우 #자연새우양식법 #순환여과양식 #수질관리 #양식관리 #어류치어 #블록체인 #스마트양식 #IoT #스마트아쿠아팜 #베트남 #스피룰리나