●jacket,●[415]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,jacket[jacket(the name Jacques James) 재킷 ♨ ☞[프랑스어] 쟈끄라는 사람의 이름에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장, ⇒(×)
●jam,●[416]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어,776,predicament(C) : predicament plight dilemma quandary scrape fix jam ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,jam[jam(perhaps of imitation origin) ♨ ☞[영국어] 잼의 상태를 모방함에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●January,●[417]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,412,January[janu(door)-ary(place where)/[=januarius], (=1st month of the ancient Roman year)janu(Janus/a Roman god)-arius(place where)1월 ♨Janus ☞(밖과 안이 서로 통하는)문이 있는 장소/Janus 신의 달의 뜻에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항,521,▩521 Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●Japan,●[418]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,Japan[Japan(jihpun/Japan) ♨ ☞[중국어] Jih·pun에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장, ⇒(×)
●jean,●[419]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,412,jean[jean(=short for jean fustian)진바지 ♨☞[중세영어]값싼 능직 면포(fustian)와 능직무명천(jean)으로 만든 옷에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●jet,●[420]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,427,jet[jet(=ject/throw)(액체가스 따위의)분출, 제트기=jet plane, ♨ jetty, jetsam, jetton☞[라틴어]던지다에서 의미확장□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원,▣jetty, (L)jac/ject/jet=(GR)bol/bl <(L)jac/ject/jet=to throw>jetty, jet, jetsam, jetton, jettison, adjacent, adjacency, coadjacent, circumjacent, ejaculate, ejaculation, interjacent, subjacency, abject, abjection, adjective, conjecture, conjectural, deject, dejection, dejected, eject, ejective, ejection, inject, injector, injection, interject, interjection, interjectional, interjectory, object, objection, objective, objectable, project, projectile, projection, projective, projector, reject, rejectable, rejectamenta, rejection, subject, subjection, subjective, countersubject, trajectory, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●jig,●[421]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,413,jig[jig(=giguer/dance)지그(선광기), 지그(춤) ♨☞[중세프랑스어] 춤추다에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●jingle,●[422]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,jingle[jingle(Middle English ginglen, of imitation origin) ♨ ☞[중세영어] 징글렌(ginglen)을 모방해서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장, ⇒(×)
●jogging,●[423]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원, jogging[jogging(probably alteration of shog/shog(Middle English shoggen)) ♨ ☞[영국어] ∼을 따라서 움직이다 (중세영어 shoggen(chiefly dialogue to move along))에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장, ⇒(×)
●join,●[424]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어,158,join(A) : join combine connect link unite associate 191,meet(A) : meet encounter see join ⑤반의어,159,detach/join, 370, join/separate, 617,split/join, ⑥어원,235, 414, join[join(join/connect)...을 결합하다=combine, connect, ♨disjoint, disjointed, disjoin☞[라틴어]결합하다에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원,377,▣377joint, (L)jun/junct=(L)jug/jut <(L)jun/junct=to join>joint, join, junction, juncture, adjoin, adjoining, adjunct, adjunctive, adjunction, conjoint, conjoin, conjoiner, conjunct, conjunction, conjucture, conjunctive, conjunctional, disjoin, disjoint, disjointed, disjunct, disjunction, disjunctive, enjoin, injunct, injunction, injunctive, subjoin, subjoint, subjointer, subjunction, subjunctive, jungle, <(L)jug/jut=to join> conjugal, conjugality, subjugate, subjugation, subjugator, juxtapose, coadjutor, conjuntivitis, junta, junto, juniper, adjutant, coadjutant, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●judo,●[425]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원, judo[ judo(Japanese judo/ju(weakness, gentleness)-do(art)) ♨ ☞[일본어] (상대를) 약하게 만드는 기술에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장, ⇒(×)
●juice,●[426]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,juice[juice(jus/broth, juice) 쥬스 ♨ ☞[중세영어] 묽은 수프에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장, ⇒(×)
●July,●[427]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,July[July(Gaius Julius Caesar) ♨ ☞[라틴어] 쥴리어스 시이저에서 □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항,521,▩521 Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●jump,●[428]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어,160,jump(A) : jump leap hop bound skip vault ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,jump[jump(gumpen/to jump) ♨ ☞[독일어] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어,400,jump on(∼을 비난하다: blame or scold) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●June,●[429]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,June[Junius/june) ♨ ☞[라틴어] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항,521,▩521 Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●jungle,●[430]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어, ⑤반의어, ⑥어원,415,jungle[jung(=junct/join)-le(frequent)밀림지대 ☞ [라틴어]빽빽하게 결합된□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원,377,▣377joint, (L)jun/junct=(L)jug/jut <(L)jun/junct=to join>joint, join, junction, juncture, adjoin, adjoining, adjunct, adjunctive, adjunction, conjoint, conjoin, conjoiner, conjunct, conjunction, conjucture, conjunctive, conjunctional, disjoin, disjoint, disjointed, disjunct, disjunction, disjunctive, enjoin, injunct, injunction, injunctive, subjoin, subjoint, subjointer, subjunction, subjunctive, jungle, <(L)jug/jut=to join> conjugal, conjugality, subjugate, subjugation, subjugator, juxtapose, coadjutor, conjuntivitis, junta, junto, juniper, adjutant, coadjutant, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●just,●[431]①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[]() ③파생어, ④동의어,101, fair(A) : fair(공평한) just impartial disinterested unbiased unprejudiced 720,upright(B) : upright erect plumb vertical perpendicular just honest honorable ⑤반의어,376,just/corrupt, ⑥어원,416,just[just(right/law)/jus(law)-t(ⓐ)법의, 올바른,=right♨justice, justly☞ [라틴어]올바른의 의미를 지니고 있음□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원,433,▣just, (L)jus=(L)jur=(L)jud <(L)jus=right, law>just, justly, jussive, jus, justice, justiciary, justifiable, justify, justification, justificable, adjust, adjustment, maladjustment, jussanguinis, jussoli, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어, ⑪특기사항,10,▩10adjust/just[대조단어], 787,▩787yet :현재(과거)완료: 완료-yet, just, now, already(옛 저 나올(까요)) ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
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