영어동화 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf (양치기 소년)
There once was a shepherd boy. It was his job to sit
a hillside watching the village sheep.
One warm spring day, he became very bored. So he
decide to play a trick. He yelled out, "Wolf ! Wolf ! The wolf
is chasing the sheep !"
The villagers came running to help the boy drive the
wolf away. But when the villagers arrived, there was no wolf.
The villagers laughed " Ha, ha, tricked you, there is no
wolf." The villagers were very angry. " Don't cry 'wolf', sh-
epherd boy," said the villagers, " when there's no wolf ! "
A few days later, the boy was bored again. And he
thought, " It was fun when I cried ' wolf' last time. I think
I'll do it again."
"Wolf ! Wolf ! The wolf is chasing the sheep ! Please help!"
the shepherd boy cried.
Again, the villagers ran up the hill to help him drive the
wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf, they were very
angry. "Save your yelling for when there is really something
wrong ! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is no wolf !"
But the boy just grinned, and watched them go down the
hill again. One day, he saw real wolf among his sheep. He
jumped to his feet, and yelled, "Wolf ! Wolf ! A wolf is chasing
away all the sheep ! Please help !"
But this time, the villagers thought he was trying to fool
them again, and didn't go up to help him.