Philosophy of Peace
(2) How is Peace to be Attained?
5. Peace, the point of mind-body unity
No matter how hard you try searching for happiness, if your mind and body are not one, it is just a daydream. Even if you try to design peace, it is merely a vain hope. Freedom is only achieved from a unified position. A subject partner and object partner are in the environment. They exist in a pair system, don't they? When they are mutually giving and receiving, there is freedom. Is there freedom in a place of conflict? There is freedom in a place of unity. If an argument erupts within a married couple, assuming that they sleep in separate bedrooms [as was traditional in times gone by], is the one spouse free to enter the other's room that night? It would cause a disaster. Many circumstances are blocking the way. If you have lived for forty years, forty years of experience are blocking the way.
A couple's freedom cannot exist in a place where there is no unity. It is the same for peace. If you want to see peace, your mind and body must be absolutely one. This is Article 1 of the Rev. Moon's teachings. No saint or sage has ever thought that the whole world except he or she was evil, or that Article 1 was wrong. If husband and wife were not one, the world would spit at them. If husband and wife are one, if your first to third generations are one, the world will come and seek you out.
(243-169, 1993.01.03)
We know God is a neutral Subject of dual characteristics. God possesses both positive and negative characteristics, which have to be one within Himself. From a unified standard, the base of peace arises. If we achieve harmonious union of mind and body, we will not feel agony. Therefore, love takes off for the first time from the position where God is the Subject in whom the dual characteristics of positivity and negativity are in total harmony.
(076-041, 1975.01.26)
In realizing heaven, what is the one important standard? What is the one element that can realize heaven? That is unity. If unity does not go through a principled course, heaven will not appear. Only in a unified position will heaven come. All conditions of peace and happiness that mankind desires today are fulfilled from a unified position. As we all know, in a situation where the mind and body are not united, no matter how much one tries to be happy, he cannot be. No matter how hard one tries to keep the standard of peace, he will not be able to. Hence, you have to know that unifying yourself is more important than anything else.
(082-272, 1976.02.01)
For all things created by the absolute Creator, receiving love from Him and becoming one with Him is their purpose. If man today wants to stand in the position of dominating all things of creation, he must represent God's Heart. When he faces all things from that position, he can be connected there, but if he is not in unison with God's level of heart, no matter how much he tries to be connected, he leaves behind traces of misery and conflict. Then, happiness, peace and joy cannot exist there. On that foundation, if a man and woman whose mind and body are united become one, centering on love, as it is unified love from that God-centered source, they will be united with God's heart of hope that intends to see mankind's happiness and world peace, with the central focus being God's love. At that point, God can rejoice for the first time.
(082-274, 1976.02.01)
A man has a mind and a body. Centering on the discipline of his original mind, the body becomes one and if it cannot be separated, he would be a perfected, unfallen person. The mind and body would not have separated without the fall in the Garden of Eden, but they have been fighting to this day. Since the dawn of history, the mind and body of each person in the world have been at war. There is resentment at not being able to create the union of the mind and body. If they are not unified, peace cannot exist and we cannot dwell in happiness. Hence, life is one of misery and grief; life is full of irritations and worries.
Assuming the mind and body of a man are unified, if his eyes are the subject, the things his eyes see would be the objects. The state of peace and love, in which you can gaze at the original things of creation and give love to them as a man and as their master, would dwell in the midst of your line of vision, in the atmosphere and environment. The sounds you would hear would be so, too. You could sing songs of peace from the sounds you hear, and you must be able to taste sweet love there. You must listen to those sounds. Likewise, you must feel and think.
(081-281, 1975.12.29)
You know very well that the world we are living in today is not a world of goodness. You can feel in your life that an individual fails to become the womb of peace. You will discover that the direction your mind wants to go differs from that of your body. If you find another person is your type, what could you do for him or her? You must know how to set up standard for the entire world that measures whether that other person is indeed suited to you or not. Yet, do you bicker over a small piece of land? The mind has to exist on the worldwide level. You must be able to say, "The world suits me well." You can have a peaceful life if you and the world are well suited.
(036-051, 1970.11.15)
When we look at our own family, though every family hopes to be prosperous, we also see ruined families. There are more evil families than good ones, and more discordant families than peaceful ones. It is the same if we look at our individual selves, we can see there are more miserable conditions than happy and favorable ones.
(038-299, 1971.01.08)
Many people today are hoping for the world to be one and groping for a world of peace. However, as individuals, societies and nations that cannot achieve unity, how can we ever search for a world of peace where we can be one? If I reflect on the fact that my individual self, which could be the cause and source of realizing world peace, cannot be one, needless to say, the world of purpose, namely, the world of effect that we desire cannot be unified as one.
(038-223, 1971.01.08)
If the individual, who is the necessary element for mankind to be good, cannot first be good himself, it does not make sense. If the individual cannot be good, mankind can never be better. In the end, men become good, one by one, and standing in a true position, either become the motivation for peace or forever stand in the position of creating a good effect. If not, no matter much how they hope for a peaceful world, this world could never be such.
(038-300, 1971.01.08)
There are two people in each of you. When the person of your mind and the person of your body fight, two groups will form. When four such people begin to fight, how many groups would there be? There would be eight groups. Do you think peace could exist there? If there are 3.6 billion groups, then 7.2 billion groups will land up fighting, how could there be peace? It is absurd.
(039-175, 1971.01.10)
When we say there are a person of the mind and a person of the body in an individual self, as long as they fail to unite, peace cannot ever be realized. Religions are dealing with the question of how the mind and body can achieve unity.
(039-186, 1971.01.10)
The standard of world peace is not inherent in the Last Days, but, rather, is set through being victorious in the struggle between mind and body. If we cannot accomplish this, the unchanging, utopian world will not come. Can you possess an unchanging self while having a changing self? That contradicts logic; it is absolutely impossible. The problem is whether I have discovered my realm of unity and a happy self, prior to looking for an ideal world.
(139-095, 1986.01.28)
Looking at the future world, we cannot find the path to peace within the realm of social activities. Then where should we search for it? The issue is how we discover the realm of union, where the mind and body can be one, in the original world of mind.
(140-254, 1986.02.12)
The issue now is how I make my mind and body one. Before I complain about the world and shout for peace and true happiness in the world, the problem is whether I am creating a source of peace by uniting my mind and body, or whether the sole source of peace has become God. It is not enough for the source to only consist of the mind. I have to be the body that can be in unison with that God-centered mind.
(140-015, 1986.02.01)
With the central focus being true love, we have to unify the spiritual sense organs and physical sense organs. Without true love, we cannot make the world of mind and world of body into one. The world where the mind and body, on dividing, declare war against each other is the fallen world. The mind must absolutely be the center, and the body must absolutely not complain. The body has to always assume the negative (-) position, and the mind the positive (+) position. If the plus stands in front, there is perpetuity. The body, centering on the force of the mind, must create that place. If not, you cannot be connected to the ideal world even if the world becomes a peaceful world. Of special importance is how we make the mind and body into one, centering on the axis with true love at its center and the axis of vertical love. God exists as the center of the vertical axis.
(217-316, 1991.06.12)
Only on a unified foundation will there be peace, happiness, freedom and hope. Your mind and body are not one yet. Is freedom there? Even at your place of work, your mind and body are engaging in world wars and cannot settle down. Is freedom there? Even freedom itself hates the word "freedom." When my mind and body are fighting each other, will happiness reside there? All of you are suffering from your problems of life. This is the major fundamental problem. At a place where the mind and body are not one, where can we find happiness and peace? All problems stem from this line between mind and body. Peace, happiness, freedom and hope are achieved there. On the day when this line is crushed, everything breaks. When Marx, Hegel and the Communist groups saw the struggle between the mind and body, they thought it was the essence of man, but did not know it was due to man's fall. The concept of conflict, therefore, originates there.
(242-060, 1992.12.27)
The ideal of a man whose mind and body are unified is established when he completely possesses God's true love. From the place where the mind and body are unified centering on true love, the true ideal of freedom and peace can take off. On the foundation of the mind and body being one, a free and peaceful individual, family, clan, tribe, society, nation and world are achieved. This is why we have to seek for the source of peace, not from the nation or world, but from between the individual mind and body.
(234-270, 1992.08.26)
What is the most imperative issue in today's world? The world wars have come and gone. The strife between nations comes to a halt in the Last Days, but the never-ending war between the mind and body goes on. No saints or sages have ever pointed this out and declared that they would rectify the matter. Only one person, the Rev. Moon, proclaimed this. If you listen and follow what he teaches, you will totally subjugate your body centering on your mind. The criterion of peace lies there. The base of peace on which fathers and mothers can become one eternally, husbands and wives can become one eternally, relationships between fathers and sons can become one eternally, and kith and kin can become one eternally is set up. Only when that base of peace, transcending the individual, family, clan, tribe, race, society, nation and world, reaches that standard will world peace come. Therefore, revolutions for the reform of humanity are necessary.
(203-350, 1990.06.28)
Languages divided because of conflict. After a quarrel, the father said to his son, "I hate to even see the bread you like." So he did not call it "bread," but "rice cake" or "pancake" instead. He called it a different name. After an argument with his spouse, the man told her, "I do not want to see or talk about what you like, so I'm going to call it something else!" Languages became divided because of conflict. Therefore, when everything becomes one, entering an age of a world of peace and an age of unity, language will have to be unified.
(208-084, 1990.11.17)
So many saints have come and gone until the present time, but they did not know where the enemy was or where the standard of world peace was. They failed to see that the battlefield of struggle with demons and with Satan is within us. Rev. Moon advocates the union of mind and body.
(202-088, 1990.05.06)