Max, Ruby and Louise were getting ready to go holiday fireworks to holiday fireworks in the park.
Max found a firefly.
Ruby and Louise went into their house to get water bottie a water bottle.
And Max chased the fireflies.
But the fireflies flied flew away.
He wore a camping blanket and chased the fireflies again.
He eventually succeeded in catching the firefly.
But Ruby got out of their house.
And She she found her brother who were was wearing her camping blanket (Max).
So He he missed his firefly.
Ruby and Louise went into their house again to get ruby's Ruby's flashlight.
Max had a good idea.
He emptied the water bottle and caught the firefly in the empty bottle.
Ruby and louis Louis got out again.
And they tried to find the water bottle, but they couldn't find because it because Max hid the water bottle.
Ruby and Louise went into their house again to get some snacks.
And Max played with the flashlight.
Ruby and Louise got out and get got their flashlight back.
But the fireworks were already started had already started.
And grandma Grandma got out of her house.
They released the fireflies.
Everyone was happy!
Score: B-
스토리 팁: 등장인물들의 기분이나 생각을 추가하면 더 재미있는 이야기가 돼요! 예를 들어, "Max는 반짝이는 불빛을 보고 정말 기뻤어요."
(Adding how characters feel makes the story more fun!)
문법 팁:
- flied는 잘못된 단어예요. 날다의 과거형은 flew예요.
- 물건 앞에 a나 the 같은 관사를 써야 해요! 예: "a water bottle".
맞춤법 팁: 이름이나 소유격을 쓸 때, Ruby와 Louis처럼 철자를 꼭 맞춰보세요!