문장 개개의 의미에 주목해 주시기 바랍니다. 또한 기존의 문법을 설명하여 문제풀이에도 도움이 되려합니다. 물론 영어 해석에 있어서는 해석속도를 높이기 위해서는 앞에서 부터 해석하는 습관을 가지시기를 바랍니다.
(1) They tend to make the mistake of perceiving patterns where none actually exist.
(2) Without these, the sea of data reaching our senses would surely appear chaotic.
(3) Evolutionary biologists believe sociality drove the evolution of our complex brains.
(4) Fossil evidence shows that as far back as 130,000 years ago
(5) it was not unusual for Homo sapiens to travel more than a hundred and fifty miles to trade
(6) Their social groups extended far beyond their own family
(7) Remembering all those connections who was related to whom and where they lived
(8) required considerable processing power
(9) You couldn't send a text message to your friends to find out where they were. you had to go out and visit them
(10) Remember where you last saw them or imagine where they might have gone
(11) To do this, you needed navigation skills, spatial awareness, a sense of direction tha ability to store maps of the landscape in your mind and motivation to travel around