Mon general! Grave news! The citizens of Cairo have taken up arms and are in open rebellion, incited by their religious leaders! We must act quickly or they will take the city! While not all of the populace stand behind those fanatics, their followers will fight until the death
Consolidating Our Conquest
While our position is now very much secure, we still need to take one more town: Damascus. Not only will it close our line from the coast to the desert, it is also an important waystation for pilgrims to Mecca. Possessing it will give us legitimacy, influence, and money. It is the last military and ideological stronghold of the Ottomans in the region. With fresh courage, monsieur, eastwards!
Stalling the Ottoman Advance
Jaffa is ours, and the men are tired. But we cannot allow ourselves any rest, mon general. Only the conquest of Acre can buy us enough time to reorganize and make ready for the Ottoman invasion. It is there we must head next, however much our bodies long for rest
A Matter of Morale
Mon general! We are cut off from the homeland. The climate is horrible and drains both body and soul of the energy to continue. Good food is rare and our army is in bad supply. Morale is low, and we desperately need something to lift the spirits of the men.\n\nEstablish the suggested building in one of our intellectual centres so that gentlemen can meet to devise a solution to the matter. We may need to demolish or convert existing buildings in order to do this.
Desert Ways
Mon general! Our troops suffer heavily from the hostile climate. Our army is not equipped for the perils of the desert regions and will take heavy losses if it marches through them.\n\nBy recruiting local warriors into our ranks, we will be able to learn how they protect themselves from the sun's merciless gaze. This will allow us to form combat units that combine both the qualities of the modern French army and the ancient wisdom of the desert.
The British Threat
Superior French troops will be available in Alexandria
Mon general, due to the British control of Cyprus and its surrounding waters, we are unable to get any well-trained soldiers from France. We know that the treacherous Ottomans let the British use the island of Cyprus as a base of operations. If we can conquer this island, we might be able to get some supplies through.\n\nThis is an extremely dangerous undertaking. We might be better off securing our position in Egypt on dry land, but if you feel particularly daring then this is an option. Beware though, as the seas are our enemy’s favourite terrain, and the accursed Nelson’s fleet is still patrolling the waters.
Breaking the Mameluke Resistance
Nominally administrators of the Ottoman Empire, these former slave soldiers factually rule Egypt. It is under the guise of liberating Egypt from their grasp that we have come here. Although we did not fool the Ottomans for long, breaking the Mamelukes' fighting spirit is still our top priority. By capturing Cairo, we should reduce their army in status to a mere nuisance, and Egypt will at last be ours!
Subduing the Bedouin
Reports have reached us of Bedouin raiders assaulting our supply trains, plundering border towns and commiting unspeakable atrocities against the few they do not enslave! We believe them to be loosely allied with our enemies, the Mamelukes. If we don't subdue them they will continue to harass us. If we can capture their camps they might make valuable allies and guides.
The Suez Canal
Long have learned men mused about creating a channel between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Not only would it reduce the time needed for ships to travel from India and Afrika by half, it would also greatly expand France's influence in the region.\n\nConquering the town of Suez would enable us to pursue this endeavour. A lot of merchants are looking forward to you making this journey, as are our savants.
The Ottoman Offensive
We have driven the Mamelukes out of Cairo, mon general, but alas, we cannot rest. Our agents say that the Ottoman Sultan has sent more of his elite troops southward, and a large contingent of Turkish soldiers now awaits embarkation at Rhodes.\n\nWe must move eastward, into Syria, to stall the Ottoman advancement. Jaffa, as one of their major Port Towns, will make a good first target before we take on Acre. Its military value, in addition to its value as a wealthy centre of commerce, makes Jaffa a highly palatable target.
Forging an Alliance
As Napoleon's war machine rumbles eastward, many of our sister nations in the Alps and in the Rhineland now find themselves under French rule. It will not be long before our enemies set about the conquest of our homeland and we must do everything in our power to stop their advance.\n\nOur neighbour, the Kingdom of Prussia, is faced with the similar prospect of French invasion; join our two great nations in a military alliance and we can stand together in repelling the French incursion and driving Napoleon back to France!
Punishing the Collaborators
Once proud members of the Holy Roman Empire, the states of Baden and Württemberg have now fallen under the sway of that insolent parvenu, Napoleon Bonaparte. Being confronted with superior forces is not an excuse for such dishonourable behaviour. If our blessed Duke Leopold had been equally treacherous, Austria would not be what it is today. Liberating these states from occupation and nepotism will not only prove our might, but might well spark an insurgence by those who still have the guts to fight.
Further the Restoration
In the wake of revolution in France, our nobles and ministers strongly urge us to prevent the breeding of sedition amongst the common subjects, which was surely the cause of such outrageous insolence. Putting them into a place where they can serve their king efficiently will not only keep their minds from rebellion and subversion, but also increase the size of our war coffers.
Supporting our Allies
Sir, as you well know, Napoleon desires glory in the east, marching on Russia. It is our strategic obligation to help our allies and divert Napoleon’s troops. Our military advisors have concluded that the best way of doing so is to land an invasion force in Brittany, drawing some of Napoleon’s troops westward and giving our allies room to breathe.
Cutting off French Trade
France, milord, is a formidable power. Fortunately, only so on land. The majority of their trade is still carried out by sea, however, and we should use their numerous weaknesses to our advantage. Blockading their ports will severely limit their ability to trade and relocate troops. In addition, we might be able to intercept trade ships, further adding to our treasury.
Monument to Triumph
Mon Empereur, your mastery of the art of war is matched only by your great ambitions for the glory and good of the French Empire! In recognition of your achievements and of the endeavours of the French people in face of adversity, it has been proposed that a commemorative monument be built in Paris.\n\nConstruct this testament to French triumph so that our people may be inspired by them and our enemies humbled before them!
The Storming of Berlin
It would seem that Prussia, indignant at our recent military actions against their Germanic cousins, has been driven into conflict with our forces! Their belligerence must be quelled as quickly as possible. Though Prussia's military might is but a shadow of its former self, given time to bolster its armies or seek reinforcement from its allies they could pose a serious threat to French interests. Storm Berlin and put a decisive end to Prussia's ambitions in Europe!
The Conquest of Königsberg
Prussia will be compelled to make peace.
Since your conquest of Berlin, we have been receiving reports that Königsberg has become the centre for an increasing amount of Prussian resistance against our Empire. The Prussian monarchy, fled there from Berlin, has instilled patriotic fervour and anti-French sentiment amongst the people, posing a serious threat to our authority in the region. Take Königsberg and bring the Prussians to heel once more!
The Peninsula
Yet another nation has seen fit to join our enemies against us; Portugal has declared war, and France finds itself at threat from the west. In spite of our long-standing amicable relationship with Spain, we can no longer rely on them to protect our lands from threats in the Peninsula. As such, we should move to secure Madrid and the Spanish heartland to ensure the security of France in south-west Europe.
The March on Moscow
Mon Empereur! We have received word that the Tsar, fearful of your sovereign ambition and of the might of the Empire, has begun preparations for an invasion of our lands. Before he has the chance to muster an army capable of sweeping through our territories, we must strengthen our Grande Armée and take Russia by storm. Once Moscow is under the rule of the French Empire, the extent of your dominion will be absolute!
The Fall of Austria
Austria will be compelled to make peace.
Mon Empereur! Once more the European nations have joined forces in the hope of putting an end to the mighty French Empire. Their incessant interference with our grand designs must be put to an end.\n\nAustria, having never learned the futility of challenging our great and powerful nation, stands ready to invade our eastern borders as we speak. No more will we tolerate such antagonism; conquer Vienna and break the so-called might of the Austrian Empire once and for all!
The Liberation of Warsaw
Now that Berlin is under French control, we must work towards diminishing the threat from Prusso-Russian forces in the East. Currently, our enemies' forces are in control of Warsaw and its surrounding territories. The local population has little loyalty to their occupiers, however, and we stand to benefit greatly by liberating these steadfast people from oppression; requisitioning their resources for the greater good of the Empire!
Forging an Alliance
Our Austrian cousins, having spearheaded the crusade against Napoleon's tyranny, now find their front lines shattered and their Empire in jeopardy faced with the inexorable onslaught of the French armies. Were Austria to fall, it would be but a matter of time before our Kingdom finds itself at the mercy of Napoleon's Grande Armée; forge an alliance with Austria and we can combine the might of our nations to stop France before it is too late!
Forging an Alliance
The rapacious French Empire is spreading its influence like a plague across the continent, and it will not be long before they set their sights upon our own lands. Already, many of the Rhineland nations have fallen foul of Napoleon's ambition and even Austria finds itself under threat from the Grande Armée.\n\nMeasures must be taken to reinforce our position in anticipation of their offensive; a military alliance with the great Russian Empire will ensure us the support that we require should we face a full-scale invasion.
Reformation of the Army False
It is evident that our last defeat at the hands of the French was not due to our skill and cunning, or the morale of our troops - quite the opposite in fact. It is only due to advances in technology and organisation that such common plebeians could have defeated our valiant royal armies. We have learned this lesson bitterly, and must take action at once to prevent another embarrassing disaster. Currently we are at peace, and should use this time to enhance our recruitment capabilities.
Restructuring the State False
Our society, as much as we have come to love it, is very old-fashioned. Ever since the Crusade of the Teutonic Knights our farmers have tilled the land as serfs, and access to positions of influence and wealth in our state has been limited to a chosen few. We must, like other European nations, give the able the opportunity to be of benefit to the government. Reforms of trade and civil liberties are needed, lest the French force their own upon us.
Forging an Alliance
The warmonger, Napoleon, has set about usurping territory from all the great nations of Europe and must be stopped. While others stand with us against France, the Kingdom of Prussia has yet to join our coalition. Should their domain fall into the hands of the French, nothing would stand between Napoleon and the Motherland; institute a military alliance with Prussia that we may support one another in the face of invasion from the west!
Settling Old Scores: The Turks
To the South lies Bessarabia. We must capture it in order to consolidate our grip on the Black Sea. Just like the Swedes before them, the Turks are weak. Now is the time to strike, to once more let loose the great Russian Bear! Show them our might!
Settling Old Scores: Finland
We are at war with France. There is, however, a lot of space and time separating our nations. There are old scores we must settle. To the north, Finland, long rightfully ours. Since Sweden is weak, desolate, and barely a match for the smallest of our armies, I say let’s take what is rightfully ours!
In Defiance of The Pope
The Papal States will be compelled to make peace.
Further to recent affronts upon our glorious nation by the Papal States, they have now set about harassing our forces in the region. We could use this newfound aggression from the Vatican to our advantage; the Papal States are notoriously wealthy and their riches would serve our war efforts well.\n\nMarch on Ancona and we will be one step closer to Rome - the Pope will have no choice but to meet any demands we make when he is faced with conquest at the hands of the mighty French Republic!
A Matter of Supply
If we are to have any hope of driving a path through to Austria, it is imperative that we keep our regiments at full combat-effectiveness. With the majority of French military resources deployed on the German front, the Armée d'Italie has been left without access to some of our nation's finest troops.\n\nBy establishing a supply post in one of our commercial centres, we will be able to maintain the strength and numbers of all our troop types, their scarcity in the region notwithstanding.
The Invasion of Venice
Venice will be compelled to make peace.
In spite of their long-standing neutrality, the Republic of Venice now finds itself at odds with our forces in Italy. Recent conflicts between our two nations have driven Venetian insurgents to commit acts of aggression against French citizens in the region. Show them what it means to incur the wrath of the mighty French Republic; conquer Venice and strip them of their power and dignity!
The Liberation of Milan
The noble people of Milan have suffered Austrian occupation for many years, and yearn to be free of their influence. Liberate them from this oppression and they will surely welcome you with open arms!
The Liberation of Modena
Mon General! Our scouts bring word that the people of Modena have little love for their Austrian occupiers, yet they regard the French favourably. The Duchy is well-placed and wealthy; we would do well to liberate these lands and use their resources to our own advantage.
To Subjugate a Kingdom
Piedmont-Sardinia will become your protectorate.
For too many years has the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia been a thorn in our side. Their persistent affiliation with the enemies of the Republic and their incursions upon French soil must be put to an end; storm Turin and bring the Kingdom to its knees!
The Stronghold
Mon General, our forces draw near to the Austrian stronghold of Mantua. Although the garrison there is impressive, I recommend that we move to wrest it from Austrian control. It is is well supplied with arms and artillery and would prove an invaluable base from which to launch further offensives into Austria.
The March on Vienna
A clear path to Vienna
Mon General! Now that you have assumed command of the Armée d'Italie, you must prepare for the invasion of Austria. As we speak, our forces in the Rhineland are readying to advance into the Tyrol. If we are to have any hope of seizing Vienna, we must be in a position to support our forces when the time comes.\n\nTo this end, we have been charged by the Directoire to invade Carinthia and capture Klagenfurt, from whence we will be able to stage our glorious march on Vienna!
첫댓글 번역하실분은 몇번 번역하겠다고 번역댓글 달아주시고 답글로 번역 올려주세요 \n\n 이건 띄어쓰기 문장이니깐 꼭 넣어주시면 감사하겠습니다.
(1)~(10) 까지 합니다.
오 할버드님 감사합니다 ^^
한데 이 번역은 참모의 말입니다만... 습니다가 더 옳을것 같은데요. 일단 전 습니다로 번역하고, 아니라면 ~이다 로 바꾸겠습니다.
네 습니다로 하겠습니다 ^^ 할버드님 ^^수정했습니다.
마지막꺼 해볼께요 얕은 영어실력이지만;
이거 반댓말 쓰면 어색해서 안되네요 ㄷ
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
17 빠져있네요 그러고보니..
숫자는 모르겠습니다. 위에서 차례 차례 옮긴거라서요 할버드님이 숫자좀 바꿔주시면안될까요?
흠. 그렇게 큰 문제는 없군요. 아까 리플은 지웠습니다 ;
왜냐하면 제 안에서 끝날 문제라서 요.
네 휴 ~ 조마조마 ;;
Vienna로의 확실한 여정.
장군님!! 당신은 오스트리아의 공격에 대비해야만 합니다. 말했던 것처럼, 라인랜드에 있는 우리군대는 Tyrol까지의 진격준비를 맞췄습니다. 만약 우리가 Vienna를 점령하고 싶다면, 우리는 우리군대를 지원해야만 합니다. 우리는 정부로부터, Carinthia를 침략하고 또한 Klagefurt를 점령하라는 명령을 받았습니다. 이것을 행함으로써, 우리는 Vienna로의 영광스로운 행진을 할 수 있을 것입니다.
오 감사합니다 ^^수고하셨습니다 ~