see 보다
see 이해하다(understand)
I can see that you’re not very happy with the situation.
Seeing her distress, Louise put her arm around him.
Anna’s really fed up. I can see why,
Do you see what I mean?
I can’t see the point of learning Latin when you’re never going to use it.
The recipe says to use fresh cream, but I can’t see that it matters.
matter = signify, count, be of significance [importance, consequence] 중요하다
Ian laughed politely even though he couldn’t see the joke.
even though = even if 비록 ~이지만, ~할지라도
I’ve tried to explain that we can’t afford it, but he just won’t see reason.
You turn this dial to control the central heating. Oh, I see.
The shop’s open till 8 you see, so I can pick some stuff up after work.
You see thing is I’m really busy right now.
You mix the flour and eggs like this, see.
Develp the habit of seeing the good in people. 사람의 장점을 보는 습관을 길러라.
see 보다 보이다
not see the wood for the forest = not see the forest for the trees, see the trees and not the forest 나무만 보고 숲은 숲은 못보다
I can see a thing without my glasses.
= I can see a thing without my glasses.
= I can see a thing with my naked eye.
= A thing is visible to the naked eye.
It’s so dark, I can hardly see to do my work.
Can I see your ticket, please.
On a clear night these stars can be seen with the naked eye.
invisible to the naked eye
see more of 보다 더 자주 만나다
see a lot of =see much of ~를 자주 만나다
They’ve seen much more of each other since Dan moved to London.
She’s too sick to see anyone at the moment.
= She’s so sick that she can not to see anyone at the moment.
see something of ~를 간혹 만나다
see little of ~= see ~very little ~를 좀처럼 만나지 않다
They see each other very little. 그들은 좀처럼 만나지 않는다.
see less of 보다 더 좀처럼 만나지 않다
see nothing of ~를 전혀 만나지 않다
You see a lot of men with long hair these days.
I haven’t seen a lot of you lately.
Can you see where I put my pen?
They could see that he had been crying.
I could see the neighbors trying to light their barbecue.
The suspect was seen entering the building at 1500 hours.
I had the happiness of seeing her.
Pat saw her drive off about an hour later.
about = around, some, aprroximately, roundly, roughly 약, 대략
We see things differently according as we are rich or poor. 우리는 빈부에 따라 사물을 보는 눈이 다르다.
A cat can see in the dark. 고양이는 어둠속에서 눈이 잘 보인다.
see 참다 묵인하다
I don’t see being made use of. 나는 남에게 이용당하고 있을 수 없다.
I can’t see him making use of me. 나는 그가 나를 이용하는 것을 참을 수 없다.
I can’t see people suffer. 사람들이 고통받는 것을 차마 보고 있을 수 없다.
Nick went out to see if the pond had frozen over.
freeze over (물이) 얼다, 결빙하다
I don’t know his name but I’ve seen him around.
I saw a really good movie [film, play] last night.
Did you see the game last night?
See p. 58. See press for details.
The results are shown in Table 7a (see below [above]).
Royal Ascot is to be seen.
The government must be seen to be doing some thing about the rise in violent crime.
It remains to be seen whether or not the opera was successful.
see 확인하다, 조사하다
Can you see who’s at the door?
Go and see if the door is locked. 문이 잠겼는지 가서 확인해라.
Go and see for yourself. 가서 직접 알아보아라.
Sharon! See if there’s any beer in the fridge.
an experiment to see whether the new material melts at high temperatures.
If youdon’t believe me, see for yourself.
I’ll see what I can do about speeding up the process.
Let’s take the Porsche out to the racetrack and see what it can do!
see 작별
(I’ll) see you. = (I’ll) be seeing you, See you (later [soon)). Carch you later. 안녕!. 또 만나세.
See you tomorrow [at 3, Sunday].
See you around.
see 만나다 방문하다
We’re going to see Lucy after work.
See you at 8 at Bear’s Palace.
Mr. Thomas is seeing a client at 2:30.
I have to see my teacher about my grades.
I saw Penn in town today.
Did you still see any of your old college friends?
see 간주하다 여기다
see 경험하다
see stars 눈에서 불꽃이 튀다, 눈앞이 아찔해지다.
I felt a little dizzy and could see stars.
Liz never saw eye to eye with her daughter-in-law.
see eye to eye with ~와 견해가 완전히 일치하다
see (시대 장소가 사건 사태 등을) 발생시키다, (시대 장소에서 사건 사태 등이) 일어나다,
(시대 장소가 ~하는 것을) 보다
The nineteenth century saw the Industrial Revolution. 19세기에 산업혁명이 일어났다.
The following day saw us flying northward. 다음날 우리는 북쪽을 향해 비행하게 되었다.
see 바래다 주다 배웅하다(escort, show)
I saw my friend to the station. 나는 친구를 역까지 바래다 주었다.
Wait a minute! I’ll get Nick see you home.
see [escort] a person home 집까지 바라대주다
see [show] a person out = see [show] a person to the door 현관까지 배웅하다
show a person the door = turn a person out of doors 내쫓다, 쫓아내다
escort [ see, show] a person to the station 역까지 바래다 주다
see (to it) that ~하도록 주선[조치]하다, 꼭 ~ 시키다
It’s up to you to see that the job’s done properly.
= It rests with you to see that the job’s done properly.
Shall we have red wine or white? It’s up to you.
The choice rests with you.
rest with = depend on, hang on (결정 선택 등이) ~에게 달려 있다.
Much depends on you.
The harvest is dependent [depends] on the weather.
a question on which life and death hang = a matter [case] of life and death 생사에 관계되는 문제
My fate hangs upon his decision. 나의 운명은 그의 결정에 달려 있다.
see after = care for, take care of, look after, mind 보살피다, 돌보다
seeing 봄, 보기, 시각, 시력, 눈이 보이는, seeing (that) ~이므로, ~인 이상, ~인 셈치고는
Seeing is believing. = To see is to believe.
= The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 백문이불여일견(百聞而不如一見)
seeings and doings 보고 행한 일들
the seeing 눈이 보이는 사람들↔the blind 눈먼 사람들, 맹인들
We could have a joint party, seeing that your birthday is the same as mine.
She writes very wellseeing that English isn’t her first language.
I won’t stay long, seeing as you’re busy.
시각, 보임, 시계, 견지, 조망. 명소
Out of sight, out of mind.
= Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
= Long absent, soon forgotten. 안보면 멀어진다(去者日疎).
I pestered him continuously: I wasn’t going to allow myself to become a case of out of sight, out of mind.
We fell in lone with the cottage at first sight.
at first sight ① 첫눈에 ② 일견하여(at [on] (the) first blush)
at [on] (the) first blush ① 일견하여 ② 언뜻 보기에는
At first blush this discovery would seem to confirm his theory.
Sheila caught sight of her own face in one of the shop window.
The results of the tests were, at first sight, surprising.
catch [gain, get] sight of ~= clap [lay, set] eyes on ~를 보다, 발견하다
I’d never clapped eyes on him before in my life.
I always faint at the sight of blood.
at (the) sight of ~을 보고, ~을 보자
I lost sight of him in the crowd.
cf. He was lost in the crowd. = He lost himself in the crowd.
Never lose sight of the fact that you have a lot of talent.
lose sight of ① ~을 시야에서 놓치다, 보이지 않게 되다 ② 잊어버리다 ③ 소식이 끊기다(lose touch with)
I’ve lost touch with most of my friends from college.
He has no sight in his right eye, but his left eye is fine.
= He is blind in the right eye, but his left eye is fine..
Anne’s sight is very good for someone of her age.
have sharp [weak] eyes 시력이 예민하다 [약하다]
blind of an eye= blind in [of] an eye 한쪽 눈이 안보이는
lose (the sight of) one [an] eye 한 눈이 멀다
She lost her sight in a riding accident.
lose one sight [eyesight] = go [become] blind 실명하다, 장님이 되다
In the afternoon, you’ll have a chance to relax or see the sights.
the sights 명소, 관광지
We bought souvenirs and then went sightseeing.
go sightseeing 관광 여행하다, 구경[유람]하다
go sightseeing in Pais = do [see] the sights of Paris Pris 구경[관광 여행]을 하다
I know her by sight, but I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to her.
It’s a big school, but the principal knows everyone by name.
know a person by sight (이름은 모르나) 얼굴은 알고 있다
know a person by name (얼굴은 모르나) 이름은 알고 있다
The sight of the gun in the hand pulled me up short.
pull [bring] a person up 갑자기 서게 하다[멈추게 하다]