10. believe in ~ = ~이 존재함을 믿다; ~을[~의 능력을]
(X) We believe
to God.
(O) We believe in
Note: To believe in means to
have faith in. To believe (without the in) means to
regard something as true.
eg) I believe everything he
11. boast of or about ~ = ~에 대해
(X) James boasted
for his strength.
(O) James boasted of (or about) his
12. be careful of, with(~의 취급) or
about ~ = ~에 조심[주의]하다
(X) Elke's very careful for her health.
(O) Elke's
very careful
of[about] her health.
(O) You should be more careful with
your money.
Note: Take care of =
~을 돌보다; ~에 주의하다[신경을 쓰다]
eg) He takes care
of his money.