MILL VALLEY, Calif. - (Business Wire) BioArts International (BioArts), today announced that it will sell five dog cloning service slots to the general public via a worldwide, online auction to be held June 18th.
“We are thrilled to announce the Best Friends Again program,” said CEO Lou Hawthorne. “This auction will give five very lucky people the ability to clone their family dogs. Given how challenging it is to clone dogs, this is a very rare and special offer.”
The Best Friends Again website,, showcases three perfect clones of Hawthorne’s beloved family dog “Missy”, who died in 2002. Missy has been the subject of extensive cloning research since the “Missyplicity Project” began in 1997. “I can’t decide which is more exciting: finally having three clones of Missy or being able to offer this amazing service to others,” said Hawthorne.
BioArts has been granted the sole, worldwide license for the cloning of dogs, cats and endangered species. The license was granted by Start Licensing, Inc. and applies to the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) cloning patents developed at the Roslin Institute for the cloning of Dolly the sheep.
BioArts International is a new biotech startup focused on unique, untapped markets in the global companion animal, premium livestock and human genomics industries. The Best Friends Again program is a partnership between BioArts and the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea, home to the best and most experienced dog cloning team in the world.
More information about the Best Friends Again program and the June 18th auction is available at More information about BioArts is available at
For BioArts International
Kiley Russell, 415-227-9700 (Office)
Cell: 415-595-4341
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